Friday, January 17, 2014

What Is Your Personal Credo?

What Is Your Personal Credo?

Student Opinion - The Learning NetworkStudent Opinion - The Learning Network

Steve Jobs is being eulogized the world over as a leader, innovator and risk-taker whose mantras included the Apple motto “Think different.” What are your own guiding principles?
Numerous Times articles review the legacy of Steve Jobs, including Steve Lohr’s piece “Reaping the Rewards of Risk-Taking,” in which he characterizes Mr. Jobs as a role model who turned seeming failure into opportunity and then success. He describes the often-quoted commencement address Mr. Jobs gave to the graduating class at Stanford in 2005:
“It turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me,” he told the students. Mr. Jobs also spoke of perseverance. “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick,” he said. “Don’t lose faith.”
Mr. Jobs ended his commencement talk with a call to innovation, in one’s choice of work and in life. Be curious, experiment, take risks, he said. His admonition was punctuated by the words on the back of the final edition of “The Whole Earth Catalog,” which he quoted: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”
“And,” Mr. Jobs said, “I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.”
And David Pogue describes Mr. Jobs’s vision this way:
Here’s a guy who never finished college, never went to business school, never worked for anyone else a day in his adult life. So how did he become the visionary who changed every business he touched? Actually, he’s given us clues all along. Remember the “Think Different” ad campaign he introduced upon his return to Apple in 1997?
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The rebels. The troublemakers. The ones who see things differently. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.”
In other words, the story of Steve Jobs boils down to this: Don’t go with the flow.
Steve Jobs refused to go with the flow. If he saw something that could be made better, smarter or more beautiful, nothing else mattered. Not internal politics, not economic convention, not social graces.
Now You Go: Tell us what you think about Steve Jobs’s legacy and what your own guiding principles are. What are your core beliefs? What would you say is your personal credo? How does that credo guide you in life?


  1. Steve Jobs is one of my favorite people on this world without him not much technology would be this advanced. His credo of “think differently” is a very good example of originality it shows the public that he was in fact a man that would like to go against odds. His credo is a very pleasant one to hear. It shows me that there was at least one person in this world that would take the risk of being wrong to make things right. He was really a unique person with a unique mind.
    My credo could be labeled as the exact opposite of Steve Jobs’ credo because my credo
    is “if you see a hole in the rode don’t trip, go around it” meaning if you know you will someday make a mistake fix it before it’s too late because there is no better feeling than knowing you just avoided a mistake. Maybe you can see the relation between those two credos and their way of being opposites. As much as I respect his credo I think that a safer approach is much better.

    Written by: Jesus Ocana (owo)

  2. I see Steve Jobs’ legacy as a rocky road that would be okay to drive down. Despite the downfalls and failures and all around bad times in his life, Jobs has still made it to success. Considering he was once fired from the place that made him a billionaire before his death, his rough patches soon showed an unexpected and astounding outcome. Following in his footsteps can really lift a mood when going through a rough time, because you know that one day, you’re going to see success. Personally, “Think Different” doesn't mean much to me. My credo mostly follows around “Young and dumb means old and jobless”, meaning that whatever I do as an adolescent will affect what my outcomes of the future are. That pretty much just keeps me on track. It lets me know that I will see a future of success and great power if I just learn to live as a decent child and young adult.

    Written by: DeNyah Russell

  3. Steve Jobs had his own personal credo. Something he lived by, and strongly believed was true. Steve believed that it was OK to think outside the box and have outrageous ideas, because those were “good” ideas. The term “go with the flow”, didn't exist to Steve, because he believed that everyone should do what they want, or feel is right. If you think something should be changed, change it. Basically do your own thing and don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t.
    I strongly agree with Steve Jobs’s beliefs. I think that everyone one should be different. If you have a certain opinion, express it no matter how many people may disagree with you. The ones who sometimes break the rules are the ones with the best stories. I believe that if you go with what everyone else is doing or stay quiet when you feel you should be heard, then you’re missing out on a good opportunity. I say take a chance and don’t be afraid to be different. It’ll make you stand out and maybe land you that spot in college you wanted, or the job you were in line for.
    Steve Jobs and I have very similar beliefs and believe that thinking outside of the box and being different is the best. You should share your ideas, and follow the path you want to be on because it separates you from the rest.
    - Dhalia Maldonado. Class Pd. 4

  4. Rolando Sifuentes
    English 4

    Personal credo
    A credo is a what you believe in. You can believe in any one. Who I believe in is myself. My credo is “ you can do what you want, just don’t do anything stupid.”So Just be you.
    This can help you with life. Maybe when you feel down just think that you can do anything to cheer you up. If you abuse the saying then you should stop. You could hurt people and most likely your self.
    I’m sure people will follow this. People can go out and be something more in life. You could probably go places where you feel like going. If you believe in yourself you can do anything. That is my personal credo.

  5. I believe that Mr. Jobs credo is speaking of not letting anything get in your way, and continuing to pursue what you believe even when it is not the most popular. He mentioned he was fired from apple, something he help build and construct in a way it continued to thrive even after his recent death, this must have been devastating to him. Even after facing such trails he didn’t quit, he continued to live thinking of how he could improve technology in the future.

    I try to live my life following the motto of “Think different.”, even if it may be common to think a certain way, or believe the limits society tells us to follow, he was instead, a visionary, thinking of new ideas to improve living in the future. He decided to be the one who brought upon the future technology, and many people (including myself) are very grateful for that.

    I follow this creed in my own life, even though I am not a renowned technology visionary, I still believe that in any project where I can exhibit any creativity,I should try to be different, and do something others do not think of.

    - Dawson McThay PD. 4

  6. Following his own personal credo, Steve Jobs became the CEO of the most wealthy companies within the US. Jobs’s credo closely followed the one that he had for Apple, “Think different.” I believe he was the most luckiest man in the business field. Steve Jobs was the man revolutionized the way we use technology today, just because of the small ideas he had then. I personally use a piece of technology he thought up of nearly a decade ago, the iPhone 5s. Jobs succeeded in following his own credo, by thinking differently to change the future. Just like UIC College Prep, he created a change that will positively affect generations ahead of him. I hold Jobs in high respect for what he’s done for everyone today - changing the future to work better.

    My own guiding principles, or my credo, is to treat everyone fairly and give a good amount of thought into how you should treat them. I’ve had opportunities taken away from me simply because I wasn’t “equal” to other people, I was always seen as a smart person. Recently, I’ve been in a few debates about how people held me up to higher expectations, and this is one of my worst peeves. If you take away the right for someone to do something, that’s obviously not fair. Everyone’s on the same playing field, and we’re all going to the same place, which is to be happy with yourself. If everyone gives positive treatment and equal opportunity, everyone should be happy. It benefits every single person on this world, and I value that.

    Equality is something that I believe gives everyone a great head start on their future and goals. Right now, I have no actual goal in mind. If someone gave me equal opportunity to let me do something just like everyone else, it’d open me up to new life possibilities. I hardly see anyone in the world who gives equal opportunity, but teachers in UIC College Prep show a good effort in trying to achieve that. Limiting someone’s future can be in your own hands, and you wouldn’t want the next person to do that to you, would you? Having equal rights guide you in life should really draw you to newer and bigger things in life.

    - Charles Chan PD. 5

  7. Steve Jobs was always an interesting person. His inventions changed the way we live today. I think if he didn’t believe in this credo everything would be different. His credo of “Think different” is one he is now famous for. I kind of like it. It makes me think different about what to do. I really believe his and my beliefs are the same. We keep on trying and when we make a mistake we fix it.

    I think my personal credo would probably be “Take your mistake and use it to do better”. Whenever I mess up I try a lot to see what I did wrong and change it so I can get better results. It is hard to do though. I sometimes can’t fix the Mistake. Its a simple as that. I really believe my credo will be able to take me pretty far.

    My credo is one that I’m not sure many people follow. I like it though because that will take me in a different direction that most other people. It will help me in the future because everything I make a mistake on now, I’ll be able to know what to do in the future. My credo is the type that keeps life lessons with you for life. Its like a storybook of morals in a way. I hope it goes that way.
    Gabriel Garcia period 5

  8. A credo is something that you really believe, and what Steve Jobs seems to believe is that no matter what obstacles or as he said “bricks” are thrown at you, faith shouldn’t be lost. Things could always get better with time and faith. Steve jobs mentions how being fired from Apple was “one of the best things that has happened to him”. Usually being fired is something you feel shamed or bummed about, but with the time and faith that he never gave up on, things evened out for him. The only way you’re going to receive faith is if you take risks. If you don’t take risks you won’t gain faith because you will never understand or experience what failing/ succeeding feels like.
    My beliefs are similar to what Steve Jobs believes. My belief is that the less you care about what people criticize you on, or on what you fail upon. You should only take that as motivation to prove to people that you have confidence in yourself and that you appreciate failing because you succeed in the future by taking risks and not losing faith just because you were criticized on your failures that later turn you into someone that those people that laughed at you want to become. Your credo is your own credo. Let those who laugh or criticize you on a failure have a mainstream credo.
    My credo is guiding me through my life and will continue to because I’m not stopping to chase what I really want just because says that I can’t do it or that I will be terrible at it. The people who tell you “you can’t” are the people who are jealous of what you have been working at so hardly and the fact that you might be better than them knowing that you already are because you aren’t a failure. The moment you lose faith because of what people do to harm you, is the moment you admit that that person is better than you and has power over you.

  9. Written by: Kevin Avila (P5)

    I Think that Steve Job’s credo was to never stop believing that things will get better. Although Steve Jobs was fired, he still never give up and kept working until he came back to Apple, Which is a good example of his credo. Steve Jobs left a great legacy behind teaching us that no matter what your situation is, you will still be able to reach your goals. He dropped out of college and became homeless but still that didn’t stop him from continuing.

    My credo is to never stop trying. sometimes life will be very difficult and in those time is when we really need to keep trying to move on and never keep trying. My mom always tells me that after a bad time, there always comes good time and it is just a matter of time before the bad times are over. I will follow Steve Jobs as an example to follow because life was really hard for him when he was younger but he never stopped trying and at the end he was a very successful person.

    Never stop trying has helped me a lot in life, mostly school. When doing an algebra test or homework and i get stuck, i want to stop and just say no more but i still continue trying until i get the answer to that problem. i know this personal credo will help me out a lot in the future because when i get to senior year and take the ACT and if i don’t get the score i wanted i can keep trying and retake it as many times as i want until i get to the score i want.

  10. I think Steve Jobs’ legacy was built upon his personal credo. His motto “ Think Differently” Is what empowered him and others that relate to his situation. Steve insisted to never loose faith despite that he was fired from Apple. His background was one that made no one believe he’d become what he became. Steve Rebellious and Troublemaking ways worked for him, but they don’t really apply to everyone.
    My personal Credo is “ Do what you feel will better you. “ I use this to make sure every decision i make will have a positive outcome on my life. Purposely being a rebel and making mistakes will get you nowhere far in adulthood. Everything done as an Adolescent will have an affect on life in the future. I personally believe you have to make wise decisions, and do what’s going to make you a better person while you’re young. Once you're old enough to know better, do better. Doing things you feel will better you, Will pay off in the end. If you wait until adulthood chances are becoming a technology genius , like Steve Jobs, are slim to none.
    My personal credo guides me through life by helping me make decisions. I choose wisely on things that might affect my whole life. Since i think “ DO what you feel will better you,” I do things I normally won't do in school. I take advantage of my academic resources to prepare for my future.
    - Written By Mariah Harris Period 5

  11. Written by: MaryClaire Mangan Period 5

    Steve Jobs legacy was that he didn’t give up. He was fired from jobs and he still kept trying to be successful. He never finished college, and he didn’t have many jobs. After working at the Apple store and then getting fired. He changed business for everyone. He said that anyone would be able to achieve things they put their mind on.

    He mentions that getting fired from his job was a good thing for him. I think it opened up new doors for him, and let him branch out more. By this he got to experience more things. I think that I think that I am guided by the same things Steve is. He said to “stay foolish” He means not to be too serious about everything. If something bad happens like losing your job, you should look for a new one. One that might interest you, instead of feeling bad for the one you lost.

    I would say that my credo is to also not give up because if you want something you shouldn’t give up on the first try. There might always be a way to figure things out. That’s what you’ll never know until you try. If i think about how they guide me, I can remember the good things that I might get out of it. Putting some effort into things isn’t a bad thing.

  12. I believe that Mr. Jobs is trying to tell us to go our own way and don’t follow others. The reason why I say this was because Steve Jobs didn’t follow in other Business Men's foot steps. He never went to to a business school, he never even finish college. I think what he is trying to prove her just go your own way, make your own path to life or success. When Mr Jobs got fired from Apple that had to be his worst point in his life, but once he was fired he never gave up even if it was his lowest point he still had strength to continue.

    I believe in this quote that Mr. Jobs had said. His quote was “ Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick,” is true. Life does give us tough obstacles. If I were to look a life now i would think that this is one of those moments where life would hit you in the head. Being in High school can be rough, but it can have its bright sides to it. Every now and then we have to be put down and try to pull ourselves back to the top. Jobs second quote “ Don’t lose faith” is also truth. This one is telling us to never give our hopes neve. If we have a dream we have to reach for it, if we can’t reach it just try again.

    Jobs life had to be a ride since he got fired from the Apple company and then made it big years after. I would want to be someone like him. Be someone who follows their own dreams and make it their way, not follow in other people‘s foot steps. I would make my own path and be something in life that i wanna be not what someone wants me to be. I would think in certain ways, and make certain paths Like Mr. Jobs done. He doesn’t want anyone to be like others. Jobs is trying to tell us be different, but also be One Of A Kind.
    - Jocelyn Garcia Pd.5

  13. Written by: Isabel Martinez
    Honors English A5/B5

    I believe Steve Jobs credo is to never give up on anything you do in life. For example, even though he got fired from the Apple company he still continued on what he wanted to do. Steve Jobs even said that it was the best thing that ever happened to him. Also, I believe his credo is that good things can possibly come out of bad situations. Again, the example of him getting fired, he was still able to be successful. I think Steve jobs is also trying to say never lose faith in life. He says that you should think differently and that is true because you can come up with different ideas that are better.
    My personal credo would have to be to become successful so that you can be a role model to others especially young children. One day they will want to be successful. Also don’t let anyone try to stop you from making your dream become reality. There might be obstacles that go in your way but do the best to get through them. There is also people that can help you if you need it, but also make sure to help others if they need it as well. Another thing is to set goals for yourself that you want to achieve. Being successful brings you happiness because you think you yourself “Wow i made it through this”. Everyone will be proud of you that you were able to do it as well.
    My credo can guide me through life because if I ever get stressed or feel like I’m going to give up, I can always think of the things I want to accomplish in life. Also I can remember that there is people I can go to if I am feeling down and need support with something. Another thing is if I see someone struggling I should remember to always help them. I’m sure it will make me happy that I helped someone who needed it.

  14. Written By: Beverly Avila

    Steve Jobs’s legacy has left millions of people questioned on how did he become so successful yet not a hard working student in his educational life. I really like Jobs’s legacy because even though he never really worked hard in school, he still became someone in life. Maybe you’re not the brainiac in your Algebra class, or the classroom dictionary in your English class. But if you try hard enough and never give up, you’ll get somewhere in life. “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick.” (Jobs). That is true, and one day you will run through some obstacles like Jobs did, yet he came out as the creator of Apple! Life has many surprises, and as long as you keep yourself up, you’re in for the long run. It’s okay to be curious! It’s okay to be imaginative! Does it help you become successful? Does it motivates you? Do what’s right for yourself!
    I always tend to follow my sister’s quote, “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.” I always follow this because some people love to show off in the beginning, but as time passes, they lose the motivation they had in the beginning, and end up feeling like a loser. Maybe you did hit some bumps in the beginning, but as you grew more and learn from your mistakes, you are building up your mind and heart. I play soccer, and I have to admit, I really am not as good as a player. Maybe I know a trick or two, but I’m not good as other players I’ve seen. But, I remember one of my coaches putting me in one game, and even when we were losing horribly. But, he said even though the opposing team run faster than me or have more skill than me, I always end up being a good sport and I don’t ever get mad if we lose or win. I started off really bad. But as time passed, I got used to how the opposing team played. I started passing, we started making goals, and we won 8-7! I was the team motivation pretty much. I was always congratulating the team after every goal, and they wouldn’t get mad after the other team made a goal. We started off on a rough pace, but at the end, we won! I believe everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and it’s okay! As long as you know you’re trying, you’ll always be a winner.
    I know some people can succeed in everything and anything in their lives. They just need some motivation and motto they can follow in their lives. Just like Steve Jobs, he did poorly in school, but he kept to his gut, knowing that will one day succeed in life He made so many inventions we now use today. He never gave up and never lost faith. Just like I will do, I will follow my sister’s motto, and I know that I will accomplish something in my life and look back and inspire others to follow into my footsteps and become successful in life.

  15. Written by: Remi Moy

    Steve Jobs has a unique way of thinking because he started on something and failed then tried again until and his failure and into success. Despite his lack of experience with work and notting finishing college he manage to still become a successful person because he thought outside of the box, made his own ideas, and thought differently. With his credo of thinking different he has inspired people to go for what they believe in, not worry about what others think, to be unique and not to follow the crowd, and to be different.

    I agree with Steve Jobs and to be different and be yourself because luckily you can be well-known and mean something in this world. I believe being your own person is something is important because in the end what make you is something special and unique and that something could lead to success like Steve Jobs. I also believe that when you have a idea whether it be dumb or smart to share and care-less about what others think because later in life you have to stick up for yourself. Once you are comfortable with getting your ideas across you then will be able to express yourself and get out of your comfort zone.

    My credo is don’t allow yourself to be afraid when it comes to express yourself and expressing good ideas. I said this because when you grow up I will be harder for your to have professional discussion and debate with people. Also you won’t taken seriously and people will eventually dismiss your ideas and you will hardly be able to get your point across. Also, your opinion wouldn’t be taken seriously and you not enforcing your beliefs will make you a doormat. That’s why getting your point across is important because people can easily take advantage of your beliefs and morals if you don’t express them.

  16. Written by John Capers
    Ms. Wright
    Honors English A5/B5

    Steve Jobs was a memorable person because he did things other people wouldn’t do, and quite simply he was a risk taker. He was also a hard worker and a very determined man who never gave up, even when he lost his job from Apple, he didn’t lay down and cry about not being someone big. Instead he took it like a man, went out and got another job. From my current knowledge, Steve Jobs worked at another computer company after Apple, and you know what he did? He made it good and started making the computer company more popular with his ideas and here’s the funny part, after a few years away from Apple, the exact same company he worked for was bought by Apple and he was back in it.

    All because they realized that others were getting better than themselves, Apple, who started to see that they made the wrong mistake sending Jobs out the door. And to add on to the irony, he started to work himself up to the position that he lost, which was C.E.O of Apple. Its quite amazing how one man did this and as the years came by and he started these new things in the industry to the point of revolutionizing it, it is easy to see why he became known as an Innovator and in my opinion, the best Innovator. All of this because he thought differently, because he saw the world in a light unlike others and realized that this can be improved, this can be more beautiful, and this can be the future. In all sense, Jobs was a man out of this time, because he was way ahead of this time and before his passing, he always offered “one more thing” to the world.

    His belief to me was to think differently and never stop thinking out of the ordinary and I have to agree because creativity and thinking outside of the box is the main idea of human civilization, to me. We need new ideas, we need new things, because we get bored easily by what we already have. It also introduces the fact that failure is a success and that we can’t go down after a stepback, big and small, we keep going and we improve to the next level. Us as humans, need to figure out the future in some way and there will be more Steve Jobs, and he wanted more of him out there to create a future, and I believe he left us with that “one more thing”. To become the crazy ones, to be the ones to think differently, as we are the next innovators of the world.

  17. Written by Ashley Gaston

    What is your personal credo?
    What I think about Steve Jobs legacy is that he did a great job. He knew what he was going to do and he planned it all out. He might have failed a couple of times but he still planned to succeed. Steve Jobs has created the best electronics in the 21 century. Everyone has has/had a Apple product and the business is just getting bigger and bigger now that he started it off. New phones are out and people are selling them out in stores. Older people are starting to learn how to use Apple products. Little kids are starting to get tablets and tablets of iPads. Steve Jobs did an amazing job and thanks to him people have better technology use. His personal credo was more of a fail to succeed. It was probably hard to make Apple products but he made it work.
    My guiding principles are follow your heart and let no one tell you different. I know that if I follow my heart and dreams that it is bound to come true in the ending. I figure that if I have an idol or role model that is in the same path I want to go, then I should take after some of their footsteps. My principles represent me because I tell everybody the same thing, follow your heart and do what you want to do. Nobody can tell you better than what you tell yourself. I believe everyone is their own person and nobody else can be you.
    My core beliefs are about being unique and being different than everybody else. You don’t want to have to copy someone else and make it your own. Just make your own and then you have the right to call yours. Being unique is an option and I feel that it is my choice to be unique and thats the only option in my pull down list. Being different for me is having people that look up to you and want to be like you. Being unique is like having a different way to represent yourself. When you’re unique you don’t have to worry about other people bringing you down or you trying to take ideas. You already created your own.
    My personal credo guides me in life because I can become something when I get older. I can make something of myself by following my dreams and coming up with new ideas. I could even be like Steve Jobs and create new electronics and devices. My personal credo makes me confident in myself.

  18. What I believe Mr.Jobs credo was trying to say was never give up no matter how hard it gets. I would say that this was the meaning of his credo because he explains that life got a bit bumpy along the road for him, but he still managed to get through the obstacles that were put in his way. Mr.Jobs was fireed from Apple, but that didn’t stop him from trying to improve the futures technology.

    My own personal credo would be to never give up on anything, always try your hardest, and to always keep your own mind, don’t let anyone come along and make you change your mind just because they think differently. Always have your own opinion and state it even if it means that it’s different from everyone elses. Always have an open mind, but remember not to lose sight in what you really believe in just because someone else thinks differently.

    This credo guides me in my life because it helps me be apart from everyone else. This credo tells me to be my own person to matter what anyone else thinks. I believe this is important because in our lives we’re going to cross many people that don’t have the same opinion as you. By keeping your own mind you wouldn’t change your opinion as easily because you stand behind what you believe in.
    Written by: Claudia Vega (P5)

  19. By javier pesina

    What i believe about the legacy born fom is that he has the power to not do any work and still thive as a person. to prove this it stated that he has not finished college and worked in apple. once fired he worked as an Engineer then later on in life he actually bought apple and runs the coorperation. He is a great leader and i thought that his legacy will carry on in life to many people of the youth.

    My guiding principal is the principl i have been following for a while. ''lone soldier''.
    this principla has gotten me to where i am today. it hs proved to me that i can do things on my own with abosulutely no help from others. the lone soldier phraze has gotten me throught thick and thin because i now understand that i have to be more independent and less dependent on others. this has made me go throught life doing projects and completeing assignments by myself.
    this is my guiding phraze . because in life no one will care i f you succseed because it means that there will be one less person to compete against. i will be the last person standing in eveything i do because i am independent. i will Succeed.

  20. Written By: Carlos Laureano


    What I believe Steve Jobs is saying is to never give up no matter what you do in life. He’s telling us to reach for the goals we set for ourselves. This credo is also saying look at the positives in anything you do.Steve Jobs was a man that persevered through whatever life threw at him, and made the best out of many situations. Steve Jobs

    I believe someone should always be honest. The saying I go by is honesty is the best policy, because it’s true. Was there ever a time when you lied and things got better? I doubt, and I have learned this the hard way. Dishonesty ruins trust in people,and ultimately ruins relationships. I think Steve Jobs is a perfect example of someone who was honest. Steve’s innovation was second to none. Steve Jobs who never had any business experience, but succeeded in the industry. When Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 2005 he said that was the best thing to ever happen to him.

    Steve Jobs was an honest risk-taker and this eventually paid off for him in the end. I follow this credo because I don’t want to make any enemies in life, and if you’re dishonest top people things won’t go well for you to say the least. Consistent lying just makes the situation worse over time, so there are no benefits from it. Even if you’ve done something seriously wrong it’s better to just be honest, then make things worse for yourself. This is one of the qualities I believe Steve Jobs possesed, and believe this was one of the keys to his success. That is why I do my best to follow this credo every day. ‘’Just Be Honest’’

  21. Written by: Destini Steward pd. 5

    I think Steve Jobs’s legacy was inspirational. Though he had an education, he basically teaches us that even if you don’t have one, you can still be a skilled person in the world. Steve was kicked out his own company ,apple, but he still made it rich in the industry. This really proves that when you get knocked down, you always get back up stronger than when you fell. I believe Steve Jobs is a very inspirational, humble man.

    My core beliefs are religion and following your dreams. I believe, without religion, you cannot prosper in life. Also, following your dreams is really important. If you don’t follow your dreams, you’re gonna end up doing something you’re not interested in. Religion and following your dreams are the two main things I believe in.

    My personal credo is “treat others how you want to be treated.” I chose this as my credo because if you treat someone wrong, you wouldn’t want them to treat you in the same manner. This credo guides me because I actually learned from it. I used to treat people terribly, simply because they were different from me. This resulted in me not having many friends in 4th grade. Now I know, you have to treat everyone equally.

  22. Steve Jobs’ credo has many feeling. “Don’t go with the flow” stating that you don’t always have to do what other people do. Steve’s legacy is a great legacy to follow, showing that you don’t always have to do things the way it is meant to be done or taking in as. Jobs’ showed us that we can always make a big difference in life and you don’t have to be like other people and believe everything they do.

    Myself I have my own beliefs that sort of relate to Steve Jobs’. My Beliefs as more of a motto is “ Be the change you want if the world”. Someone in the world always wants the world to change many of it factors and they way things function, but never do anything about it. I believe that if you want something to be done then you should be the one to change and do something about it. Don’t let time go by and everything be the same, think somethings wrong Change It! Don’t wait do something now, prove to everyone that anything is possible if you at least try.

    My credo helps me navigate myself through life,showing me that I have a word in life. They say everyone says that on earth everyone has a mission to do. My mission is to change the world and make it better for the next generation to come and enjoy. Someone else might have the same mission ,but they might not know it yet. One person can change the world forever think about Rosa Parks, Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King J.r, ecrt. That can be the next you! You can be that some person that everyone looks up to one day because you didn’t follow what everyone was doing. Be the change you want in the world.

    -Written By Marllery Juarez

  23. Written By Kayla Banks

    Steve Jobs and His Legacy

    Steve Jobs had a vision. He wanted to change the ways of technology. He didn’t think inside the box. Steve Jobs was opposed to “going with the flow”, he was creative off the bat. I think his legacy was wanting people to be different and to be free. In his legacy he taught us that he wants us to be the change and not wait for the change. Mr. Jobs’ legacy is all about being different. I think about Steve Jobs and all i think about is that he did a excellent job. He may have not known what he was going to do ,but he planned it out and created something different. He failed a couple of times but he still succeeded.

    My guiding principles and personal credo go hand in hand. One saying I go by is what my mom says, “It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.”. This credo is important to me because I feel that if you are going to do something you should do it the way you want and do it the correct way. If I do something I want to make sure it is something I want.When you do something you should do it with care.

    Another credo I live by is “It’s not what you look like on the outside, it’s about what is on the inside”. This quote is inspiring to me because if you think only about what people say or think about what you look like you won’t move forward. People are put down a lot and judged based on looks. I believe that everything is not about beauty. I think it should not be about how people see you.
    THese credos give me inspiration. When I move on in life I will remember these quotes because who knows maybe I could be the next inventor. I want to continue to “Think different like Steve Jobs told us to do.

  24. Steve Jobs was an interesting man indeed. He came to the world as a young person who was just trying to make life better and fun for everyone. Although I never met him in person, I heard many things about him that were pleasant to hear. Many of the stuff I heard was his success with the apple company. However I feel like many people have forgotten to remember the struggle he went through, along with his friends, to bring the first iPod. If you remember he did struggle a lot because he had trouble with marketing and a lot of people turned him down for an opportunity. But that did not stop him because he saw those events as a point for him to persevere and succeed. He took many risk to achieve his dream and it sort of made his legacy based of his experience. That is why I sort of made my personal credo of the quote: “The man who never took risk never made anything” and Steve Jobs is the best person to represent the quote. My values are to make anyone I can live a safe life. The only way I can is by taking risk. So, will you take a risk next time?
    Written by: Diego Don

  25. By Jazmin Juarez
    Steve Job's creed talks about how he is the only person that can impact this future and change his life. Nothing can get in his way. He followed his creed of "think different" and even though he didn't get support at first he continued and never gave up. Jobs got fired from apple and then bought apple this shows that his creed did help him and it gave him strength to continue and making more technology. Jobs changed technology by being different and not just doing what everyone was doing.

    I live by respect. I like to respect my self and others. When I do my best it's me respecting myself and my effort. I like to respect people because I would like them to respect me too. I respect all ideas and life because i'm religious and believe everything is made by "God". I'm Catholic so I have to follow the 10 commandments, but I believe in karma or "what comes around goes around in other words the golden rule. A way that I show respect is by respecting not only elders but everyone, and when I see something not being done fairly I stand up for what I believe is fair.

    I also believe that I can make my own decisions but I will be fully responsible for them. For example if i chose to not do my home work then I will go to Lasalle and face consequences. Sometimes I'm not afraid of consequences but I'm afraid of telling my mom because I know she would be disappointed because she represents my starting values. Even though I have changed because of different settings or situations I look back at my starting goals or values for example if I have a 88 in Biology and my goal was to have a 93 then I will hit the books or study my notes before the test, and go to office hours to raise my grade.

  26. Viviana Camargo

    Ms.Wright A/B 4

    I think that Steve Job’s credo, “Think Different” has a lot of meaning to it. Meaning to himself and to the people in the world. To me, it sounds like a way to get through the world, to bring something better. When we put this quote into the thought of Steve Job’s place , h showed that he wanted to do something to amaze the world and his peers. He wants to have his own ideas, create something that no one has ever seen of. He credo states that he wanted to change the world.

    My personal credo is “Be the person you want to be,” meaning to be different and unique. This is my personal credo because it really influences that different, unique, weird, and un-normal people are fun to experience times with. It tells me that its ok to be you and not follow the same flow other people follow, just like Steve Job didn’t follow what his peers wanted to work with and created something they didn’t expected to be done. Both our credos have a similar meaning towards the word, “different.”

    This helps me guide towards life because its giving me an adventure to live by. You are seeing and experiencing new people everyday, and also facing the fact that there are billions of people that we still need to meet, it just makes it more fun to be yourself and different. It’s like having a different adventure come towards your life at some point.

  27. Jazmyne Palacios P:4
    The way I feel about Steve’s legacy, is that I’m astonished to know someone that dropped out of college the first semester or went to schooling for all of the technology he has invented. I personally also feel as if Steve’s legacy was like a message to us all. Like he had quoted, “Here’s to the crazy ones. The rebels. The troublemakers. The ones who see things differently. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.” For a guy to not get a full education to become this successful! It’s quite amazing. He was trying to reach out to us to think different, which he had assembled for himself in his legacy. The guiding principles for me are to never settle for something less, if you know that you can strive for something bigger, the other guiding principle is to achieve your goal no matter what struggles may cross your road, or what others believe/say to you.
    Personally my core beliefs is to always think outside of the box, but most importantly before even that, is to never give up or never surrender. We ALL know our limits, but that doesn't mean we should quit once we have made a mistake in the process of our personal mission in life. This credo guides me in life, because whenever I see myself falling apart from something I’m attempting to achieve I always look back to that quote and it just reminds me of how much far I've accomplished, rather than what mistakes I’ve made.

  28. I believe Steve Jobs’s legacy is an awesome one. He is known for being a risk taker and doing what he thought was best. He didn’t give up so easily and kept finding new ways to do something. He knew life was hard but you have to keep fighting to improve. The way he lived inspired companies and people. He encouraged people to not give up. Steve Jobs accomplished a lot, that if he would’ve gave up everytime he made a mistake, his technology wouldn’t even be here.
    My guiding principles is to just do what I want to do or what needs to be done. I don’t want to live a strict life, but also, some things need to be done that you don’t want to do to succeed. For example, homework. I don’t like doing homework, I could play some video games, watch TV, but no, theres a lot of homework to be done. I could choose not to do it, but then I would be failing my classes. I could choose not to pay attention in class, but then i’ll get in trouble and not know what’s going on in class.
    I also do what I want to do. I don’t really like doing things for people that makes them happy, but not me. For example, I hate roller coasters. I’ve only been on a couple rides at six flags. I’ve been on Superman and Batman, but not Raging Bull. I hate heights, and Raging Bull is way too high for me. No one will ever make me go on that ride. If I don’t like it, i’m not doing it, no matter who tells me to do it. If I don’t like it, i’m not doing it. I know what I like and don’t like. I would freak out on this ride, I believe I would honestly have a panic attack. Just rising that high and knowing you are going to drop that same distance, makes me shiver.These are my principle I try to follow. They keep me comfortable and help me kind of succeed. Although I believe these are mostly everybody’s way of living.
    Written By: Andrew Guerrero

  29. Reading about Steve Jobs’s legacy was a very inspiring, because of what he had been through, with the fail in the Apple corporation, he made a comeback that no one saw coming. Making it so much more inspiring legacy, when Steve Jobs’s thought about it e realized that his fail was really an accomplishment. Jobs even said to “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”, which in my eyes means to continue on regardless of what may happen, even if there is a negative outcome you can and will still learn a lesson. This is one of the main reasons that Jobs is so successful, because he never gave on what he believed in, even when his beliefs let him down he continued to try harder.

    One guiding principle that I like to live by is, to always look to the lord for everything you do. Regardless of how in control you feel in the situation, you should always look to the Lord, this isnt just for hard times, but even when your life is going really well. I’ve learned from previous experiences that, when you give you problems to Jesus you will always have a much easier time getting through that trouble in your life. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by something I pray, rather it be school or home life; i know that as soon as I tell him the problem I no longer have to worry about it or anything that could happen as an effect of it.

    My core values in life are made such priority to tie into my everyday life. Whatever I do during the day I try to remember values such as: love, respect, honor, and appreciation. With these I feel like someone who is really living life to the fullest, because I am being able to receive everything the people around me are offering. It also allows me to have a better relationship with The Lord. I feel like everytime I do the “right thing”, I become closer to The Lord, because its what he wants and he will help me in return. I believe that everything you do should be for the glorification of The Lord, and nothing for only yourself because that would be selfish. So my look on life is to always give thanks and appreciation to The Lord, and build a relationship with him in every way possible.

    1. Reading about Steve Jobs’s legacy was a very inspiring, because of what he had been through, with the fail in the Apple corporation, he made a comeback that no one saw coming. Making it so much more inspiring legacy, when Steve Jobs’s thought about it e realized that his fail was really an accomplishment. Jobs even said to “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”, which in my eyes means to continue on regardless of what may happen, even if there is a negative outcome you can and will still learn a lesson. This is one of the main reasons that Jobs is so successful, because he never gave on what he believed in, even when his beliefs let him down he continued to try harder.

      One guiding principle that I like to live by is, to always look to the lord for everything you do. Regardless of how in control you feel in the situation, you should always look to the Lord, this isnt just for hard times, but even when your life is going really well. I’ve learned from previous experiences that, when you give you problems to Jesus you will always have a much easier time getting through that trouble in your life. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by something I pray, rather it be school or home life; i know that as soon as I tell him the problem I no longer have to worry about it or anything that could happen as an effect of it.

      My core values in life are made such priority to tie into my everyday life. Whatever I do during the day I try to remember values such as: love, respect, honor, and appreciation. With these I feel like someone who is really living life to the fullest, because I am being able to receive everything the people around me are offering. It also allows me to have a better relationship with The Lord. I feel like everytime I do the “right thing”, I become closer to The Lord, because its what he wants and he will help me in return. I believe that everything you do should be for the glorification of The Lord, and nothing for only yourself because that would be selfish. So my look on life is to always give thanks and appreciation to The Lord, and build a relationship with him in every way possible.
      -Oni Williams, P5

  30. Steve Jobs definitely changed the people people think of technology. 8 years ago, the world never heard of an iPhone, now everyone is trying to get their hands on one. Steve didn’t believe in being weak and thinking of the past. He wanted to move forward and think of the future. Steve definitely has changed the way I view my own principles in life. To me, the phrase “Think Different” never really caught on to me, but from observing him and his life legacy, he taught me to never settle, always keep moving forward. I believe the phrase “Think Different” was so thought when the ad first came out. Now everyone is encouraged to be different from the rest of the crowd. But if you really think about, different has become the new normal. By being different, you’re going with the flow because that’s what everyone eee is doing. I only dream of the new ideology that people will follow.

    When the subject of core beliefs come to mind, I always think of that a way of being successful included a political aspect. In life, you will come across people that will try to destroy every that you work towards, because you are more successful than they are. I think my personal credo would have to included the words of Walt Whitman, “You are here—that life exists and identity. That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”. In the American Dream, people are longing for the pursuit of happiness, and happiness in awaiting in the future. It all depends on how we carry out those actions

    In life, we all want to have an impact in the world. By asking me “What is your verse?” makes me want to go find myself in the world, to find what François Rabelais calls, a “Great Perhaps”. This credo inspires me to go in search of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. The credo makes me want to see my impact on history, because I’d rather create history than read about it.
    -Valdez, Joel P5

  31. Written by Andres Davalos Pd.5

    I have three core beliefs for you. Before i say anything else these beliefs show me the direction that everybody should go and follow, so these people can get ahead in life and be very successful. I believe that people should never back down from anything, but fight to get ahead in life and prove people wrong. People should stop talking and start showing what they are made of. Next, you should always be a helpful hand for everybody. When people see that you care for others and yourself you are showing that you can be trusted. Finally, I think that to be successful you need to have a goal and that would be your personal mission and your direction to follow. When i see my core beliefs i see that people need a sense of direction so they can actually become famous and popular.
    My personal credo is open and changes a lot because people sometimes set a really good point and i start to search and try to prove them wrong, but there is always a positive about their beliefs.People influence my personal credo making me confused and unpredictable for the next day because i might change rather quickly. When i look at my personal credo i just see it as another way of seeing life because my personal credo helps me make goals for myself so in the future i can actually see myself as successful and boost my self-esteem. My credo helps me tell if i could bond with people or even connect with them as friends. My only hope is to never try to judge people by their first impression, but by their way of life and attitudes over time.
    This credo guides me in life because now i am more independent and successful. This credo so far has lead me to change my way of life from being easy-going to really questanative and always worrying about what’s going to happen next. Even inside my credo presents me as a listener and counselor with my friends and family. This is a response of loyalty and integrity for me and the rest of my friends who trust me for everything. With my personal credo i am really able to build relationships and present myself as productive and successful because of my social status and credo.

  32. Estrella Olivares/ Period 4
    I honestly think that “Think Different” is a credo everybody should consider because it can make such a great impact. Steve Jobs’s personal credo “Think Different” made him. His credo made him into a success. Steve Jobs wasn't successful all throughout his life. He wasn’t always a visionary who changed every business he touched. How did he go from being a failure to becoming a success? He thought different! He thought big! Just because he was doing bad in life, didn't mean he had to stay like that for the rest of his life. “Think Different” is the credo that lead to Steve Jobs becoming one of the greatest people in history!
    “Easy doesn’t take you very far” is my personal credo. My credo might not be inspiring to everybody, but it sure had an impact in me. “Easy doesn’t take you very far” can mean a lot of things, but for me it means that if you don’t feel the pain little by little, when the pain hits you hard, you won’t be strong enough to survive. My dad inspired me with this credo and it all happened when I told him that my school was hard. My first 2 weeks of Freshman year, I had begged my dad to let me transfer and he would always say no. My dad convinced me not to take the easy route out because he learned from his mistake and he regrets living the life he does now. If my dad would've stayed in school, his life wouldn't be as hard. “Easy doesn’t take you very far” is a credo that I’m using and will continue using in order to become an honorable and accomplishing person that I always dreamed of being.

  33. Written by Armando Quintana,
    Honors English Period 4

    The legacy that Steve Jobs left was special, the odds were stacked against Mr. Jobs. At the end he didn’t let the odds get the better of him. Instead Mr. Jobs rose to all the challenges head on, not caring of the outcome of his challenges. Instead Mr. Jobs learned from his experiences, having been kicked out of Apple, and having dropped out of college. Mr. Jobs didn’t quite after he fell flat on his face, instead he got back up. Mr. Job’s personal credo was to “Think different” which influenced him to conjure his challenges face on. The odds were stacked against Mr. Jobs, he was kicked out of Apple, and he dropped out of college. At the end he became an important person in influencing technology, he has left a generation of young minds to “Think different.” To not give up, even when the odds are against you because if Mr. Jobs gave up. He would have never accomplished the things he did in his life. So at the end he created a legacy for a generation of young minded people to “Think different.” To never give up when the odds are stacked against you because you shape your future and legacy, at the end of your journey in life.
    I have had a lot of encouragement throughout my life, which guided me to where I am today. When I was little my parents always had said something that really stuck to me. Even at the time I didn’t know how important it was, but I eventually found out what it meant. “Family comes first, at the end of your life when you are older your friends won’t be there for you. At the end the people who will care for you and help you in your time of need will be your family.” Throughout my life I had experiences and memories that proves my parents saying. I have used my parents saying to guide me in life, when ever I am in need of help, I turn to my family. Since I know they will be by my side my entire life.
    My core beliefs in life are to be, honest, try your best until the very end, treat others how you want to be treated, and family is everything. My personal credo is, “The life given us by nature is short, but the memory of a life well spent is eternal” (Cicero). My personal credo guides me throughout my life by giving me courage and strength to face up to my challenges. Since life is short, I believe we should live our lives to the fullest. So at the end of our long journey in life we can look into our lives and feel proud of what we accomplished in life. And not just look back on the life we lived and have regrets on the things we never accomplished, or never saw through to the end.

  34. In my opinion i don't think steve jobs is really a legacy. All he did was create another piece of technology adding on to the long list of other technical advances we have in the 21st century. Not that i am against technology, i love it, but it really is bad. Its addictive and turns out brains too mush. Many teens and adults sit in front of the computer for many hours everyday. It is very convenient but it makes our society lazy. Steve jobs is founder of Apple products. Just some phones and computers basically. There are many other pieces of technology in the world. So, this finding isn't really a big deal. If he hadn't found it something else would've taken its place. Although, I do applaud him for creating such a unique product. No one else has and probably never will be able to duplicate it. But, It just doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. He not a hero. Its not like he saved lives. He just made billions of dollars over something that is convenient but actually bad for us. Money isn't everything. To me, someone who leaves a legacy is someone who did something truly amazing to help the world become a better place. A hero I guess you could say. Making some cell phones and computers doesn't really help the world and make it a better place. Nor does it really inspire anything.
    I guess one could argue steve jobs is a legacy for creating such a popular brand and making billions of dollars. Maybe his success is a legacy. I’m sure there are kids out there who look up to him and want to create something big like Apple Inc. like he did. So yes maybe he is a legend in that sense but otherwise, it doesn't seem like hes done something really big and amazing as it's portrayed to be.
    I like steve Jobs’ credo “Think differently”. It means to be yourself and not care what people think. That its ok to be different. My credo is very similar to his. It’s “I am, who I am. Your approval is not needed.” This means that I will be me no matter what and I don't care what people think or say about me because thats just who I am and in the end you can't change it. So I don't need their approval. It’s similar to Jobs because it means that if you're different it's ok just go with the flow and dont worry about other people’s opinions.
    This credo guides me through life because it helps me to stay positive. Whenever someone says something about me or gets me down, I just think about how I don't need anyone else’s approval to be who I want to be. I think about how I am me and if that person can't accept it then they don't deserve to be friends with me. I hung around with people who made me feel bad about myself for years. It took a long time for me to realize that its ok to be who I am and that of they don't like me theres someone else out there that does so it doesn't matter. My credo just helps me to stay positive about life and confident in myself. Thats why I live by it. I just wish i would have learned it sooner.

    ~Sharon Boyd: P5

  35. Written by: Daniel Sebastian Vazquez

    I think steve jobs's legacy was very informational, I say this not because he got fired but what he thought when he got fired. What he thought really stood out to me, when he got fired from Apple he said, ¨ sometimes life hits you with a brick on the head,¨"he said yet after that he said ¨don't lose faith¨. He explain that you should be curious and try new things, experiment, take risks. I also believe that people should do these things because in my point of view if you don't take risks, don't take that extra little step. You are never going to accomplish or achieve anything great

    My motto is family is family and there is nothing greater. This is my motto because family will always be there no matter what. Also family will always be there to help out no matter what. Family will always stick out for each other and always be there for one and another. I believe motto is the best because there is nothing that's greater than family, this is because family will always stick together no matter what.
    my motto help me out in life in many ways. One way is that if I need help I know that my family always has my back. Also I know that if I need anything at all I know that my family will always be there for me. Now family doesn't just mean people who you are related to but also people who have been with you from the very start and are still with you. Family can be best friends or just friends in general, they are people who would help you at any time or people you can trust and depend on.

  36. Felipe Islas
    I believe that Steve Job's credo was meant to change the way people's way of persuing their personal goals. His quote "Think Different" to me meant finding more ways to solve problems. "Think different" has helped Steve Jobs by making him successful and making the Apple company what it is today.

    I think that people will use the creed "Think Different" as a personal motivator. It will help people to think outside the box, to find different ways to persue their dreams.

    I will use this creed in my life because I believe that if it made Steve Jobs successful then it will make other people like me successful as well. I think that this will help me in my future by doing whatever it takes to make me succesful

  37. Written by: Andrea Aguilera Pd. 4

    Steve Jobs was a man who left his footprints in today’s society and his legacy will live on forever. Because of him, many people find it easier to communicate with each other as well as be a part of today’s latest technology. Steve Jobs’s Credo was, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” I personally believe that this is a good thing to live by. Analyzing this quote, I realized that it means that one has to want to do things and make them happen. Not only to crave it, but to do something to make it happen even if it means making mistakes and messing up. As long as you try, you will succeed. If Steve Jobs lived by this credo for his entire life, I can easily see why he made so many great additions in the world of technology and why he never gave up after Apple fired him. Although Steve Jobs’s guiding principle was great, I believe that mine too will allow me to make big achievements in the world.
    My basic principle to to always strive for big things and never to give up. Much like Steve Jobs’s principle, I believe that it is important to want big things for yourself and work hard to accomplish your wishes, even if it means failing. My personal credo, which is, “It doesn’t matter where you come from, but where you go from there,” allows me to do thing that i wouldn’t think of if it wasn’t my personal credo. Because of my credo, I know that it doesn’t matter where I came from, but about what I do with my life and how I decide to live it. I live to show others of what I am capable and show them that just because I start out small, I can make as big of a difference as Steve Jobs if I really want to. The reason why this is my personal credo is because it inspired me. I always thought that I would only be seen by my mistakes or my past, but this credo made me realize that I would not be. I can only be seen by others from how I see myself and what I do with my life. My personal credo allows me to show others what I am capable of and what I am really made of.

  38. Written By Victor Villanueva P4

    Steve Jobs was an innovator He would change the world time and time again maybe with improved computers or newer versions of the IPhone , however it was that he did it, doesn’t neccesarly matter right now we all have our special believes, our mottos and our credos ,that make us the unique person that we are today and that put us in the situation that we are in right now because we had certain believes that pushed us certain places and that will also keep us away from certain others.

    My believes may not be totally unique from someone elses but it does have a unique reason to why I follow it and how it applies to me and my life . Out of my many believes , I have always taught that separation between things and people was always needed , thats why I think that family should come first over any object , because all other objects will never have either the sentimental or physical support that family provides to us . Also Integrity and loyalty are great core values that, in my opinion or case , should always be kept strong .

    Another core value to me is to do what I believe is right at the time I find appropriate and to not be guided around by other people’s influence , if I didn’t have this value my opinion would be useless since it wouldn’t necessarily be originally mines.

    Mr. Jobs I believe wouñd also have great core values one of them would be perseverence since he always keept strong and looking forward towards another great success or time period .

  39. Steve Jobs legacy constructed the pathway for hundreds of intellectual and capable young minds. He showed everyone that you didn't have to have the best credentials or educational paths in order to become a legacy, an innovator, and a success. Jobs legacy meant alot to many people, and so did his motto “think different”. This encouraged all those who were shy or bashful to show the world how amazing they are. Like Jobs, I feel that everyone should think different, speak their minds, and be free.

  40. Written by Gisela Cervantes

    I personally believe that Steve Jobs left a very good legacy in this world. He lived by his own credo and I think he accomplished what he wanted to do with his life. Although he struggled to get to the top he still managed to get past everything and make it. I think he really showed everyone how he lived by his credo of ¨think differently¨. My core beliefs are to never give up on anything you started.

    I don't believe that you should give up on someone or something if you see success somewhere in there. In my opinion Steve Jobs didn't give up on his dream. He got fired from Apple and later on became the owner of Apple this just goes to show how much of a drive a person can have to reach his or her dreams. This also shows how he ¨thought differently" and made a living and became successful with his ¨think differently¨ attitude.

    I also live by my own credo. My credo is ¨Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I'm Possible¨. I plan to live by this credo my entire life and I have lived by this credo so far.

  41. Written by Anthony Guerrero Pd 5

    Steve Jobs was a really big inspiration to a lot of people. He showed that you don’t need to have proof that you’re smart to show that you are smart. His way of thinking, which was way different from how others thought, was the reason why he became so famous. He wasn’t afraid to stand out from the regular crowd and start his own, which stops a lot of people from achieving their dreams. His way of thinking didn’t only benefit his self, but also benefitted millions of people around the world.
    I like to think in my mind that bad things always come out for the better. And there’s proof that it does. Like when you’re moved to a group of people you don’t even know, you soon become friends with all them. Or if you fail a test you didn’t really study for. You learn that you need to study harder for every test you take and benefit from that lesson. The bigger the problem, the better the solution is.
    There are a lot of people that really inspire me, and Steve Jobs is one of them. He was living proof that thinking outside the box is a really smart thing to do. I’m usually always thinking outside the box, but i’m unable to show it to the others. When I remember that one man became famous for thinking different, it helps me with my problems. Steve Jobs credo will live on forever in a lot of people.

  42. Written by: Julio Acosta
    I think Steve Jobs’ credo wasn’t so much inspiring to others as much as getting people motivated to do something. Seeing how he came back from being fired and then making a big name for himself really showed people not to give up but I don’t think that it was supposed to be such a big event that millions of people see him as an idol. To me his credo just means to use what you know and have and to keep on moving forward never giving up on your task. His credo can make someone want to go for a change in their life but not necessarily something big. He’s just a really good businessman who in the end made a big name for himself. To me that’s all he really is anyway, just a big name that many people know about but nothing major.

    However his credo can prove to many people out there who have nothing that they can keep on going no matter what the circumstances. He came back from a big event in his life were he could have quit but he continued to move forward. Many of the people who aren’t doing so well in life look at this credo as a way to remind themselves, they can still continue onward to accomplishing something in life. That is where I think Steve Jobs’ credo really plays a big part in people.

  43. I never had owned an Apple product mostly because they were different from everything else. However, now that I have used some of them, I realized that Apple products are really good pieces of technology. If I hadn’t had used Apple products, I would have missed out on something really cool. If Steve Jobs hadn’t of thought of the many products there are, then we probably wouldn’t have had the Ipad or the Iphone. I do not know a lot about Steve Jobs so maybe he didn’t think of the Ipad or the Iphone. What I am trying to say is that if people don’t think outside of the box cor just “go with the flow”, we wouldn’t have the many cool things that we have today.
    ​Some of my guiding principles include motivation and rewards. Sometimes I lose motivation on school and don't want to do anything school related. I just want lay back and play video games all day. So in order to get my school work done, I use motivation. I think about all the kids at school who have straight As or that have a GPA of 4.0 or higher. I would imagine how cool I would be if I had those kind of grades. Then I would think of the rewards I would get if I do my school work, like getting more time to play video games.
    I guess I would say that my personal credo would be something like "Do what you have to do and you will be rewarded". The way this helps me is because I like rewards and if doing what you have to do gives you rewards, then you'll be seriously motivated. I don't know what I'm going with this but this is how it helps me in life.
    Written by: Moises Perez

  44. Yadira Saldierna
    Ms. Wright
    Honors English P4
    23 January 2014

    Many people have moral values, things to live by. This values help to guide many people throughout their lives helping them to succeed and do the right things. People need to stay true to their values and personal beliefs. This helps people to be their own person, making them independent and strong people.

    Steve Jobs is very well known for his work with Apple. His many accomplishments came with many failures as well. He was always trying to be different and was advancing what technology we had. With his big dream, he was guided by his personal beliefs. Showing us that if we follow what we believe in then we’ll end up alright in the end. Whenever he failed he decided to get back up and try again. He was always trying to “Think Different”.

    When he was fired from Apple, he still was striving to do great things. He didn’t see it as something bad, but instead it was a way to start new. His attitude great always thinking about the improvements and ideas he had. As long as he believed in himself and stood true to his beliefs, he succeeded.

    My personal credo is “Be Yourself”. I think this is very important to many people but some people are fearful of what may come. Although it may be scary at first you must explore the new things in your life.

  45. I never had owned an Apple product mostly because they were different from everything else. However, now that I have used some of them, I realized that Apple products are really good pieces of technology. If I hadn’t had used Apple products, I would have missed out on something really cool. If Steve Jobs hadn’t of thought of the many products there are, then we probably wouldn’t have had the Ipad or the Iphone. I do not know a lot about Steve Jobs so maybe he didn’t think of the Ipad or the Iphone. What I am trying to say is that if people don’t think outside of the box cor just “go with the flow”, we wouldn’t have the many cool things that we have today.

    ​Some of my guiding principles include motivation and rewards. Sometimes I lose motivation on school and don't want to do anything school related. I just want lay back and play video games all day. So in order to get my school work done, I use motivation. I think about all the kids at school who have straight As or that have a GPA of 4.0 or higher. I would imagine how cool I would be if I had those kind of grades. Then I would think of the rewards I would get if I do my school work, like getting more time to play video games.

    I guess I would say that my personal credo would be something like "Do what you have to do and you will be rewarded". The way this helps me is because I like rewards and if doing what you have to do gives you rewards, then you'll be seriously motivated. I don't know what I'm going with this but this is how it helps me in life.
    Written by: Moises Perez A5/B5

  46. Written By: Isabella Velazquez

    Steve Jobs credo is very well said and that credo would be to “Think Different” so be something or somebody nobody else is. Steve Jobs did exactly this he chose to not go with the flow and it made him very successful and happy. I like the fact that Mr. Jobs is putting out the point that we should all want to try and explore new things. “Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could ever happen to me.” is what Steve Jobs said now we all would think he was crazy but from his perspective it was something good for him. He chose to be unique and explore bigger things than what he was use to. Steve Jobs is a true idol I would say, I say this because he had everything he could ask for but then he lost it all but through all this he never lost faith. He kept going and in the long run it was all worth it because with time and effort he became known again. This time he was known as a different and more improved Steve Jobs. I feel it is perfectly fine to take risks in life. If you didn’t you would not be exposed to many new things. Taking risks is a good thing it insures you that you have the faith and power to do it. It also builds your confidence that maybe you were not so sure you had.

    I would say my core values would be god,family, and school. These are all very important things in my life that I feel really shape who I am as a person. One major factor that all of my values really require would be hard work and love. I feel that if I don't work hard to get where I want to be there is no point in even trying.Because I know in the end if I am not putting in my all then I am not doing any good at all. I make it a point to be very devoted to god, family, and school because these are values that myself faces everyday. I might have some challenges and obstacles but as long as I believe I can do it I know for a fact that I will be alright. Having god in my life really shapes my path and my future I feel it guides me through this difficult life. Family I feel represents the unity and love in my life. School represents my hard work and determination in my life and that proves a lot in my life.

    My personal credo would be "Be more than yesterday." I like this credo because it really expresses to anybody that they should always try and strive to be better than they were in the past. I always try to be better than I was yesterday because if I change something about me that was wrong before I feel accomplished. Because even though I just changed my actions I still made a change in the world. I feel that taking baby steps to make a change is always the best way to start. Because if you start by making big changes then you will become overwhelmed. If you make smaller changes over time, then over time they will become bigger and bigger. We as people can only strive to be better because nobody is truly perfect. You have to make mistakes to grow and learn as a person. That is life it just depends on the person how they chose to deal with it. There are always choices in life but its up to you to chose how you deal with them, some are hard and some might be easy but it all depends on you.

  47. A credo is a motto that a person believes in and follow because it represents the way they are. Steve Jobs left a great credo and that is “ Think Different”. Steve Jobs believed that anyone could achieve anything they wanted if they put their hearts into it. He left something that no man other could dream of. Steve Jobs left people in believing that they could do anything they wanted and that if they were seen as people who were crazy, than they were people who saw the world diffe A credo is a motto that a person believes in and follow because it represents the way they are. Steve Jobs left a great credo and that is “ Think Different”. Steve Jobs believed that anyone could achieve anything they wanted if they put their hearts into it. He left something that no man other could dream of. Steve Jobs left people in believing that they could do anything they wanted and that if they were seen as people who were crazy, than they were people who saw the world different and not the same. Moreover, Steve Jobs is a man who didn’t want to go with what everyone told him to; he wanted to go with what he wanted and believed. If it wasn't because of Steve Jobs credo, than the world wouldn’t be different today because it was Steve Jobs who changed the world and made think about it in a different way.
    My personal credo that defines me and makes me who I am is “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” When I fail at something I know it was because of a reason and I accept that I did fail, but I know that at least I tried. When people know that what they want to do they might fail and still do its because they haven’t tried to see if they are actually going fail. I sometimes know that when I’m going to try something new I might fail at it, but i haven't seen for myself that I have actually failed at it.
    My personal may be one that a lot of people may follow because the credo came from Michael Jordan. Many people may follow it because it is true, you don’t know you're going to fail at something if you haven’t tried and seen if you can actually accomplish it. My credo is something a lot of people can relate because it’s okay to fail, everyone in the world fails at doing something, its what makes us human. Also, yes it is okay to fail at something, but at least you have the feeling that you tried something that no other person would want to try because they were too afraid of failing.

    - Gabriela Marin Period 4

  48. Hip-hop belongs to everyone. Hip-hop is a way of life, and it is not based off skin color or anything of the sort. Hip-hop is a style of music that brings people of all diversities together as one to enjoy the poetry that is hip-hop. Hip-hop belongs to the people who are willing to own it. It is how you live your live surrounding a culture that you choose to be a part of.

    White rappers are no different from black rappers. I think it is just this idea that we have of hip-hop coming from a black culture must mean that hip-hop is only for the black community. It’s all fair when it comes to music. The fact that the black community began hip-hop, and made music from the struggles that they faced during hard times, most people believe that white rapper can’t relate to the black struggle. It is set in everyone’s mind that all white people don’t know what it’s like and they do not deserve the right to speak what we most black people are going through or went through.

    It’s not the white privilege at all. I believe it’s what is written and rapped about that sets artists in different categories. What I also think is that in a way, it could be a white privilege thing. There are hardly any white rappers, so when Macklemore hit the stage, there was an outburst of “Look at that white guy trying to fit into black culture.” It’s kind of like Eminem. People see him as absolute greatness, when in all honesty, it’s just because he is white and he can rap just like a black rapper can. It is excitement of something different that draws a crowd.

    I am indecisive on whether or not he should be apologizing. I mean, he won in all fairness, but it is the reason he won that makes the situation so bad. Macklemore raps about legalizing gay marriage and ending discrimination. He basically won from the fact that he is acknowledging a current international issue. The reason I feel that he should apologize is because there are plenty of other black rap artists that support gay marriage, but he is only being recognized, because in the hip-hop community everyone is seen as homophobic, which isn’t true at all. I think that it’s because it is all that he mentions in his music, everyone else who supports it, but doesn’t speak of it as often is seen as homophobic.

    Hip-hop is definitely tied to black culture, but I think that anyone can have a rap career if it’s really what they want. Class can affect their music, based off of who gets a record deal first, or who can rap about who has the most money, or even rap about who had the most money. Race has nothing to really do with music even if there is a race predominate in it. It is all about passion and who has the most fans supporting them. Hip-hop is a culture, and no one has a right to choose what culture you want to be apart of.

    -DeNyah Russell [Period 4}

  49. Written by: Kiyara Johnson
    Honors English Period 3
    Steve Job was an amazing man. He helped people to understand that just because you fail that doesn’t mean that you can’t get back up again. Once Steve Jobs died his legacy still went on. Some said that Steve was “Our digital version of Walt Disney’, and you can somewhat say that it’s true. His inventions made through Apple weren’t like any other phone product out there. It was something different and brilliant that everyone seemed to enjoy. As an individual, I want to be able to have principles in my life that I will follow and then someday even find success by following them.

    Most people just go along and believe what their parents believe in and that shouldn't always be the case. What they follow or believe in might not be for me. One thing that I strongly believe in is success. I have seen so many people grow up and not become something in life and I don’t want that to be me. I want to make a difference and show that hard work actually does pay off. I love that Steve Job’s credo was to be more than just the usual. I think that holds a lot of value because you're able to think outside of the box.

    I have my own principles that I follow by in my life. One major one that I follow by is, "Hard works ends in success". Now I know that everyone always talks about being successful, but to me it means a lot more. Most of my family members weren't able to finish college there first time around and had to go back once they were older. I want to change that and be able to go to college directly after I graduate from high school. Once I graduate college, I will go off and be one of the best female business women there ever was. If you know what you want to accomplish, you just have to put your best foot forward and work at it.

    My credo is different from other teenagers. It's only one word and it is FAITH. Without faith I don't know where I would be today. To make a long story short I have been through a lot to be only 14 and I can only learn from my mistakes. Faith is a key component to me living my life. When you have faith, that means that you have a strong belief that whatever you need or want will come to you. Without faith and keeping my head up I would be doing so well in school or have most of the stuff I do. I can say that I have risen above the status quo and I plan on keeping it that way.

    Many people think that teenagers are just naive and don’t know anything, but that isn’t always true. Even though I am only 14 years young, I have been through a lot in my life. I have grown into a strong young lady and I hope that I can continue to grow. Based on the things that have happened in my life, I have created a personal credo for myself and I plan on keeping them. People should not change who they are because someone else does not approve. Just be who you are no matter how anybody feels about it. Stay strong in who you are and I’m pretty sure that in the end you will be rewarded.

  50. Steve Jobs’s legacy is truly inspiring. He had so much success against all odds. He didn’t finish college, he didn’t go to business school, he never even worked a day in his life, and yet, he was successful. He turned a great failure into a huge success. No matter how tough things got for him, he never lost faith. He kept on going. That belief is very similar to beliefs of my own. I believe that you’ll never know until you try. Even if you think that something may fail, go for it. You never know where that could take you. Even if you do fail, get up and try again. Don’t just give up. Some of the most successful people in this world were all failures at some point. They never gave up. They kept on trying.

    I had this belief for a long time. At age 4, I tried to convince my father to stop smoking. At age 5, I kept on trying. Things started to seem hopeless as the packs of cigarettes he smoked a day increased. I always loved to be around my father, just not when he was smoking. Despite that, I never gave up. I tried thinking of multiple ways to try to get him to stop. At some point, I found success. I told my father that if he gave up smoking, that I would give up a bad habit of mine. That habit was sucking my fingers. Still, at that age, I did it. I was far too old to continue doing that. I knew that, but I didn’t care.

    Somehow, that worked. My father stopped smoking. He threw away his cigarette packs and got nicotine patches. I knew it was very hard for him because he kept on getting the urges to smoke. He knew it was difficult for me not to suck my fingers, but I never did it. We both swore that we would never go back to our old habits, and we never did. If I had given up on my father, I can guarantee that he would still be a smoker to this very day with many medical complications.

    This belief always guides me through everything. I just can never give up anything. I’ll never know how something will turn out if I just give up. Whenever people want to give up on anything, I strongly encourage them not to. You should always give things your all until the very end. Even if you think that you won’t be successful, don’t give up. You’ll never know what could happen if you give up.

    Mina Nunez
    Ms. Wright
    Period 4

  51. Steve Jobs is an inspiration character. His legacy and achievements have changed how people view who can be successful and who can make a change. Steve Job started with a background with no bussiness school, no college degree, and no work experience, but he was able to make a change through effort and determination. I believe this shows that anyone can raise to be successful, and anyone have opportunity to achieve that.
    My personal credo is “live life that you want it to be.” I believe no one can control your life. Everyone should be able to make their own choices, bad or good. Each person has his or her own goals, and it depends on them if they want to accomplish these goals. Even if there are numerous obstacles in the way, like Steve Jobs, anyone can meet and accomplish their dreams.
    My credo will help me overcome obstacles in life. When I find myself in a very difficult situation, I won’t think it’s impossible to find a solution. I will live how I want my life to be, and I believe that is how success can be formed. Overall, it will benefit the choices I make in my life.
    Andy Xu
    Period 5
