Do Parents Have Different Hopes and Standards for Their Sons Than for Their Daughters?

Parents want all their children, whether they are boys or girls, to be happy and successful. Yet a recent study of Internet search data suggests that American parents do in fact hold different expectations for their children based on sex. For one, they want their boys to be smarter and their girls skinnier.
What is your experience? Do mothers and fathers have different hopes and standards for their sons than for their daughters?
In the Opinion article “Google, Tell Me. Is My Son a Genius?,” Seth Stephens-Davidowitz writes:
More than a decade into the 21st century, we would like to think that American parents have similar standards and similar dreams for their sons and daughters. But my study of anonymous, aggregate data from Google searches suggests that contemporary American parents are far more likely to want their boys smart and their girls skinny.
It’s not that parents don’t want their daughters to be bright or their sons to be in shape, but they are much more focused on the braininess of their sons and the waistlines of their daughters.
Start with intelligence. It’s hardly surprising that parents of young children are often excited at the thought that their child may be gifted. In fact, of all Google searches starting “Is my 2-year-old,” the most common next word is “gifted.” But this question is not asked equally about young boys and young girls. Parents are two and a half times more likely to ask “Is my son gifted?” than “Is my daughter gifted?” Parents show a similar bias when using other phrases related to intelligence that they may shy away from saying aloud, like, “Is my son a genius?”
Are parents picking up on legitimate differences between young girls and boys? Perhaps young boys are more likely than young girls to use big words or otherwise show objective signs of giftedness? Nope. If anything, it’s the opposite. At young ages, when parents most often search about possible giftedness, girls have consistently been shown to have larger vocabularies and use more complex sentences. In American schools, girls are 11 percent more likely than boys to be in gifted programs. Despite all this, parents looking around the dinner table appear to see more gifted boys than girls.
NOW YOU GO: Read the entire article, then tell us …
- Do parents hope for different things for their sons and daughters?
- Do mothers and fathers hold different standards for girls and boys? Do they want their sons to be smarter? And their daughters skinnier?
- Do parents treat their children differently based on their sex? Do you feel you are treated differently than your siblings because of gender? In what ways?
- If you are a parent someday, will you have different hopes and standards for your sons and daughters? Why?
Parents want all their children, whether they are boys or girls, to be happy and successful. Yet a recent study of Internet search data suggests that American parents do in fact hold different expectations for their children based on sex. For one, they want their boys to be smarter and their girls skinnier.
What is your experience? Do mothers and fathers have different hopes and standards for their sons than for their daughters?
In the Opinion article “Google, Tell Me. Is My Son a Genius?,” Seth Stephens-Davidowitz writes:
More than a decade into the 21st century, we would like to think that American parents have similar standards and similar dreams for their sons and daughters. But my study of anonymous, aggregate data from Google searches suggests that contemporary American parents are far more likely to want their boys smart and their girls skinny.It’s not that parents don’t want their daughters to be bright or their sons to be in shape, but they are much more focused on the braininess of their sons and the waistlines of their daughters.Start with intelligence. It’s hardly surprising that parents of young children are often excited at the thought that their child may be gifted. In fact, of all Google searches starting “Is my 2-year-old,” the most common next word is “gifted.” But this question is not asked equally about young boys and young girls. Parents are two and a half times more likely to ask “Is my son gifted?” than “Is my daughter gifted?” Parents show a similar bias when using other phrases related to intelligence that they may shy away from saying aloud, like, “Is my son a genius?”Are parents picking up on legitimate differences between young girls and boys? Perhaps young boys are more likely than young girls to use big words or otherwise show objective signs of giftedness? Nope. If anything, it’s the opposite. At young ages, when parents most often search about possible giftedness, girls have consistently been shown to have larger vocabularies and use more complex sentences. In American schools, girls are 11 percent more likely than boys to be in gifted programs. Despite all this, parents looking around the dinner table appear to see more gifted boys than girls.
NOW YOU GO: Read the entire article, then tell us …
- Do parents hope for different things for their sons and daughters?
- Do mothers and fathers hold different standards for girls and boys? Do they want their sons to be smarter? And their daughters skinnier?
- Do parents treat their children differently based on their sex? Do you feel you are treated differently than your siblings because of gender? In what ways?
- If you are a parent someday, will you have different hopes and standards for your sons and daughters? Why?
Alejandra Gutierrez
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
Parents do not hope for different things for their sons and daughters. Its the other way around. Its really up to the parents on what they think. If the parent believe their son is more gifted, than their daughter its their beliefs. Its usually up to the parent.
Mothers and fathers do hold different standards for their daughter than son. They want their daughter to be more of a household wife, a classy lady, and smarter. For their sons they just want them to get a job and move out. These different standards vary on the parent. If their mom wants the girl to be skinnier and more of a household wife then skinnier and their son smarter, its their beliefs.
Parents do treat their children based on their sex. I do feel like I get treated differently from both of parents then all of my other three brothers. I don't get to go out whenever I want to. I have to finish my homework before nine'o clock and help my mom cook. My brothers just have to do their homework. I have to wash my clothes and sometimes my brothers clothes. They might be nine and eleven, but I was taught at the age of nine on how to wash my own clothes, clean, and help my mom out. My younger brothers, my dad, and my older brother just have to go to school or work and that's it.
I wont have different hopes and standards for my children. My son(s) and daughter(s) will get treated equally. They're all going to learn how to take care of themselves at young age. I don't just want to put the full responsibility on just my daughter(s). It wouldn't be fair to her. I wouldn't want her to be in the same position as I was.
Tyra Harris
DeleteI disagree with you because that might be miss leading because you dont know how they will feel about that
Isabel Martinez
Honors English A5/B5
20 February 2014
I agree with mostly everything that you said. I can relate to you because I also get treated differently than my brother. He gets more freedom than me, but I get mad so I tell my parents because I don't think that is fair. Although I'm sure all parents have a goal to make sure their children are successful in life. Some moms might have different expectations for their son and daughter and so will the fathers, it all depends. I think that it is good that you would treat your child/children equally because that's how it should be for everyone.
I disagree with your statemnt on how daughters are supposively raised to become house wives. Honestly, they do not, in my opinion i think every son or daughter has one clear objective in life; become successful. The goal is happiness, not to be a programed robot. The daughter or son makes the decisions in life, the parents are there to only guide them into the right direction. Overall, there is no different treatment, there is only helping to create a better better future. The parenting is the only key to a child's future, and is passed down from generation to generation. So, if you dont guide your children the right way, then they aren't going to for their children too.
DeleteXe Cabrera-A5
I disagree with what you said. I believe that parents hold their children to the same standard regardless of their sex. In the end the parents want their children to be successfull. I don't believe sex plays a major role in a parent's aspirations for their children. The daughter can choose to be a stay at home wife or to work like a man would.
DeleteCarlos Laureano
Yadira Saldierna
DeletePeriod 4
I agree with everything you said. I know how it is to be a held to higher standards than my brothers. I sometimes feel like I do a lot of work because of my gender. My parents want me to be smart, but also independent. I think it's great that they make me do this because in the long run, I'll be better off. While my brothers struggle to be more independent.
I disagree with your opinion. I believe that parents don't hold different standards for their children and shouldn't. All parents want their child to be successful, so it shouldn't matter whether they are a boy or girl.
Deletedennis kramer / period 4
Remi Moy A5/B5
DeleteI agree with you because it does depend solely on what the family believe. Also that when you said you wanted your children to be treated equally how would you be about to do that because they are to different genders.
Felipe Islas P5
DeleteI agree with you about parents treat their children differently based on their sex. I think parents do that because they think they know what the duties of a female is and the duties of a male should be.
Ashley Gaston
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
Parents do have different standards for their sons rather than their daughter. Parents seem to think that the daughter is has more potential in education rather than their son would. In one of my experiences my mother thinks that I should be the one getting good grades and the one not slacking. I can only come home with A’s and B’s and if there is a C then I would have to raise it before report cards come out. I know it is stressful on the daughters more than the sons because the sons don’t have to worry about much.
The standards parents have for boys is like going to one of their games where the sky is blue and the grass is green. Its one of those days where the man selling candy is out and the snow cones are getting passed around. The son better win this baseball game or else… Thats the way parents think of sons standards. They think boys are only accountable for playing sports and getting scholarships off of that to get into a good college. Boys have more potential than that. They can vary their education.
Rather than daughters where their standards are like long term. Parents are in heaven when it comes to their daughter. The sky has rainbows in it and the pond is a beautiful blue until one bad grade gets on the report card. All things go to darkness and fire comes from the ground and the roof flies off the top. Daughters have the punishment of you can’t do anything until the B or C comes off of your grade. Parents believe the daughters can be better than that and that its easy for a girl to get good grades. Not true at all. Some stuff is just as hard for us as it is for a son to get a touchdown in a football game when five people are behind him trying to tackle.
An experience that a daughter might have is trying to have a boyfriend. Parents ,especially fathers, think that their daughter should not have a boyfriend because they're too young. But when their daughter reaches a certain age she still can have a boyfriend because they don’t want their little girl to go anywhere. Which is unfair because the son can have like a million girlfriends and the parent wouldn’t care. They say “that’s my boy.” Rather than cheering their daughter on for finding someone.
In concluding I think personally that parents do have different standards for their sons than their daughters. I think that because the daughter is more capable of holding up with things and more responsible. The son can be responsible too but something can lead off track. Views of daughters in the parents eyes is a good student and you have to do everything right. Rather than a son they say you’re the boy I raised you to be and stay that way. Sons and daughters are different in the eyes of parents.
Tyra Harris
DeleteI agree that parents do have different hopes and expectations for their children and that they want them to have separte rules for each other
Destini Steward
DeleteI agree with you about how girls are held to a higher standard because I can relate to this. Girls are meant to be seen as perfect; good grades, nice, pretty etc. In contrast, not all girls fulfill this standard. Boys are seen to be athletic and they don’t necessarily have to be “good” in school. Boys are held to a high standard for sports, like you mentioned. Generally, parents believe the girls should be perfect while the boys can slack off in a way.
I really agree with your choosing sides between gender statements. As personal experience, my mom doesn't expect me to be less than girls; at least that I know of. Society really does make up this theory though. They see that more girls graduate from school thoroughly while boys usually go out and find jobs right after or before finishing high school. That's not always the case which brings me to the point that parents do have different hopes for genders but it's not necessarily a good thing.
DeleteEfrain Santacruz Period 5
I agree strongly with you because parents do have different standards for the boys and the girls. Many parents sometimes do agree that the girls will always do much better in education than boys because boys seem to slack more in school.
DeleteGabriela Marin P. 4
I disagree with and I think that parent's views and expectation are based upon age and who is the older are most likely the one the parents expect to better in school. When you say that the parents expect the son to get scholarship and play made me get a view on parents' expectations.
DeleteRemi Moy A4/B5
DeleteI strongly agree with you. My parents hold me to high standards as well. My dad wants his girls to be better than his boys. Even though parents do treat and hold their children by different standards because of their gender I think it is mainly to prepare them for the real world, even though it may not always be a good thing.
DeleteKayla Banks P.4
Written By: Beverly Avila
ReplyDeleteEvery person on this planet would think at one point in their lives,”I want to make a family” with their significant loved one. Once they have a baby, and he or she starts growing up, there are many things that affect a baby’s life. Parents always want the best for their children because they mean the world to them. But is it actually their dream to succeed or be the dream child they hope they physically look as they grow? Most parents would say that they want their kids to be successful in life, other parents choose beauty over brains.
As we know now, society has changed throughout the years. The media makes those who are beautiful feel famous, while those who are just obese or “ugly” feel like they do not belong on television. One of the main reason parents decide to make their “dream child” is because maybe they are following the media. Parents hope that their child succeed in life and become who they want to be. But it actually now depends on your gender and the way your thinking works.
Girls and boys are treated WAY differently. Boys are treated as strong and smart, while girls are treated as skinny and beautiful. It isn’t fair for a child, who is a boy, can’t play with dolls that girls use. It’s unfair for the girls to not be able to play with toy trucks. “They are for boys”. “They are for girls”. These are the same words you have probably heard when you were a child because your parents want you to be aware what is for you and what isn’t. That’s why boys are pushed to their limit on to see who is the strongest or who is the smartest. Same for girls. They are put to the test on who is the skinniest or who is the prettiest. And why is that? Some parents try to make a child succeed in life, but while other choose to have beauty.
Fathers and mothers are different based on the way they're raised. But I believe that the fathers treat their daughter different than the mothers who treat their son differently. Since the child is the same gender as one parent, it is most likely that the other parent would treat the child differently than if the child was the same gender as them. Parents hold different standards for their children. For example, mothers believe that girls would succeed in life of they know to clean and cook and get chores done around the house. Boys, on the other hand, have different expectations from their fathers. Fathers expect their son to grow up and be successful and strong. But, based on my personal experience, my father and mother are not like that. They believe that I can grow up to be smart as a boy, but pretty as a girl. This is one of the main reasons why I play many sports.
If I have my son or daughter, they will grow up to have the same privileges as boys or girls. If girls are not exposed to what boys like, it is most likely that they would be very shy to play sports or have the smartest brain in school. I will put my son or daughter in the position of their opposite gender because if they even attempt to try to make a comment on how girls are weak, they wouldn’t say that because they have been exposed to how it feels like to be as strong as a girl. Maybe if more parents had a mindset like me, their children may become successful in life and still be beautiful even if they weren’t a girl or as smart as a boy.
I agree with beverly that it depends on how the parents were raised. I also agree that it matters which parent is being questioned about their children. Most fathers will say they expect more from their daughters, and most mothers would say they expect more from their sons.
Deletedennis kramer period 4
Tyra Harris
ReplyDeleteHonors English ,A4
According to the article parents do have different hopes and expectations for their daughters and sons.They expect the boys to be very bright and they girls to have a nice slim figure; however, thats not always the case because they expect one thing while in reality then its a whole different story.Parents do treat their children differently based on the gender because they want to have different hopes and dreams for each one but they want it to be in a different way.I can relate to this because i get treated differently in my own household. My mom wants me to have a better and successful life because when she was younger she didn't have that opportunity to do so. My dad also had some rules for me such as waiting until an appropriate age to date or not being able to hang out with bigger and older crowds and thats something i can understand and i wouldn't want to have it another way because i feel as if it is keeping me safe from mistakes in the future. If I am a parent one day i want to have different expectations for my children because i want them to have rules for themselves as individuals and not just having one big hope, rule, or expectation just for both. They will shine like a star because they will have to learn to be free at one point and learn why exactly they had different hopes.and also to add to that girls also have the highest percentage of inteeligence that they just naturally have and so with that everything is not what it seems.
I agree that its different treatments for the genders. I get treated differently in my home just like you because I have brothers. Its not always about just education. Its about chores and all. But it moves you in a better path later on.
Delete-Ashley Gaston
I agree with your writing. Often times parents have different dreams for their kids, but at the end of the day they want whats best for them. I have the same treatment in my house. I think every kid with siblings goes through it. - Dhalia Maldonado Pd.4
DeleteDestini Steward
DeleteI agree with you that boys are held to different standard than girls. Boys, I would assume, are seen to be stronger than girls, while girls are seen to be vulnerable, but more mature than boys. Boys are meant to be protectors, in a form. Girls are supposed to be the weaker gender, and basically follow up behind boys and rely on them. Well, that’s rarely the case these days as girls do everything boys do.
Yadira Saldierna
DeletePeriod 4
I also think the same as you do. I believe that boys and girls get treated differently when they are being raised. There are so many different expectations for each gender. Depending on what factors or traits a child has. I dislike that this happens so often, but there is not much to do about it. People have set beliefs on how a man or a woman should act.
I have to agree on what you said in your first sentence. Yes it's true that parents may have certain expectations towards their son or daughter, but behind them are a completely different story.
Delete-Jocelyn Garcia
I agree that males and females shouldn't have the same exact standards, but they should be kept to the same expectations like becoming successful in life and having a good future. You don't have to have the same hopes and dreams to be kept to the same expectations.
Deletedennis kramer / period 4
I agree with what Tyra is saying. Sometimes the things your parents want for you can be better for you in the long run. Our parents were once teenagers, and they want for their children to be better than they were. Sometimes their expectations can be a little unfair, but it's what they believe to be the right thing for us. My parents are the same way. They want certain things for me and different things for my other family members. It's just the life we have to live.
DeleteKiyara Johnson
Ms. Wright P4
Parents do hope for different things for their son and daughters. Of course they want to see both of them successful, but they have different expectations for the two. Parents may want to see their daughter join the Airforce, or be president of the United States, but only because it’s rare among girls and they want their daughter to stand out from the rest. Whereas they’d want to see their son become a nurse or doctor because it’s not usually what you see guys doing. Overall they just want the best for their kid, different dreams, but same intentions.
ReplyDeleteThe hopes and dreams parents have for their children doesn’t only have to do with their careers, but also their lifestyle and the choices they make. I find that parents are often more overprotective with their daughters than they are with their sons. The boy usually gets more freedom and trust because their not “expected” to do wrong. Parents are worried about their little girl being around guys and making bad decisions so they put more attention to their daughters than they do their son. Not that they don’t equally care about both their kids, it’s just the trust they have among them.
I don’t agree that parents want their sons smarter and daughters skinner. It’s a matter of who the parent is I guess. Parents want whats best for their child, fat or skinny. Einstein or not. I agree that parents hold different expectations for their kids, but I don’t think appearance has any tole on it. If anything, parents want both their kids to be smart, not just their son.
If I ever become a parent I will not have different hopes and standards for my son and daughter. I believe that they are equal and have just as good of chance at being successful as the next kid. Boy or girl. I just want them to be successful and happy, I don’t plan on “making” them into someone that I want them to be, I want them to be who they dream of becoming. I think boys and girls have the same potential now a days.
Parents have different hopes and dreams for their sons and daughters because of job opportunities, or fear that something may go wrong, but at the end of the day they want whats best for both of their kids. I don’t think it’s such a bad thing, because their only looking out for their kids. But I believe that boys and girls are equal,no matter what dreams their parents had set out for them.
Dhalia Maldonado
English pd. 4
I strongly agree about where you said that parents have more trust into their sons than their daughters. It is true that parents are more aware about their daughters and what they do at all times. Parents do always have different expectations for their sons and daughters
Delete-Viviana Camargo
Jazmyne Palacios
Parents all have different expectations for their sons or their daughters, or if they have both genders. Lets say a father wants what’s good for their son (for example) many fathers would want to see them fall in the steps that themselves fell into. Some fathers may want their son to be exactly like them or even better, but some fathers may not want their son to fall into the bad paths or decisions that they took. Now for instance lets say a father wants their daughter to be exactly like them, it’s more of a different story. Males, I assume, really can’t relate to girls, so it would be harder for the father to expect more for the daughter. Also, many kids (both genders) have their own expectations on what they want in order to become successful. Now moving onto mothers and what their expectations many mothers expect more out of a son than their daughter. It goes on a personal level, the mom can easily connect to their daughter and it’s harder to reach out for their son which leads to the mom wanting a bit more expectations for their son rather than daughter.
Mothers hold different standards for their daughters for sure. Who knows if moms really want their daughter to be skinny? Shouldn’t the mom already teach them and expect their daughter to accept themselves for who they are? If their daughter is considered obese, that’s unhealthy so that would be a most likely good time for their daughter to at least gain weight and not be technically ‘skinny’. Furthermore, mom’s hold different standards as well for their sons. Just picture a kid laid up in bed, playing video games, and skipping homework (as usual) when suddenly their mom walks in and she finds out he isn’t doing any of his homework. She explains to him how his grades are dropping, at the point it should be an expectations for the son to raise up his grades. If the son is smart as it is and tried his hardest to get passing grades, what more does the mother expect from the kid?
Fathers as well have different expectations for both genders. Not necessarily would that dad care if his daughter isn’t ‘skinny’ enough, but it’s rather where he can’t really talk to her about her body, it goes on a whole emotional level. Fathers probably would want his son to be nice fit and not a weak boy, he wouldn’t to see him struggling in doing a “easy” push- up.
Parents do treat their children differently based upon sex, but it all goes back to connections and being able to relate. The mom understands their daughter(s) more because maybe she’s been through that exact situation of not exceeding the standards of a specific thing. Fathers wouldn’t really have say, because how exactly would they know how it feels to be in the position of a girl. Fathers can easily relate more to their son(s), based upon personal experience that they both can relate to in a certain situation. I can’t say I’ve been treated differently amongst my siblings because of gender. I have a brother, who no longer lives with me, but it didn’t change anything. I think age is the whole thing, when you’re younger, do parents really truly expect their little kid(s) to get perfect grades? From personal experience I’m the middle child and I feel as if my mom and dad both expect way more from my older sister than me. Then I always question am I good enough then?
Once I’m a parent (if I even have kids) I think my expectations will be the same for both my son or daughter. I may not relate easily to my son, but I can still give him the same expectations and hopes for the two of them. Gender should not be a factor that interferes with parents expectations or hopes for the kids. So I want to provide the best support for both my son or daughter.
I agree. Gender has a factor in what parents want for their children. Parents that have daughters wouldn't want their children to become wrestlers or any male sports. They probably want their children to follow in their foot steps. For example, a dentist would want his or her children to become doctors as well.
DeleteAndy Xu Period 5
I completely agree with your idea on how parents only have different expectations for their children simply because it is harder for a parent to connect with their child, especially if their child is of the opposite sex of the parent trying to bond and understand them. I also like how you said that you will give the same expectations for your children, even if they were of different genders.
DeleteAlicia Rodriguez
Period 5
I agree because i would raise them the say way. even if my daughter might be distant. i will still do my best. everyone is equal in life. Even if it might be hard.
DeleteRolando Sifuentes
I agree because i would raise them the same way. even if my daughter might be distant from me. So i will stop at nothing to raise them. even if they ignore me. Everyone should have an equal chance.
Written By Adam De La Torre
ReplyDeletePd 4
yes they really do have different hopes for their son and daughter usually because the women are viewed as a person who are more fragile. They are the ones that are more viewed in the area of being able to think and persuade people because most women are natural at persuasion. Men are more in the line of being an athlete or becoming somebody big by doing something that is “manly”. Parents don’t normally want their daughter to become a pro athlete because its unusual and men are told to be part of a beauty pageant. So yes there is different hopes that the parents make their son and girls to become when they become.
Yes the parents do have different expectation for their son or girl to be when they grow up because men are suppose to be a person that seems fit that will be able to defend himself or others, or eligible to many things because he is fit. Girls are mainly grown up to be a certain kind of shape as well they are suppose to have a lean shape where they don’t look skinny or “fat”. So yes the depending on the gender you are when you grew up you might have grew up with expectations from your parents.
Yes gender does contribute on how someone is treated because certain people may believe that when a girl are young they are suppose to be treated as a princess or that women shouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting any where because they are viewed as a fragile person. Men are more viewed as a person who are the one who does the heavy lifting for their families they are suppose to be the armor for them. Men may at times be treated more badly than women and women maybe are treated badly as well at points.
When i’m a parent i wouldn’t have differences between my son and daughter because they are human beings with minds they are here for a purpose i'm not going to stop them from accomplishing whatever they are here for. If my girl wants to become a football player ill support her decision if my son wants to do something that may seem “girlish” ill support him. Who am i to stop them from accomplishing their goals they are the ones who are going to be living in their lives ill guide them but won’t be in their way.
I agree with you. Because of the fact that parents have different goals they want their daughter or son to achieve. So it puts pressure on the person who has the high standards.
Delete-Ashley Gaston
Isabel Martinez
Honors English A5/B5
20 February 2014
I agree with everything that you said. Many parents expect their son to be fit so that they are able to defend themselves like you said. Also males usually have more freedom to go out. For girls, many parents are more overprotective for them. I think that both female and male children should be treated equally because if not then I assume it would start arguments.
I agree with what you said about guys are treated differently compared to females because they are known as "the heavy weight lifters" and us females as the softer ones.
Delete- Viviana Camargo A/B4
I completly agree with you Adam when you say that girls are trewated like princeses. this reminds me of quinces. A quince is when a mexican girl turns 15, and it is celebrated with a party. The thing is, that this party is celebrated with a sense of extremeness. The parents ultimately spend lots of money for their daughter on this celebrated day. And guess what? what is the son doing, he is watching while his parents ignore him when they only pay attention to the daughter. Talk about unfair treatment.
DeleteXe Cabrera-A5
I agree with him being a parent because i would do the same. If my son didn't want to do the stuff i would expect him to do i would be fine. Even with my daughter. I would make them make their own decisions. Unless if its something stupid like go to clown collage.
DeleteRolando Sifuentes
Parents see the successes of other people before setting up their own expectations and goals for their own children. They look at what other people have and then see what they believe is success in their own families. In society today, people see the success of men and women in two completely different ways. The effects of media and the effects of what other people have to offer hold different standards for boys and girls.
ReplyDeleteMother and fathers want what is best for their children, and what is considered best is income and connections. In society, a man must be a boss to make money that is considered enough, or a man must be talented in sports or in entertainment in order to be enough. A woman must be pretty or smart in order to make money, or even marry into wealth, or a woman must be pretty enough for society to accept her and if she wants to be famous she has to be “pretty enough.” So, at a young age, parents prepare their children for the future. They expect their sons to be smart and their daughters to be beautiful. If that is not the case, those things are held as goals and expectations from their children, Those things are pushed on them, like sports or singing lessons, or after school activities.
Parents definitely do treat their children differently based on sex. Boys are held to more education and sports standards while the girls are held to beauty standards. In my own household, I have an older brother. My brother used to play basketball, and he was pretty good at it. My mom saw that as: “My son is going to the NBA one day,” but my hard work in school had never really caught her attention. What she pays most attention to when it comes to me is how I look. Honestly, I do not care as much as she does. When I leave the house, even to take out the trash or run a quick errand, I am expected to have on decent clothes and have my hair in a style acceptable to her that is ok to go out in public. As a child, my wardrobe was picked out by my mother. I had clothes not every other little girl was able to wear, either because of how much they cost or the occasion. My brother was taken to basketball camps and encouraged to do football. He didn’t get into much trouble when his grades were bad. I, on the other hand, had everything coming my way if I had anything below a 83%. These punishments didn’t start until about 6th grade, and even then my mother focused on how I styled my uniform or how I decided to wear my hair.
As a parent, I plan to have my kids have their own dreams and ambitions while still looking at my expectation of acceptable grades and GPAs. I do not expect to treat them differently based on sex, but what they offer as a student, athlete, or whatever they plans to be. If they are doing bad in school, it will be a main priority to fix it, or in any other category that fits. I expect them to know well on what should already be a goal and what they want to have as goals and standards for themselves. Beauty and athletic standards don’t really mean anything to me, as long as they know where they want go in life.
-DeNyah Russell [Period 4}
I agree. Families like mine like to compare their sons and daughters to other families' sons and daughters. They want their children to be as great as other children, so they set high expectations. The expectations vary, but they usually have a common goal to make their children better.
DeleteAndy Xu Period 5
I completely agree with what you're saying. Parents do have different expectations set up for their children, especially if their children consist of different genders. I also like how you said at the end about how beauty and athletic standards don't really mean a thing to you, as long as your children know where they want to go in life. I completely agree with that.
DeleteAlicia Rodriguez
Period 5
Tyra Harris
ReplyDeleteHonors English ,A4
According to the article parents do have different hopes and expectations for their daughters and sons.They expect the boys to be very bright and they girls to have a nice slim figure; however, thats not always the case because they expect one thing while in reality then its a whole different story.
Parents do treat their children differently based on the gender because they want to have different hopes and dreams for each one but they want it to be in a different way.I can relate to this because i get treated differently in my own household. My mom wants me to have a better and successful life because when she was younger she didn't have that opportunity to do so. My dad also had some rules for me such as waiting until an appropriate age to date or not being able to hang out with bigger and older crowds and thats something i can understand and i wouldn't want to have it another way because i feel as if it is keeping me safe from mistakes in the future.
If I am a parent one day i want to have different expectations for my children because i want them to have rules for themselves as individuals and not just having one big hope, rule, or expectation just for both. They will shine like a star because they will have to learn to be free at one point and learn why exactly they had different hopes.and also to add to that girls also have the highest percentage of inteeligence that they just naturally have and so with that everything is not what it seems.
So I understand why parents have different expectations because they want their children to be happy an learn why they had these changes.
Written By Andres Davalos Pd.5
DeleteYes she does match my perspective of people because we both see that our parents want us to succeed in life to be somebody. When i saw her describing the way her view on how her parents see her is very effective because they value her for her dedications and see her succeeding. She made me see in another way by actually making me think on how parents should have different expectations for their children and that only shows me that people should never put too much on somebodies plate at one time. I can connect to her because she sees that her parents want a better life for her and thats why they see and want her to succeed.
I agree with everything that you said. Parents are trying to prepare the kids fro society which is why i think they are held to different standards. Race also plays some part into it. Most people expect minorities to fail but if we succeed we will prove the statistics wrong. My household is the same way. My mom cares more about how i look than I do. Everything has to be approved by her. She also dressed me when i was younger. If i have kids, i will do the same thing as you. Just kind of let my kids do them.
ReplyDelete~Sharon Boyd P5
I agree with everything that you just stated. There might be something your parents what you to be but they shouldn't get their hopes up because then they end up being disappointed. Sooner or later they become immune to the situation because they learned who the real you is but will still be bothered that you didn't do 100% of what they wanted. Like you mentioned as well, rules for themselves is really how they get their identity which is a good idea as well. These are the reasons why I strongly agree with your reasoning.
ReplyDeleteEfrain Santacruz Period 5
I agree and disagree with you. I feel as thought parents do hold their children to different expectations. You said that it's ¨their beliefs¨ which is basically saying that they DO hold them to different standards. If they believe that their son is gifted, then they will make sure they have a good education more than their daughter who they dont feel is as gifted. I agree with you about how when you have kids you will make sure that they are treated equally and held to the same expectations. When i have kids, i will try to do the same thing. But, sometimes i dont think parents mean to treat one kid different than the other. It might just kind of happen.
ReplyDelete~Sharon Boyd P5
Viviana Camargo
I think that parents do hope different expectations for their sons and their daughters. As we see in this world, most of the smartest people alive are males. Most scientist that we see today are males. The expectations that a parent might have for their son is so be smart and intelligent, spending their days at school and studying their future. For girls, most models are female and there is a high percent of females who concentrate of their weight and health. Parents expect their daughters to focus on their weight and appearance; becoming skinnier, having that soft and smooth face, and having all of those body features they dread to have (or some might have already). Parents really do have a different set of mind thinking for their children when it comes to their future and what they need to focus on the most.
Parents do hold different standards to boys and girls because of what they see now today in the world. They see more male doctors and scientists than they do in females. Their standards for males is to get them to a future that would help in them out a lot. And all of that can be succeeded if they go to school and work their way up towards that goal. As for females, parent’s standards are to check the way that they eat, their exercise balance, and their beauty. Parents do want their sons to be smarter since most males are in the best career jobs there is. And parents do want their daughters to be skinnier in order to keep track of their health and their appearance.
Parents do treat children differently based on their sex. Whether or not the parent’s expectations are to make their son smarter, they still have much pride in them. For instance, when their son is engaging in some type of sport, the parents are proud that he is doing something for himself; they have that thought of being so proud of him. As for girls, parents have a little less pride in them. They struggle more to keep them motivated to keep their waist tiny and their looks like a model. I do feel like I am being treated differently because of my gender since I’m the only daughter my parents have and there are 5 other guys in my house. Whenever my grades go up or I intend to talk about my future, my parents listen, but they don’t really seem to have much interest. When my brother talks about how he is going to put a lot of effort in high school and what he wants to study, both my parents are very encouraging to him about how he needs to work his way to the top.
If I was parent in the near future, I wouldn’t have different expectations for either my daughter or my son because I think that both genders were made equally, not just that one was born better than the other. In my opinion, both genders have an equal opportunity to be smart and beautiful/handsome. I don’t believe in the fact that guys are expected to be smart and intelligent and that girl should be expected to have a tiny waist and be really good looking. It’s not like discriminating them or anything, but there’s a good chance that that’s what they’re trying to say.
I totally agree with your points. On some of your views I was a bit hesitant, but I knew the logic behind your thinking. Overall you made really good arguments.
Delete-Joel M. Valdez
Period 5
I completely agree with you. I believe you can do anything regardless of your gender and you should treat your kids equally. You need to hold your kids to the same standards of being successful and not favor one over the other becuase one is more talented. I agree with your reasoning.
DeleteCarlos Laureano
Isabel Martinez
Honors English A5/B5
20 February 2014
I don’t think parents have different things for their sons and daughters. I think that they would treat them both the same because if not, then one of them can get jealous of the other. Parents want all their children to be successful. They want to see them living in a big house, having a nice car,etc. Also they want them to be with their family living a happy life.
Mothers and fathers do hold different standards for their son and daughter. For example, the father may want his son to be a certain way and the mother wanting the daughter be a certain way as well. For instance the father may want the son to have more muscle and be physically fit. He wants him to look like the guys on t.v that workout and sweat everyday. The mom, for the daughter, might want her to have a nice body. She would want her to have a tiny waist and have a muscular body. I just think that the parents might have different hopes for their children based on their physical appearance. For education wise, I think it would be equal between both of them.
Yes, parents treat children differently based on their sex. Parents usually think that the males should have more freedom. Letting them be outside and having fun. They think just because he is a male, that he is responsible and is able to take care of himself. For the girls, parents think that they are weak and are not responsible. They are more overprotective for the girls than the males. I don’t think it should be like because that is not always the case! Both genders are responsible, but one might be more than the other. They should be able to have the same amount of freedom as the guys. I’m sure that it probably causes arguments between the parents and the female daughter because she see’s her parents let her brother go out more. Just imagine how much stress and yelling would happen because of this.
Yes, I feel like I am treated differently because of my gender. I have a older brother and he gets treated differently than I do for certain things. My parents want all of us (my sisters and brother) to be successful and live a happy life. They have the same hopes for all of us, but some things are different. Everytime I want to go out, my parents think that their should be an adult there, but for my brother it doesn’t matter who is going. Also when I walk out the door, they expect me to text them where I am going and expect me to be home early. I know I am more responsible than my brother but they don’t seem to understand that. They still end up giving more freedom to him. I always argue with them saying that it is not fair to do that and they respond things like “ You can’t come home late because your a girl”. That gets me mad, but I decide to just walk away to my room and act like I don’t care.
If I am a parent someday, I will make sure that it will be equal. I don’t want them to get jealous because one gets more than the other. I want them to be successful and have a good career just like more parents now a days. If I have both a girl and a boy, I will make sure that they both get equal freedom. I wouldn’t want either of them to get mad at me or think that I am unfair. I bet if it is this way, we would live a happier life than if we didn’t.
I agreed with everything you said except for the first paragraph. You said "I don’t think parents have different things for their sons and daughters", but in every other paragraph you talked about how parents treat their sons and daughter differently.
Delete{ Joel M. Valdez }
Period 5
I agree with what you said. I can relate about what you said , about going out. I hardly go out cause I'm a girl. My parents are scared something would happen to me, because they think of me as a little kid. But my brothers, on the other hand, get to go out with their friends because they're guys and they can take care of themselves.
DeleteAlejandra Gutierrez
Period 4
Dear Reader,
ReplyDeleteParents seem to hope for different things in their daughters and sons. The different things are for daughters are to be skinny, and for sons to be more intelligent. Based on the percentages on being gifted, daughters have a 11% chance higher than the sons chance to being gifted. Therefore making parents expectations different from their sons and daughters.
It seems that the parents expectations are different between their sons and daughters due to their achievements and attitude in life. Based on that, that will determine expectations on the son or daughter. What i mean by this is that if the daughter or son works to their full potential then the have higher expectations than the lower performing sibling. Overall performance is key to expectations of the parents on their offspring.
I strongly believe that parents do treat their sons and daughters differently. I say this because gender plays a huge role in treatment, adolescence takes multiple amounts of treatment, especially changing teenagers. Thats why normally if there is a son, and a daughter the mom would focus on the daughter while the father focuses on the son. But know this, the expectations based on the blog in contrast to mine are completely different, in my opinion, treatment is based on adolescence of the gender. Therefore i disagree with this post.
My family’s offspring are predominantly made up of boys. But understand that there is a objective all of us have specific to every single one of us. Based upon what we have succeeded, each and everyone of us must follow a path to insure our futures. So, boy or girl we all are treated different based on our individual character set.
One day i do intend on becoming a parent. You know, paying the bills, changing the diapers, cooking cleaning, and teaching valuable life lessons; yea that kinda stuff.As explained I will do the parent thing and raise my children to be as successful as they can. There is zero tolerance of unequal treatment for my girls and boys that i have. They will all be expected to succeed. Like going to college all four years, and getting a professional career, and make that change in the world. All i want is for them to make me proud, just like my parents would want that of me.I have the motivation to do what my mom has done. She was an astonishing, hard working women with an ambition, and a hunger for education. From all that i would like to do what she has done, she has made me the strong person i am today. That is why i want that for my children, i want them to look up to me because i worked hard my entire life to get where i am as a father. I would want to rub off on them so that they can continue the process with their children and on.
Xe Cabrera-A5
MaryClaire Mangan
DeleteHonors English A5/B5
I agree, because I think that boys and girls should both be expected to succeed. I don't think that either should be expected to do more just because of being a boy or girl. I think they are capable of doing the same things.
I completely agree with you, parents just want their children to succeed in the world. Meaning that their children would have a good job, married, kids, and successful. To be honest if parents were more focused on their son being smarter, and their daughter more skinnier, then that is an example of a bad parent. Honestly, good parents aren't worried about their child's appearance as much or how smart they must be then thats a good parent. A good parent makes the best of what their child has and who they are, parents are there for their children. They aren't changing them, they let their children change themselves.
ReplyDeleteXe Cabrera A5
Gabriela Marin
ReplyDeleteMs. Wright
English I P.4
Parents do expect different things from girls than they do from boys because they have a different beliefs of what they will one day become. Many parents hope that their boys will one day be CEO’s, President, Astronauts, etc. Parents have a different view on their boys because they see them in the future as men and not the little boys that they are right. Parents see boys as having more chance of getting better jobs than women because they are boys and not girls. On the other hand, parents treat girls a little much harder because they want the girls to be able to clean and cook for their husbands. Sometimes parents don’t really have high expectations of girls because they believe that they can't do some things that boys can do easily. Moreover, parents haven’t got the chance to really focus on their daughters to see if they are as much gifted as boys are and according to the article girls are more likely to be gifted than boys.
Many parents do hold different standards for girls and boys because they see that they have different capabilities and set standards on what they can do. Parents hold girls standards as being able to clean after the house and their families. The parents teach girls that they will have to know how to do chores because that’s what they are basically going to in life while their husbands go to work. For boy standards it will always be study and get a great job so one day they will be able to support their families. Standards for boys and girls are different depending on how society sees them and lets them do. Most families want their boys to be smarter because they feel like a girl won’t be able to handle the pressure and might injure herself. On a case where the family only has girls it might be quite different because the family won’t have boys to push them to do something greater and their only option would be make smarter the girls. Parents want their daughters to have a round curve around their bodies and a flat stomach to show out their prettiness. Many American parents want their daughters to be skinny and pretty because than they will have the chance of finding a wealthy husband that will like them because of their prettiness.
Parents do view their kids based on their se because they see that a girl is quite fragile and won’t be able to do something that a boy would do. It has been a long time where parents will judge their kids by their sex and decide what would be much better for them. I do feel like i am being treated different from my siblings because i’m a girl and i have a younger brother who my parents see him as being able to accomplish something great that i can’t because im a girl. In many families even though there is a girl that is older than the boy, parents will always have a different standard for each gender. I think that parents basically believe that boys are better because girls to society have been always seen as them just being pretty and being able to find a good wealthy man to support them. The ways that I am treated different in my own experience is that yes my parents want me to be bright and smart, but what is different is that they don’t push me as much as they push my brother to be better because he’s a boy and one day he will have to go get a great job so he can support himself.
When I one day become a parent I won’t have different standards for my kids because I’m a girls and I know how it feels when someone tells you that you can’t do something because your a girl. I believe that my daughter will be able to the same things as my son because it all depends on what they want to accomplish and how much effort they will put in. One day my daughter will see bright lights of many colors and people calling out her name because she would have done something that a man could do. My son might be something big also and they both would have done it because I had the same standards for both of them.
Andrea Aguilera
DeleteEnglish Pd. 4
I agree with firecat Gaby because I like her point that kids should be treated equally. I also think that girls can do whatever boys can do. We should treat our kids with respect and equallity no matter what the gender is. Gaby shows good points that same standards should be held for both genders.
Parents hope the best for their kids. I think whatever the child wants in life, the parent will support them whether it’s a athletic profession or a law profession. I think in this day and age, children are influenced to do better in school and have a healthy lifestyle. Parents do hope different things for their children, but their hope is towards something that will make them happy.
ReplyDeleteI think that parents know what is best for their kids. Parents can visualize what their kids will be in the future. So I do think that different standards are held for boys and girls, based on what their parents think of them. I was always held to the highest standards because I never struggled in school.
To me, parents do treat their children different because of gender. I think since a male is known as the “man of the house”, he is given more responsibility. But I also think applies to females as well. For me, even though I’m the youngest of three children, I’m held to a higher standard of responsibility than my sisters. And it isn’t about gender dominance, it’s just being respectful. You’re a man and you can do the work.
When I become a parent, I will have different standards for my children based on what they want to do in life. If my daughter wants to do one thing, and my son want to do another things, I’ll support them in what they do, as long as it makes them happy, and can impact their community positively.
{Joel M. Valdez}
Period 5
- Mariah Harris Period 5
ReplyDeleteI Think parents hope for different things in their children of opposite sexes. The average father would put all of his hope into his daughter. While normally the mother would push her son to do outstanding things. It’s also common for a father to focus on making their son tough, than making him intelligent. While mother’s are more focused on their son’s grades.
Mothers and fathers hold different standards for their children. Mothers expect their daughters to learn to cook, clean, and prepare to run their own household. Fathers are trying to keep their daughters out of a kitchen and inside a classroom. While mothers are doing the opposite, trying to keep their sons comfortable to stay at home, Fathers are trying to get them out. Typically Fathers want their daughters to stay home and not get married, while mothers want their sons to stay home and not move out.
Parents treat their sons and daughters differently. Usually, A daughter is closer to her father then her mother, and a son is closer to his mother then his father. Fathers allow their sons to date at a much younger age than they allow their daughters. Mothers usually let their daughters date before them. My parents treat me differently than my brothers are treated.
My brothers have more freedom with my dad then I do with him. I’m able to do and tell my mom things I couldn’t do or tell my dad. My dad allows my brothers to go out and spend nights with someone of the opposite sex. My mother let’s me go out and talk to someone of the opposite sex, but doesn’t like my brother doing It. My parents let my brothers go to every party they want to,but disapproves of me going certain places.
When I’m a parent someday I will have different hopes for my children, but I won’t treat them differently. I believe every child is different and because of that should be nurtured differently. You can’t treat every child the same and expect them both to react the same because their different. If you put the same hope into both children you’ll be really disappointed when one falls short.. You have to have different hopes for your children, especially when they have different personalities and goals.
John Capers
DeleteMs. Wright
I have to agree with the mother father dynamic of a family. I am closer to my mother than I am to my father, but my mom definitely wants me to move out and my father does too. My father is laid back and usually supports me and mom is just putting me on the red tape constantly. I still love them.
I agree with all of your points. My father can be the parent I'm closer to, other times I'm not. My mom Is the more worried parent whereas my dad, would be the outgoing parent. They both come to agreements when there is an issue or when I want to do something, but one doesn't approve. My dad also holds his daughters to higher standards than his girls. My parents both only want the best for me.
Delete-Kayla Banks Period 4
I agree with what you said about telling your mom more things than your dad. With my dad I'm always quiet and he's always looking out for me. On the other hand, with my mom I tell her things, I wouldn't tell my dad. Then he'll over react. Unlike my mother, she's more calm.
DeleteAlejandra Gutierrez
Period 4
Written by: Andrea Aguilera
ReplyDeleteHonors English Pd. 4
I think that parents do have different hopes and expectations for their children. Because boys and girls are different and have different interests, they might see their child, whether it’s a boy or girl, succeeding in different things throughout their life. A boy might be more interested in sports, cars, and music, while a girl might be more interested in dance, art, and being pretty. Since both genders are unique in their own ways, it is obvious that parents will have different expectations for them. Since in the past, men have accomplished things such as inventing a plane, walking on the moon, and creating several inventions, parents might want their son to do similar things as well. In the past, women have been known for being a lot stronger than what they are, but they also do things that make them unique. Both genders are unique, so they will both have unique expectations.
I personally think that it all depends on the parent. A mother or father might want their son to go to Harvard and their daughter to attend Julliard, both are great universities but are very different. The situation may also be seen in vise versa. A parent could want their child to be smart, artistic, or even funny, but either way a parent will want their child to be unique. Overall, a parent will want the best for their child. Whether that means becoming a professional brain surgeon, an MTV stand up comedian, or a Victoria Secret model a parent wants their child to have what will benefit them the most. A parent will hold different standards for their child based on the child can do and wants to do.
I think that parents do treat their children differently based on sex. Personally I do feel that I am treated differently from my 19 year old brother, but I never thought it was because of sex. The only treatment that I can notice that is different is that my older brother is allowed to go to house parties, and I am not. These parties have crazy kids doing crazy things that I can’t even imagine, and even include alcohol and drugs.I think my parents don’t let me go to these parties because they want me to be safe and they know my brother can fend for himself better than I can. For the most part though, my parents treat my brother and I equally. My brother is really smart and I don’t think I am as smart as him, but my parents still expect my to go to an amazing university, that is possibly Ivy league like his, as well as my brother. My brother and I are similar. We both have good grades, we both play sports, and we are both outgoing. even though my brother and I are similar yet very unique, my parents treat us equally.
I think that if I ever have kids, I will have different hopes for them, but not different standards. I want my kids to excel in whatever they do and I will support them throughout the way, but I want them to be the absolute best at what they will do. I want a son and a daughter and I would have different views for them, but ultimately i feel that every kid should be the best and what they want to do. I want my children to know that I am a fair person who treats everyone equally no matter what their gender is. At the moment, I can picture my son on a stage with the spotlight on him, with the air being filled by the beautiful sounds of his bittersweet cello. My daughter, I imagine her being a surgeon for emergency room residents. The spotlight will also be on her, as her scalpel makes it’s incision through a person’s extremely wounded body. I have different hopes for my children, but the standards for them will never be different, I will always want them to be the best and amazing at what they want to do.
Armando Quintana Ms. Wright Period 4
DeleteI kinda agree with Andrea because yes, boys and girls have different hopes and dreams. But, that doesn't mean that their parents can have expectations that are not equal to one another. The parents can have a more rigoris expectations for there son and not their daughter. I believe that parents should have similar expectations for their children that don't involve gender roles. But expectations that care about the success of their children and not just expectations that society has already made up or has influenced society to think certain roles can only be played with certain gender, I believe it doesn't matter what gender you are because men and women are equal and have the ability to do things that society would normally see as another persons role.
I agree with you Andrea because yes, it mostly depends more on the parents and how they treat their children and what their hopes and dreams are for them. Society also has a big part like you said because people have seen males take on the bigger jobs than the woman. I sort of disagree on what a girls might want to do when they group up because they won't always want to do something that seems more of a girl thing.
DeleteGabriela Marin P.4
I agree that parents do have different expectations for their kids based on gender. It's pretty natural for a father to want his son a sports team and a mother to want her daughter on a cheer leading team.It also depends on the kind of parent.
DeleteAndrew Guerrero Period 4
Felipe Islas P5
DeleteI disagree with you about not having standards for kids. Having standards is important for a family to consider because each family has a culture they must follow and some families stay true to their beliefs
Carlos Laureano
ReplyDeleteHonors English, P4
Parents do hold different standards for their kids depending on gender. I say this because parents have different goals for their sons or daughters and they want their children to be good at activities. Most parents have the same goal of intelligence for their child ,but depending on the gender parent of boys want them to be strong and handsome and parents of girls want their daughter to be skinny and beautiful. This is because parents want their children to be the best they can be but they shouldn’t upset them in the process, they should support their child no matter what they accomplish.
I believe parents don’t treat their children differently based on sex. No matter what sex their child is parents are all going to have the same goals for them. Parents are going to push all their children to do well academically and physically. The only difference is the gender not the way they bring their child up. Parents that are hard on boys to do well are going to be just as hard on girls to do well. because these parents want the best for their children regardless of sex.
I have three older brothers and no sisters so I don’t know how my mother would treat a girl, but I don’t believe that even matters. My Mom was hard about grades to myself and my brothers so I don’t see how a change of sex would change my Mom’s aspirations for her kids. My Mom would want the best for her daughter the same as she wants the best for her sons.
Personally I believe all this is due to stereotypes. For example that men are supposed be very strong and do all the working and be the sole provider for his family. This also goes for woman. The stereotype that women are suppose to be beautiful ,and aren’t supposed to work they just need to stay at home and cook/clean. This is nonsense because their are women who work just as hard as men. So parents get the idea that their children are supposed to fit these images, so they raise them differently based on the sex they just raise them with the same goals in mind.
In the future when I have children I will hold my children regardless of their gender to the same standards. I say this because in the end I would want all my children to be successful, most parents would.My job as aprent would be to guide my children on the right to what they would want to be, not what I want them to be.
I would want all my children to be the best version of themselves, and if my children are successful I did my job as a parent.
MaryClaire Mangan
ReplyDeleteHonors English A5/B5
20 February 2014
I think that parents do have different expectations for a son than they would for a daughter. I think so because if you have a son that wants to play sports for a living, the parents might encourage it, but if you have a daughter that also wants to play sports, the parent might not encourage it. I think so because I think that males sports are more popular than female sports. For example, if you are a guy you would probably end up making more money.
I also think that they have these expectations for a reason because parents want to do whats best for their kids. I think that another thing mentioned was parents wonder if their son or daughter is gifted or not. Everyone wants to know what they are good at, and its whats makes you different. If a parent were to find out that their kid was “gifted”, I think it would raise their expectations.
For example, if expectations were raised, for the son or daughter, I don’t think that it would matter who they expect more from, because either way they would be expected to do more. If both the son and daughter were good at the same thing, I think that it depends on the parents and what they expect. If it were me, I wouldn’t expect more out of either, if one does better than the other I wouldn’t really care, because they would both already be good at something so beating each other out isn’t really that important.
I think that a parent would expect a son to act like a guy and do things their dad would do. I think that the son is influenced by the parents in the most way, and same with a daughter. I think its what they bring into their life. I don’t think that parents should expect more than they give. So I don’t think its fair for a parent to expect more out of their son or daughter.
I really think that different families could have different expectations for their sons and daughters. It mainly depends on the family. It’s what they are used to, and how they want things to be. Things have changed over time on what is expected of a girl or guy. I think so because now really anybody can try anything, but a long time ago a lot of things were restricted and only meant for certain genders. So things like that have changed over time.
John Capers
DeleteMs. Wright
I will have to disagree with the it won't matter if the expectation were raised by the parents. It might matter because if the expectations were raised, and this goes for certain and not all parents, then the parent will expect more and more each time in that field and will maybe focus on interest or activities that can enhance that skill. Some parents will mean good, but to the kid it can be a very controlled lifestyle for them.
I would agree with ^ because its not all parents have certain expectations for the kids. But i also agree on how there are specific expectations for their daughters and sons, but most likely these expectations can be the same.
Delete-Jocelyn Garcia
The points that you've stated, I would agree with most of them. I understand where you're coming from when you say parents might expect different things like sports for a boy, but not for a girl. This is because society has a perception what's right for a guy and a girl to do specifically. Other than that, most of your points are very logical and are respectful to the topic. Some of the points like families having different expectations for their children are similar to the ones I've made in my own blog post.
DeleteWritten By Charles Chan, Period 5
Parents hope the best for their kids. I think whatever the child wants in life, the parent will support them whether it’s a athletic profession or a law profession. I think in this day and age, children are influenced to do better in school and have a healthy lifestyle. Parents do hope different things for their children, but their hope is towards something that will make them happy.
ReplyDeleteI think that parents know what is best for their kids. Parents can visualize what their kids will be in the future. So I do think that different standards are held for boys and girls, based on what their parents think of them. I was always held to the highest standards because I never struggled in school.
I think parents do treat their children different because of gender. I think since a male is known as the “man of the house”, he is given more responsibility. But I also think applies to females as well. For me, even though I’m the youngest of three children, I’m held to a higher standard of responsibility than my sisters. And it isn’t about gender dominance, it’s just being respectful. You’re a man and you can do the work.
When I become a parent, I will have different standards for my children based on what they want to do in life. If my daughter wants to do one thing, and my son want to do another things, I’ll support them in what they do, as long as it makes them happy, and can impact their community positively.
-Joel M. Valdez
Period 5
MaryClaire Mangan
DeleteHonors English A5/B5
I agree, because you should let your kids do whatever they want to do. I think whatever they decide to do, their parents should support them. I also agree that the expectations they hold depends on the parent.
Armando Quintana Ms. Wright Period 4
DeleteI agree with Joel because parents should support the decisions that their children make. Therefore, their standards towards their children will change based on the careers they face. At the same time I believe that parents should have standards that are equal for all of there children. Since now a days in society, gender roles play a huge part in our daily lives. Due to this I believe that parents should disagree about gender roles and have clear and equal expectations for all of their children no matter what gender.
Rolando Sifuentes
ReplyDeleteEnglish P4
Parents do hope for different things from their son and daughters. They hope that the son is intelligent and smart. While, parents hope that their daughter is skinny and attractive. Parents have different views on their sons and daughters. The son should be smart like Einstein, and the daughter should be beautiful like a flower.
Mothers and fathers do hold a different standard for girls and boys. the parents hold a higher standard for the boys. the parents expect the son to be smart at his work and gifted. when the parents expect the daughter to be skinny to be attractive. they have high hopes for the son to be smart. while, they expect the daughter to just be pretty.
Parents do treat their children differently based on their sex. parents want their boys to be smarter and the girls to be skinnier. so, the parents expect differences between both. its that the parents are focused on detail. they want a smart son with a book, and a daughter with a skinny waist line. Its what the parents want.
I do not feel treated differently from my siblings because of gender. why i don’t feel treated differently from my siblings is that we are all the same gender which is male. The only female children are ten or younger. But i don’t feel treated differently. My siblings and me are pretty much neutral and we are heading our own way.
If I am a parent someday I will have equal hopes and standards for my son and daughter. Although my daughter might be really smart, my son should get a shot. I usually treat people the same, so why not my children. Also, I will pretty much force it on them. Everyone should be neutral with a equal sign on there head.
John Capers
ReplyDeleteMs. Wright
Parents don’t say it out loud. It will be bad if they said for them to prefer their son or daughter to do this and the son and daughter to not do this. The kids will see that their parents are being too controlling of their lives and will make a bad relationship between the son or daughter and parents. A mom controlling her daughter to watch her weight and always be skinny could drive the daughter to do the complete opposite and for the relationship to worsen. Parents do hope for differences in their children, but it can be assumed that the common want of parents is that they want the children, no matter the gender to succeed and be happy. Depending on the parent, it can be their own creation or the kid’s.
Parents do see that there are shared standards between genders and different for each gender. There is the thought that boys are naturally or more likely to be physically fit than girls, and girls are said to be smarter than boys. I say the most common standard for boys is to have a job to support your family and to be the provider of the family. For girls I would say to be the backbone of a marriage or relationship by supporting the man and/or family in any way possible and to be that greater woman behind a great man. One standard for American children is to succeed and to work towards your goal and to never give up. That is just one of the standards parents drill into our very selves.
Children are treated differently with gender because of the gender stereotypes that is common among children. A boy learning that a man doesn't cry is a stereotype for any boy, or young teen. A girl learning that you have to be pretty to get a boyfriend and will usually wear makeup to impress a boy they like. But everyone is treated differently for their gender; for instance, I treat my male friends in a more rough and stupid manner and for female friends I am more controlled and polite. My mom treats me differently because she believes that boys are generally lazy and I am, but my mom will treat my sisters differently because she expects them to work harder. I also am treated by my gender in the fact that I will eat more than others and my mom understands when I do have the craving for more food as growing boys usually crave more food for some strange reason.
If I become a parent one day, I will try to treat them equally as I can. I’m sure most parents have made this type of pact. Like those who are typing this response will say that they are going to treat their children the same no matter the gender and it possibly won’t work out well. One reason is that what if you have a child that is the opposite sex of you? You can’t possibly understand them in a way a father can to a son or a mother to daughter, it’s easy to try and sometimes it will succeed but leads to some uncomfortable situations. I say for gender, it doesn’t matter if you’re said to be a skinny girl or a smart boy, or a sports fan, beer drinker or anything else because I know that a man can do nearly everything a female can do and that a female can do just as much as any male. These standards are only set by long ago traditions that were told by grandmas and grandpas. They told stories of just about how they treat others and that passes on to their kids, then to us, then our kids if it hasn't already been changed by us. I can only hope for my children to choose their paths wisely and not succumb to the common trends.
I agree that even if parents feel their kids should be a certain way they won't admit it. I don't think it's wrong for a parent to hold their children to different standards. That's a very good point to bring up. I also agree with your last paragraph. I feel,as well, there are some things you can't teach or tell your child of the opposite sex, that you can you child of the same sex.
Delete- Mariah Harris Period 5
I agree that parents do treat their kids differently based on stereotypes. They want their kids to fit in and not be picked on in school so they influence them to be like everyone else. They're not sexist, they're just concerned with their kids well-being.
DeleteAnthony Guerrero Pd 5
DeleteI agree on how you be live that parents want both their kids to succeed, no matter the gender. They just want them to succeed in different kinds of ways.
Written by Armando Quintana Ms. Wright Period 4
ReplyDeleteBy reading the article, parents don’t usually set expectations for their children. Although, they expect certain things from their children based on gender. Based on a study by Stephens-Davidowitz, many google google searches parents are expecting their boys to be smart of gifted. While they expect their girls to be slim or skinny rather than smart, “ My study of anonymous, aggregate data from Google searches suggests that contemporary American parents are far more likely to want their boys smart and their girls skinny.” (Davidowitz, Is My Son a Genius?). Parents are rather interested in their boys becoming smart, then their girls becoming as equally smart as the boys. So yes parents do have certain expectations when it comes to gender.
There has been specific research on the topic that boys are smarter than girls. The research conducted by Stephens-Davidowitz suggests, “In American schools, girls are 11 percent more likely than boys to be in gifted programs.” Despite the evidence provided parents still believe that their boys are more gifted than their girls. Both mothers and fathers have believed that their boys have higher chances to become gifted than their girls. The parents expect their girls to be skinny rather than to be smart, as well as their boys they expect them to be gifted and have no expectations about their weight.
I believe parents should have the same hopes for their children, when it comes to expectations I think something vary when it comes to gender. In my family the boys and girls are expected to go to college, stay out of any trouble, and get good grades. The thing that varies, is when it comes to labor or work. My parents see to it that the boys perform jobs that are “meant” for men as in doing car fixes, house repairs, and harsh physical labor in general. Even though people say men and women are equal society still expects certain things from males and females such as gender roles. People have said that men are the people who must provide money for his family, while the woman should be a housewife. Although many people disagree with the gender roles it’s still going on today in society. In my family expectations are the same when it comes to success in life, but when it comes to labor gender roles apply other than that I am treated equally as my siblings.
If I ever become a parent I will follow the same expectations my parents had for my siblings and I. The only thing I would change a little is the gender roles. Society portrays men and women to do different things, but I feel as if men and women can do the same tasks. I would like all my children to be more successful than myself, my parents try their best to give me the things they never had when growing up. All they have ever wanted was for my siblings and I to become successful than them, so we can live a better life. So, when I have children I want to give them things I never had when growing up, and the hope that I would have is for them to be more successful than myself.
In conclusion, based on the article parents have higher expectations for their boys then their girls. They expect the girls to be skinny and the boys to be gifted or smart. Even though it has been proven that girls have a higher chances of being apart of gifted classes then girls. Even at that parents still leave the expectation to only their boys. I believe parents should have the same expectations in terms of success, I can relate by expectations of labor, but at the same time men and women have the ability to do the same things.
Written by: Andrea Aguilera
DeleteHonors English Pd. 4
I agree with firecat Armando because I also believe that parents have different expectations for their children based on their gender. I also think that parents have higher expectations for boys than girls. I think that boys and girls are equal, but parents do not always see that. I like your point that parents should treat their kids and have equal expectations.
Victor Villanueva
I would totally agree with armando because I believe that parents do ;as a matter of fact , expect different things from either their son or daughter because they know that being a different gender requires specific things to that gender and therefore they expect different things.
Parents do want different things for their son and daughters. These things include expectations, life styles, the way they dress, and etc. Families that have a history with medicals would want their children to become doctors as well. Families that follow a certain religion expects their children to follow it as well. Different families have different life styles and values. As a result, they set different expectations for their sons and daughters.
ReplyDeleteGender does play a role in a family's expectations. Parents with daughters wouldn't want their children to become wrestlers or any sports-related career. They don't want their daughters to play in a basketball team or become a pro football player. Instead, they dream their daughters would become beautiful and become doctors or lawyers because they believe it's what suits them the best. It's not because they want their boys to be smarter or their girls to be skinnier; it's what they think is the best for their children.
All families have their own way to raise their children. It's not that all parents treat their children differently because of their sex. My family, for example, treats my sister and me as we were the same. They both want the same thing for both of us; they wish we can be happy and successful in life. They believe to be successful we must graduate from college and find jobs.
If I was to become a parent one day, I will set different standards for my sons and daughters. I expect my daughters to become doctors, lawyers, or nurses; and, I expect my sons to become police officers, professional athletes, or businessman. It is only what I believe is best for my children, and I won't force it upon them. Girls usually don't do sports and boys usually become athletes.
Andy Xu Period 5
I can match with andys perspective because we both see that parents just want the best for their children and want to see the succeed. Yes he made me see the topic in the way as a form of parents want the best for their children so they can be somebody in the world and have pride in doing it. I can make also a connection how both of our parents see that they don't want us do wrong but to do good things and finish college and high school. I see his point of view as very effective to parents because it includes the details that they have to face with the facts that boys and girls are different in many ways. I believe that being a parent is a great responsibility and to keep you need to have the ability to treat all your kids the same no matter what the cause of it is.
DeleteAndres Davalos
Written by: Alicia I. Rodriguez
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
Yes, parents do hope for different things for their sons and daughters. I think this is mostly because women are physically more fragile than men. Since people know this, they assume that their daughter is going to achieve more in the academic area than in the sports area due to the physical differences. Women are also viewed as very fragile, so they are expected to be smart and understand things better than men. Even though parents want their children to overall be successful people, along the way they end up following the trend of setting different expectations for their sons and daughters.
I believe that mothers and fathers do hold different standards for both girls and boys. There if often this saying that goes by: “Be the man of the house.” They often expect the boys to be in charge. To be in charge you have to be not only in shape, but also smart. That is why mothers and fathers want their sons to be smarter. I believe that parents also do want their daughters to be thinner, whether they admit it or not. Most parents say that they will support their daughter no matter what, but they always have this secret urge to make their daughter pretty and thin because society has shaped their views. Growing up, I would see how my aunt would try to make her daughter “girlier”, but she just wasn’t interested. She was only trying to change her because people don’t expect daughters to act so, according to them, “manly”.
I strongly believe that parents do treat their children differently based on their sex. This is the reason why they even have different colors to represent the gender of a child. This is where gender roles come into place. If they have a small daughter, they are going to buy her dolls and mini beauty accessories. Those mini beauty accessories also show that they expect their daughters to be pretty. This also goes toward Disney. The Disney Princesses are beautiful and thin, so the parents would expect their children to be the same. If the parents have a small boy, they are going to buy him toys like cars, guns, and anything that’ll get their hands dirty. Parents simply believe that girls should not be getting dirty because they should always look presentable and then boys should be doing labor to prove their manliness. I feel that I am treated differently than my siblings based on gender. I know that when I was my brother’s age, I wouldn’t be getting cars and trucks, I’d be getting dolls and little kitchen supplies.
If I am a parent someday, I wouldn’t have different hopes and standards for my sons and daughters. I would surround them with the household values I grew up with, which is education. I would want my children to focus on education because my parents have always wanted me to focus on my education because they want me and my siblings to have a more successful lives than their own. I wouldn’t set any sort of beauty expectations for my daughter, but instead accept her for who she is, because after all, she is somewhat me. I wouldn’t expect my son to be strong and gifted, I would simply accept him because he is somewhat me as well. I wouldn’t give them gender specific toys, simply because that sets children up for gender roles later on in life. I believe that they should be able to achieve anything they want without the fear of their gender getting in the way.
Overall, parents do have different expectations for their sons and daughters, but I simply believe this is because society has somewhat set these expectations up for a long time. Parents simply just get into the trend of setting expectations when they don’t mean to. Parents raise their children sometimes the way they were raised. When parents try to raise their children differently than how they were raised, they often end up getting sucked back into how their parents raised them simply because they are used to it. This is how society works.
Jazmyne Palacios
I strongly agree with you on the first paragraph of yours, because it's so true on how people view women to be successful in more of the academic area than than athletic area. It all ties back to sexist and underestimating females, especially parents. If they know their daughter isn't successful in any sports they're gonna push her to achieve something that she is successful in. Besides that, I would to add on on how you said you wouldn't have different hopes and standards for your children, but surround them to education. I would do the same as well, because if they're getting a good education they're getting a brighter future. So that's what I would want for BOTH of son and daughter.
I particularly agree with your second paragraph. We enforce such stereotypes because we as a society are conditioned to make females as feminine as possible and males and masculine, and we adjust our goals accordingly
Delete- Dawson McThay PD. 4
Yadira Saldierna
February 20, 2014
Many parents have different opinions on how a child must be raised. Then there’s parents who have different opinions on how their sons or daughters are raised. Throughout many years, females have been treated differently than males. Favoritism is to blame. We expect each gender to act a certain way. Everyone has an image of what a male or female should act like and we typically expect these things to happen so all the people wh0 are that gender.
Little boys and girls may not notice but they are being categorized and are being guided to act the way society wants them to be like. Stereotypically, men are thought to be very intelligent and hard-working. This description doesn’t describe every man, but in our heads, we think it should. Women aren’t as expected to be intelligent because what matters to society is the physical appearances of females. Parents raise their children differently by gender is because they are raising the children to be what is expected of them. These parents are choosing to follow the guidelines of the rest society.
Although parents choose to raise their children in different ways, they like to push the thought of their sons being gifted. It was a common theory that boys were more gifted at a young age. Evidence proves the oppisite. It is shown that at a younger age, girls are showing more signs of being gifted. They are more likely to use a more elavated vocabulary and have a clearer thought process.
I know that my parents have different expectations for each of their children. I often feel like I am pushed the most. I am challenged to do better. My brothers on the other hand don't always get treated the same. Sometimes I feel like it's unfair to push me harder than my brothers because I'm a girl. However, I mostly feel proud that I am a girl and can take this challenge and do better than what is expected of my male siblings.
This brings me to believe that different people like to treat their male and female children differently. The way other people from each gender behave results in the choices that parents make in order to raise their children. Everyone, or at least this country expects men to be very strong and start and their women to be absolutely beautiful and obedient.
Jazmyne Palacios
I completely agree with you on your first paragraph about favoritism. Females are certainly treated differently are only accepted for certain things. Parents have completely different expectations for both male and females. Another thing I would like to point out that I agree with you is the second to last paragraph. I can totally relate to that, but in a different perspective. My parents always push my older sister to do better and I have no clue if I'm exceeding the standards they have in mind for me and If I'm doing good enough. Overall, I would like to say your response to this was very strong and I have a lot of agreements with you throughout your paragraphs.
I completely agree with your reasoning. I believe boys and girls are raised differently because of stereotypes. Boys are supposed to be the workers and girls are supposed to stay at home and be pretty. This isn't the case as much because more women as starting to work now. Since times are changing more women might be taking on the role of a man.
DeleteCarlos Laureano, P4
I agree with your response because boys and girls should be treated differently and have different hopes and expectations for one another and it shouldnt matter the gender as long as they learn from their parents and life choices
DeleteTyra Harris P4
I most defenitly agree with you on how people play the role of favoritism. I also agree with you how people expect different things from their children because of stereotypes people have. Also they believe this because sosciety has made these stereyotypes. I agree that society has played a big factor on how parents raise their kids. - Claudia Vega PD:5
DeleteVictor Villanueva
ReplyDeleteMs wright
Honors english P4
21, february 2014
I believe that parents ,as a matter of fact, do have different expectations for their sons than they have for their daughters.Many factors contribute to my thought also they contribute as well to why parents have different expectations for their sons and daughters , i will express my view and thoughts next with some help from Seth Stephens-Davidowitz article on why people see their sons and daughters in a different way.
I think that overall people have different expectations to either their sons or daughters , this is mainly because they expect their son to be smart enough to pull of threw college and also be able to obtain a good paying job to support themselves and their families ;therefore , they expect more from their sons than their daughters since a daughter is still expected to be smart and work hard but not as much as the sons in the family, I do not consider this to be a sexist opinion since they are looking for the welfare of both daughters and sons , and parents are not really looking forward to make a girls life miserable by expecting less from them .
Another reason why people will expect more from their sons is because they expect their daughters to not work as hard as a male and instead get married and raise the family , also parents expect the daughters to take care of the house and anything it needs , but also to please their husbands with food after a hard day of work and to make sure that their children are well taken care of m, another opinion that is greatly discussed among people is females working , I think that parents were not really looking forward to having their daughter work ;however , they do expect for her to be prepared to do so in case they don’t find a husband or if it is just what they want since millions of women in the world are successful without the need of a man.
Overall I think that the parents’ objective is the same for both their sons and daughters , the parents want them both to be happy and grow up to be great people ; however , they have different expectations for their sons then they do for their daughters because they expect for him to be carrying much more of the weight of a household since he will be in charge of making sure that overall they do bring up a household. the daughters ;on the other hand , are thought to be also hard workers and smart people but their parents think that it is better for them to have a life were her main goal is to raise her children well and honor her husband and parents .
There are many different reasons to why some parents may expect more from a boy than from a girl ;however , it is a reasonable idea to think that way in Seth Stephens-Davidowitz’s article he gives us the statistic that “In American schools, girls are 11 percent more likely than boys to be in gifted programs. Despite all this, parents looking around the dinner table appear to see more gifted boys than girls.”(Stepahens-Davidowitz), to some people it may seem unclear to why I would think that parents expect more from boys than they do for girls , when the quote says that girls are more likely to be gifted , and the reason is that if parents know that girls are more gifted , than they will expect boys to work harder and overall expect more from boys because they want them both to be on an equal level also because I think that more fathers are always more enthusiastic about boys than they are about girls and mothers are the same towards girls.
In response to Yadira's blog post:
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because most parents would push the strongest or the smartest child in the family more than the other children that have more of a problem trying to get good grades in school. I am always pushed by my parents because I am the smartest one between my three siblings, and they would punish me for every little mistake I've done. Even though I am a girl, I get treated as a boy based on smartness. It also may be the reason why parents always push their strongest child because they might try to make them even smarter and help them through the future. But it actually just depends on the parents. Some parents push the weaker ones and let the stronger ones alone because the stronger ones have it easier than others.
In respsonse to Alejanra's blog post response:
I disagree with you because most parents would like the son to be smarter and stronger than the girls because here in America, men are pretty much considered as superior and women as inferior. But, maybe at the same time, girls may be pushed as much as the boys. Your mom probably pushes you more because you're probably the oldest sibling and most parents expect the oldest do the most chores around the house while the younger ones slack off. Maybe your mom or dad would probably be more strict with your brothers because one day, they will be old enough to wash their clothes or was dishes, etc. Maybe once you learn, your mom might not even worry about you getting your chores done because you already know what to do, and it's time to show your siblings what you have gone through.
Bobbi Munoz
ReplyDeleteMs. Wright
Honors english
I do feel like parents treat their children different based on their sex. There are different thing that a parent would want out of their child based on if the child is a girl or boy. Parents expect that their boy would be in shape because boys like to run and play. They will spend all their time outside playing sports or chancing animals, so the parent will not have to worry about their son gaining weight. On the other hand, girls are morely to sit down in the house and read a book or play with their dolls. Boys are expected to like sports and like to run and have fun unlike some girls who have a different vision of what fun is.
It is not uncommon for girls to be in gifted programs like it said in the article and it is not uncommon that boys are in sports and extra club that involves working out. Because of this in is not uncommon that that parents want a skinner daughter and a more gifted son. They want their children to be the best that they can be so if the child is different that what is expected of them that will make the parent happier.
Parents expect different things out of boys than girls. Girls are expected to be neat and not tardy. They are expected to do things when they are not asked, to do more than what is asked of them just because they are of the female gender. girls are want to do many things that boys are not expected to do. Girls are wanted to clean the house, take care of children and cook the food. That is not expected of boys. Parents want their boys to be smart, they want boys to be manly and stand up for himself. They want their son to be smart because it is more common that their daughter is smart or gifted and they want their son to like that as well.
Children are also consider to be an image of their parents and what their parents have taught them. If your son is considered gifted and he is in shape, that shows that the parent did a good job because they have an example child that others will want their child to be like. If you have a girl she will are ready be expected to be smart, but if she is in shape is not guaranteed. A parent would want their child to look their best always and in america when a girls is skinny she will be consider better looking than others. When a boy is smart they are more suitable for a higher paying job and when they have a higher pay on job hey are expected to have pretty skinny wife. Parents expect that from their children so that in the future they won't have to worry that they will have to work harder because they are not smart or skinny.
Parents expect differnt things out of their sons than out of their daughters. They want the girl to look like a girls and act like one, hey want the girl to know how take care of her and other people. Hey want their bout to learn how to support themselves and so their future family. Because of gender the child is expected to be able to do because things and have certain talent. If you have a smart boy and skinny daughter other people will think that you have done a good job as a parent.
I agree that even if parents feel their kids should be a certain way they won't admit it. I don't think it's wrong for a parent to hold their children to different standards. That's a very good point to bring up. I also agree with your last paragraph. I feel,as well, there are some things you can't teach or tell your child of the opposite sex, that you can you child of the same sex.
Delete- Mariah Harris Period 5
Isabella Velazquez
DeleteMs. Wright P:5
I agree with you for the most part when you say that parents at times can have different expectations for their children based on their gender. I also disagree with you when you say all parents I do not think all parents do because maybe they have 3 boys and 3 girls and all of them are at the same level so how can they have different expectations for the girls or the boys if they are exactly the same academically. Now it could be different in personal values like the father thinks the boys should be more polite to ladies or the mom thinks the girls should stop being so ruff with boys. I think it really all depends.
Andres Davalos
ReplyDeleteParents totally expect different things for their children in the sense of girls and boys. In the text it said " but they are much more focused on the braininess of their sons and the waistlines of their daughters". A big difference to probably see that families want to get their sons jobs, but they want their daughters to be pretty so they could possibly marry faster. Parents just want to see their children be somebody in life and make them have a sense of direction to go up and always succeed if they can see their goal and follow it. Even my mom expects for me and my brother to always do good in school and never slip the grades and always keep them high.
Fathers hold their sons to be strong and brave so they can be just like the dad and really show off and become the most well known and the talk of the town. Fathers don't want their daughters to be the talk on the other hand and tend to protect them the most as their little princesses because they just want the best for them. Mothers just want their daughters to be perfect and awesome to talk about around other mothers so they won't have to be talked bad about them. Mothers see their sons as a protector and also a way of them being their son and they love them so they want the best for them and their life. They want their sons to be smarter because every family like to ask about the son and always talk about them in every situation. Of course parents want their daughter to be skinner for the fact that they could be pretty and they will have a greater opportunity in life to get jobs in offices.
Parents play with their children differently when determining it by sex. Like how they want to play with boys football and rough sport’s that cause physical contact, but when playing with girls they take them to the stores or just by them nail things so they can entertain themselves. Me and my brother are equal at all stages because we both are only 2 years apart and share the same things, but my mom described to us that she doesn't favor neither of us and see us as equal so there isn't any conflict. Well in my moms side my grandma has 2 younger daughters and she favors the young one who is really good in school. They also give her a lot of things and always take her out to parties and big events like sports games so she can enjoy her accomplishment, but her sister kind of has a harder time to doing school work but she is always trying and improves her grades a lot to do better but not in her parents eyes.
No I will have the same expectations for both the girl and the boy because I will value them and teach them the correct way of life. I just hope that when I make the change to being a father that I am fair and able to show the way of life of being like a lawyer to make things correct and not just hit them and talk to them civilized so they can understand. But if I were to have a son I expect him to never disrespect his mother or sister. I see my daughter to be doing the same thing but her to be able to understand life of boys and how she should always tell us the truth even if you have an idea that might be said she should still be able to speak her mind so I can understand. I think that see kids differently is only because of the past encounters with trouble.
Furthermore, being a parents has many negative challenges to it. Like the time you child ask you what certain things are and you don't know what to answer but just try to avoid the question and they continue to wonder until they ask the person that will tell them. The only difference a child could have is their personality because they are not the same until they are twins making them very able to connect and bond. The only reason people differentiate their own children's is because they were treated different when they were younger. But being a parent means to seeing their children as stars not just a girl or just a boy because these kids love their parents and would only follow their footsteps meaning parents should never differentiate their children.
Victor Villanueva
Going with what andres said I agree that one reason why a father expects more from his son is because the father knows that the son could accomplish it also he knows that the son will have to be brave and grow up to be a good father and example himself.
Isabella Velazquez
ReplyDeleteMs. Wright P:5
I think it really all depends on what exactly their hopes for them are. If they are hopes that are motivating and pushing them to move forward then yes I do think that parents should have different hopes depending on where exactly their child is academically. If a parent were to hope that their child were some shape or form that would be different because I am sure you would not want your parents telling you how they wish you were. The reason why this would not be good would be because their children will probably think they are not what their parents hoped for and it sort of makes them feel less worthy.
I think that mothers and fathers do hold different standards for their daughters and sons but in the sense that the mother addresses the daughter about them and the dad address the son about it. I think this is a more reasonable and manageable way to do it instead because this way one won't feel more power over the others.If you were to think about it you have an older brother, sister, and younger sister and you guys are fighting over a control your parents are likely to tell your older siblings something because they should be more mature which ultimately always happens. If it does get to the point where one feels more better than the others then that could result in conflict between the siblings. That conflict then gets to their parents and it never turns out good.
I do not think that all parents treat their children differently based on their sex but there could be some families who do. For example is a girl were talking to her friend and she swears while in the kitchen next to her parents her parents could hope and tell her not to swear in front of them.If there is I do not think it is wrong but I think if it exceeds a point where you're constantly telling your child different expectations that you have for them that the other has it becomes a serious issue. In doing this to them it could affect them as people it could make them feel smaller than they are. For many teens they have to live up to their expectations of their older brothers and sisters and that is not always easy and telling you kid I want you to do this and this like your brother or sister can make it harder on them to comprehend it.
I do not think I am treated differently based on my gender in my family. The reason why I say this is because I only have one brother and two sisters so there has never really been an expectation I have had to live up to just because he is a lot older than I am so it never really mattered to me. Although there's not much conflict between me and my brother there's a lot between me and my sisters. I feel like we are always competing to be better than one another in one way shape or form which can be good but it can also be bad. I say this because it pushes us to be better than how we are but it can bring us down when we are not like this and that can be a really big drawback.
If I am a parent one day I will have hopes and expectations for my children but for their good to benefit them in the future. MY hope is for them to have a big house with a big driveway, plants all around, and a big loving family. Another thing is I am not going to create those expectations and hopes for them based in their gender maybe on their age but not gender. I think that it also really depends on their parents as their children grow to be older. I am sure the hope and expectation for every parent at any age would be to get a good education. There are also minor hopes and dreams that parents could also have that can be based on gender like the boy to be more true to himself and the girl to learn how to listen more but based on the children's actions not their gender.
Destini Steward
Honors English Period 5
20 February, 2014
Parents do hope for different things for their sons and daughters. According to the article, most wish for smarter sons and skinnier daughters. Apparently, parents pay more mind to the “giftedness” of their sons, rather than their daughters. Generally, the daughters are more gifted than the sons and have more complex vocabulary, but that is overlooked. Parents only pay attention to the so called giftedness of their young boys.
Mothers and fathers hold different standards for sons and daughters. With girls, it is supposed to be all flowers, lollipops good grades, and sugar and spice and everything nice. With boys it’s all playoff games, and extracurricular activities. If that’s not the case, then it’s like the world is ending. Parents act as if the world is gonna blow up to a million pieces when their children act like this. They have certain standards in their minds; things like only boys play basketball and only girls are cheerleaders. I disagree with that, because a boy could cheer better than any girl, and a girl can play basketball better than any boy.
I believe certain parents treat their kids differently based off of their sex. Some parents treat each and every child equal, while some praise the boys and girls receive little to no recognition, or vice versa. My parents treated my siblings and I equal. I have two brothers and a sister, so there were two boys against two girls. Since I’m the youngest, I was often left out. My dad seemed to favor my sister and I over my brothers, while my mom favored me over everyone. Often, the mothers love the boys, so they treat them a little better, but I was the youngest, so my mom did not fit the standard. My dad always says things like “good job” when my brother gets a girlfriend, but when I have a boyfriend, he acts like it’s World War 3. I find this unfair, because he sometimes doesn’t even want to hear the names of my boyfriends, while my brother used to have girls over.
If I am a parent, I will not have certain standards for my children. If my boy doesn’t want to do sports, that’s fine, he can excel in school. If my girl wants a boyfriend, she can have one, but to a certain limit. I think children should not be held back from doing things they like because of their sex. Everyone should be able to do what makes them happy.
For the most part I do agree with you that parents over look the "gift" that their daughter has. In my opinion this isn't right because as parents you're supposed to acknowledge the accomplishment of your children no matter what their gender. I also agree with you if one day I have children I wouldn't hold my kids accountable to meet any standards because they should be their own person. -Claudia Vega PD:5
DeleteI don’t think that parents have different hopes for their kids. I believe that their parents want all of their kids to be successful. It would be nice for parents to feel proud of their son to be a doctor or their daughter to become a businesswoman. It is just the fact of how parents expect their child to get to that level of profession. Some parents might want their son to go to the best college and their daughter to transfer out to a better one. It is up to the parent and child how they become successful.
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned before, most parents want the best for their kids. Despite this, I also think that social media and society influence parents. That is why some parents believe that because society likes smart people, the parents believe that their son is smart. Or the way that modern media has showcased girls with thinner waistline; it has caused mothers to want skinny daughters to make it in the “real” world. To sum up my thinking, I am saying that society implants the hope of parents for their kids.
Referring to my claim of society influence on parents hopes, many families treat everyone differently based on their sex. Many expect males to be strong, tall and smart. This completely differs from female expectations. The females, in society, have to be small and thin. I have not felt that my family treats me different due to my gender. We are all treated with respect.
In my family, my father works and my mother works temporarily. That does not mean that they wish different for my sisters and I. They have raised us to respect everyone and each other. They make us do even chores so that no one is unequal. Thats probably how I would raise my kids.
If I were a parent in the future, I would not treat my kids different with expectations. As I mentioned before, I would rather treat them with equality. It would not be fair to only allow my son to learn and not my daughter. Even the other way around. If I expect someone to be a certain way, then everyone should be the same.
Written by: Diego Don Pd.3
I agree that parents do not have different hopes for their children. Parents should definitely want both kids to be successful, not just one. Many things can affect a parent’s decision to who to focus on. As you said, social media can really change a parent’s perception on a topic. In social media, boys are the smarter group. This is one of the reasons why parents might expect more from their son compared to their daughter.
DeleteWritten by: Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English
I believe parents do not hold different things for their sons and daughters. I think parents just happen to ask these certain questions on google just to find out what about their kid. This article is basically saying parents are sexcist. I don’t think so. I think parents just expect their kids to do something that makes them look good in the world.
ReplyDeleteI’m sure all parents want their kids to go to college. A father wouldn’t want his daughter to just be pretty. He wants her to be able to provide for herself and not rely on some guy to take care of her. Also, parents don’t just care about their son being smart. A dad would most likely want him to be fit and ripped.
I do believe that fathers and mothers hold different standards for girls and boys. For example, dads expect their sons to be respectful to women and be noble. Mothers, want their daughters to be ladylike and also respectful. But overall I think parents want their kids to be successful in life no matter what gender. I think it’s stupid if you expect your daughter just to rely on her prettiness than her learning. I’m pretty sure parents no better than to teach their daughter that, unless they have money to provide her for whole life.
I don’t believe parents treat their kids based on what sex they are. However, I do believe they treat their kids based on age. The oldest is usually the one that has the most responsibility and the little kids have to listen to the older kids. This is how it works in my house. Me and my brother are the oldest and my little sister has to do what we tell her unless told by my mom she doesn’t have to.
If I become a parent someday, I would not treat my kids based on their sex. However, i do think I will treat them based on age. I would feel like the oldest would no more than his younger siblings. Even if the oldest is a good, she will be in charge. One thing I will want the boys to do is to protect their sisters. I do feel that brothers are to protect their sisters from any guy who tries to hurt them. That’s just one thing I feel is meant for the boy children.
Written by Andrew Guerrero, period 4
I definitely agree that this article is saying that parents are sexist. Parents really do expect more from their son more than their daughter. This is because males are seen to have more opportunities compared to females. Parents focus on their son because they are going to be the next man of the family. They are the ones who will continue the legacy of the family.
DeleteWritten by: Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English
Anthony Guerrero Pd 5
DeleteI agree with you on how parents do hold different standards for boys and girls. Different types of gender does need to be treated differently from the other.
Written by: Estrella Olivares
ReplyDeletePeriod 4
Every single parent is not going to want the same thing for their children. Everyone has an experience or a point of view that is different from others. There is people out there that care more about health than about wealth and there is some that think the other way around. There is also a lot of parents in this world that treat their children equally and expect the same amount of success from both. My parents are one of those people. My parents want me and my brother to have a bright future full of my health and wealth.
Out of all the parents that I know, none of them expect their sons to be smart and their daughters to be skinny. Most of the parents I know care as much about their son’s grades as they do for their daughter’s. But some parents think that the easiest way for their daughter to live a good life is if she marries a rich guy, and the only way she can do that is if she is pretty. The parents might also think that their sons being pretty can’t really help them become someone in life because their son needs to be smart in order to become wealthy.
There is parents out there that treat their sons tougher than what they do with their daughters. Most of the time the reason why this happens is because of grades or behavior. Boys seem more rebellious than girls. If parents treat their daughters tougher than what they do with their sons is probably because of relationships (boys). I honestly don’t think my parents treat me any better or worse than my brother. Me and my brother have to follow/obey the same rules and if we don’t, then we receive the same type of punishment.
If I ever become a parent in the future, I will have the same hopes and standards for all of my sons and daughters. There is no reason for me to expect more for my sons than for my daughters. I would want all of my children to be successful in life. The only reason why I find the idea of parents wanting their sons to be smarter and their daughters to be skinnier cruel because they make their daughters feel like they can’t do as much and are worthless. Girls are capable of doing whatever the boys can, especially when it comes to education.
I agree with you. My parents also have the same expectations for my siblings and I no matter our gender. Their expectations is for us to graduate college and stay in shape so that we live a healthy life and get a good job to live a good life and support our families. It doesn't matter what our gender is, my parents still have the same expectation for us.
DeleteKevin Avila A5/B5
I think some parents do have different hopes and standards for their kids. Some parents expect their male children to succeed more and receive a better education. On the other hand, they expect their female children to be prim and proper: meaning caring, sensitive, beautiful, loved, and delicate. I believe that fathers hold higher standards for their daughters than the mothers do. I think this because it’s a paternal instinct for the males to defend and cherish his female child. Fathers treat daughters like their little angels, or the apple of their eyes. Mothers would be fonder of their sons because they feel as a guide for them. They tell them what should and should not be done, in relationships and life. The sex of the child does not affect the standards held by the parents. I believe the sex is one of the main things that affect their principles. Personally, I believe that the birth order of the children overrides the sex of the child. The oldest is usually the one who can get in trouble a lot and the parents will tolerate their actions. Unfortunately, the parents have learned, and the younger or youngest get the most severe punishment for their actions. They get put in dungeon, so to speak, while their older siblings ride away on their high horses. If I had kids, I would not favor my children based on their age or sex. I would hold them to similar criterions and optimisms. I would expect my boy or girl to do as good as their older siblings if not greater.
ReplyDeleteDennis Kramer/ period 4
Kiyara Johnson
ReplyDeleteHonors English P4
All parents have high hopes for their children. They want them to exceed in everything that they do, but sometimes they want different things from their sons or daughters. As stated in the article, “American parents do in fact hold different expectations for their children based on sex”. This can be seen as sad or unfair, but it is actually true. Studies were done to see exactly what the parents may expect from their son or daughter. Parents want their sons to be book smart and want their daughters to be smaller in size.
Whether it is actually stated or not, parents that have more the one child and if they are the opposite sex there are different standards. Even if it’s there were all girls or all boys, there would be different interactions between them because some are older and some are not. Parents view boys and girls totally differently. The boy is supposed to play sports and get good grades while the girl is to stay at home and help around the house whenever it’s needed. I don’t really think that parents want their boys to be smarter,but what I do think is that they want them to stay in school and do the best that can. Neither do I think that the parents want their daughters to be skinnier. They should be happy with the way she is and accept her for who she is.
Everyone has their own opinion on whether or not parents treat their children differently based on sex. Sometimes parents don’t even realize that they’re setting standards for their children based on their sex. It just seems to be about of their daily routine, or maybe they were even raised that boys and girls have different “duties” in life. I am an only child so I can’t really compare and contrast between if my mom was to treat my brother differently, but I have a lot of cousins. They all happen to be boys leaving me as the only girl. I think that we all get treated equally, but I can say that sometimes I get treated a little better over them. For instance, we may all be playing and then something breaks. I wouldn’t be the one who gets in trouble it would be all of the boys who were playing with me. I know that it seems kind of unfair, but it’s just the way it is, and as a family we keep moving on.
Also, you can say that my mom has taken in some kids. They call her mom and everything, but they all have their own parents. Whenever they’re around it seems like everything is all about them. I don’t get any say so when they come over, but when it’s just me and my mom I am able to get whatever I want. i said all this to say that parents don’t only set standards based off sex, but also their age. If you are an older sibling, you are expected to be responsible and make sure your younger siblings stay out of trouble. The same goes with if you are a girl. Your parents expect you to be pretty and thin, but in reality that isn’t who you want to be. Parents should put their foot in their kids shoes and see what it feels like to be them. I’m sure that they wouldn’t like it, so they shouldn’t do that to them.
As a kid, I have always dreamed of being a mom and having my own children. Twins to be exact. I believe that I will have a different mindset from many of parents today. I wouldn't want my kid to feel that I was treating them differently because they were a girl or boy. That's not right and ok child should ever have to deal with that. I would treat my kids like I wanted to be treated.Of course some things are just for a male to do and some for females, but it wouldn't be anything major.
I most definitely agree with you, parents do all have high hopes and expectations for their children. I think that its a natural instinct that cant really be stopped;however, there are some parents that take these aspirations to another level. And that's when it becomes too much stress on the child. Trying to live up to your parents expectations can be very challenging, and being a teen yourself I'm pretty sure you're aware of the rebellion that comes with this. Teens who cant feel anything from their parent except extreme expectations, both mentally and physically.
DeleteOni Williams P5
DeleteWritten by: Remi Moy A5/B5
ReplyDeleteI believe that the hopes and expectations solely depend on what the parents want for their children and the values of the family. In my family, they see me to be a academical figure to my younger cousins and they want me to be an example. Another factor can grade level when it comes to having those expectations of intelligence. A parent or family may worry more or show more pride into a sophomore nephew in high school whereas a 6th grade elementary niece. This may be because the family think more about college for the nephew and might be more concern about the 6th grade niece. This could also can be vice versa.
Mothers and fathers both have different values individually in their son and daughter. The father may encourage his son to be more masculine and take care of his responsibilities and actions. On the other hand, his mother may want him to be a gentlemen and be a good man to girls. Fathers may not expect much from their daughter; the father may just protect his daughter from and boyfriends that he may not agree with or put a bad influence on her. The mother might expect the daughter to act like a woman and to act more feminine when she get older and may give advice when having a boyfriend. The mother may want their daughter to be slim and take care of herself.
I say that yes siblings are treated different based on sex. Some ways they could be treated is that the son may be treated more rough because he is a becoming a man. On the other hand, the daughter might be treated more gentle because girls are know to be sensitive. In my household I’m treated different than my two other sisters. My chores are different than my sister because I mow the lawn,take out the trash, if even shovel the snow. I usually do outside work and my sister mostly house work. Lastly, my sister do cook sometimes, but I can too I just don’t.
I’m also treated different academically when it comes down to it. Since I’m older than one of my sisters, my parents expect me to do better than my younger sister in school. I think this isn’t because of sex I think it’s because of age. My mom actually encourages my sister to eat more because she’s a little and is small. Solely, my family expects me to do good in high school and be an example to my younger cousin than my younger sister.
If I do become a parent I would have to have different expectation and hopes of my children. I say that I have to because male and female are known to have different expectations regarding to the world. Males are expected to care for and protect any female figures in their life that includes mother, sister, wife, aunt, etc. Females are expected to care for their husband and to be feminine and smart. Based upon these beliefs of the world without I doubt I know I will treat my children differently when regarding gender.
I really agree on the fact that it all depends on the parents values. I totally agree with you on that factor. I don't agree that they should be in fact be treated any differently but that is again from different perspectives. Although men and women do have different expectations in the world I don't believe they should be treated any differently in their homes with punishments and expectations.
DeleteGisela Cervantes A5
Jesus Ocana A/4 B/4
ReplyDeleteFirst of all It is clear that the average Americans want their boys to be smart and their girls to be pretty. It is clearly stating it in the text. I honestly come from a Hispanic family and in my culture It is kind of different because I know that most Mexican parents want both their boy and girl to be as equally smart. I couldn’t really have a saying to what White people are thinking.
Like I said in my previous paragraph American parents want their boy to be smarter and the girl to be prettier, but there might be a difference between the father and the mother because I have heard the term daddy’s girl and momma’s boy so I think that if the girl is more attached to her father then her father will want her daughter to study hard and become smart so she can be able to go to a great college. Then there is the momma’s boy who has a mother that wants the best family for her son so she is overprotective with his diet and other stuff so he is able to seem handsome to the correct girl. I think it could all just depend on the child.
Parents in my household don’t treat anybody differently other than going out at night to run some errands. There is no other difference between us other than that because they want all three of us to go to college and get the best education possible, but I do think that in American households there is definitely a very big difference in the way the child is treated.
When I become a parent and I probably will I will not think too much about their futures and allow them to be what they want to be If my son has this wish to someday become a stay home dad I’ll support him till the end. If I have a daughter and she wants to study herself through college.She will want to live alone perhaps with a roommate and Staying late to finish that big assignment. also stay single I have no objection. I’ll let the children decide.
Jazmin Juarez A5
DeleteI agree with what you said about the change of coulture. I can't realate to the "white" coulture iether because I was raised in a different envierment and enfored different values. My brother and I were both encuraged to persude our "dreams" and continue to study so I guess that was equal, yet I study more than him. I agree with what you said about letting the children decide, although I think I'll be more of the protective parent since my parents are protective. Over all you did a very good job.
Efrain Santacruz Period 5
ReplyDeleteIn present day, many do believe that parent’s have different hopes for sons and daughters due to their gender, of course. It wasn’t always this way but all the media and society that make it seem like this for the past years have made such a stereotype up. Back then girls were just pretty much focused on staying slim and in good condition but now that they outnumber boys from graduating college, new theories were made. A long with that girls were known for staying at home and doing chores which is known as a “housewife”. Guys were expected to do all the work. From school, to providing for family by working.
In the past few years, girls have dominated boys in finishing high school and college. It’s been said that there’s more women than men in America making it pretty tough to compete with the numbers that women are putting up. That, however, is no excuse. Society believes that boys spend most of their time looking for girls, money, jobs to make money, and just having fun. Many people agree to that, but it doesn’t give parents the right to set certain hopes and goals for their children to reach because not everyone in the world is similar to each other. Everybody makes their own mark in this world.
Transformation is also a huge factor in this case. You might be a knucklehead all your childhood giving your parents the right to set certain hopes but some don’t understand that people change. They realize that the behavior and discipline they lived by as a child won’t get them far or anywhere in life. More guys should change because they are making themselves look bad by actions committed and giving the right to the media to make percentiles and statistics about how many of us actually go through a full process of education. Along with that you never know if you are persuading your parents that the goals they set for you as a child are no longer a challenge and giving them a challenge to secretly apologizing to you for have doubting you.
Towards women, this isn’t a diss but simply a matter of life lesson. They are proven to have more chance of being gifted than men are and they sure are taking that for advantage. They take the confidence from that and making themselves something that is worth living for. Again, not all guys are like this, and I’m sure the media never talks about how guys graduate school; they talk about how they fail. Not only are they failing, but they are pulling their parents confidence down for the sake of their future.
In conclusion to this, parent’s do set certain standards to their own children. Based on childhood struggles academically or just not having the correct amount of discipline. Some parents just don’t believe that someone out there will get through their minds and set them straight. Whether they are reality checks or serious problems. It’s unfair to them for being underestimated and bad for parents because they might be disappointed later on in life. These are the primary reasons on why I believe parents set certain hopes on their children depending gender roles.
Anthony Guerrero- Pd 5
ReplyDeleteI believe that parents do hope for different things for their sons and daughters. They assume that a boy isn’t capable of becoming smart and that a girl has trouble keeping up with her weight. I think it should be the other way around. From what I see on tv, girls are usually the smarter ones and boys are the ones who seem to have more trouble with weight. Either way, it isn’t right to just assume things about your son or your daughter.
The mom and dad want different things from their children. A mom wants the son to become a gifted person while the dad wants the son to become a professional athlete in life. The mom might want the daughter to watch her weight while the dad doesn’t really care about the way she looks. Or sometimes it could be the other way around for each parent, depending on the way they were raised. The parents believe they know what is best for their kids, when they don’t even know what they want to be.
Some kids are treated differently from their parents because of their sex. If you’re a girl, you’re going to be watched over more by your parents. If you’re a boy, your parents are going to trust you more on taking care of yourself. The parents might give the son a different kind of punishment than from what the daughter might get. Maybe when one does something wrong, he or she doesn’t even get into trouble by their parents.
I don’t get treated any differently because me and my brother are the same age. So i’ve never been able to confirm if a kids gender does affect their treatment. But I do think that gender does affect a kids treatment from their parents because different genders are meant to be treated different. A girl might need more attention than a guy and a guy might need more help in school than a girl. They just shouldn’t be treated in a different in a negative because thats just wrong.
If I become a parent, I will have different hopes and standards for my sons and daughters. I believe that a girl needs to be payed more attention to while a boy wants to be more out on his own. I would want my son to be a tough athlete and my daughter to be a smart lawyer or something. But I wouldn’t really care if it was the other way around or if they became something else thats successful. Those would be the kind of hopes for my kids.
I agree with you because most parents do expect different. I don't know why they want their daughters to skinnier and their sons to be smarter. I like the fact that you said that it is more represented by the social media that boys do in fact struggle with their weight more than girls. I don't agree with the fact that you said a girl has to be taken care of. A girl as we all know matures a lot faster than boys which mean boys should be more taken care of or at least should be the same.
DeleteGisela Cervantes A5
In my eyes I do feel like parents do expect different things based on their child's sex. Many parents expect different outcomes whether their child is a girl or boy. Parents don’t expect their son to gain weight at all since the stereotype for boys is that they run and play outside all day along. This is why parents expect their boys to not gain weight, so they focus on the academic side. Parents expect their girls to spend all day inside helping their mom, reading a book, or just playing with their dolls. This is the reason why the parents expect their girls to be smart, so they focus on the physical appearance.
ReplyDeleteMothers and fathers do hold different standards for their children based on their gender. Parents want the girl to help out the mom, not be messy, clean the house, cook, take care of younger siblings, do things before they are asked to be done, etc. On the other hand, boys are expected to be strong, manly, smart, athletic, etc. It's not that they want their son to be smarter, but they expect their daughter to be gifted and they want the same for their son as well. The reason why parents want their children to be skinnier is because the media has influenced the people that a certain shape is beautiful. Parents just want the best for their children because their children are also a reflection of who they are and what they've taught them.
I personally don't believe that parents treat their children different based on their gender for many reasons. First of all, parents are supposed to love their children no matter what. It doesn't matter what characteristics they have, it's still their own flesh and blood they create it. The difference is that the parents might hold their children to different expectations, but that doesn't mean they treat them differently. The fact of the matter is that parents expect different things out of their children based on gender, but they don't treat them differently.
If I were a parent one day I would most definitely not hold my children to some types of standards. I would let my children be free, I would let them be their own person. In my eyes everyone is equal, it doesn't matter is you're different because being different is ok.
Written by: Claudia Vega PD:5
Jamzin Juarez
I agree with all that you mentioned. I like how you said that most parents do have different expectations for their sons than their daughters. I like how you said that a girl is suppose to help the mom while the boys do other jobs with their father. i also really support that MOST parents love their children no mater what gender they want. I did disagree with some things but over all I think you did great.
Most parents do hope of different things for their children depending on their sex. Many of them expect their sons to be smarter than their daughters. Personally this is not the case in my family, I am expected to be smarter than my brother. My brother is in better shape than me, he constantly exercises while I’m doing other kind of work. Some parents want their daughters to be skinny, well mine do but this is more of health reasons. I think that the reason why they want the sons to be smart is because traditionally they were the ones to work and women stayed home, clean the house and look pretty. In the past many parents used to sell their daughters after the age of 15, or 16. This was so they could get married, just like the parents wanted their daughter to be in shape for the marriage they wanted their son to be smart so he can be rich and marry a pretty girl who is in shape.
ReplyDeletePersonally my parents are the opposite than most, it would be appropriate to say that I do nothing around the house, my brother in the other hand is expected to mope, and swep. Sometimes when my mom needs help in the kitchen she calls me over, but I doubt she does that because i’m a girl. She most likely just wants to let my brother do whatever he does in his room. I started doing my own laundry last year, my brother had done his since he was eight. I do think I get treated better or in more lenient conditions than he does.
I remember my dad was strict with my brother and still is, for example when he did something wrong he would talk to him and if he needed it he would get the belt. I never got any of that, maybe it’s because I never rebelled, because I did what I was told or because I’m a girl. I used to want to do what my brother did like play games and things with him and his friends but sometimes my mom wouldn't let me. She didnt let me because she wanted my brother to have fun by himself with his friends and didn't want me to bother him. Other than that we didn't really have any differences gender wise.
If I am a parent some day I will not enforce gender inequality, what ever my children like to do I will help them do. For example if my son doesn't like sports he likes to read and if my daughter likes to do sports I will support them in their hobbies but I will want there to be a balance in their activities. I feel like I would expect my girl to be smarter than the boy, but I understand that this varies between person.
Overall there is still different gender expectations in the United states. They are just stereotypes because girls are not smarter than boys and boys and not smarter than girls, the person as an individual is smarter or “dumber” than others. Girls are expected to be skinny, and boys are expected to be “gifted”. Because not all girls are skinny and not all boys are smart, in fact most guys are skinny and most girls are smarter than boys.
Jazmin Juarez
I certainly like how you wrote your blog post, and I agree with many of the points within it too. The point where you explain where your parents do actually treat you differently is what really supports your opinion the most. The point about stereotypes is definitely true to me. I respect where you bring up where you feel like you're going to be the parent that doesn't force a gender inequality. It contributes a meaningful opinion that can change the already given opinion that the blog post focuses on. Parts of your blog post highlight bluntly the reason why these expectations are held, and it provides some insight to your opinion. Keep up the strong writing you have!
DeleteWritten By Charles Chan, Period 5
Based on the article parents do have different hopes for their kids depending on their gender. They want their sons to be smarter and their girls to be slimmer. In my personal opinion I think that the father cares more for their daughter to be skinnier or at least that’s the situation in my household. I think that a parent shouldn’t have different expectations for their kids based on sex. They should have the same expectations for both.
ReplyDeleteIn the end a parent only wants what’s best for their child. It shouldn’t matter if they’re a boy or a girl. I do believe that parents treat their child's differently based on their gender. For example I am not allowed to have a boyfriend at this age but when my older brother had a girlfriend at my age it was ok and they wouldn’t say anything to him. Just because I am a girl it doesn’t mean I should be treated any differently or have different rules than my brothers had while they were growing up.
When I am a parent I don’t think i’ll have different hopes and standards for them. I will be equal to both of them. They will both get punished if grades are low and do something bad. They will not get any favoritism like some parents do. I personally believe that if you favor a child over another it just makes them feel bad. Not only does it make them feel bad about themselves but they also feel like they’re not wanted.
Another thing that has to do with how a parent has standards is the father-mother dynamic. I believe that if you are closer to the mother or to the father than any other siblings they might expect other things from you and might want you to achieve more. I am personally closer to my mother and I know she expects great things from me but she doesn’t expect any less of my other siblings. My father for example does expect greater things from my youngest older brother in soccer than my two oldest ones. My youngest older brother is also very close to my father than the other two.
Of coarse if one child does bad the parents won't have the same expectations for the next child. It all depends on the parents and the believes of the parents and the family. I also believe culture has a lot to do with it. Parents May or may not treat their child's differently based on their gender but in the end all parents are different and we can't make a generalization on all parents.
Gisela Cervantes
Period 5
Written by Jor-El Santos: Period 4 English
ReplyDeleteAll parents want their kid to grow up to be as successful as they can be. It does not matter if they are a boy or girl. The only thing is that parents expect different things from these two genders. Parents want their son to grow up to be big and strong, and expect them to be really professional guys. On the other hand, daughters are seen to be more fragile and protected more by the parents. This can really hold back what daughters can really do. These girls are expected to learn things that can make them a great housewife like, cooking and cleaning. Overall, parents do hope for different things for their sons and daughters. They are capable and taught to do different things.
I do not believe that mothers and fathers hold different standards for their girls and boys. If a parent has a son and a daughter who are twins, but the daughter is clearly more gifted than the son, then the parent will have higher expectations for the daughter. This shows that parents are not bias when it comes to their children. It all depends on which are performing the best. A parent wants their son to be smart. Nobody wishes for their son to be unintelligent. The same thing goes for daughters, nobody wants their daughters to simpleminded compared to other people. The thing is that sons should be the more manlier and wealthier. To show their manliness, a boy must grow to be smarter than the rest. When it comes to girls, they get raised as beautiful women. Although girls get raised differently, I believe that they are not at all held back from being more smarter and dominant than a man.
Parents definitely treat their children differently based on sex. A mother will not treat her son as if he was her daughter and a daughter will not be treated like a boy. A son is more disciplined by the parents because he has many responsibilities that he must take care of. A daughter is treated with more grace. Although this might be the case, the difference in age might even be an even greater factor. I myself have a sister that is four years older than I am. Because of this age difference, my parents rely on her mostly to do important things. My parents do not tell me, their fourteen year-old son, to go out and find a job or go fill up the car with gas. Even though I am the male sibling, my older sister is still the more powerful person. The thing is that I do believe that in four years, I will be asked to do more important tasks even though I am the youngest. It is really because I should be doing a man’s work.
If I became a parent, and I had a son and a daughter, I will have more hopes and higher standards for my son. That is something that is natural. I am the father of the family so I should teach my son how to become a strong and intelligent man. If my daughter is way smarter than my son is, I would really enjoy that, but I would still focus on readying my son for the future. I believe that it is a mother’s job to be a in charge of a daughter. Parents have different roles that they have. Sons and daughters also have their different roles. Children should all have this goal to be successful no matter what gender that they are. Although males are seen to be more dominant than females, that should not stop any female from achieving greatness.
Parents should all take note of how they raise their children. Nobody wants a son or daughter with a big head. In the end, it is a parent’s choice on how they want to raise their child. I honestly think that you should not be bias on how you treat your son or daughter. Guide your kids to become the best that they can be. These kids is our future. It is how we raise which will affect their outcome. A great kid will achieve greatness if he is taught properly. All kids have the chance to be smart not matter what their gender is.
I agree with most of your paragraphs. I, However, particularity agree with the 4th paragraph with details information concerning that if you were to become a parent, special emphasis would be focused on the son. As a male, I would be able to relate to a son's life more likely than a daughter. Overall, nice work on the response.
Delete- Dawson McThay PD. 4
Yes, in my opinion, I believe that parents hope and expect for different things from their sons and daughters. Society has different standards and expectation of roles that men and women play, they hope for different futures for the children. A common place to find a place where hope differs for the genders is dating. Dating for guys usually has the father both relating to each other, letting them have more freedom with relationships. Dating with girls is usually strictly the parents' decision; this can be see as an expectation or hope for the females. Although it may be a stretch to compare hope and expectations to relationships, the underlying factor of expecting different things out of male and females from parents are connected.
ReplyDeleteThere is a common idea that one of the certain genders are more dominant, so there are different standards that parents hold to their children. Dominance holds an expectation of “living up to it,” or meeting the standard that everyone should be the same if they’re truly dominant. This plays into gender nicely, as one gender may seem to have a better generalization. Quoting what Stephens-Davidowitz said in his article, “Google. Tell Me. Is My Son A Genius?” he says: “It’s hardly surprising that parents of young children are often excited at the thought that their child may be gifted.“ What the writer implied was that parents want their child to grow up as a prodigy. A child can be pictured as a regular person growing up, as though going through everyday problems and situations. Of course any parent would want their children to be the best, just not all of them. These values are what teens and parents argue over in the living room, yelling at each other about grades or boys, things that they have different values in.
I’ve seen this a lot of times, and yes, I believe parents treat their children differently based on their gender. Like watching a father and son talk about girls, they both have comfort because they can relate and understand situations they go through. The males aren’t expected to date the “hottest girl,” nor the most respectful ones. Girls are expected to date the most respectful type of guy. If the parent’s expectation there is broken, they’ll be harshly criticized; guys don’t have this expectation placed upon them. I can’t say much about being treated differently about sex. I can talk about age, but it doesn’t hold the same comparison for gender.
If I was a parent myself, I’d very much like to be like my parents in terms of treating my children. I strongly believe that my parents never took into consideration of gender when they expect things out of my brother and I as sons. I’ve had the conversation of what my parents expected me so many times. There are things that are shared among many, like my parents saying that “they want me to have better opportunities to live a better life they haven’t had.” It sounds incredibly cliche, but it’s what parents have in mind when all children are born. Gender, to me, doesn’t stop anyone from thinking the same way as other people and accomplishing the same things. We as humans are one in the same, but society weighs things enough to make statistics and perceptions that are commonly drawn seem like facts nowadays.
Gender is a debatable topic that people can become very biased upon. I already see people of a specific gender throwing statistics around in favor of their gender to break the barrier of “dominance” that is perceived by them. I strongly believe there is no real expectation placed solely because of gender, maybe more of an excuse to associate something unchangeable to emphasize behavior issues. Gender is an unchangeable but understandable trait that parents may treat differently because of it. People in society play a role because of who they are as person, not what gender they are. I’m well aware that a certain gender might have more laid back or cautious hopes and expectations, and I can safely say that there is a difference in treatment, but the genders aren’t totally unequal.
Written By Charles Chan, Period 5
I agree with you Charles, if i was a father i would have the same expectations for my sons and daughters as my parents. I think that the expectations that my parents had for me were good and it helped me so i would also have the same expectations for my son.
DeleteKevin Avila
Carolina Barraza P5
DeleteI think that Charles is right when he mentioned having the conversation with his parents. I have also had this conversation with my mom. It seems as if all that parents want is for their children to have a better life and future than they did. But I disagree when you said that gender isn't a big role in society. I believe that it's the biggest factor because sometimes people are turned down at jobs because of their gender. They also are doubting their skills and abilities of the person.
I believe that parents should hope for different things for their sons and daughters because there are some things that suit boys and girls.The family’s background is another factor that helps determine their offsprings hopes. Since culture is unexplainable there seems to be all sorts of expectations for sons and daughters. I know that in some religions when the family has a son, the son is the next leader of the family after the father passes away. If the family gets a daughter then its a must for the daughter to have intelligence and beauty. Now I can’t say the same for other cultures because in some of those cultures they may not have any hopes for their children. Sometimes parents have different hopes for their sons and daughters but also culture makes the hopes that are appropriate for the offspring.
ReplyDeleteEvery family has different standards for their children. The standards in my family are that the sons should smart, athletic, and willing to work. The daughters standards are also to be smart but to be even more smarter than the son, and other standard for the daughter is be beautiful. All of my cousins that are male are athletic and have good paying jobs. All my cousins that are female are all either still in school or already graduated school. Every family should set standards for their sons and daughters because some of those standards could be beneficial for the offspring. Having intelligence as a standard help the offspring by getting into a good college and eventually a good job. Having athletic as a standard could help the sons by being stronger and healthier. Families don’t just make up standards just because they could, they do it because they want the best for their son and/or daughter.
I believe that parents do treat their children based on their sex. If parents have a son they’re not going to talk to him as if he was a girl, the families are going to have to set rules and such. Families should treat their children based on their sex because the children have to do things that only seems normal based on their sex. If parents have a daughter then the family wants that girl too soon act as a woman. In my family the boys are talked to in different way than the girls. The girl get more compassion than the boys. My family are more strict to the boys than the girls. I think they do this because its just something they been use to, its a tradition.
If I were a parent someday I would do the same things my parents do but I might be a little more strict on the girls because I have a sister and because of little to no strictness she is a complete mess. To set standards I would have to learn from growing up because I get to see if the standards that are set are actually working or not. If the standard seems pointless then I sort of start to change the standards I’m going to use in the future.
Gender sets barline on certain things such as intelligence, activeness, and just living life in general. Gender changes the way people behave. I would say that there is a difference but overall I believe that gender are not so unequal. In the United States it dosent matter what standards families put on the children, what actually matters is how those standards has helped the offspring depending on their gender.
- Felipe Islas P5
I would say that parents don’t have different expectations for the different sex of their children, but yet again their reasons can all be the same. Yeah parents may want their sons to be smart and fit, while their daughters have to be skinny. In the end they basically want their kids to be fit,skinny, smart or as they say “Gifted”. These expectations can only run in specific families, unless every family has different expectations. Everyone is different.
ReplyDeleteI believe that certain parents may treat their children differently. It all depends on how the parents had grew up and what their expectations were. From when my parents were growing up all their parents have worried about their education and their fitness. It wasn’t really based of their sex, like for an example my mom had to worry about her shape/size while my dad had to worry about its grades. No its not like those in the article that states boys have to have high grades and a good education when girls have to worry about her weight. It all depends on your parents back round and where they came from.
I believe parents only give certain expectations to what they do and what they want to be. If their son wants to be a lawyer for example, they would have to keep up their grades and just go to school. But if it was a girl and lets say she wanted to be a model. Yeah she would have to finish school but she would also have to watch what she eats and watch watch she eats. It all DEPENDS on what they want to be. Its not what their parents want its what they want.
I wouldn’t want to have different expectations for my Sons or Daughters since it wouldn’t be fair. I never would picture myself just basing off of their sex. If i was a mom i would treat them fairly. Since my mom has all girls she treats our expectations differently since we have different likings. I would do the same as her and set expectations off of my kids likings.
- Jocelyn Garcia
Kevin Avila A5/B5
ReplyDeleteI don’t think that parents have different expectations for their sons and daughters. My parents have the same expectations for me and my siblings and it is study hard and earn a college degree. My parents expect me and my brothers to at least graduate college and they don’t have different expectations for my sister. My parents once told all of us, “We want all of you to graduate at least college, no matter what age or gender you are, we still want you all to graduate college”
I think parents hold different standards on their sons and daughters. Fathers, for example, want their sons to be smart so that they can protect their family and have a good job to support them. Mothers want their daughters to be in shape so that they can take care of the family. My parents want my siblings and I to be smart and stay in shape so that we live a healthy life and have a good job to support our families.
Parents do treat their children different based on their gender. One of my friends told me how his dad would hit him when he was a child. He told me that whenever he and his sister would do something bad his father would hit him but wouldn’t do nothing to his sister his father would not yell at her or tell her nothing just blame everything on her brother. Of course parents need to treat different their children depending on their gender.
I have been treated differently than my sister because of my gender many times. My parents didn’t let my sister have a boyfriend until the age of 18 but i could have a girlfriend at any age. My sister would think this was not fair but my parents would not change their decision. Finally when my sister turned 18, she had a boyfriend but my brothers would often get mad and would tell him to go away. My sister got mad and told my parents but my dad was happy with my brothers and did nothing about it. My mom told her to see her boyfriend in other places but not bring him to the house, so she did.
If I was a father one day, i would have the same expectations and standards for my sons and daughters. I would expect my children to graduate college so that they can have a good job when they grow up. No matter their gender i would still want all of them to graduate college so that my daughter doesn’t depend on his husband and so that my sons can have a good job to support their families.
Carolina Barraza P5
DeleteI agree with you Kevin because I would also expect the same things to be acomplished from each child. I wouldn't want to treat them differently because then it would seem that I am doubting the abilities that he/she can reach. I also agree that age is the biggest factor on how a child is treated. The older person always has more responsiblites.
Julio Acosta P4
DeleteI agree with what you say about age being a factor in this. I personally being the oldest one have more responsibilities and so I have to be more organized and productive then my sister and I have to show people good expectations. Without a doubt age does depend of whether or not you treat one child differently then the other.
Oni Williams, P5
ReplyDeleteAs decades have passed we’ve grown accustomed to very selective groups of people. As Americans we are prompted by social media to choose sides in order to meet the standards of society. However the selectiveness doesn't just stop at a nation, no it continues. As we can see even households are becoming selective, like an Miss America and Mr. Universe, the households are becoming a vicious battlefield. It seems as though the parents are the judges and the children are the contenders, but we’ve yet decided who the actual winner is. This is the ultimate of the sexes!
The most common belief of parents when it comes to expectations of the Daughter would be, being overweight is definitely not what they want. It seems although this is a very true and common belief in American parents, I myself have to deal with this expectation on a daily bases. It seems like every moment I am at home its either, “What did you just eat”, from mom ,or, “Have you worked out today?”, from dad. Seems like I can't do anything without being monitored, which after awhile it becomes very irritating. I don't really think that it should be stressed in a household.
I think that the perceptions of roles in the different sexes, have somewhat changed in the past couple of years. I’ve noticed trends for less of the parents pushing Physical matters on the girls, but instead on both sexes. This creates an insanely different feel for today's families, somehow the parents matters have shifted, and i think its because of things like such a weak economy. People have finally come to the conclusion that physical attributes aren't as important compared to an education. In todays world it is impossible to receive a well paying job without an education. So thats a major reasons parents no longer push such hard on their children about the physical looks.
However, some parents only do this because they assume that their children do not have any goals in life. Now a days, I believe that there is more to the minds of youth, and this may be very hard for some parents to understand. This allows teens to make their own decisions when growing up with parents help, and not only their input. Creating a better parenting environment, because instead of having your child hate you due to your controlling behaviors, they will respect you and the fact that you allow them to be who they are. This way i believe that the children can make there own physical decisions and when you feel like things are getting out of control then you can step in.
Yes the fact that this is a real fact is very sad. It seems like its not ever going to change, but at one point there were times where women were expected to do absolutely nothing. Unlike men who were allowed to do anything, it seems as though the stereotype that men aren't equal to women, is being proved even it todays society. I think that this is a continuous trend and will be for a very long time, even though there has been improvement in the matter. This issue continues to remain a very serious one, this world will soon see and has already seen some major effects of this ideal of superiority in males when compared to females.
Carolina Barraza P5
ReplyDeleteI believe that most parents tend to categorize their children into different things or ideas. At most times they are doing this because they want to see you develop into a better person. In my family my mom doesn’t really do this to me, but when it comes to my little brother she does hope different things for him. She hopes that my brother will grow up to be strong and intelligent were as me she just wants me to get ahead in life. Almost everyone on my dad’s side of the family, categorize and have differents hopes for their children. They say that the boys have to be in shape and the girls have to stick with doing home business. But in general there comes a time in every family where the parents expect different things from the children based on their gender.
Most parents tend to have high expectations of their children. They might do this because they want them to be like someone or reach the standards of that person because they accomplished so much in life. For example men are usually viewed as to have leadership and power because ,so far, every leader in the United States has been a man. Now if there was to be a woman leading the country the standards and hopes might change for girls in development because of the example they could follow. I believe that parents want their boys to be smarter and girls to be skinnier because that is what media pays more attention too.
I don’t think that every parent treats their children differently because of their sex, but some parents do. This might happen because they think that a girl can’t do what a guy does but in reality there are only a few things that set us apart. For example when you have a trouble with your car it’s usually guys who fix it because a girl wasn’t taught to change a tire or the oil in the car. I think that it has to do with the ability of what is thought to be there. I mean its true that a guy has the ability to lift heavier things, but can’t a girl have the same ability?
I don’t think that in my family this happens very often. It’s more of the age you are the makes my mom treat me differently. If I my brother and I get into a fight I’m usually the one getting in trouble because I’m older and I should know better. But when I was seven or eight years old, I remember my aunt saying that I had to stay calm and inside playing dolls with my cousin. The fact was that I wanted to be outside with my guy cousins playing basketball, soccer, and football. She said that I couldn’t because I was a girl not a boy. That was the only time I remember being set apart.
When I’m a parent, I hope to not put barriers between a guy or a girl. I might have hopes that my kids are smart and in shape, but I won’t separate it by gender. I would want both children to be the treated the same. I would do this because I know how it could hurt them. They would think “Oh my mom doesn’t want me to be smart, but she wants me to be skinny”. It just wouldn’t sound right or feel right. I would feel like I am doubting the abilities of what my children can do.
Parents certainly hope for different things based on the gender of their child. While their hopes are sometimes shared, I would claim that even then, some hopes are simply “aimed” to a certain gender. These beliefs are not based on misogyny and misandry, they are simply based on societal beliefs and gender stereotypes . The american culture seemingly expect a certain gender to be naturally “superior’ to the other in certain topics.
ReplyDeleteMothers and Fathers hope for different things depending on the child’s gender, this makes sense because they were raised to do such things. We prefer our females, to look “prettier” and “feminine” , and our males to be “manlier” and “smarter”. I believe these ideals came from long ago, in the early history of America, where women were demeaned and forced to be “nothing more than submissive kitchen maidens” , fortunately, society has progressed and the common folk no longer thinks such things. However, these say outlooks have been carried over by older generations.
I’m rarely around my half-sister, so I cannot wholeheartedly say that I’ve experienced gender bias, however, I’ve seen instances in other families where this was prevalent. I’ve seen many times in my life where a girl and boy can do the exact same action, but when the males does it “it’s gross, immature, and overall dumb” but when a female does such thing “it’s empowering, hilarious, and a thoughtful social commentary on life”. This does not only apply to men, this happens to the disadvantage of the female just as often.
In the unfortunate event for mankind, in which I were to have a child, I would most likely have separate goals. However, I would not look at this as an inherently bad thing. I think because boys and girls are not the same, they should receive goals that generally more socially acceptable for them. For example, there is nothing wrong with a female wanting to become a professional boxer, however, I would consider that to be one of those jobs, I’d prefer a son to do over a daughter. This should, however, be something that is used to promote gender inequality.
- Dawson McThay, PD. 4
Julio Acosta P4
DeleteI agree with what you say if you were to have children. I too would , honestly, have more higher expectations then the youngest regardless of gender because they should know better then the youngest and set a good example for them as well.