Sunday, April 13, 2014

What happened?

What Do You Think Happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?


  1. Dear reader,

    1. I think what happened to Malaysian airline 370 is a malfunction of the entire plane, causing it to go off course and crash somewhere. 2. Or maybe even a hijacking, which is very possible. 3. and lastly alien abduction could have been possible in this case due to lack of evidence finding the plane. 4. Overall, it’s just a huge mystery that only theories can explain.5. Despite the numerous theories, it can only interest us more in solving the mystery; that’s why we brainstorm about it.

    1.I have been following this story of the Malaysian airline flight 370 since day 1 on CNN student news.2. The reason why i learned of it was when i was in advisory one day in the morning looking at Carl Azuz.3. He explained that the plane had disappeared with no trace or transmission!.4. From there on out i smelled conspiracy and absolute fear.5. No plane disappears without a trace like that, especially with that many people and the presentable size of the plane, a Boeing.

    1.The absolute most plausible theory is an alien abduction with the United States Government trying to cover it up. 2. I say this because no plane of that size and that much people aboard can ever go missing like that without some contact of danger. 3. I don't know, if you think about it, whenever i'm on a plane my phone and other peoples phones are with them. 4. Why wouldn't anyone call for help before being abducted? 5. Plus, no one can sell lies like the US Government can, they cover up whatever they don't want the people to hear.

    1. People are afraid due to the lack of evidence of a large plane, and how it disappeared without a trace. 2. This is why the government tried to sell lies to the world only saying it was a mystery and they’ll try their best to find the airplane. 3. It is no coincidence that a plane would disappear out of thin air. 4. The only possible solution in this situation is alien abduction. 5. Aliens have the only type of technology out there to pull off something as big as this.

    1.The world is fascinated by this missing case because of the complete and utter mystery of the event. 2. With our greatest technology that technology is met with a wall; it cannot find a single thing of the plane. 3. Which raises even more questions in the world; how has our technology not been able to find this plane? 4. Plus planes don't turn up missing all the time, which causes even more suspicion. 5. Overall, fear is the reason why, we fear that this might happen to us, and we can't bear the fact of it all.

    Xe Cabrera-A5

    1. Paragraph 4; After Sentence 4 you can add,
      "Although the chances of an Alien abduction is not very likely."

      But you never know because it's still all a mystery.
      Dhalia Maldonado
      Pd. 4

    2. Between sentences 2 and 3, "There has been many terrorist hijackings in the past, so this could also be the case, because there was evidence of two passengers with stolen passports on the plane." would be a good sentence to input.

      DeNyah Russell
      Period 4

    3. In paragraph 1 between 2 and 3, you should put your thought of why it maybe a malfunction of what happened to the plane.

      Remi Moy P5

  2. 1. I believe that the plan was purposely flown deep into the waters.
    2. I think that if the pilot knew something was wrong, he would notify the passengers, and obviously he had to know something wasn't right.
    3. If the passengers knew, then at least one person would've called home or something, but there was no calls made.
    4. To me that sounds a little fishy.
    5. I think that the pilot was in on everything, that’s the only explanation to it in my opinion.
    6. The pilot may have done it purposely, or may have been under the influence at the time of the crash.
    7. But the fact that it completely disappeared is unreal.
    8. The pilot must have disconnected something so that the plan wouldn’t be traced.
    9. But right now it’s all a mystery.
    10. I haven’t been closely following this news story.
    11. I just go by whatever I hear, or if it happens to come up while I’m watching the news.
    12. It’s interesting to know, but the news that’s being given doesn’t change much.
    13. I’m waiting for the announcement of what actually happened.
    14. I think that a hijacking is the most reasonable explanation to this whole situation.
    15. Now a days, especially since 9/11, planes are always on their A game.
    16. I highly doubt that it was a mechanical thing because so many people are constantly checking it to make sure the plane is ready to go.
    17. The fact that no answers can be made is what leads me to believe that someone purposely made this all happen.
    18. They studied the route, and the plane and knew exactly what to do to make it untraceable.
    19.The plane didn’t have just “some error”.
    20. It’s much bigger than that.
    21. I believe the world is so “fascinated” with this story because their scared.
    22. Now no one wants to get on an airplane because of the fear that they might not come back.
    23. And the worst part is nobody knows why.
    24. So many people were on that plane, and now their gone without a trace.
    25. It’s scary and I think people just want answers.
    26. This story is followed by everyone because it’s such a mystery that everyone wants to solve.
    27. Until that happens, we’re all waiting patiently.

    Dhalia Maldonado
    period 4

    1. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      17 April 2014

      Add a sentence between 26 and 27. The sentence is "Everyone has their own opinions and theories of what they think happened to the airplane".

    2. I think i would add " That's why fear is instilled in everyone around the world because this was a random event" between sentences 24 and 25

    3. Between three and four
      (Everybody has cell phones these days, I mean one cell phone call should have been made or heard of.)
      Rolando sifuentes

    4. Carlos Laureano
      Period 4

      I would add a sentence between 3 and 4. '' The pilot woukdn't just give up control of the plane without notifying anyone, or even putting up a fight.

    5. I think you should put line 5 in line 1 because you are talking about the pilot in both sentences

      Remi Moy P5

  3. DeNyah Russell
    Period 4

    1) To be honest, I don’t believe that there was a plane to begin with. 2) I think that it is all a government based distraction for something that the public was not prepared for. 2) I think that it was a set up like every other “terrorist attack.” 3) Though, I do believe that a lot of the others were real and families lost loved ones, 4) Some of these attacks do not add up, like the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

    5) I haven’t been following the story like everyone else, but I hear things about from time to time. 6) For the simple fact that I do believe that it isn’t real, I do not pay attention. 7) I have done some Googling earlier on, but nothing really made sense, so I just stopped paying attention. 8) I know a lot of people who are really interested and stay updated, so I hear a few new updates maybe once or twice a week.

    9) I think that the most plausible theory is that there was a hijacking, other than that, 10) I don’t think that I giant plane can just go missing. 11) Yes, the Indian Ocean is the deepest, but you have to realize, this isn’t a little boat or a body, it is a huge plane. 12) If there was a plane, then they could at least find more evidence of where it could be than what they already have. 13) They have found barely anything to even make the dumbest person believe that there actually was a plane.

    14) What makes people so interested besides it being forced into media, is probably the fact that a giant plane went missing and there is no trace of it. 15) A lot of people look at this and are afraid because they think it will happen to them when they get on a plane. 16) Most people feel sorry and they just want to know what happened since there were people on that plane who had families, or maybe were really important people. 17) The suspense of this “missing” plane is driving everyone wild.

    1. ~ Dawson McThay
      [Between 16 and 17]

      Those who feel pity for the ones lost, they also lead to the encouragement of the spreading of the news of the missing plane.

  4. Tyra Harris
    Honors Period 4

    1)I think that when the jet was taking off to Beijing the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 had a jet interference.2) the 12 crew members and 227 passengers survived nearly with injuries, however, found there way back to land somehow.3) I think that when they noticed that the jet was about to crash they all jumped out the jet.

    4)I actually havent been following this news story. 5)this is actually the first time that i’m really going in deeper to find research about the Malaysia Airlines flight. 5) Now that i'm actually reading about it and wondering how and what actually did happen to the jet and all members and passengers that were on it.

    6)I think that the theory about the jet having a technical malfunction or pilot error because that does sound more reasonable and understandable. 7)others things /events like that are actually happening theses days and can actually cause crashes that could be the at fault.

    8)I think the world is so interested with what had happened .9) they find it so shocking that an actual jet just disappeared. and no one knows what happened to it.10) I mean who wouldn't be shocked about a plane crashing and no one has no detail on it.

    11)Overall,I think that the Malaysia Airlines had a technical malfunction or something like that. 12)The pilot could have pushed a button or set of a alarm system that could have missed with the plane’s signal or engines. 13)No One really knows what actually happened.

    1. "This is what I believe happened to the flight."

      Alicia I. Rodriguez
      Period 5 - Honors English

  5. Kiyara Johnson
    Ms. Wright P4

    1. The Malaysia Airline Flight 370 has been missing for some time now.

    2. There have been many people on the search to see exactly what happened to it.

    3. Unfortunately, they researchers have not been able to spot anything of significance.

    4. It is so incredible but frightening at the same time to think that 4o minutes after a plane took off, it disappeared off the radar.

    5. It must have took someone who was highly trained to do whatever he/she did to make the plane disappear.

    6. I know that it might sound crazy, but every since the plane disappeared, I became afraid to ride a plane.

    7. So the next time that I have to get on a plane, I will think about the Malaysia Airline and how I don’t want that to be me.

    8. There has been a lot of things done to find debris or parts of the airplane that no one can find.

    9. It is so scary to think that something so tragic could happen to 299 innocent people.

    10. I know that the families are really going through and hope that their loved ones would soon be found.

    11. I am very skeptical of the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines.

    12. The fact the the plane disappeared off the radar after only 40 minutes of lift off is crazy.

    13. In my opinion, it was a terrorist attack.
    14. No one is that skilled for this to happen besides them. In addition. that it was they are trained to do, Destroy.

    15. I have been following the Malaysia Airlines story every since it first happened.

    16. I watch the news every morning to see if they were able to find anything new about what might have happened.

    17. Even though they make it seem like they have new information, the news always state the same thing.

    18. It gets kind of boring to hear the broadcasters continue to say the same thing over and over again.

    19. Just like everybody else, we want to hear new things about the things that they have found and not about the same old things you hear everyday.

    20. I think that the world is fascinated with the missing plane for many of reasons.

    21. One being that something as huge as a plane disappears 40 minutes after it took off.

    22. I don’t know about you but the thought of a plane not showing up on a radar 40 minutes after it took flight is really shocking.

    23. Also, people may be interested in it because it is all over the media and they give you an update about it everyday.

    24. The Malaysia Airline Flight 370 is something that I am very interested in.

    25. I hope that all of the people in search for the plane do what is needed to find it.

  6. In the last paragraph, between sentence 15 and 16 you can say "Besides being scared, people also feel very bad for the lives that were literally lost."

    Dhalia Maldonado

    1. You can add " Media sources that interest people about the Malaysia airline 370 is CNN student news." in between sentence numbers 23 and 24.

      Xe Cabrera-A5

    2. Between six and seven
      (The news about the airline is the creepiest story there is.)
      rolando sifuentes

  7. Alejandra Gutierrez

    1) I think that someone knew what they were doing to hide all the people and parts of the airplane. 2) An airplane just doesn’t mysteriously disappear out of no where. 3) When an airplane does go crashing down, the pilot uses his little radio to summon someone. 4) The person who probably planned this was either the pilot, had connections to the pilot, a terrorist, or it was the government. 5) If the workers can’t find parts or the airplane, in general, then somethings wrong with that. 6)The governments probably doing this for publicity or they just want the media.

    7) I barely heard about this. 8) Its actually the first time I’m hearing of this. 9) Which is pretty weird because if its so popular why hasn’t it been on the news like everyday? 10) I haven’t heard of this. 11) Some people probably haven’t either.

    12) I believe the theories of the government is most plausible. 13) Why can’t they find an airplane? 14) Or at least some parts? 15) They must’ve lied and wanted something. 16) They probably want publicity, as I said before, but if they can find a body in less than 48 hours. 17) Why can’t they find a big airplane? 18) Its big, its, huge, and no one can miss it.

    19) I believe the world is so fascinated with the disappearance, because nothing like this ever happens out of the blue. 20) Some people think, there’s something fishy. 21) This is not likely to happen. 22) The people want to know what’s happening. 23) Who did this? 24) Or if its even real.

    1. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      17 April 2014

      Add the sentence between 10 and 11. The sentence is "I'm learning many things about it and it's actually interesting."

  8. 1.What I believe happened to the airplane was that it crashed somewhere in the ocean. 2.The signal was picked up out in the ocean, so where else could it be.3. I can’t see any other reason for the disappearance of the plane. 4.The weird thing though is that there hasn’t been any debris found. 5.Another weird theory is that it’s a cover up for something, which I guess is really a conspiracy.
    6.I’ve been pretty close on this story. 7.I’ve first heard about this from my brother. 8.Then, I heard it on TV. 9.I thought it was really weird. 10.I then started reading that they heard pings from the plane after a few hours it went missing. 11.I also read that they suspected the pilot of doing something. 12.Up to now, i’ve heard nothing.
    13.I believe the disappearance was caused by technical malfunction. 14.I believe if it was hijacking, the U.S. or some sort of country, would’ve found it by now. 15.It wasn’t a pilot error because i’m pretty sure this flight was not the pilot’s first time flying a plane. 16.To me it had to be something wrong with the plane that caused it to lose control and signal to the air control.
    18.I believe the world is so fascinated with this disappearance because it’s just something you don’t hear everyday. 19.How does such a big object with hundreds of passengers disappear? 20.Another also fascinating thing is that nothing has been found. 21.No debris or bodies found. 22.Where did it all go? 23.People might also be thinking the government is covering up something. 24.It’s just all so interesting.
    25.Overall I think this whole thing is a mystery. I think somebody should’ve found something by now. 26.Nobody seen nothing or heard nothing except a few beeping signals.27. I personally feel bad for family members who can’t even know what happened to them and why. 28.They will never see them again unless something else really happened. 29.It’s just another sad tragedy.

    Written by Andrew Guerrero Period 4

    1. I completely agree with how you believe that the plane simply must have crashed.

      "I believe this because technical malfunctions happen everyday."

      Alicia I. Rodriguez
      Period 5 - Honors English

    2. Andres Davalos
      I honestly cannot agree with you andrew because if we can't find any debris and there is no bodies then how could it be a crash. The only logical thing is it has be hijacked by some enemies that want revenge on that plane. I would add a sentence to 25 and 26 "there were many beeps that only lasted a few minutes and lost the rest of the time because there is no more given signal". This makes sense because the reader needs to understand that the beeps were the receptor that they were trying to find. We have different ideas because we he thinks that the plane crashed, but I think that it was hijacked because there is no debris and that makes sense.

  9. ~ Dawson McThay PD. 4

    1. I honestly don’t have a single clue what may have potentially happened to the Malaysian Air flight. 2. I am generally unaware of the possible ways to lose a plane. 3. I would like to think this was all an accident and someone simply forgot to “toggle a switch” or something of that nature; however, that’s most likely not the case. 4. Why would someone “want” to do something like that, it would have minimal benefits to a terrorist, theories that it’s an inside job arise, but what would they honestly need to cover up. 5. That being said, I honestly don’t know what could have possibly come about resulting in the loss of the plane.

    1. I haven’t really followed this story very much. 2. One of the biggest interactions I’ve had was seeing #PrayersForMalaysia sprawled across on twitter and facebook and the conspiracy theorist creating these new ideas to imply it was terrorist, American inside jobs, and even Aliens. 3. I, of course, realize the gravity of the situation and realize that this is a very publicized events and people rarely casually lose planes. 4. In addition, even reaching top trends on twitter, something that happens only for celebrities is very noteworthy. 5. This would be my first interaction with this topic in a formal manner.

    1. The theory that sounds most plausible is the theory that it was simply a technical malfunction.
    2. I currently see no reasons where a person might have a desire to hijack a plane of that nature.
    3. That being said I wouldn’t see this as any reason to presume any larger conspiracy. 4. I think this is a very clear cut incident, which wouldn’t make much sense for this is be anything larger than it currently is. 5. Although I’m not particularly sure, I believe these theories were constructed simply to instill fear into the general public rather than genuine concerns and questions.

    1. I believe it’s a multitude of reasons why the world would be so fascinated by this missing plane. 2. As I previously stated, among things that happen in everyday life, casually losing a plane would not be one of them. 3. In addition, it was a very populous plane so many friends and family members even some public sympathisers would like to see how this will turn out. 4. Since this is such a unique case many people make new theories which excites many and is a way to make people think about their current country. 5. I would also question if it’s possibly because other news during time we disinteresting and now people are invested.

    1. Overall, this is generally a big deal and a case the public is invested in. 2. It is a source of controversy, something weird has happened; yet what happened? 3. This is a stressful situation, so many questions all with very limited access to recieve answers. 4. Those questions will make this case a continuing growing nationwide event. 5. An event not to be concluded until those wanting answers are pleased.

    1. Beverly Avila P4
      I would like to add a sentence in between paragraph 4, numbers 1 and 2.
      "Because technology and the media is now a big part of our lives, technology, such as planes, are amazing and that the fact that someone lost a plane makes people want to watch the news and follow up on the story.

    2. Carolina Barraza P5
      I would add a sentence after number 3 in the last paragraph. " Many of the questions being what happened to the people or why the plane can't be traced with so many cell phones, computers, and plane signal.

  10. Written By: Alicia I. Rodriguez
    Period 5 - Honors English

    (1) I think that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean. (2) I think this because the loss of a signal represents that the object is either damaged, lost itself, or far from the range it should be in. (3) The fact that there is debris floating in the ocean around the area that the plane would’ve been in makes it look exactly like that. (4) Another thing is that a captain from another aircraft attempted to reach the flight by using the international distress frequency. (5) The captain said that he was able to establish a connection with the flight, but all he heard was static and low mumbling.

    (6) To be honest, I’ve been following this news story pretty closely. (7) I always follow news stories involving disappearances, so I can try to create reasonable guesses for what has happened. (8) I’m also very interested in plane disappearances simply because when I was younger I’d always watch movies and TV shows involving people getting stranded on islands due to crashing planes. (9) Since this story involves a plane disappearance, I’m extremely interested. (10) That is the reason why I’m following this story so closely.

    (11) The theories that are being shared all make sense since these have all happened before. (12) I honestly think that the disappearance is due to not only a technical malfunction but also a pilot error. (13) There are many theories besides those two that I believe. (14) Some people would believe that there is a larger conspiracy at hand because they would think of something along the lines of, “Oh, the government wants us to focus on this so they can do something.” (15) Technical problems happen everyday, and people make mistakes. (16) That’s why I believe that it was simply just some sort of error.

    (16) I think the world is so fascinated with this disappearance simply because it is just so random. (17) It just happened out of nowhere. (18) I also believe that the world is so fascinated with this disappearance because of the theories shared in the media. (19) Most people base their opinions on the media, and since people do that, they become more interested in hearing other theories and opinions on the matter. (20) That is why people are so fascinated with the disappearance of the plane.

    1. I agree. The airplane could have possibly crashed; and, if it did, it would most likely crashed into the Indian ocean. However, the objects they found are still yet to be identified. I don't think it's completely true that the airplane crashed.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

    2. Claudia Vega P5
      I would like to add a scentence between 16 and 17. " It's not everyday where a plane goes missing out of no where for no apparent reason."

  11. Efrain Santacruz
    Period 5

    There is many theories about what might’ve happened to the 370 Malaysia flight, but personally, I believe the plane could have been used for terrorism purposes. The cutting of the radar is what made the plane go unfound. There’s many other factors that go into this belief. Such as what happened to the passengers and not only the person driving the plane. It all really depends on how surveillent you been about the particular topic.
    In my opinion, the passengers in the plane were most likely deserted somewhere and the plane was used for something bad that we are unaware of. I believe that the government knows more than what they say they do, they just don’t want to tell their residents for an unknown reason. One problem with this whole topic is that I really have no knowledge about the topic but I know enough because what I hear around me. With that being said, I cannot say anything biased about the topic since I have no evidence to support my thoughts, but do to my inferences from the past, I know that planes going missing isn’t necessarily a good thing.
    The reason this has becoming such a big thing is because you simply don’t lose something as big as a plane just like that. I know the radar or something might’ve been blocked out but its pretty ridicule that it hasn’t been found in the span of about a months worth hunt. As mentioned before, things that can be used to plot things that are unstoppable, such as planes, is always a big concern on the government and the citizens themselves. Don’t get any theory wrong because this might have been a pilot error but even so, I don’t see where the radar goes missing on the whole location of the plane.
    A conspiracy I had in mind is that it might be a fake. I haven’t heard much about the families of the passengers on the plane complaining or whining about where their buddies are at or sons or whatever the relation is. So I believe the plane landed safely just probably stolen from wherever the landing location was. It could also mean that the US government could supposively find the plane and explain to the whole world that it’s nothing terrorism related and that the world is finally at peace.
    In conclusion to this, I still believe in the fact that a hijacking occurred. I believe that the passengers are okay, but somewhere on the way back that no one knew about the passengers the plain was either stolen and sold for parts or another terrorist attack. Whatever the theory may be, this is not necessarily a good thing to anyone in the globe. In closing thought I stand my ground and believe it was a hijacking.

  12. Isabel Martinez
    Honors English A5/B5
    17 April 2014

    (1)I think what happened to the Malaysia Airlines Flight 360 was that everything just completely shut off like something must have went wrong with the airplane.(2) Also maybe that someone in the airplane had a bomb and they decided to use it after everything shut off.(3) Then I assume that they were by the ocean so pieces are probably in the water.(4) Some people assume that it fell in the Indian Ocean but no one knows for sure if it was part of flight 370. (5) There are many theories out there of what could have possibly happened.

    (6)I haven’t been following this news story.(7) I have never even heard about it until I was notified about it during class.(8) I looked up some more information on it to learn about it.(9) It seems that relatives of the 239 people were worried.(10) Some may have hope that they are somewhere and still alive.(11) Others believe that they are dead and gave up easily instead of trying to help investigators with this. (12)Now that I heard of it, it actually makes me wonder what could have possibly happened.

    (13)The theories that sound more reasonable is that maybe the airplane got hijacked and exploded.(14) All the pieces went into the ocean so that’s why they are hard to find.(15) But then again everyone has their own theories of what could have possibly happened to Flight 370.(16) No one knows for sure what happened or enough information.(17) I believe that it will soon all come out one way or another.(18) Unless the government probably knows what happened to it, but they just don't want to reveal it to the public.

    (19)I personally have many ideas of what could possibly happened.(20) From those three I think it would be hijacking.(21) I feel like someone might want to bring a tragedy back.(22) For example like 911, they wanted to cause a big commotion and it worked.(23) If it was hijacked, the person or people must have been really smart because they made it a mystery for everyone. (24)They made everyone be thinking of different things that could have happened. (25) I feel bad for the people who were on the airplane because they had nothing to do with it.

    (26)I think people are fascinated with the disappearance because no one knows what happened to the airplane.(27) It seems like it just vanished out of no where.(28) It seems odd that the people who watch the airplanes don’t know what happened because they are suppose to make sure that all airplanes are working properly. (29) Also, I think people are amazed with this situation especially because the government or anyone hasn’t gave out information on what happened.(30) Everyone just has their own theories of what they assumed happened.

    1. Beverly Avila P4
      I would like to add a sentence in between 15 and 16. "The theories that have been stated also makes people intrigued with this story."

    2. Carolina Barraza P5
      I would add a sentence between 23 and 24. " The person or group was so intelligent that they were able to surpass all of the security systems and leave no trace what so ever."

    3. Claudia Vega P5
      I would like to add a scentence between 14 and 15. " The explosion seems resonable because there were pictures taken of plane pieces that were found in the Indian Ocean."

  13. Written By: Beverly Avila
    1. It has been all over the news and media.
    2. On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has gone missing!
    3. There has been a search overseas and people are panicking!
    4. I have heard that people are trying to locate this “black box” that send magnetic wave lengths, and on finding this box may find the actual plane itself.
    5. Family members will not go home and sleep until they found the answers on where is that flight.
    6. I find it very bizarre that the plane actually lost signal with the actual people who are controlling the plane!
    7.I believe that the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been either been terrorized or destroyed.

    8. The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 may have been terrorized.
    9. Based on, says: “...was executed using an onboard computer, probably programmed by someone with knowledge of aircraft systems. The authorities say two passengers were Iranians who boarded using stolen European passports, but no links to terrorist groups are found.”
    10. This means the somebody may have taken over the plane’s computer system, and they turned the plane’s path around, making it lose its signal.
    11. They suspected that two Iranians were behind this since they used stolen passports, but it is not for sure because they had no communication or interaction with terrorist groups.
    12. Because of this quote, I believe that the flight may have been terrorized.

    13. The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 may have been destroyed.
    14. Based on, says: “ Central Asia through Southeast Asia and out into the ocean; officials are concentrating on the southern portion of the arc as the most likely area, and that is roughly where the floating objects were seen.”
    15. Some debris or destroyed objects were found in an ocean, and investigators believe that they may be from a destroyed airplane.
    16. Investigators also believe that they may be pieces of the Malaysia Flight, but not for certain.
    17. Because people have found pieces of debris into an ocean, I believe that the Malaysia Airflight 370 may have been destroyed.

    18. People are very fascinated by this story because I believe that since many young people travel , they may be afraid that something like this may happen.
    19. I find it very interesting how the police can track down cell phones and mobile devices, yet they can’t track a lost airplane.
    20. How can professional air pilots and airplane trackers lose sight and signal of an airplane!?
    21. I also believe that people are fascinated by this story because since it is on the news everyday, many people are always keeping up with the stories.
    22. I also think that the media has been going over this story after every update, and just because two Americans were on that flight, people are going crazy over it!

    23. What had have probably happen to the Malaysia Airflight 370 is that the plane may have been destroyed or terrorized.
    24. Based on the evidence I have read, and the images I have seen, I believe these things have happened to the plane.
    25. There are many theories that have came out by people, but they may be wrong or right.
    26. I actually hope that families get over the fact that the plane is gone, not to make people offended by this statement.
    27. hat plane will be found sooner or later, but that flight may be “taking off” out of this world!

  14. By: Bobbi G Munoz
    1 I think that they fight was hijacked as an act of terrorism
    2 When a plane the size of what is was just disappears, it makes no sense unless there was a purpose of the plane going missing.
    3 Or maybe the plane went through a storm and all communications were lost and in fell from the sky.
    4 It might be somewhere at the bottom of the ocean and one on will ever be able to find it
    5 But there are many things that could have happened to the plane.

    6 There is probably a larger conspiracy about the plane and where it is.
    7 The plane could be somewhere on the bottom of the ocean or it could be somewhere in another country with all the passengers as slaves or prisoners
    8 If the plane really was found and it was something that the gov. does not want the people to know about they won't tell anyone about it.
    9 there is a small chance that the plane will be found because situation that it is in.
    10 There are many factor involved that could have cause the plane to disappeared.

    11 There are many theories that people have come up will to try to explain what happened to the plane that was flying over Malaysia.
    12 Some of the theories being more valid than others.
    13 I ones that I think are most valid are the ones but the plane being shot down or that it was hijacked by the emiemes.
    14 There are theories about aliens taking it away while was flying over the water.
    15 But when people say their theories they not always be right but that is what I think.

    16 I have not been following the story so I don't really know what is happening in it.
    17 I have seen it a few times on the news and on social media but it saw mostly about the victims
    18 I am learning new things about the story all the time.
    19 I think that what happened is a tragic and that the people who were on the flight will be remember
    20 I think that more people should be looking for the plane and trying harder to really find it and help the family of the victims.

    21 I think the world is for fascinated by the plane because it is something that is difficult for the government to handle.
    22There are not many times when the government struggles to do something, so when there is a time of that the world will enjoy to watch all the countries come together and look for the plane.
    23 The are many people who had family member who died in that plane and they want answers to where their family members are.
    24 People have sorrow for the victims of the plane going down so they are watching and waiting for the news of what really happened so that the people can be put to rest peacefully.
    25 People want to know about the unknown, things that have not clear answer to it.

    1. John Capers
      Period 5

      I would add a sentence after sentence #22. "This event could be one of many to show that the world can indeed work together."
      Overall the paper was good and I agree with the final point of people wanting to know of the unknown. I would do this often with something I don't know, attack it with such ferocity that I find out everything about it in about a day or two of hours of research.

  15. Maraih Harris P.5
    1.I believe the plane was planned ahead of time to disappear.2. I think that the plane was purposely taken off course to be crashed. It has been assumed the debris seen in the ocean belonged to flight 370. 3. One or majority of the flight crew knew what was going to happen to the plane.4. It could also be possible the plane was tampered with before take off. 5. Someone with or without approved accesses, could’ve had anything to do with the plane disappearance.
    1.I’ve heard many wild theories since the plane disappeared, but I haven’t really followed the story much.2.Beforehand, I was aware this search has been going on for a little over a month.3. I knew It was an Malaysian plane, and Isn’t expected to still be in Malaysia territory. 4..I have heard many things about the plane all over the news. 5.However, I haven’t really tried to keep track of things.

    1.I think the disappearance was caused by crew hijacking. 2.I think It was planned, whether all crew knew or not, for the plane to mysteriously disappear. 3.It could’ve been a secret kept from everyone else. 4.I just really find it hard to believe no one knew the plane would disappear like it has.5.I strongly believe it has been planned all along, even the malaysian government could’ve already known.
    1. I think the world is so fascinated because of our tragic history with planes. 2.It also seemed to happen with no reasoning behind it, which makes it interesting. 3.Everyone waits for clues to determine why or if they are in danger. 4.If the plane disappearance wasn't so unknown, It wouldn't be so popular. 5. The media also plays a big role in it.

    1. In the last paragraph, after sentence 5, you should add how they media plays apart in the world's fascination with MH 370's disappearance.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

  16. Carolina Barraza P5

    1.)I believe that the Malaysian Flight could have been taken control of by someone on the plane. 2.)Now this might seem a weird or crazy theory but it’s weird that the plane just disappeared from the map. 3.) I would assume that there had to be a great deal of planning going on because people can usually track a phone, tablet, or even the radar of the plane. 4.) In addition, by now, which is a month since this happened event took place, shouldn't there be a significant amount of pieces from the plane floating on the ocean? 5.) If the plane crashed into the ocean or was shut down somehow, there would be a very slim chance of survivors because they were flying above a large body of water.

    1.) I've actually been keeping up with this current event. 2.) Every time I turn on the Spanish news they are talking about what could have happened to the plane. 3.) They always have theories on how/ or what could have happened to the plane when there was no longer a signal. 4.) Many of the people on the news seemed worried about what really happened to the flight and if the ending would be a disappointment or a relief. 5.) The news has also tried to give hope that the plane is somewhere close to be found and that the people will be found soon.

    1.) I think that the most credible theory on what happened to the plane is it being hijacked. 2.) Now many people may say that it would be a very hard thing to do because there are many security systems out there. 3.) But would that really stop a person from achieving something they could have been planning for years? 4.) In order for the plane to get hijacked, there would have been a very long conspiracy behind it because this doesn't just happen within a week’s plotting. 5.) The person also would have been really smart to know how everything in the plane worked and how to get passed people without being suspected of anything.

    1.) The world is so fascinated with this event or the disappearance for many reasons. 2.) But I think the main one is because so many people travel on planes they don’t want this happening to them. 3.) Also it’s just weird that huge plane ,that could have been traced somehow, went missing just like that. 4.) Many people especially the family of the people on the plane must be very concerned with what could be happening to all the members of that plane. 5.) Overall, it’s just one of those things that doesn't happen everyday and when it happens the whole world is stunted.

    1. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd. 4
      I would like to add a sentence in the first paragraph in between sentence 2. and 3.
      "The fact that it disappeared completely, lost signal, and has no evidence leads me to believe that the plane was hijacked.

    2. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd. 4
      I like your opinion because I too believe that there is a possibility that the plane was hijacked. The reason why I added that sentence was because it showed why you were lead to believe that it was hijacked.

  17. 1. In my opinion I believe that flight 370 was set to crash or disappear. 2. I say the flight to Beijing was set up because in order for a plane to just disappear out of no where there had to be a lot of planning to do this. 3.In order to pull this off there had to e many inside jobs and some of the crew members had to be in on it. 4.The people that are in charge of making sure the plane works before take off had to play a big role in this. 5. Knowing many lives are at risk, how are you going to let passengers board a plane that doesn’t work?

    1. Personally I haven’t been closely following this story. 2. I would hear about it here and there, but I would never really pay much attention to it. 3. I would hear interesting theories about what happened to the plane and the people. 4. I wouldn't pay attention to this because I know theses theories weren’t based on facts, they were simply based on what the person thought. 5. I haven’t put my time and effort into following this current event because there are no facts to prove anyone’s point.

    1. I believe there are no right or wrong theories because there are still no facts given

    out to the people to make their opinion of what happened. 2. In my opinion I would say this had to happen between a crew hijacking. 3. I would say this because it’s a series of events and there had to be many inside jobs that would have to involve crew members. 4. This had to be a job that involved people from all department in the airlines that were connected back to this specific flight to Malaysia. 5. I think that there’s a larger conspiracy at work because everyone had to cover everyone's backs so nobody could get caught in the act.

    1. There are many reasons as to why the world is so fascinated with the disappearance of the flight 370 to Malaysia. 2. One reason would be just because of the media. 3. I would say a reason is the media because nobody has facts to state their theories on. 4. When nobody has facts that means the media can come up with some wild theories, which make the people more intrigued in this current event. 5. A second reason why people are so fascinated with this current event is because this is so rare. 6. It’s not everyday where a plane disappears out of no where for no apparent reason.

    Claudia Vega Period-5

    1. John Capers
      Period 5

      In between the lines 1 and 2 of the third paragraph. " But I feel that there is enough evidence that can be assumed for one possible explanation."

      I like your paper, but I say it was simply a system malfunction. Sure a hijacking may seem possible, but what reason can there be to doing that to random people? Honestly, a system malfunction can be the cause of a plane going off the grid as much as an hijacking. Plus it would be too much in financial means to pull off by making an entire plane disappear.

  18. John Capers
    Period A/B5

    1) I think it could have just have a malfunction. 2) It would make sense that the equipment could have gone haywire which is why they couldn’t send out an SOS signal. 3) It probably not the first time that this has happened before where the system would malfunction and send it down. 4) Honestly, at this point of time, I think that there are no survivors to look for and now we are looking for at least the corpse of a plane or an explanation of what really happened. 5) I can only say that something had to happen with the system because despite the frequent checking of the equipment it could be a possibility just one of those unlucky accidents that are caused by a stray of bad luck.

    1) I have not been following this story much. 2) When I ever look on the news or go on the internet there is something of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappearance. 3) It isn’t like I don’t have a basic knowledge of the event it is simply because this type of news is not what attracts me the most despite being so tragic. 4) My heart goes out to those who lost someone because it has to be heard to not know what happened to the love one. 5) Did they crash, did they die violently, is someone responsible, are just questions that the families of the passengers of the Malaysia Airlines Flight want answered to bring some form of closure.

    1) As much as I like to hear about the many conspiracies of the normal conspiracist I have to go with the one that makes the most sense: technical malfunctions. 2) But I only go with that answer because I don’t like this type of news and I haven’t done further research into the disappearance. 3) I would like to think that there is a larger picture to this that we aren’t getting. 4) I feel that we are overlooking details that relate to the search, something that can give a more accurate guess as to what happened. 5) Maybe this entire fiasco was planned by someone or a certain group, but with the evidence being so little at the moment, these guesses of a larger force behind this incident are only that guesses.

    1) It surprises me the most that the world is taking this so seriously. 2) I have to say that this is something that probably the United States would do in reaction to the event as to try and give the people something to go by, for those families to know what exactly happened to their friends and or family that took that plane. 3) I would assume everyone would be focused on what is happening in Ukraine, but I guess this is big in the sense that no country wants to be responsible for the accident. 4) It would make sense that if the country that the plane was flying around was responsible for it, then there is going to be a big problem. 5) I hope that with so much attention and focus being on this incident that something could be found, because it’s probably the mystery of the event being able to solve.

    1. Jazmin Juarez A5

      I really like your blog. I think you should add " It is also uncertain if the passengers are dead" after sentence 5 in paragraph 2. I suggest this because you cant just conclude they are dead. There is no evidence that they are, just as you said there is no evidence that proves any theory to be the right one. I think you might want to research more about this it will defenetly leave you thinking.

  19. Estrella Olivares
    Period 4/ Honors

    (1)I honestly don’t know know what to think anymore.(2) At first I thought the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 had crashed. (3)I changed my mind because if the plane did crash, they would’ve found it already because anybody in the area would’ve found it and called the other airlines.(4) Also, if the plane did crash, the other airlines would still have a chance of tracking it.(5) I have a feeling this missing airplane has to do with terrorism.
    (1)When I first heard about this in the news, I was shocked.(2) I wanted to learn more about it. (3)It’s been about 2 months since this accident happened. (4)I haven’t heard about the accident as much anymore. (5) I feel like they are losing hope.
    (1) There is a lot of reasonable theories. (2) I believe the disappearance has to do with hijacking. (3)I find it very suspicious that there was passports stolen and that the airplane disappeared from ground controllers’ screens. (4)I don’t believe the disappearance has anything to do with technical difficulties because they would’ve found a way to tell us that they are okay. (5) We need more information in order to find out what really happen.
    (1) Ever since 9/11 happened, everyone America has become paranoid. (2) People are just worried the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has to do with terrorism. (3) There’s also reasons why people are fascinated with this disappearance. (4)One reason why I am really surprised and find this very suspicious is because the airplane was full and it disappeared out of nowhere. (5) It’s been about 2 months and we haven’t heard anything. (6) All we can do is pray.

    1. Andres Davalos
      I would add a sentence between lines 1 and 2 in paragraph 3. This is so the reader could understand what kind of reasons that the experts have proposed. I would add "the experts said that the plane could have crashed and sunk all the way to the bottom of the ocean and can't float". This shows that she has learned more and also that the experts have also gave reasonable theories and good explanations. I would have to agree with her because she also sees that the plane was hijacked by somebody because there in reality weren't anything of debris found. Even with the families being worried I can also feel that they are under pain but they are also blaming the government.

  20. Carlos Laureano
    Period 4

    1:What I believe happened to Malaysian airlines flight 370 is, the pilot went rogue and the government is trying to cover it up. 2:I say this because I don’t understand how the pilot is just going to go off their normal flight path for no apparent reason. 3:I believe the pilot may have been planned to kill everyone by flying until the plane ran out of fuel. 4:I also believe the government is trying to cover this up, so the airlines won’t lose business and the general public isn’t living in fear.

    1:I haven’t been following this story as closely as I should. 2:I sometimes watch the news, and whenever I watch it there’s updates but no useful information. 3:I believe I should watch this story more closely because this is a very important turn of events. 4:No one understands a something as huge as a plane could just vanish out of thin air. 5:People should take this a life lesson, and prevent events like this from ever happening again.

    1:I don’t believe the plane was hijacked, because why wouldn’t anyone call for help or notify someone.2: The pilot is supposed to notify ground control if there is any problems.3: Also, what weapons are the terrorists even going to have?4: People have to go through so many metal detectors and scanners before they can even get on a plane.5: I don’t believe the pilot is just going to give up control of the plane without being directly involved.

    1:I believe the world is so fascinated by this for two reasons. 2:The first reason is nothing like this has ever happened before. 3:We have never seen something as big as a plane with multiple passengers on it just disappear. 4:The second reason is the emphasis of the media. 5:Every update on this case is given to us by the media.5:The update may not even be important or helpful, but the media covers it anyway.

    1. I would like to add a sentence between 1 and 2 in paragraph one.
      The government has plenty of reasons to hide things because they are just high in power.
      Kiyara Johnson
      Ms. Wright P4

  21. Andres Davalos
    1. I think the plane must have been hacked by some terrorist.
    2. It makes sense because we have no remains nothing and the new debris we found could be anything from japan’s tsunami.
    3.This plane can not just have disappeared in mid night with a satellite following it.
    4. Yes it has been very suspicious especially with the plane turning around and going off of its own normal route.
    5. I know that people everyday see this as a thing that the government did but that isn’t true because we were all seeing these people disappear with cell phones and no plane found.

    1. I have been following this story from CNN news and they have just been saying that the families don’t want to escape that their family members are dead. I know how they feel because they have hope in finding them again.
    2. Even with this point they know that the search countries have just lost hope because the can’t find the receptor that gave report of what the plane did.
    3. I still don’t trust these family members because their family members might be dead, but they just don’t convince me.
    4. I know this might sound weird but its also totally malaysia’s fault because that was their plane and they have to be giving countries money to even get help.
    5. But after all they just believe that when the plane turned around somebody turned off that it was on the radar, but that it also went down below the clouds to avoid getting seen by radar.

    1. I believe that the plane was hijacked by no other idea.
    2. The simple reason that we don’t have no evidence where the plane is and where it is.
    3. If we one day find the 246 passenger bodies in the body i would not be surprised, but with what the reports were saying they only think that right now the plane is close to the bottom of the ocean.
    4. Many people have their own predictions, but thats what people have in common; these families think that the countries should keep on looking and blaming them, but the families are not the ones that are wasting millions so forget them and they should be accomplished with what people are already doing and they are really trying.
    5. With hackers the must have known everything and planned it out perfectly to vanish a whole airplane and they must have had their country behind it like N.Korea to hide that plane.

    1. There is a huge conspiracy at work that think that they could get away with it and probably could.
    2. This conspiracy should be a huge one that nobody knows of because it can’t be al-Qaeda or even the Taliban because the U.S.A has them on lock down.
    3. Everytime i see these news i wonder why and how can a huge plane that should be under full surveillance because they have done this millions of times just escaped their view.
    4. Since a conspiracy is a plot of some sort I personally wouldn't be surprised if something else happened.
    5. As time goes on we will slowly find the plane and find what really will happen, but especially the U.S.A they have already done their part but they are getting more in debt because of this and they can’t do this.

    1. The world is all fascinated because nobody ever have experienced something like this.
    2. Nobody expected that to this day there could actually be a whole full and complete plane with 246 passengers and a tracker lost with no found debris of a crash or anything from the plane.
    3. Even i was so fascinated because we as a whole nation have stepped up and to lose a plane is so irresponsible of us but we also have to understand that we need to sometimes give up and search when we are able to do so.
    4. The world might be fascinated but in reality we are mad because we have just lost “innocent” people that we can’t bury them or even look for them because we don’t know where to start.
    5. I think that the world needs to understand that this is just another obstacle and even from last year of the terrorist attack, we need to be able to avoid these and we can’t because we have a criminal in Russia that was part of the CIA and now he knew more than he should’ve and now we are facing the consequences.

    1. Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English

      After Sentence 4 in Paragraph 1, you should say. “ The Malaysian airlines completely lost connection to the location of Flight 370."

    2. I agree with jor-el, you should have included "they lost complete communication with the plane."

      Dpk period 4

  22. Jazmin Juarez
    1. Flight 370 was abducted by aliens. 2. It is the only reasonable answer there is to the disappearance of the plane. 3. A plane can’t just disappear from the sky without leaving any trace or can it? 4. It can and this is not the first time; in December of 1945 five bombers from fort lauderdale found themselves in the same position as flight 370. 5. Dozens of planes have seemingly disappeared in mid-air, the most common place to disappear is the Bermuda triangle. 6. Many people say that this theory is crazy, however it has a lot more supportive evidence than other theories.7.There were no reports of bad weather and no sign of why the plane would vanished from radar screens 40 minutes after it took off; this disregards the bad whether theories.

    1.I first heard about this through facebook then I looked it up online. 2. The first few days of its disappearance I found myself checking everyday. 3. I was really curious about what happened, but after a week I knew the plane would not be found. 4. Lately I haven't played attention to the disappearance; however I do hope the passengers as well as the crew are okay. 5. I now know the plane won't be found, because none of the other disappearing ships or planes ever were.

    1.I know my argument is not very plausible, however a lot of people have seen UFOs and there is plenty of evidence that they exist. 2. MUFON State Director also claimed that flight 370 was abducted by aliens. 3. Another theory that sounds more realistic than mine and i kind of agree with is that the earth’s magnetic field messes with the GPS and connections of the plane. 4. This malfunctioning can also explain the other disappearances especially the ones in the Bermuda triangle. 5.I do not think a person or group would be able to hijack a plane without it getting noticed by the residents of the community where the plane is hidden.

    1.The world is fascinated by this disappearance because there is no answer. 2. Although this has happened before, it is not very common. 3. We might think that since we have a lot of technology we are safe from things like this happening to us, but truth is we arent and this can happen to anyone. 4. The world might also be fascinated by this because since there is no real answer to what happen everyone can express their theories. 5. Finally the world is fascinated by this because the government refuses to talk about it or give details.

    1. In conclusion no one know what really happened to the Malaysian flight 370. 2. All we can do right now is hope that the passengers and the crew is okay. 3. No theory can be marked as wrong or incorrect at this point because there is no real explanation to what happened. 4. What is true is that The US military monitors everything using sonar, radar and satellites and it is not very likely that they didn't see what happend to the plane. 5. I think the government is just hiding what really happened so that people don't get scared.

    1. Before sentence 1, you should add "Everything that I am about to say is completely wrong, and I am only writing this to make people laugh. I mean no offense to the families and victims of flight MH 370."

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    2. Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English

      After Sentence 4 in Paragraph 1, you should say, “Why is it so hard to form conclusions on the disappearance of planes?"

    3. In the beginning you didn't have to say what Joel said but you should have started with " in my opinion the flight was abducted by aliens."

      DPK period 4

    4. Gabriela Marin
      English P. 4

      After sentence 1 on the third paragraph I think you should add " Russia has found evidence of existence of UFO's."

    5. Dawson McThay Pd. 4
      Before sentence 1 you should add, "While they're a plethora of theories that may have potentially explained the disappearance of the MH 370, I have thought of a difference direction, combined with recent evidence which may accurately describe the cause of the sudden disappearance"

  23. 1) What happened to the plain in malaysia is a complete mystery to the world. 2) In other cases I think that it could have been the weather, technical difficulties and or supernatural things. 3) The disappearance with the flight was unexpected and uncalled for.4) In my open what happened to the plane was either something to deal with technical difficulties to the plane and pilots or else it was something that was unexplainable.5) Things could have happened to the plane and the people what were on the plane.

    1) When the disappearance of the plane first happened i was following closely like most people would do , since it just disappeared out of nowhere.2) After it while it died down and it seemed that more people had forgot about it since there hasn’t been any leads.3) People around the world can be looking or keeping track of what's happening or what's going on about flight 370. 4) Recently I had looked up about the flight to see what happened to it and if it had any leads, which I found none. 5) Majority of people may still look up about the missing flight, other might not.

    1) people might be interested in this topic because its something that doesn’t happen on a daily basis. 2) you just don’t hear about a plane disappearing and flying off into nowhere. 3) These kind if situations track a lot of attention since it went off the grid and that hasn't came up since then. 4) When your traveling people go by plane which is used everyday, of course people are gonna be looking at it almost every seconde. People would be worried or scared and would want to see what's going on.

    1) with what happened to flight 370 I believe that it could have been hijacked or could have had problems with engineering. 2) two reasonable explanations too. 3) unlike people who may believe that aliens or UFO's could have taken the plane and lead it off course. 4) the pilots of the plane could have problems flying the and could have crash lander or feel into the water. 5) there can be many reasons or explanations why the plane had disappeared.

    -Jocelyn Garcia p5

    1. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd 4
      I think you should add a sentence between 1 and 2 in paragraph 1.
      "The reason why I believe it is a mystery is because it left us with no evidence to possibly know what happened."
      Overall, I like your opinion. I like how you stated that this was an un-ordinary event that occurred.

    2. MaryClaire Mangan
      After sentence 5 in paragraph 1, you should explain more of what something unexplainable would have been

  24. 1) I think Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 never crashed in the ocean, but was part of a terrorist attack. 2) I believe that criminals within Malaysia Airlines rewired the plane to cut off communications. 3) Once in air, MH 370 then flew west to the real destination. 4) I think that they successfully landed the plane and are going to use it for an upcoming terrorist attack.

    5) My advisory and I have been following this story very closely. 6) We watch CNN Student News every morning in AMA. 7) CNN covers the story almost everyday, updating us on the story. 8) I also get information from various news sources on my own time.

    9) I do think that terrorism could’ve been a played a part in the disappearance of MH 370, but I think a technical malfunction was main problem. 10) Transmission from the plane was cut off, and then flown over an entire different direction, for 3 hours, from where it was last contacted. 11) That seems really off. 12) Communication from the plane was also distorted even before the plane took off, hence the technical malfunction.

    13) Not many planes disappear with all the passengers in mid-air. 14) This story is so popular because no one would think that a plane, a big plane in particular, would go missing.15) It is even more interesting because the search to find this plane is taking so long. 16) Our “modernized, technologically advanced world” has failed to find a plane.

    // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    1. Jazmin Juarez A5.
      Before sentence one in paragraph one you should write " This essay is going to be really short because I have very few evidence to back me up".
      I since I am a respectful to the work of other students and actually payed attention while doing my research for this blog I know that no theory can be proven wrong yet. Good job!

    2. To Jazmin:

      I have very few evidence? I didn't know that aliens abducting planes from the sky all of a sudden counted as "evidence" Let me talk to you about evidence very quickly. But first let me say this:

      You obviously don’t take any of this serious since you wrote such a ludicrous paper to get people to laugh at what you’re saying. I’m not even part in the MH 370 incident, but your post offended me, and you probably have offended everyone else that is part of the search for MH 370. As I said before, you obviously don’t take this topic seriously at all. You want evidence for that too? Well, you were literally laughing in class when you announced your theory. You also laughed before you announced it to your group and I overheard Ms. Wright telling you some alien theories have been said before and you said, “I am going to use that!”. How that for evidence? So when you google other crazy theories about planes being abducted by aliens to use in a very serious and emotional topic, don’t call it research. I only respect the works of other students when they actually care about what they’re writing about.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    3. Jazmin Juarez A5
      Well I surely do I appreciate your interest in what I have to say. I think you misheard what I asked Ms. Wright. I asked " does our opinion have to go along with what the article" and she said no, but our idea can't be crazy. I came up with aliens abducting the flight by my self. In the words of Gabriela " Russia, one of the most countries with advanced technology, have confirmed that aliens do exist and that is what is bringing my attention" (Marin). From my own experience on spending a lot of my time watching documentary on aliens and their existence and Gaby's comment there is no doubt that aliens exist, therefore making my theory valid. I however would like to respectfully apologize not to you obviously,but to anyone who felt offended by offended by my post. In case you didn't notice there were many other people who wrote about aliens being the case for the disappearance of flight 370; I do not understand why you disrespectfully targeted only me.
      I would also like to point out that there is not a correct theory (that's why it's called a theory, it hasn't been confirmed yet). I understand why you might have acted reactively to my post. I however, did find it disrespectful not just to me but to the time I spent researching this. I see why you would think I was trying to make people laugh, but I do have plenty of evidence to prove my point unlike you. I would love to see more evidence, for example why you think the plane will be used as part of a terrorist attack in the future.
      In case you want more evidence that make the alien theory valid you can google it, ask your friends who seem to agree that aliens had something to do with flight 370, or visit the following websites (sorry I wasn't able to find all the sources I used because they took me a long time to find, but the following will also educate you in the subject):

      Before I forget did I mention many other people agree with me including your friends and the MUFON State Director. I would like to give you some feedback, please stop trying to make yourself seem like you are the only person that is always correct and trying to make others seem like they are wrong because it doesn't put you in a very comfortable position. Finally I would like to remind you there is no right theory! (That is another reason why I'm not disagreeing with your theory, apart from me actually being respectful.)
      - Thank you for your time and attention,
      Your dearest classmate Jazmin Juarez

    4. Thank you for replying. My message to you is to stop acting like someone you're not, you tend to do this a lot. There are wrong theories, and yours is one of them. And I don't need an apology from someone I do not respect. However, I do respect that you took the time to research a very ridiculous theory

      Your fellow firecat,
      Joel M. Valdez

    5. Once again I really don't know what point you are trying to prove. There is no right or wrong theory! If by acting like someone I'm not you not letting people like you "treat or burn" me in public, I will not because it's about time I stand up for my self or let people decide whether what I think is right or wrong. I was not asking for an apology and it really shocked me to hear you have no respect for me, it really speaks about the type of person you are. I'm not sure about the way you were raised, but my parents taught me to respect all people. This might surprise you, but I RESPECT YOU even though I don't necessarily agree with you. Yes I know that might sound crazy to you. I still think it was very disrespectful of you to disrespect my theory which many other people have used. I think we just really need to drop this, I mean we aren't going to get anywhere with this argument. See you in English class on Monday.
      - Respectfully,
      Your dearest firecat Jazmin Juarez

  25. MaryClaire Mangan
    Honors English A/B5
    15 April 2014

    1)I think that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, most likely crashed somewhere. 2)I think that it crashed because it disappeared.3) Planes don’t just disappear and not go anywhere. 4)The plane disappeared from the ground controller screens 40 minutes after it took off.5) Since the plane was heading to Beijing, I think they should look in the route they took to get to Beijing.6) I don’t think it could have gone that far, since it was only gone for 40 minutes.

    1)I haven’t been following the story closely at all, because I don’t really watch or pay attention t the news. 2) It’s not that I don’t care, it’s because I just don’t notice.. 3) I do think that this is really important topic though. 4) Although, I think that people should probably stop looking for the plane, because no one has found much yet, and lots of things could have happened to it. 5) If no one is making progress, I think we should just leave it as it is.

    1)A lot of different things could have happened to the plane. 2) I think that the pilot could have crashed the plane, and it could have landed in the water somewhere. 3) I think this is a good theory, because the ocean is really big, and also very deep. 4) The plane could have sank, and sank really far down already. 5) I think this theory could be accurate, along with many others, but plane crashes are common.

    1)I think that the world is so fascinated with this disappearance, because usually if something happens to a plane, they’re able to find it. 2) Possibly if something like this were able to happen again, they would want to know why or how to make it not happen again. 3)It is something new that is going on, and people like to know what’s going on. 4)With things like this happening in the world, it could get people more nervous about safety. 5)People are interested in why no one can find anything even with the technology available in our world today.

    1)If people still continue to search for the plane, I hope they find something. 2)I wouldn’t continue to look, because once they find out what happened, I don’t think anything more will happen. 3) We will find out what happened, and we will all know, but it just makes us less curious. 4) The only benefit would be possibly figuring out how to make it not happen again. 5)I don’t even think that would help much, because things always go wrong and things always happen.

  26. Written by: Andrea Aguilera
    Honors English Pd 4

    1) I think that one of the pilots was drunk and fell asleep or something like that because I honestly can’t think up much about this dilemma. 2) I have different theories, but narrowing it down to just one is difficult for me. 3) Although not all my theories were possible, they are my theories, and here they are: The airplane was hijacked by terrorists and driven into the water, the pilots flew the plane by the Bermuda Triangle and was transported to a parallel universe, the airplane was abducted by aliens, both of the plane engines for the plane blew up and the plane immediately crashed into the water. 4) The cause for the disappearance of the plane is unknown. 5) But, it is really interesting that there is no evidence of the plane falling in the water or anything of that nature.
    1)I haven't been paying too much attention to this problem to be honest. 2)The last time I heard about it was in English. 3) I'm not too involved in current events lately. 4) The first time I heard about the airplane missing was when I was watching Japanese news and it came out. 5)I didn't really care too much about it because I knew that the people were obviously not going to come back to life. 6) I don't think that there should be anymore searches for people, but rather for the plane.
    1) I think that there is a larger conspiracy to the story that might not be noticeable to everyone. 2) I think that the government is trying to hide the fact that there are aliens living among us. 3) This makes sense because I believe that if the plane just crashed, there would be parts floating in the water. 4)The government has hidden things from us before, so I don't find this very surprising. Also, the president of Russia made a public announcement that aliens are real, and I believe Russia because their levels if technology are way more advanced than ours.
    1) I think that everyone is fascinated with this because they are able to make their own theories as to what happened. 2) This is interesting because when we do find out what happens, then they can see if their theories are right or wrong. 3) Aliens, terrorists, and explosions are all fascinating to people, so it makes the story an interesting one. 4) Overall, I see that people are interested with this story because so many people disappeared as well as a giant airplane (a 777 which is the biggest possible plane) disappearing for no specific reason. 5) This missing airplane is definitely an interesting story that catches the eye of many.

    1. Gabriela Marin
      English P.4

      I think on paragraph 2 after sentence 6 you should include " It has been confirmed several times that there are no survivors from the plane so the people are wasting their time looking for something that can't be found anymore." Overall, I really likes your opinion and what you had to say.

    2. Funnily enough, I believe the theory of a drunk pilot in paragraph one, sentence one makes sense. There was no word of the pilot, and people believe they've found the plane in the middle of the ocean too. Nobody's able to use cell phones on the plane to communicate to anyone on the outside either. Nobody has seen the plane since then. I believe my blog post should have included more theories.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

    3. I believe in paragraph one, sentence four, you could add some background information like: "I heard it about the event when I was watching some news information about Japan."

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  27. Jazmyne Palacios
    Honors English, P:4.

    1.What do I think happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, well, from what I read and heard from an article and video, I think the plane could have flew in a completely different route, somewhere completely that isn’t a neighboring country.2 Many researchers believe that plane could’ve possibly crashed, considering the plane was small, another statement was the plane was sweeping from Central Asia to through South East Asia, but probably there was no longer anymore fuel.
    1My knowledge based on this news story, is I’m very unaware of it completely so I really don’t know much about it. I really don’t watch the news as it is, unless it’s going to benefit or effect me in life2. Furthermore, this story is quite fuzzy and unfamiliar to me.
    1. Theories that sound the most plausible could be about terroists be intact with this, because this whole event is a bit suspcious. 2.What if terroists boarded that plane, and who knows what could've happened? 3.Another theory that appears plausible, to me, is the government trying to hide something.4 Like couldn't officials easily find is plane, with today's modern and high advance technology?5 I think that the disappearance was based upon hijacking, considering the most plausible theories to me involve hijacking, in some sort of way.
    1There most likely a large conspiracy going on in this event! 2.It's either something very harmful or something illegal, and it must be pretty secretive, if people aren't doing such a good job and trying to solve the case here. 3. As well as what's behind the case. 4.This case is probably fascinated to this world, because either something very secretive is going on like within either the people on the plane and the government, or just the people on the plane. 5.Another reason could be that it just seems pretty weird how there wasn't much evidence of the case, but rather theories being made up.

    1. This Airline Flight could be anyone in is world. 2. Maybe the people on the are still alive. 3. Possibly the plane couldn't even exist and everyone is just going a little overdramatic about the case. 4. No one knows what exactly happened, but hopefully soon we will find out.

    1. I strongly believe that terrorists can be involved with this attack like paragraph three, sentence one. I should have included a theory like this in my own post as well. After paragraph three, sentence one, I believe you should add: "Anyone could be a terrorist, so anyone could have been a threat to the Malaysia Airlines flight."

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  28. Gabriela Marin
    English P. 4

    1. In my own opinion what I believe happened to flight 370 is that it was already planned to be disappeared by the government. 2. I believe this because I have many concerns and doubts about why the government hasn't really put much effort in trying to find out where is the plane and what happened to the people that were in the plane. 3. In my own opinion I also believe that that there is much to know about what was going on with flight 370 because there were passports being stolen and used to get in the flight. 4. Also, there wasn't anymore communication with the plane after 40 minutes and that kind of makes it really suspicious that after a while there was no communication with the the plane. 5. Even though it might sound crazy on what happened with the plane, but I feel like there are aliens that are in the government and had to do something with the flight.

    1. I hadn't really looked close into the situation of what happened with the flight because many people have moved in since it came out that there were no survivors found. 2. The closest I came into finding more about the flight was in English class because to write about my opinion of what happened to the flight I had to be informed into what was going ima and many of the evidence that was found. 3. I feel like right now I am looking much closer than I was when my mom only told me what was happening with the plane. 4. I am looking closer to the "accident" because I feel like there is something being hidden from the people from the government that they don't want anyone to know about.

    1. I really don't believe that the plane was hijacked or even a technical misdirection because if there was there would have been more evidence and more answers into what happened to the plane. 2. If it was any if that the evidence wouldn't really have been really covered up because there is always something left that gives us evidence into a mystery. 3. I have a theory that I has something to do with the government because if no evidence is really found than something or someone is covering all that evidence that was left and is only telling half of what they have found. 4. I also have a feeling that there could be some sort of aliens that are the ones that knew what everything is going on and have some of theirs in the government.

    1. I believe that people are really interested into what's going on with the flight because of all the evidence found and the sort of mystery behind he des appearance. 2. In my own opinion I am interested because of the feeling that there is something behind the whole scandle and is doing harm to people. 3. Another thing I believe is that aliens are the ones behind the whole disapperance because Russia, one of the most countries with advanced technology, have confirmed that aliens do exist and that is what is brining my attention. 4. Overall, I believe is has to do with the government and aliens.

    1. Jazmin Juarez A5
      I really like your paper. After sentence 4 in paragraph 3 you can add " that there has been many cases of disappearing planes".

    2. i disagree with you about the aliens. i believe the government has something to do with this

      Viviana Camargo

  29. Written by Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English

    1) The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is now considered one of the biggest mysteries in the year 2014. 2) This flight suddenly disappeared leaving no trace behind. 3) Everybody is shocked because the government still has not found any type of evidence that shows that the plane has crashed. 4) This makes people wonder what exactly has happened to this huge piece of metal? 5) This supports the idea that maybe the Malaysian Airlines Flight vanished in thin air. 6) How exactly could have this happened? 7) My theory is that it was the act of unknown beings that are starting a rebellion against the human race. 8) The government may not be aware of this, but they might be starting to realize it.

    1) This story has been very controversial over the past few months, so I have seen a lot about the disappearance of this plane. 2) Even with all these debates based on what people think happened, I concluded that the only reasonable answer is that something unknown to the human race has caused this flight to disappear. 3) Public officials do not even know what to announce to the public. 4) This officials do not have an idea as to what may have truly happened, but there is also a possibly that they do know and they do not want to inform the public for strict reasons. 5) Many people by now should have made their decisions as to what they think may have happened.

    1) The most plausible theory that I have heard is that the flight had technical malfunctions and was destroyed piece by piece. 2) Each of those pieces have wandered off in the ocean which makes it difficult to locate anything. 3) This is the reason why world governments have not found any type of debris that was originally part of Flight 370. 4) Although this is a realistic theory, until there is no evidence showing that the plane was destroyed, I will continue stating that the plane was either taken by unknown beings which is why there was no trace left behind. 5) I wonder how an airplane organization could have lost track of where the plane was exactly. 6) The only way a plane could have disappeared is by other unknown beings taking it.

    1) Governments are not making any final announcements on this story. 2) It may be because the truth may cause a panic. 3) All of the governments may have worked together have agreed not to announce what has happened. 4) There also might be people inside the government who have secretly planned the disappearance of this plane. 5) There is so much possibilities about Flight 370. 6) I do not think we should be kept in the dark to what the government concludes on this story.

    1) I believe that everybody has the right to know what government officials say about Flight 370. 2) Since nobody has made an official statement to what has happened, then this forces people to make their own conclusions. 3) These different conclusions creates more questions to the public. 4) If more questions are asked, then we get farther from solving this mystery. 5) The scariest thing about this story is that we do not have any evidence that this flight may have been destroyed.

    1. I like your theory of unknown beings that are starting a rebellion. It sounds like an interesting one.

      Dennis Kramer Period 4

    2. Viviana Camargo

      I agree with you. i believe that people should know what the government has to say

  30. Viviana Camargo
    Honors English
    A/B 4

    I think that what happened to the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was that the government had something to do with it. It’s impossible for a plane so big to be lost and NOT even be found. The fact that the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 can’t be found in any part of the earth, water or land, then the only common reason people say is that it went towards a space bound area where there is definitely no radar signal to reach for any station to capture. I also read that after the plane lost signal an hour later of traveling, the plane kept going in the air for approximately another 3 hours, which only means that the government had some kind of communication with the pilot because how would they know that the plane kept going for another 3 hours after it lost signal?

    I have been searching up different ideas that people have about this situation. It’s a very rare type of thing that happens everyday. I know for a fact that I’m always checking the news if something new comes up, making up new ideas. The news online always give recent updates about either anything new happened with the plane or if they found some new evidence to conclude for the place, making up new theories about what happened to it. I also search up whatever the government has to say about the situation and how they react towards it.

    The theory that I believe sounds more plausible is that the government has had some people work for them and try to take control of the plane while they make up a story about how the plane was “lost”, making people believe that it was hijackers who took the plane. Society will believe in that because they know that 2 people who boarded the plane had stolen passports and used those to get on the plane. And since a lot of people recall back to what happened in 2001, there is a good chance that everyone around us are thinking or making up the same theory about being terrorized.

    I believe that none of those theories were caused for the plane to be missing. Its a trap or plan that the government has planned to do for who knows what reason. Whenever something tragic happens, the government has its way of being involved on some type of way. In the 9/11 incident, people believed that the Obama was Osama bin laden. A lot of people also thought that the United States had something to do with all the main places to be terrorized by the muslims.

    I believe that these people are fascinated with this because it’s something that doesn’t happen every time or daily. It’s a big object that no one can find. That’s what makes society so interested on this topic. Anyone can find phones or even track people, but that can’t find a plane so big anywhere around the area that it left or even anywhere around the world. It’s strange for a plane to not be found, yet something else can be. Almost everyone believe that it should be easy to find that plane since it’s so big or at least could have found some evidence about whatever happened to the plane. That’s why people are so into this topic.

  31. 1.I think that the airplane from malaysia just crashed in a part of the waters that is deeper than others.2. the plane could have gone down nose first and went into an undersea cavern that isn’t mapped and goes down hundreds of thousands of feet, or it could have broken into pieces on impact.3. After breaking down it the ocean various vegetation started growing around and over it.4. since it is in the ocean many carnivorous sea creature could have disposed of the remains of the passengers.5.The whole thing was probably an accident.

    1.I haven’t been following it very close.2. I hear about it once and again over the past week or so. 3.I don’t really pay much attention to things that are not happening to my area or in things that i am involved with.4. Even though i don’t follow things like this i might start because some of them are very intriguing. 5.The news is a good way to learn more about the world and its flaws.

    1.I think that it was most likely cause by technical difficulties on the plane.2. Even though it can be caused by technical difficulties there must have been a cause behind them.3. There could have possibly been terrorist on the plane that caused them.4. It could have been something like the bermuda triangle where the magnetic field is out of the ordinary.5.There is always a probable cause for something.

    1.The world is so fascinated because it is something that no one can come up with any evidence of what happened.2. So many people have came up with construed ideas of what has happened.3.They hear so much of these aliens kidnapping people and probing them or the endless portal of the bermuda triangle and how nothing is ever found.4. People have heard about these things for so long and so many things that they actually started believing them.5. The world is giving into the supernatural and letting go of the probable explanation of life.

    dennis kramer period 4

  32. Rolando Sifuentes
    1.what I think happen to Malaysia airline flight is that it crashed in the Indian Ocean. 2.There is floating objects around the indian ocean that could be malaysia airline. 3.Also, there is more water than land so the percentages are high that malaysia airline landed on water. 4.Then there last transmission was last seen going toward the indian ocean. 5.The malaysia airline could be anywhere, but most likely in the indian ocean.
    1a.How closely I have been following the news story is almost the first day I heard this.2a. I think it was the day after the incident i have heard this.3a Since then i have been listening to this the past month. 4a. almost theres not a day i hear about this.
    1b.The theory that sounds plausible is hijacking. 2b.This could be on purpose, but by who. 3b. There is also proof that it could be an hijacking. 4b Also I think there is a larger conspiracy, which is the ferry that went down and sunk
    1c Why I think people are fascinated is because they don’t know. 2c. They could just make theories about this and make this seem “interesting”.3c. Also other people could pitch in and make their theories seem possible.4b. Maybe it just went down because of loss of coordinates, or low fuel.

  33. Anthony Guerrero Pd 5

    I believe that the airplane was probably hijacked by some people who are trying to make some money. There were some clues that kind of proved the idea of it being hijacked by one of the pilots. The other speculation that might be true is that the plane might of just malfunctioned and sank into the water. Some satellites detected some debris in the ocean that is maybe from the airplane. These two seem to make the most sense to me because this kind of thing happened before.
    I’ve been watching the news about this to see if they’ll ever find it or found what happened. The news give out really good information and facts about big situations going on in the world and are usually reliable. They keep updated to new ideas about might’ve really happened or the possibilities of what happened. They give information about the people who are affected by the situation like the families or friends. I believe that the news are a really helpful tool because its a quick way to earn new info.
    I believe that the airplane either crashed into the sea because of a malfunction or it was hijacked. A lot of airplanes malfunction unfortunately so its a really believable situation and a high possibility. Hijacking could be another possibility because there are a lot of terrorists in this world who need money. Taking a plane and holding hostages is a really effective to them on getting what they need. It also wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened.
    The world is so fascinated about this because it just doesn’t make sense. If the airplane did crash into the water then we would’ve found it by now. Or if it was hijacked by a group of people someone would’ve seen something or heard something. Something like this doesn’t happen everyday and lots of people are worried on what is really going and are afraid or scared. Most of all people want to know if the people on that plane are safe or are they in some sort of danger.
    Even up to today know one knows what has happened to the people on that plane. There are a lot of ideas on what really happened. Some ideas make a whole lot of sense and others sound unrealistic. People just want answers and they’ll do anything to find out the truth about what happened. I believe that we’ll soon discover where the plane is and if all the passengers are ok.

    1. Armando Quintana Period 4
      I believe in paragraph two after sentence three, you should add this sentence, "Therefore, the news provides reliable and informative news that can lead to more accurate and reasonable conclusions about the planes disappearance.'

  34. Adam De La Torre

    Ms. Wright

    Period 4

    1.What i think that happened is that there is a cover up of something that the government of some people that are the “superior” people of this world are trying to keep some sort of information away from the public. i believe its the government is behind all this because when the plane was first “lost” the news and other sites indicated that the airplane had disappeared that there was no satellite images of the airplane. But not that long ago its been announced that there was a company that had their own satellite in which miraculously had a photo of the airplane crashing. What im saying is that why would the government put out information that wasn’t true they should have said that their looking for evidence not bentally put false information. Im not sure what their intend to do with the airplane but i know for sure that the government is behind it all.

    2.I was pretty well informed of this incident when this accured because my brother watches a lot of the main events that are happening in this worlds so he would inform me with the incident. So yes i was well informed of the 370 plane it was bad to hear that the plane was lost what was going threw my mind was that how terrible for the family they may never ever see their loved ones that were in that plane. I didn’t like is that the government couldn’t find information that indicated there wasn’t a satellite that had captured the image of the plane or no other way to locate the plane it made me mad because how can they find people that are very very very smaller than a plane can be located by satellite but finding a plane is diffucult.

    3.i believe that the most possible incident that could have happened is that it was a set up and that it was the goverment set up. 4 the goverment is reposnible for it all.5 they probably waisted more money on themselves than the actual seaRCH.5 SO WE SHOULD QUESTION THEM MORE ON THEIR SEARCHES AND FILES ABOUT THE AIRPLANE. Im not sure what their intend to do with the airplane but i know for sure that the government is behind it all.

    4.YES i believe its not fair because its not right that the bigger countries are being compared with small countries because there is pros and cons from these two things. I say there are pros and cons that are that its not reliable because small countries could be more santitanional because they have less people but bigger countries have much greater social progress because there may be greater amount of people. So there is a unfairness if the countries are being compared no matter the size of the country.

    1. Armando Quintana Period 4
      In the first paragraph after the third sentence I believe you should add "If there weren't any images of the plane then how come they are certain the plane crashed."

    2. I disagree. I don't think the government is hiding anything. The government has no motives to hide the plane's disappearance. Moreover, I don't think the government wants over 200 people to disappear.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

  35. Armando Quintana Period 4

    1)It’s really hard to come up with a conclusion about this event. 2) Many people are coming up with different theories to explain the disappearance of flight 370. 3) The theories range from aliens to government conspiracy, these theories make it difficult to come up with a conclusion. 4) I believe the plane went through tragic technical malfunctions that caused the plane to crash somewhere that we can’t find it. 5) I believe it all depends on your personal perspective, if you believe in aliens then you would believe aliens had some connection to this event. 6) DUe to the fact that the plane just disappeared out of nowhere without anyone one else knowing where the plane ended up.
    7) To be honest I have never heard about this tragic event until this blog post. 8) Even after this blog post I haven’t been keeping up with this story, all that I read was the description attached to this blog. 9) The reason I haven’t been paying close attention to this event is because I don’t really have an interest in this. 10) Don’t get me wrong, this event was tragic and mysterious because we have no clue if the passengers aboard flight 370 are alive or dead. 11) After hearing about this I was interested, but then I don’t really care to follow this story because there is no point if all that is repeated is the plane hasn’t been found yet.
    12)I believe the disappearance of the plane was due to a technical malfunction because there are theories that some how bring in aliens and the government.13) I don’t think the government would have an interest in a plane. 14)The government has nothing to cover up that involves a plane with 239 passengers. 15) Also I don’t know why aliens would be involved in the disappearance of the plane. 16) I do believe in aliens because mankind can’t be the only living race in the universe. 17) I find it difficult to think aliens wanted the plane for a reason; I just think if they are kidnapping humans why don’t they invade the earth if they have the power to do so. 18) Personally I believe the disappearance of the plane was caused by technical malfunctions.
    19) I believe the world is so interested in this event because this isn’t normal for a plane to disappear out of thin air. 20) I think the world wants to know what truly happened to the plane because they are afraid that something like this will occur again. 21) I think the general public is scared that something dangerous made the plane disappear. 22) And they just want to know what happened, so they can have a sense of security in flying without having the feeling that the same thing that happened to flight 370 will occur again.
    23) In conclusion I believe it’s hard to pinpoint a specific reason for the plane to have disappeared out of thin air. 24) There are many theories that can relate to this event, but I personally believe it was caused by a technical malfunction. 25) This is the first time hearing about this event and personally I don’t care to follow this story anymore. 26) Yes, this was a tragic event we have no clue if the passengers in the plane are alive or dead. 27) I have no interest in this event if the only news that will keep repeating is that no further information has been concluded or found. 28) I believe the world is so interested in this event because the world wants the world to know what really happened to the plane. 29) In order to have closure or have a sense of security to know they are safe to fly once more on planes without worrying if the same thing will happen again.

  36. Written by: Remi Moy P:5

    1. The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, in my opinion, probably crashed landed in the Indian 2. Ocean. I said this because the article said that there were to some debris that may have been 3. spotted in a satellite image. I think the reason why they didn’t spot the airplane yet because it 4. might have been tons of debris in the ocean or raw materials. Also, I believe because the 5.Indian Ocean is big, it would become hard for people in search for the plane for find evidence 6.become of the depth of the ocean. Another factor could that at a certain point in water people 7.can only go so deep because of the tense of water when you go deeper and deeper.

    8.I have heard of this story few times in articles, the news on television, and from people 9.who have heard about it. Personally, I have not been follow up this story. I haven’t really been 10.following up on the story. It is an interesting topic because this doesn’t happen frequently.

    11.Technical malfunction could sound reasonable, but they say that there was no signal 12.on the plane and the story doesn’t sound that reasonable because how are you going have 13.technical difficulties if there was no signal or possible area of the plane’s whereabouts. The 14.pilot error sounds cheesy as the technical malfunction because if the pilot had an error 15.he/she would inform the anyone able to help them. I say the hijacking would be the most 16.reasonable because of the no signal of the plane or no sign of where the plane is. The 17.hijackers possibly plan on making it difficult to find the plane.

    18.The world is possible so interested in this because things like this doesn’t usually 19.happen and this topic might decide a person’s way to travel. Most researchers might be 20.involve of the story because they want to find out what happened and if so explain what 21.happened to the plane. Overall the topic of this missing plane is fascinating and makes 22.people become update on whether or not researchers found out what happened.

  37. 1. A possible theory about the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that I think is the most logical is that an experienced person hijacked the plane. 2. Some of these sources present evidence how the communication to the flight were prematurely deactivated. 3. The only way that would make sense was if the pilots deactivated it against their will, or someone skilled was onboard to do so. 4. Some of the theories make sense, but I believe a hijacking makes the most sense. 5. The mystery behind the lost flight baffles everyone.

    1. I've been hearing about the lost flight since the beginning. 2. My parents have been watching it on Chinese news for a while now. 3. They keep me updated on the topic every now and then. 4. On occasion, I watch a few videos about theories of how the plane goes missing. 5.The internet and the television are the main two sources I hear from usually.

    1. I believe the theory of technical problems with the plane may be very possible. 2. The plane went off communication suddenly, so there's a high chance something went wrong with the plane. 3. The actual pilot might have been unaware with these problems. 4. A hijacking sounds the most plausible in this case though. 5. A lot of people strongly believe the plane landed in the ocean, so it's strongly possible that the plane didn't have enough power to fly.

    1. I believe people were interested in the story because it happened out of nowhere. 2. I was interested in the story when I heard it at first because I've never heard something like it happen before. 3. A mysterious flight being lost sounds like something out of a television show like Lost. 4. There's no other story like it, so I'd be pretty interested in a lost flight. 5. Not even car crashes get this much coverage.

    1. Overall, the probability of a lost flight like the Malaysian flight is pretty low. 2. Society never hears about something so tragic like this. 3. The missing Malaysia Airlines 370 flight caused a panic lot of panic amongst everyone. 4. Some theories on the topic are simply baffling, especially because since any theory can be possible. 5. Almost everyone can find interest in this topic.

    Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  38. Ashley gaston
    Period 4
    15 April 2014

    1.The plane got hijacked and taken over by terrorists.
    2.When the plane was hijacked it took the plane downward into landing mode.
    3.While going down full speed the plane was still in control by the pilot.
    4.The pilot didn’t have much control since he was not the only one moving it.
    5.The reason it took 40 minutes is because not only was one person controlling it, they were moving different directions over body of water.
    6.The plane crashed into the body of water after 40 minutes.
    7.I heard on the news about Malaysia but I never really looked into it.
    8.I pay more attention to the city crimes in Chicago and the crimes around the world.
    9.I focus on violence so this didn’t really catch my attention.
    10.I think that this was caused by Hijacking because it was a disappearance.
    11.It wasn’t like the pilot warned anyone on the walkie talkie that they were in danger.
    12.Maybe it was the pilot who was basically hijacking the plane.
    13.Since nobody knows where they went then it had to be something going on with the plane and the plane devices were not functioning.
    14.I am pretty confident if something goes wrong with the plane you alert everyone on it and everyone in control of the plane.
    15.The pilot suspectively did not alert anyone to where he was going.
    16.I think everyone was so fascinated with this disappearance because it comes on the news so much.
    17.Also because it is surprising that they still have not found out how this happened.

  39. (1)No can be sure what happened to the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. (2)There are numerous possibilities, but none are better than the other. (3) For my guess, I think Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 might been hijacked and being held hostage somewhere else. (4) With our modern technology, it seems weird that we are unable to find an object as big as an airplane. (5) However, we can never know until we find more information.
    (1)I actually did not know about this information till the blog post. (2) Due to a certain high school, I have no time to check current events, but definity I will check it out when I have time. (3) From there, I am as informed as the information presented in the article.
    (1) Like mentioned before, I think all theories are possible till we find more information. (2) However, though, I don’t believe it was a pilot error or a malfunction. (3) Because it was not confirmed that the airplane crashed, It’s highly possible that the airplane is still intact. (4) Thus, it’s probably not a malfunction or pilot error; otherwise, some part of the airplane should be found by now.
    (1) I believe the people are fascinated due to concern and curiosity. (2) An large object such like an airplane that disappeared suddenly is very mysterious. (3) Moreover, according to the article, more than 200 passengers were aboard in the plane; 200 people could be in danger or already dead. (4) People might also worry about the possibilities of war. (5) If Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was an act of terrorism; then, the United States might declare war.
    Andy Xu
    Period 5

  40. Victor Villanueva
    Ms Wright
    English P4

    1 It was March the 8th of 2014 , flight 370 from Malaysia Airlines was ready to take off to their desire destination of Beijing .2- the flight took off in the early morning and after 40 minutes into the flight , the airplane along with its 236 passengers completely disappeared . 3- Authorities from all around the globe including the United States helped out in the search for the plane.4 - Some how we are still looking for that plane to day , so the million question is , where is flight 370?

    5- first point that I will like to bring out is my theory , what I believe happened to the airplane was that it was all a setup for a terrorist group to steal the plane . 6- My second theory is that this would turn out to be a government set up .7- there are some main points that I would like to point out , such as the ease of localization of any sort of minor apparatus ,and also the lack of evidence from different stories .

    7- My first piece of evidence is that , It is completely misunderstandable that the U.S and other countries could track single apparatus like cell phones , also that they could track people , however , they completely lose 236 people and a huge airplane. 8 - when the case of Edward Snowden came on in the news people reported that the U.S ,within hours of infiltration to their computers , had already pinpointed the exact location of Snowden. 9- Later on world news we also found out that the U.S had been listening into phone conversations from other countries like Brazil. 10 - so could someone please explain to me why can’t the U.S track down either 1 of the 236 passengers lost , one of their technological apparatus , that may lead them to the actual plane , or a plane that is supposed to have a tracking system ? 11- If it is so easy to track down a phone why can’t they take that approach?

    12 - Another great point that is to be made is that , the U.S and international authorities have claimed to know that the airplane “most-likely crashed” yet we still do not have concrete evidence . 13- Now the way that all of this comes in to play to prove my theories is that , first this should be a terrorist act since the airplane was flying the wrong direction and the pilots turned off the tracking systems , which would also explain that the airplane would probably have crashed.
    14 - Researchers from all over the world have been quite happy with this because a Drone has been sent to the search area to search underwater , yet scientist know very little of the ocean floor in this location ,therefore , they are using this “opportunity” to learn more about it . 15 - the way that it would prove my second theory is that , since the type of research that the scientist are doing on the ocean floor requires millions of dollars in machinery ( including the drone ). 16- Since people won’t donate the money for this research and governments can’t simply use tax money to give to this research project, the overall world government ( the United Nations , in a way) agree to disappear this plane , having giving the pilots orders to turn of the GPS systems , then go to a different location during the flight , while explaining to the passengers probably a false story and removing all of the technological apparatus on the plane , then landing the plane somewhere safe , such as a private airport. 17 - After all of the steps before the governments in the world could use the excuse of keeping good ties with other governments , for an explanation on using the money . 18 - after the research is done the people from the flight would be warned by their governments of not speaking and probably be rewarded with a couple of thousands also a life somewhere new .
    19 - In conclusion I believe that the Malaysian airflight 370 was disappeared byt he government itself as an excuse for a research project or disappeared by terrorist as an act of terrorism .
