Monday, May 5, 2014

Identifying Gender and Sexuality

Do We Need New Ways to Identify Gender and Sexuality?


  1. Written by: Alicia I. Rodriguez
    Honors English 5

    The idea is not that new to me, but I am also not that familiar with it. I have encountered words like "cisgender" and "intersex" before. I have also heard the arguments for the two terms before. They all fight like cats and dogs. My reaction to what I read would be surprised at the amount of ignorance. You'd think that by now people would come to accept those that are different from them. In my opinion, everybody is human. We are all humans. We shouldn't let genders and sexuality get in the way of creating relationships.

    I agree with people like Sasha Kolodkin who say that "the complexities of your identity are lost" for some people who must choose between only "male" or "female" as gender identifiers. Some people are confused as to who they are. Some people would prefer to not even choose. For example, those that are intersex have absolutely no idea. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get, and they certainly don't know. Their minds say one thing and their bodies say another. People should just be able to choose whatever makes them comfortable.

    I remember one time in particular where I was reading an article about a young girl who was intersex and she was struggling with the decision of the boys' bathroom and the girls' bathroom. Whenever she would go to the girls' bathroom, they would scream at her, and the same thing would occur in the boys' bathroom. The fact that people are afraid to be certain things simply because of the disapproval is not right.

    Like I said before, we are all humans. We all have human rights. We are all living and breathing the same air whether you like it or not. The earth spins as slow as a snail moving uphill, but the ignorance among the people moves quickly.Instead of arguing and fighting, we should all try to help each-other feel comfortable in our own skin, for one day all of us are going to make significant changes in this world, and those changes will greatly benefit the entire population.

    Overall, I believe that the 50+ possibilities should be available. If it were honestly up to me, I'd forget the labels and go on with life, but life isn't easy that way. The fighting between sexuality and gender needs to be stopped. We all deserve happiness and peace among ourselves. We all must work together to make this place happy and comfortable. It shouldn't be like this. All the world is a stage, and all men and women merely players. We should be able to enjoy the time we have without arguments and labels.

    1. Although I did disagree with you on some of your arguments, I think the point "we are all human" makes a lot of sense when deciding if different gender identification should be recognized.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    2. I agree with you. Everyone is human and shouldn't let sexuality and gender get in the way of that or determine who they are. I personally don't think the 50+ option list is necessary though. I Just don't see the big deal and why it's so important. But, at the same time you made a good point that we all should be comfortable in our own skin and the 50+ list will help with that. Overall, I agree with you though.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

    3. I also agree with Sharon. I like the fact that you said everyone is human but like Sharon said not all 50 options are necessary. I honestly don't even know how they came up with 50+ options.
      Gisela Cervantes Period 5

    4. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      5 May 2014

      I agree with what you have said. People should be able to choose whatever they feel like and are comfortable with. No one should judge anyone of how they view themselves. No one is perfect and I feel like that is a point that everyone should be reminded about when they talk about these types of things. Everyone should just worry about themselves and not others. No one is judging them. Anyone can decide what they want people to see as part of their identity.

    5. I agree with your final statement of moving on with life as you choose, but I have to disagree with the fifty plus possibilities. It is unnecessary, it really is as people search for who they are and start having to research these terms as they are not widely accepted and known among the human populace. If it does come down to, and it will most likely will as you states: that is life, then make about ten other options, not to make it too confusing on the person to choose.

      John Capers
      Period 5

    6. Written by: Remi Moy P:5

      I disagree with you when you agree with Sasha's statement because I think that if you don't classify your gender as male or female than how is it hard to classify yourself as LGBTQIA if you have so many chooses.

    7. I like the points you made however I disagree with you. Although accepting them would make them happy they will keep asking for more attention and new terms. I think that this should just stop because now more people are starting to get confused even the ones that didn’t at first.
      -Jazmin Juarez A5

  2. I have heard of " Cisgender " and " intersex " before in my own opinion I don't see anything wrong with people identifying themselves as any of these because that is how they feel they are, that is what they choose of their being. Even thought many people feel that the "sex" they came out is not the sex the intended to be they may/may not feel that way.
    Many people are born male that later on in life feel more female or develop more feminine traits. The same goes for someone that is born female but experiences more male traits. Sasha Kolodkin said "The complexities of your identity are lost" thought many may feel that way when choosing if they are male or female, don;t believe in what she is saying because that was the body you were born it no one said you had to like it or the way you were born.
    Facebook has been a site that allows people to choose if they are male, female, transgender, queer, questioning, etc. This new opinion make people feel more accepted. It may help people feel more comfortable with what sex they are feeling might confuse others that are trying to learn more on that one person. One day people might be at the doctor and will have to sign papers and identify what sex they are and if the say they are one thing but then turn out to be the other then things could go bad.
    This sort of issue is common in a Boys and Girls club that I attend because 2 girls where not sure how they felt towards both females and males. In this Club we actually have really good people that help you discover your true feelings. Those 2 girls found who they wanted to be and who they wanted to be with.
    In my opinion many people are scared to show who they really are because of the criticism there is in the world. People sometimes choose to be what people tell them to be so they wont stick out, instead of showing everyone their true colors. People should not do that ; Yes there will be people that will not like it but no one is an exact replica of anyone.

    Marllery Juarez P5
    Honors English

    1. I agree with you. People should feel comfortable identifying themselves as what they want and it shouldn't matter. More down the line people may feel more male or female. It happens. But, I still don't think that a 50+ list is necessary. I think that people are able to identify themselves without all of that. There are many other ways to express yourself. But, I do agree that they should be comfortable with who they are and in their own skin.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

    2. I disagree with you mallory because i think people should base their gender on sex organ type and hormones. I say this because some people out there only want to be independent from their own true gender based on how they feel. Facts are better than opinion, so scientifically speaking, if your sex organs match male or female, then you are that gender.

      Xe Cabrera-A5

    3. I agree with you about people marking themselves as whatever they feel they are. Even after all the choices people have in sex I.D people just don't know what they are. I also agree with you about showing true colors.

      Felipe Islas P5

    4. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      7 May 2014

      I agree with how you said it should matter of how poeple feel. No one should judge anyone because nobody is perfect. Also I think that the people who choose to be this way shouldn't be afraid to show who they are. They shouldn't get disrespected in anyway. Everyone has their own opinions about certain things. If people don't have something nice to say then might as well not say it.

    5. Alejandra Gutierrez

      I agree with the part about the girl not knowing whether to go inside the boys' or girls' bathroom. Its hard for some people. People should not be judged on what gender they want to be. It doesn't concern them. As long as the person is happy it's all that matters.

    6. Written by: Remi Moy

      I agree with you people should call themselves whatever they feel like and be okay with it, bu t I think that the long list of classifications is useless and unnecessary. I think that people should use the identifier such as LGBTQIA etc.

  3. These terms aren't new to me, and yes, I've heard arguments for them. In my honest opinion, when I first heard them, I thought they were as ridiculous as the article itself. I think there should be only two genders: male and female. If a person was one gender and switched to another gender, they don't have to be labeled as "transgender". They can be labeled as the new gender that they chose.

    No, I do not agree with her. I think choosing a gender is as simple as talking. I know that there are some mental and internal conflicts a person may come across when choosing a gender, but the bottom line is you are either male or female, and nothing in-between.

    I know and have read about people who struggle with identifying as one gender. The article showed me that gender identification is important as basic rights to people who struggle with it, and that they feel that "all genders" should be recognized. This article raised questions about whether or not we need new ways to identify gender and sexual differences or not.

    // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    1. I agree with Joel I do think that the whole debate itself is ridiculous. I also agree that if a person is transgender they can just label themselves as the new gender. I like that he states that you can only be female or male and that is what I feel most of the time too. He also mentioned what I mentioned with people struggling with their identities.
      Gisela Cervantes Period 5.

    2. Destini Steward
      PD. 5
      I agree with you, there should be two genders. Transgender people can simply choose the new sex, or the old one. If someone feels like neither sex, I believe they should just put the sex that they are, instead of being difficult. People are overworking the situation by making it a huge things. Facebook had too many options for gender.

    3. I completely agree with you. I think that there are really only two genders and no in between and it's not as hard as it is made out to be. I also think it is ridiculous along with he article. Very good points.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

    4. You make good points; however, you should consider yourself in their shoes. We might consider gender as something of little sufficient, but to others it's a hard struggle of identity. I, myself, never experienced these problems, but others might find it hard to know their gender.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

    5. I'm sorry but if somebody changes their gender to one to another they will always be that gender that they were before no matter what. Of course we would respect their decision and understand where they are coming from and there is no point in fighting them the only problem is that these people need to base their reality on what god made us to be. Even though that no make sense I really am able to see that these people would always only have two options and that's it. I understand them that they want to change their world views on the self but that will only lead to failure and prove Sharon correct with her quote. I have to agree with Joel because he is correct that the articles aide the question of where or not we need new ways to identify gender and that totally not necessary because you already have the basic ones.
      Andres Davalos

  4. Gisela Cervantes Period 5

    I believe that on social media such as Facebook and twitter it is ok to have all of those options. I don't how ever agree that there should be that many options on official forms. It's not that I have anything against people that define themselves as other than a male or female, I just believe that on more official things it should just be kept on a simple level. Some people might actually get confused with all of the terms and start wondering.
    It actually is kind of new to me. I wasn't aware that stuff like this was an issue. I actually have a Facebook but I did not know that there was so many options to choose from. I always thought and assumed that it was only male or female. I have heard of this terms before but didn't pay much attention on the names.
    I recently am learning about people defining themselves as a specific gender. I am very familiar with the terms and what they mean. Although I didn't know there was that many options I did know about some mentioned in the article. I think this can be an issue that could be talked about a lot more.
    I don't agree with people like Sasha. I don't think a person can feel lost with not having the options of the identities. If a person knows who he or she is then they won't feel lost. Honestly a person wouldn't care if their Facebook doesn't say agender as long as they know it they will be fine.
    I don’t personally know anybody dealing with this issue. I have seen several tv shows where they show that people feel weird and unsure of how to identify themselves. I remember seeing an episode where a girl was transgender but didn’t know whether to use the male or females’ restroom. She felt so lost and people just started judging and making fun of her.

    1. Destini Steward
      PD. 5
      I agree with you. There should not be that many options for gender on formal applications. On social media though, I believe there should be a limit. I also disagree with people like Sasha. People were most likely born into a specific gender, so that is simply what they should put.

    2. I think that people on websites should stick to basic genders as male or female because gender should be basic on identitiy not hard. Gender should always be taken serously, not emotionally because that isint fair. Science is facts not opinon, it's better that way.

      xe cabrera A5

  5. Destini Steward
    Honors English PD. 5
    5 May 2014
    I have never heard the term "cisgender," but I am familiar with the term "intersex." I believe several of the arguments are valid, but not all. Some of the arguments, like the one above where the man used a color comparison, are somewhat invalid, and don't make much sense. I would consider myself an ally, but lots of the things people are stated are just out right silly. Majority of these arguments should be taken into consideration, but definitely not all.

    My reaction to these statements is that most are valid, but some just shouldn't be stated. I believe some people within the L.G.B.T.Q.Q.I.A community are just trying to have their opinions heard, and taken into consideration. Others, on the other hand, are not. They are simply stating things that are pretty much senseless. Certain people sound just out right ignorant, as they speak on this topic.

    I do not agree w/ Sasha, but I do understand what she is saying. Though people may feel like a certain sex, at the end of the day, they were most likely born either a male or a female. I do understand that a person may feel like a woman, though they were born a man & vice versa, but when filling our applications, or making an account, their gender is not that deep. If one is transexual, they can simply choose the gender they were born with. They can also choose the gender they have turned to, or feel like they are.

    I do know a few people within the L.G.B.T.Q.Q.I.A community, but they have not struggled with thus issue. My brother, who is gay, does not stress over thing like this. When he made his Facebook page, there were two options, and he chose male. He was born a male, and looks like a male, but dresses more like a woman & prefers men. I think people slightly over work the deal with all the options.

    These articles shed some light on me. They help me understand how certain people feel. I know my whole statement may sound like I am insensitive, but that is my opinion. I do believe some people actually don't feel like the sex they were born as, or have gotten surgery to become a different sex & things of the sort. This article showed me more opinions, and made me realize that some people are just saying things for the sake of saying them.

    1. I would also consider myself an Allie as well since some of my friends are either lesbian, bisexual, or gay, I support them. I agree with your conclusion since it makes you see things more differently now than you did before.
      -Jocelyn Garcia

    2. I like your points. I agree that gender in the end do not matter. It's more important to know who you are than worrying about what's written on paper.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

  6. This idea is kinda of new to me. Some of the words I have heard of in my sexual health class, but the word ¨cisgender¨, for example, was new to me. When I read these two articles, I was shocked to say the least. I'm not against gay marriage. You love who you love and it shouldn't matter if they are male or female. As long as you're happy. Who care what anyone thinks. So, I understand, kind of, where people in the gay community are coming from, but I feel as though all these actions are very unnecessary.

    In my opinion, the only options Facebook needs to have that will classify all the types of people apart of the gay community, is male, female, other, and none. Then you can put specifics on your actually profile. Or just the most common orientations should be put in the drop menu. I don't think it is necessary to put every single orientation there is into the gender option for Facebook. Another option could be for the person to type in their preferred gender.

    I'm not exactly understanding what Sasha Kolodkin means when she says this statement. How are ¨the complexities of you identity lost¨ because there are only male and female gender options? I don't think It really effects your identity like that. There are many other things that determine who you are besides gender. I don't think their ¨identities are lost¨. Isn't that the whole point of Facebook? To show your friends and family who you are outside of when they see you. You express your identity and personality through your Facebook profile. It's not that hard. There's no need for Facebook to make it easier.

    I haven't heard or read about anyone struggling with this particular issue. I've heard of people struggling with their sexual orientation and gender but not with choosing it on Facebook or other social media. I feel like that is something that shouldn't really have a light shone on right now. Bigger problems are happening within the gay community and you're worrying about a category on Facebook? Really? Is it that serious? Before we even talk about categories on Facebook, we should address that fact that society makes people who are apart of these orientations and genders afraid to even admit they are apart of them. We should focus more on making people with different sexual orientation comfortable before we make it seem like everything is ok and they can openly admit who they are without judgements.

    These articles don't shed a light on a struggle for me. It has never been an issue. I'm still not understanding why this is necessary. I think that instead of having a 50 gender option long list, they can have an ¨Other. Please specify¨ category and then people who don't think they are male of female can type in what they feel they are. I feel like if these changes were to be made, they wouldn't even really be used. Some people don't want everyone to know they are transgender or an ally or anything like that. So they are comfortable with the way it is. Its been like this for all this time, why is it such a big deal now?

    ~Sharon Boyd P5

    1. I would have to agree with you in first paragraph. Its not about what people think, its about what you think is right and you love who you love no matter what anyone says.
      -Jocelyn Garcia

    2. I strongly agree with you in the second paragraph. I agree with what gender options should be available.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

  7. I don't really think this is a new idea to most people including me. People who are "male" "female" could be who they want to be. they should have the need to be someone their not, and just to let them be themselves. Even if that person is male or female they might not feel they way they do and might want to switch it around. It all depends on who that person and how they feel about who they are.
    I would have to agree with Sasha Kolodkin, because what she states it true. If are a female and you want to be then go ahead, but if you choose to stay the way you are, your're not going to be yourself, your going to be someone your not basically. You can not just be both male and female, you could only choose and be one. If you don't do the things that you want to do and what you feel is right your going to feel lost and like no body is going to accept you.You just have to be yourself and don't take others judgments seriously.
    These articles show people who are afraid to come out that its okay to be themselves.There are people who are there to support you. In the article " Who are you to Facebook now?" proves that the world is starting to be more open. There isn't just going to be one to four status saying your L.G.B.T. They are opening it up more to people who are unsure of what they want to be.
    I have read this book called Tilt by Ellen Hopkins that deals with realistic problems within the world. There was this boy named Hunter was gay but had to hid it from his friends and family. He didn't like to really express his feelings since he had thought that they would make fun of him and laugh about him. Turns out that when he had shown his true self to someone, that person accepted him as who he was and who he's trying to be. I have had friends that had trouble trying ti chose what they wanted them to be and supported them through it. She had family who didn't support her on what she thought was right.
    People who are fine with who and what they are might make judgments about other who are the opposite of them. By doing this can cause people to show who they really are and how they act towards other. Certain people don't follow the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Some aren't even Allies to their friends and can make snide comments behind their backs and then confront them about how happy they are for them. But in the end I believe that there shouldn't be and changes to the "male" and "female" since they could just put what they want to be , instead of how they appear.
    - Jocelyn Garcia A/B5

    1. MaryClaire Mangan
      I agree with what you said about not choosing male or female, you wouldn't be yourself, and people should have the right to be themselves. I do agree that there overall shouldn't be changes to the male and female options.

  8. Isabella Velazquez
    Ms. Wright P:5

    This is no longer a new idea for me as of this year. The reason why I say this is because this year in personal health class we learned about these different types of gender classifications. My reaction to what I read was that I do not think that people should have to feel limited to options of just choosing if you are a male or female. I feel that they should be able to specifically say what they believe and know they are. If that calls for having a large variety of options then so be it. They should be able to express who they are with just letting people know their own personal gender classification. Now this is not to make fun of anybody at all but just something that gives them freedom to themselves as people.

    I do agree with Sasha Kolodkin when she says that "the complexities of your identity are lost" if you just choose between female and male. The reason why I say this is because maybe some people are not use to just classifying as a female or male. The world has changed in many ways. This being one of the changes people should have the choice and option to choose and look for their own. If they do not have this option I feel it does not fully express who they are as a person.

    I personally do not know or have read about anyone who is struggling with this issue. With this I do say I am open to hear peoples stories or issues about this. It would be different to understand what people of these types of different genders feel about these major changes.I would like to know if they are comfortable with it or if they find it offensive. The only reason why I say this is because many people can take this in many different ways. They can thank the people for understanding and letting them express who they are or they can get defensive and argue that it is nobody's business to know what they are.

    The light that these articles shed or the insight that it gives me is that their are many other options to choosing from a gender. It tells me that Facebook will now be offering a larger option for gender classification with over 50 different classifications. It in a way helps me better understand exactly why they are doing this and for who they are doing this for. It might not be clear to me fully but I understand the bigger picture of this change.

    The questions that these articles raise for me is why is this a big concern for a big internet business like Facebook. I would not figure at all that your gender classification would be a #1 concern. Yes, there is big debate and issues about it but I would in all honesty figure they would focus their time more on perfecting the website. In ways like getting child predators off these sites, letting children be exposed to sites like this, letting bullying happen on these sites with no consequence. I would never think that gender classification would be a main concern. I have no issues with this at all but it is a question that I will remain to have until I fully understand why.

  9. I haven't heard about the words "cigender" and "intersex" being put on social media like this. I have heard these words in other places, but I never really linked them to social media websites. While I was reading I was a bit shocked. I thought people only identified themselves as male or female, but now I realized that people identify themselves differently. After reading the article I believe that It's a good thing that people are adding more things to the list of what people identify themselves with. I believe this is a good thing because then this gives the people more freedom on how they could express themselves.
    People shouldn't feel like they are put boundaries on who they should identify themselves as. People should have the right to express not only how they feel, but also who they are. Many people feel like society has put a boundary on who they can be. Society is what has changed people. As society continues to change, people change, and if people change then they get to be who they really want to be.
    I don't agree with Sasha Kolodkin at all. I do not agree with Ms. Kolodhin because what she is trying to say is that people should't express how they feel about themselves. When people don't express how they feel, they become more insecure, more shy, and they feel like they are the "odd" ones because they don't see anyone else like that. Someone with this issue shouldn't stress over it too much, just be who you want to be.
    I don't really know anyone who is currently struggling with this problem, nor have I heard of anyone struggling with this issue. From the article I saw that now social media is offering more than one gender option, which in my opinion is good. I believe this is a good idea to do because people can finally be who they truly want to be, which is the way it should always be. Adding new things so people could identify themselves as is an overall good thing because this is one way people allow themselves to be free.
    Written by: Claudia Vega PD5

  10. John Capers
    Period 5

    I am new to this type of argument. I knew that there were certain labels for groups of people that labeled them by their sexuality, but I did not know that there were other terms that can be used. I am familiar with LGBTIQA like the back of my hand, I know it and it's meaning, but things like cisgender are words that I was unaware of until I have read this article. I honestly feel like a man with no map and with a destination in mind but a fork in a road. I am confused of the many problems that have arisen over this argument. I can see why most will want to add gender options, but over fifty possible terms? That seems like a large portion of those are not even necessary.

    I agree with Sasha Kolodkin because there are some people are born a gender, but feels very strongly that they are not truly that gender. But I must also disagree, this situation is something of a personal preference and as such shouldn't really matter. If you are male yet feels like a female then put yourself as female and if someone is curious explain to them what you believe you are. I do know that there are those out there, like a black spot in the middle of a white field, that will not care where they are and who they are in the eyes of others. They are proud of who they are so, in truth, those who feel that these two options bring questioning to your identity, then don't. Choose who you want to be because that is what gender is, a belief of who you are.

    I do not know anyone on a direct or indirect way that struggles with their sexual identity. I honestly didn't know this was that serious of a problem until now. I guess that people are just so judge mental of others that they will go to even judge their own sex identity. It has always been a struggle for those in the "primary genders" such as Gay, Transgender, and Lesbian to face others but adding more might make some complications. There are two ways this argument can end: one, the names become too much and everyone slowly forgets about labeling others as it is too specific and too troubling to do so and go back to the general terms; or two, this does become something that everyone uses, but again due to so many words and terms for so many people, then they will most likely stick with general terms of LGBTIQA and rarely use the other terms. Both options are like two roads leading to the same ending, it doesn't matter because this is the end result.

    The few questions that I do have are the follow: why are so many people passionate about adding more labels to others? Are these terms offensive or non-offensive? What is the exact number of terms that are being asked to be used? Is there a group of people that are pushing to allow these terms to be used? Will this create more division between groups of people in the future?

    I believe that everyone should just stick with the regular labels because adding more will only bring about confusion on who you are. If there needs to be an add-on to the list of choices to identify themselves then please let it be below ten at least as to not having people struggle to specifically identify themselves. It is as unnecessary like doing complex algebraic problems when you have a calculator that can help do those problems that is right next to you. It will make a larger division between people and could cause problems between these groups on a monthly, or even weekly basis. Don't fight so hard for a solution that can lead to even more problems than what it has solved.

    1. I also feel that fifty other terms are really too much. I possibly don't see why people just sick to regular terms. It's all just really confusing. People are not going to care about who you are or what you put on face book. It all just seem like a waste.
      Written by Andrew Guerrero Period 4

  11. Efrain Santacruz
    Period 5

    I've learned these topics and terms all this year in personal health class and know it very well, but I never actually put myself in the place of someone to react to it. At birth, yes everything is a great, pleasant surprise, but if news like this hit a parent, I dont know if their reaction would be just as pleasant. Until this point I finally got to think about the topic unscientifically and more of realistically. The following are my personal experiences with this type of manner.

    This is definitely something new to me in terms of the idea of intersex and cisgender. I found it pretty astonishing that you could be born being both a male and female. One of the many reasons is because how are you suppose to react as a parent to such a statement. Im sure people in the past have taken it as a joke or have an immediate blank reaction. This is basically my root thoughts on the whole intersex term.

    Sasha Kolodkin brings up a point that complexities of your identity are lost. Personally, this isn't my state of mind, but for people who really doubt themselves have the right to relate themselves to this theory. The reason I say that they have the right to do so is because, they can act like a girl when really they are males, or on the other hand. Another reason might be that they don't want to be teased and hide it by playing the expected role of a gender when they are dying to be truthful and life honestly. These are the basic reasons why I believe they have the complete freedom to connect themselves to this.

    I don't know anyone that is related to this topic. If I suspected something due to the fact that they are hiding something, I would ask them questions that add up to the big one. It would be really rude to ask right off the bat which is why I probably haven't thought about asking someone to help them until this point. I know, I would overreact if anyone had ever asked me this. Even though I don't know anybody that can connect to this topic, I would definitely be an ally and be absolutely okay with whatever they would tell me because I know it's off trust.

    I've certainly heard about these terms and what they are but I never really read much into it to the point that I feel that I may be involved with someone who is connected to this. Overall, I'am an ally so anything is safe, specially if you've been hiding something for a while and have barely made the choice to come out. As mentioned before, It'd be a pleasure because I know I'am trusted by that individual. Also, because I know I'd really appreciate if someone where to help me. These are the reasons why I'd be definitely okay with helping someone out in a case like this.

  12. MaryClaire Mangan
    Honors English A/B5
    5 May 2014

    I have heard of people identifying themselves as both, or changing themselves to be the opposite gender. I think that I don't really understand why people would want to identify themselves as both, opposite, or whatever they choose. You can't choose what you are, and that's it. It talked about socially defining themselves around other people, which I don't understand also, because that means changing around certain people, and you already shouldn't be doing that.

    I don't agree that having to choose your identity has been lost, because you are born one or the other. Even if it's what you don't want to be, you can't change it. If people are going to complain about it, I don't agree with it. If sites like Facebook are giving two options, that's not a bad thing, they don't go into detail. If you want people to know the small things and how you identify yourself, then tell them yourself.

    I don't know anyone struggling with the issue, or haven't heard much about it. I don't think it causes any struggle for me, because I don't have a problem with identifying who I am. I don't consider how I am identified socially, or anything else, I am the same for all.The questions that might be brought up could be, would sites like Facebook, actually consider changing just for some people to feel satisfied? Are new sites that are made, going to be originally made with more identification options?

    I don't think that its necessary for sites to change just so that people can feel happy when they determine their gender. There is usually always something about anything, it could be social networks, that you don't like. Maybe those certain people don't like the fact that they don't get a wider variety of options. They would have to deal with that, or if it really bothers them, maybe they shouldn't be using that website.

    The article mentioned, "It's like looking at a painting in black and white instead of color". I understand what is being said, like if there are less options, it's not as interesting as looking at multiple options. The options aren't really necessary, gender isn't a matter of choice. If others want to be identified as other than male or female, then they should choose the "unknown" option. I think that it's more fare, because unknown can mean anything. I think that it can also relate to some people, because how someone is identified can vary, like they said socially. At certain points it could be unknown.

  13. I don't think this idea is useful for everyone because social media can't choose a person sex. The only person who should be in charge of that is themselves. One could call themselves whatever they want. It all depends on who the person views themselves, and if possible the view of others.

    Me and a most of other classmates have recently taken a class about sexuality and in that class we were taught about how a persons view affects what sex they are. Facebook does a really horrible job on that. I think that the sexual identification should only be allowed to those who represent either "Male" or "Female". It may sound like sexism but in reality there are more other things to debate about, I mean if people request for more gender I.D then there is no point on identifying if everyone's sex is all over the place.

    At some point people do feel there identity is lost but really there are many people don't even know what they are. Again, it all depends on the person. Many people have different views about themselves and sometimes their opinions are influenced by others. To answer this question I would I agree for choosing between males and females but, I also disagree because the male and female I.D's are for the majority, not just to the minority.

    I have never known anyone who has ever faced this sort of problem, simply because they accept their role. I guess the questions that the articles raises is what is going to happen in the future. Is there going to be endless rows to view in determining sex. Are the doctors going to remain silent and not announce the babies's sex to the parents. Having these sorts of sex I.D's will leave people clueless on what type of sex they are.

    To sum everything up I think that there shouldn't be a place to mark sexual identification just because of the views people have on themselves. Even with all the choices, there are people out there that have no idea what they should identify themselves. I could tell that there will be no end in sight for this sort of conflict

    //Felipe Islas P5//

  14. Kevin Avila Ms. Wright P5
    Most of this words are new to me. I do not know the meaning of most of these words. I think that this new options shouldn’t be added to facebook and other websites. They can choose between the two options already availible, which are female and male. But if they are not comfortable choosing between the options female and male, most websites have another option thats says "unspecified” or “other” and they can choose that option and later specify under their profile the gender they are comfortable with.

    I disagree with Sasha. I understand that some people might not feel comfortable with choosing between male or female but in almost, if not all, places where you are asked which gender you are they will have an option that says other and that is where you are able to say the gender you are most comfortable with. But i am not totally sure because i have never felt the struggle of choosing a gender. Choosing a gender for me is like choosing between homework or no homework because it is really easy to choose one.

    Most websites include three options female, male, and other and that should be enough. If websites only include two options female and male I think that that is not okay and should be added a third option like other where you would put the term that mostly fits you. Choosing between male or female might be different for some people and that is why a third option should be added. If there is only two options avalible it would be like choosing between school and work because it might be hard for some people but really easy for others. People that disagree with three options want to go a protest and want a change and equality for everyone and no discrimination but there is no need to make such a big deal.

    If some websites do not have a third option there is no need to make a big deal about it. You can choose one option and then specify in your profile under additional information what gender you identify as. Places like facebook offer a little more than three options and that is still not enough for some people but it is for most people so there is no need to add more. If you feel uncomfortable with the choice you chose just choose one and write the gender you identify yourself as in your profile.

    I have not heard of anyone who is struggling with this issue. This is just my opinion and i don't consider it to be the right thing to do because i have never struggled to choose between the most commonly options in websites or papers. I know what option i have to choose and i feel 100% satisfied with it so i don't know how it really feels to struggle to choose a gender. People that know how it feels to struggle with choosing a gender will most likely disagree with me but because i haven't i say that there should be no more than three options avalible under the category gender.

    Kevin Avila P5 Ms. Wright

  15. Anthony Guerrero Pd 5

    All of these words are all new to me. I don't even know any of the words that represents types of genders except male, female, and transsexual. Its because of this that I think that this argument isn't really important. It doesn't harm anyone or hurts anyone's feelings. The types of gender should stay the way that they are now.
    I agree with Sasha Kolodkin on how someone might be lost about their identity as a person when they see their choices. That's why I believe that the choices should be between male, female, and transsexual. No one needs to know if your a supporter of gay or lesbian people. These three choices keep it basic and easy for everybody from my point of view. There's no real confusion from the original choices in the gender section.
    I don't really know anyone who struggles with this small issue. But from what I've read, it shows that these types of people do have a problem with not having the choice of expressing themselves. It's just that there are other people out there who feel like it's just a waist of time discussing something that doesn't really harm anyone. I believe that know one needs to know what your interests are. If the words don't exist, they shouldn't even be used.
    For the people who really want to express how they are and who they are, they should just say it instead of posting it online. No one really cares about what type of gender a person is anymore because everyone is treated with equality now. We live in a generation where some choices are okay to make and others are not. But the one choice that should be alright is the choice of being whoever you are. The person who you were born to be.
    A person shouldn't be judged for what they feel or how they act, as long as it's a positive thing and isn't negative. The choice to be gay, lesbian, or a supporter of these sexuality shouldn't be judged on just how one person feels. No one can change how a person feels or how a person acts, only they can. Just because a person isn't able to share it on a social media, it shouldn't be made into a huge conflict. This issue doesn't stop a person's gender from being seen in the real world.

    1. Carolina Barraza P5
      I agree with you on that if we are going to add another gender to the list it should be transgender. We should keep it simple for people because if there were many to choose form it would be confusing. I also agree that a person should not be judged for the way they feel or act because that is just the person they are and no one can change them.

    2. Jazmin Juarez A5
      I agree with almost everything you said. I don't think that a person needs to explain their rexual orientation when it comes to identifying their identity. I like that you don't think a person should be judged for their choices and that words that don't exist should not be used. I actually think this is a waste of time because there are more important things people should pay attention to. Good job.

  16. Bobbi Munoz

    This new idea of having more options for gender is not something that I think should be done. The standard male and female option is good enough for when answering a question. Many times when your gender is being asked it is not about what you feel or what you think you are, it is what your body says you are. This new idea is unnecessary and it should not be used. When being asked about your gender your sexuality has nothing to do with it. Your are either male or female.
    I have not encountered words that have been used in the article to explain a person gender. I do not think that those names are necessary when it comes to asking the gender of a person. My reaction to those word was surprised, because I did not know that there so that many ways that people want to try to claim their gender. I always believed that is was either male or female, but the article said that there would be a drop down box of 50 possible choice. There is not a need for all those types of genders, there would only leave room for more people to be unsure of their own gender, when in truth there are only two genders.
    I don't agree with Sasha Kolodkin who say that “the complexities of your identity are lost” if they only have to choose between only male or female. There are more things that can define you as a person than just your gender. Your gender says what you were born not who. if you choose male or female that does not say anything about who your are as a person, it just says what you were born as. If you are a female than you were born a female and if you put male you were born a male. It does not change who you are as a person.
    I feel that there are only two gender and there should only be two gender that are a choice when being asked. I don't know anyone who is struggling with this issue. Most people I know are sure about there gender. After reading this article I see that determining what gender you are is a struggle for some people. I also see that I don't have this problem and I will never have a problem of determining what gender I am.
    This new idea of adding more gender choices is not need. There are only two gender that a person can be, male or female. A persons gender can not determine what type of person they are. There is more to a person than just the gender, so if you don't say what you feel you are inside that does not change who you are. There are only two true genders and you can only be one or the other.

    1. I personally don't agree with the fact that there should be only 2 gender options because many people might not feel or act of the gender they were born. People should have the right to describe how they act or how they feel within themselves.
      On the other hand I also see the point you make that you are what you are. We should appreciate the body god gave us ,but then again we may not feel right the way we were born and that causes people to act differently.
      -Marllery Juarez P5

    2. Carolina Barraza P5
      I agree with you Bobbi. I also support people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or anything, but the fact that there are 50 options for a gender category is strange. I know that people feel different and might not like the options, but by choosing either one it doesn't mean that they feel a certain way. I feel that gender is just the way you were born and sexuality is the way you actually feel towards another person.

  17. The idea of a broader variety of sexes is familiar to me. I learned the terms within my health class, which elaborated on the meanings of them. I'm already aware that you can determine how you feel in society with your sex, but gender is how you're genetically born. My reaction towards the article is mainly indifferent, as I'm already aware of the different sexes that people identify themselves as. The terms cisgender and intersex are opposite, as one agrees with genetic gender someone is born with, while the other one disagrees with the gender socially.

    I believe identifying yourself as something other than the mundane options of only male and female make you a more complex individual. No part of your identity would really be lost if you didn't identify yourself as either gender; you're still a person. I certainly believe society will start to value and interpret your actions differently if you don't identify as make or female, and it'll seem strange to them. People don't accept different ideas almost all of the time, that's why society is so slow to change. You can have the exact same interaction with people if you didn't believe you fit under a certain category of sex.

    There are two people I know that identify as females that were born males. They struggle in terms of harsh social judgement. Some people feel that it is wrong for you to change the gender you were given at birth, like it's taboo. The article does shed light on my opinion about what people desire to identify themselves as. As Sash Kolodkin states: "I was born male and feel that I should have been female." It elaborates the reason that people can feel different about what role they play in society, so I support them in terms of what they choose to be identified as.

    Although I do support people having the choice to express themselves however they want through sex, I find it confusing to be able to categorize a large population of people with a diverse identification of sex. In the long run, society has come to a point where people accept the common two genetic genders: male and female. There are ups and downs of having only two roles within society that have certain stereotypes attached to it. The growing number of people who decide that their gender doesn't align with their sex makes it harder for people to understand how many people are biologically born a certain sex. The support for unique identification of people added on top of choosing your own gender adds to a diverse culture and society.

    Overall, I strongly believe people should have full control of what they can consider themselves to be in terms of sex. Some people might believe it's just as fitting to fit people under genetic classifications of sex, but others may not. For the others who don't, it's clear to see that every individual can be different and still continue to do what they love. Sex is an individual flag that everyone can change to show what they have full interest in, and society judges for that. People wouldn't need to create controversy for an insignificant factor of someone's life if they wouldn't judge others for it.

    Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  18. Gabriel Garcia
    Ms. Wright
    Honors English A5/B5

    Most of the words used I don't know what they mean, but i do know some of them from personal health. This topic is a very interesting one considering the fact that lots of people are beginning to become open to what they are. It is also a very popular topic among many when you consider all this talk of gay marriage. I was surprised to see all these new things being added to things like facebook. I was actually very interested in what this blog post had to say.
    It never really crossed my mind on what people would do when choosing between "male" and "female". Now that I think about it though, I can see why the facebook people decided to add all these new gender types in. It does seem to take away some confidence in identity when it comes to being "female" or "male". Like I know someone who is transgender and when it came to choosing male or female they didn't seem to know what to put and left it blank.
    It makes them seem to lose a sense of being human in a way. They become lost choosing whether to choose male or female and makes them seem like they are different maybe. Now, with all these new options available to them they will gladly and easily put their gender. It will give them a sense of freedom in a way to feel "normal", if they don't feel like that already.
    The only thing that really makes me question this is really why they took so long to do this. Although an up rise of gay rights has only been going on for a while, why take so long? If they had done this sooner they probably would be making even more money than they are now, because it gives others freedom.
    This article was one of those articles that I think may have interested everyone. With lots of people using social networking, this will catch lots of peoples eyes, most likely. This "change" I guess you can say will improve and change many things as well. This is something lots of people should hear and learn about.

  19. Jazmin Juarez A5

    This is not a new idea for me. I have heard people identify themselves with something different than female or male. Some of these people have been friends and I respected their action. I have also heard from many people that this is unatural and should not be allowed. My first reaction was that this doesn't seem right. In my opinion you were either born a female or a male.

    I think that this country should focus more on other things than sexual orientation. First of all we are giving this topic too much attention and are forgetting about things that are of actual importance. I respect people from the L.G.B.T. community, but they are asking for too much. We should spend our time doing things other than face book and dating sites because we are falling apart trying to "know" our selves.

    I agree that the people who have to choose between "male/ female" have lost their identity. A problem that I have personally observed is that many of these people change their sexual orientation multiple times. For example if they say they are lesbian then they change to being bisexual or pansexual. I think that this conflic is caused by insecureties about life or them being unsure about what identity really means. I took a behavior class last summer and the instructor said that most of the time a person who changes their "gender/ sex" is because they have had many struggles during their childhood. I feel like people have had a lot of freedom and have a lot of spare time in their hands and should do more productive things then finding a new term that might describe them.

    I do know some people who are struggling with this issue. I like to define my self as a female or a women. I also feel like all of these options are unnecessary and a waist of time not to insult anyone. I am okay with gay marriage because the two people are only staying with their partner; although I still see it as unnatural. I however am not okay with people with multiple partners because that is just not natural and disgusting *my appolagies to anyone who feels offended*. The articles bring up a very intersting perspectives; one being that people don't feel like they match up with their biological sex. I try not to judge because I don't know how this feels, but in my opinion you are what ever you were born to be.

    I feel like I am to influenced by my religion and my family's believes too "truly" understand why people feel in such a way. I don't really agree with there being all these new options to describe a person's genre. In addition; I think that people who didn't originally "question" their sexual orientation will start to do so. I like to see gender as what body parts a person was born with (boy or girl), and I have learned to make an exception of the terms "gay or lesbian" because like I said there is only one partner involved. In conclusion I think these new terms are a waist of time and people should spend their time doing more productive things * my apolagies if anyone is offended* . I also feel like these new terms are going to influence the way other people think of themselves and their identity.

  20. I wasn't surprised about the terms, and I heard about them like a trillion times. In health class, we talked about LGBTQIA and gender, so I know what each term meant. I believe gender, itself, is very complex like a rubik cube, and It's very just up to the individual on how they classify themselves.
    I agree that options besides male and female must be made. Individuals could classify themselves as males, but they could be attracted to the same sex. Hence, the options, male or female, will not completely explain their identity. A person could also be unsure about their gender, or considers his/her self that he/she is both a female and a male.
    Once, I saw on tv a episode about a couple. The male was a transgender that was dating a female that was also a transgender. It was very interesting to see how they were extremely happy with each other. The couple stuck to each other like glue, and they didn't care what other people thought. However, I wanted to know why they made their decisions and what influenced them to. I was also interested in how they met each other and their reactions when they discovered about their gender.

    Andy Xu
    Period 5

  21. Carolina Barraza P5
    This is actually a new idea for me because I've never come across something like this in particular. In my opinion I think that it's strange and unnecessary to have 50 options of gender. I know that someone might feel sexually different towards another person, but does that mean adding another gender to the list? I personally do support people who are gay or lesbian, but I think having so many options of gender is weird. But I am also aware that people can identify as someone who is different or uncommon; therefore, those people should have the ability to chose who they are.

    I've heard a few debates on whether the way you feel towards someone gives you the right to change your gender or sexuality. I have overheard my cousin talking about gay and lesbians and how they have the right to express who they love and want out in the open. She believes that these people should have options when it comes to how they feel. Some of my family members would disagree with her and say that it's wrong or not right to feel that way. When the topic is brought up the rooms fills with silence and everyone just ignores the subject.

    I feel that it's up to the person if they feel lost with only two choices to pick from. I agree and disagree with the statement made by Sasha because gender is the way you were born . I think that sexuality is where someone might feel lost because this is the way you identify as a person or in other words the way you feel towards someone. If you only had two or three choices to pick from you couldn't really describe yourself/ identify in front of other people. It like choosing between pizza and fries. What if you want both? It the same thing with these people. What if they are both or none?

    I don't think that I know of someone who is struggling with this problem. But I think I might know someone close who is indecisive of who they are. I know that many people out there in the world identify as someone different and they don't have the ability to identify as who they are because these options are not available to them. They could be struggling with this problem everyday and have no one to turn to. They could be drowned in worries or arguments everyday because they don't know or can't show how they identify as a person.

    I think that some of the questions this particular article raises is what are all the 50 options a person could potentially chose from and what are the meaning behind them. Well at least those are the questions that came to my mind. Like what are all these options a person could identify as?

  22. Written by Remi Moy P:5

    This news is somewhat familiar to me, but the cisgender is new to me. I say that male and female are good for determining a person's sex, but not their gender. Gender is more of what the person believe describes them best which could be numerous of sexuality categories. I was sort confused when they mentioned about the cisgender, but I didn't quite understand it. I am very familiar with the acronym of LGBTQIA because of Personal Health and because of everyday people and news that you may hear on television. I wasn't too surprise with people wanted to be classified by something based on how they feel they're truly are and act like based one's own sexuality and nature. I could see why they might have wanted this because of how they feel.

    I disagree though with Sasha because I think that the complexities of your identity aren't lost because people now have many decisions on what makes them feel like themselves. I just think that going with fact all people aren't comfortable with being classified as male or female as gender, so when identification is being used change the range of genders or instead use sex instead of gender.

    I don't know anyone in particular who is struggling with this issue, but I do know people who are fighting for the gay rights and equality. I do feel sympathy for these people because there are not being described as how they truly are and feel which can be frustrating people is like these people are shady of who they really which is not the case.

    The light sheds about these article is that there are people who probably aren't like me and believe in the same things as I do. These people struggle to be who they really are because people believe it's not a big deal. I say that people should be used and kind of word made up or already used to describe themselves as long they are happy with it and okay with it.

    The questions that this article may raise for the public people are whether if people are considering to let people change things to what people are really comfortable with classifying themselves as or if they are going to continue to show no regard and shun what they think and make it seem as a small thing. Whether if they do or do not change the gender to a more wider selection. I just hope that they come with an agreement.

    1. Written by: Alicia Rodriguez
      Honors English 5

      I agree with how you say that many people have many decisions on what makes them feel like themselves, but I disagree with how you disagree with Sasha. Everybody is confused and everybody is lost.

    2. I agree i don't know anyone with this issue. But heard people fighting for it. But they are being described. they just don't need to put it on a piece of paper. they just need to describe themselves physically.
      Rolando Sifuentes English4

  23. Oni Williams
    Honors English, P5

    In this article the discussion of the new gender categories is really an uproar ,because everyone is so used to checking either one out of the two boxes when we discuss gender. There is the female box or the male box, and no one has ever challenged that, until now, I have herd of the terms "cisgender" and "intersex", cisgender, describes related types of gender identity where an individual's experience of their own gender matches the sex they were assigned at birth. Intersex, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. I was actually very stunned by the new actions that Facebook is taking in making the website so much more open to people.

    I believe Kolodkin and people who think alike are justified because it is very difficult for people and big networks like Facebook to make constant changes to make everyone and their their emotions at the time feel accepted. I think that people who do struggle to identify with a certain gender have to find a way to adapt to the ways of traditional society when it comes to gender. I think that the female and male options for gender are both valid and invalid, because we know that not everyone identified with the two, however, we also know that it becomes tiring having to create gender categories that are customized to each in everyone personal emotions.

    I still think that it is a huge change to something very large, but can only have a real effect on people for a little while. The gender that someone identifies with is something that can constantly change, and i think that people who don't actually know what gender actually is. Gender is a biological thing that cannot be changed, and that's another reason that people should not be able to have all of the new options for gender that Facebook offers, because I dont belive that it is fare to allow people to change something on a profile, that cannot be changed in real life.

    I believe Kolodkin and people who think alike are justified because it is very difficult for people and big networks like Facebook to make constant changes to make everyone and their their emotions at the time feel accepted. I think that people who do struggle to identify with a certain gender have to find a way to adapt to the ways of traditional society when it comes to gender. I think that the female and male options for gender are both valid and invalid, because we know that not everyone identified with the two, however, we also know that it becomes tiring having to create gender categories that are customized to each in everyone personal emotions.

    I still think that it is a huge change to something very large, but can only have a real effect on people for a little while. The gender that someone identifies with is something that can constantly change, and i think that people who don't actually know what gender actually is. Gender is a biological thing that cannot be changed, and that's another reason that people should not be able to have all of the new options for gender that Facebook offers, because I don't believe that it is fare to allow people to change something on a profile, that cannot be changed in real life.

    1. I agree with you! The people who aren't sure about what to check off need to just put what they personally see themselves as. Whether or not it took surgery to get there. Because it's too much work to be changing the options every time someone comes up with a new thing they want to be classified as. What if someone wants to be an Alien? We can't put that! It's a matter of making it work.

      Dhalia Maldonado

  24. Isabel Martinez
    Honors English A5/B5
    5 May 2014

    The idea isn't new to me. I have learned these terms in my Personal Health class. I have notes of what each letter stands for. I have heard arguments based on these types of topics. People have their own views on these things. I personally think that it just depends on the person as to how they want to describe themselves. No one should have to listen to other people's opinions. Maybe they will find someone alike that are just like them and can start their own idea. Although there are many factors that can be harmful or disturbing. For example, religion wise, it may not part of their beliefs and can cause harm to some people.

    No, I don't agree with people like Sasha Kolodkin who say that "the complexities of your identity are lost" for some who must choose between only "male or "female". Like I said it just depends on the person and what they want to call themselves. No one should be afraid of what people are going to say. Also no one should judge based on someone's choices. They should just let the person be and worry for themselves instead of focusing on others. There is no right or wrong when it comes to gender or sexuality.

    I don't know of anyone who is struggling with these issues. Although I do have a friend who chooses to be gay. They don't have a problem based on gender. They have other problems with their sexuality instead. Sometimes he gets called bad names online or in person, but to him he doesn't care. He is a outgoing person who isn't afraid to show or express who he is. Many people should be like that and not be scared or care what people think of them. The only thing they can do about it is deal with it.

    These articles don't shed anything that I struggle with. This is because these articles are basically just peoples opinions on how they see things or the different things that they are coming up with. No one should feel like they are struggling with anything because they can do the same and write an article about what they think. There will be people who agree and those who don't. It is freedom of speech, anyone can say whatever they want just as long as they are not disrespecting anyone in any type of way.

    Some possible questions that the article raise is "What is the president's opinion on this topic? Is there anything that he can do, if so what?", "Can people decide what they want to be and change it on their identification?", or "Can other things determine what gender you are?' This last question came to mind because when I read the article they were questioning if things like the passports can determine your gender or sexuality or how you view yourself. Overall, none of this should matter because like I keep mentioning, no one should be afraid to show who they really are and how they want to show themselves to people. No one can judge them and say things about them because they aren't even perfect themselves. No one is perfect and I think this should be reminded when topics like these are talked about.

    1. Written by: Alicia Rodriguez
      Honors English - 5

      I agree with how you say that people shouldn't be afraid of other people's opinions and how everything depends on the person. I also agree with how you say that no one should be afraid to show who they are.

    2. Alejandra Gutierrez

      I agree with everything you said. People shouldn't be afraid of other peoples opinions. They're just opinions. It may be their freedom of speech. The people who want to be opposite gender, should be proud, and embrace it.

  25. Kiyara Johnson
    Ms. Wright P4
    Gender can be described as a lot of things. Many people seem to mix up the term sex and gender. They are two different things. Your sex determines who you are scientifically and your gender is who you show yourself as. So I don’t think that new things needed to be added because you are born simply male or female. Though you may feel that it is a mistake, it’s not. You are who you are and you shouldn’t want to change it for anyone.

    Reading about how people felt in the blog post was interesting because I didn’t know that people were so serious about how they wanted to be portrayed. In addition, the whole thing with Facebook adding the other names to identify yourself as is out of control. Just because you made up a word that you think describes yourself doesn’t mean that it should be added to the list. Not a day in my life have I ever heard of someone calling themselves a cisgender. The whole thing just doesn’t sit right with me because you’re either a male or female.

    I know the generation that is being raised now is dealing with the whole how do you identify yourself thing, but I don’t think that anyone should. You were born as a male or female for a reason. Maybe your destiny was for you to be the gender that you are because if you weren’t then it would have been something wrong with you. There are so many people dealing with trying to identify who they are, when they just have low self-esteem and just don’t know how to deal with it. Don’t say that you don’t like the gender you are just admit to the fact that you aren’t comfortable in your own skin and do something to fix it.

    There are so many other things that the world could be focusing on instead of how people think they should identify themselves. That’s just like giving different names to all the obsessed people in the world. But there is no need to give different names to them because when it all boils down you’re either obese or not. The same thing goes for when you identify someone as male or female. Whether you believe you’re asexual, cisgender, transgender, or anything else, you were still born male or female. There is simply no need for all the extra that is going on.

    As stated previously, I don’t think that there is a need to add the extra names in ways that you could identify yourself. Everyone just needs to be grateful that they are able to live on a daily basis, because no one’s life is promised. But instead we are focusing on different ways to identify yourself. Focus on living life and living it to the fullest. Focus on being the best you can be in school, at work, and even when you’re just going for a walk. There are a million things that life has to offer, so take them. Be you are, and be proud of it. I understand that may be a struggle for some people, and if it is find someone to help you through it. You don’t have to go through it alone.

    1. Ashley Gaston
      Period 4

      I disagree with you because if someone is a gender that they chose to be, why should they only have two options? If they aren't within those two options they should have the choice to choose what they truly are.

  26. I believe this is an a good idea for people who define themselves different from male and female. They can now show and state in some small way on the internet who they think they are. People can now feel good because they will be letting the internet know that they are not part of the normal male and female. Although I personally think that a man should be with a woman. I guess it’s okay.
    I don’t agree with Sasha Kolodkin when she says that people feel their identities are lost when having to choose between male and female, I think that’s an over exaggeration. If someone had to ask you what gender you are, you have to say you’re a male. I feel like it’s people are lying when they say they are something else when really you were born a female or male. Just because you feel a certain way you shouldn’t feel the need to be so upset that you have to choose between male and female.
    I guess in the United States people do have the right to express themselves. If they didn’t, this wouldn’t be a nation that gave it’s people freedom. However, people who believe in god and his word will know this is wrong. They will feel that the country is being corrupted with evil and bad doing, which I agree with. This country was found on religious beliefs, and we should keep it as it should be.
    It seems a little that people are getting carried away with all these different genders. It all seems like non-sense. I believe there will be a lot of debate over whether facebook did a smart thing. At least people could be happy showing who they are loud and proud. I personally believe that facebook shouldn’t have done it. Based on my beliefs this is wrong. The world is being changed.
    People will try to do whatever they want, no matter if it’s wrong or right. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose. With this facebook thing now, people who don’t consider themselves male or female have won this prize. They get to express who they are and what they believe they are. It all just seems wrong to me,but maybe eventually it could all be fixed.

    Written by Andrew Guerrero Period: 4

    1. Viviana Camargo

      I think that you're right about having to tell someone whether or not your female or male because you can be lying about who you really are based on their judgments

  27. Ashley Gaston
    Period 4

    I truly believe that we should include the new Facebook drop down lists of what gender you are because people are now being called or calling themselves something different than male or female. I think it is a great idea but at the same time i think that it would be an insult to the people of a different gender who doesn't agree with the new idea. I feel comfortable with the male or female just being the only two options but just for other people who feel like they don't belong in either gender should have the right to a different gender option. I think that we as people can tell what gender a person is by their appearance now in society. Most people who refer to themselves as gay, transgender, and lesbian, usually show the gender they are by their actions and the way they dress.
    I agree with Sasha Kolodkin because she briefly states if the options are only Female and Male that the people who don't refer to themselves as that have a lost identity. Which is fairly true because they have no choice to pick their biological gender or the gender that they are choosing to be. If a man was referring to himself as gay and he only had the option of Female or Male. I am pretty sure he would pick the gender that best fits him. I think that in order to not have people feel like they are left out is to make them be apart of the solution. I think the idea of adding different genders that fit the people will make everyone equal.
    I don’t know of anyone with this issue but I think there is multiple people in the world who might stop using social media that asks about the gender. I believe that because in this society many people are beginning to change who they are and not many options are open to them. I think if they have options open they will be able to express who they really are. Most people are coming out of their shell and telling the world how they are and how they feel about themselves.
    In social media most people lie about who they are. They lie about the information they put on there and they lie about their bio. I think that adding the drop list of different genders won’t really prove anything but many people might start expressing themselves. Just because people will still lie about the way they are and they way they present themselves. I feel they won’t even really care that the list is there but they might feel grateful that they are actually equal to everyone else.
    I strongly believe that we do not really need new ways to identify gender and sexuality because we already know how. People express themselves any way they want to but i feel if it will help the others feel equal with everyone we should include new ideas on sites. not every social media site has to have the drop down list because we know how serious it is. I think we shouldn't make new ideas but if everyone is to be treated equally we should.

    1. DeNyah Russell | Period 4.

      Ashley, I'm on your side, but at the same time, I'm not. I agree with you when you say that people should have more options when choosing gender, but I disagree when you said that we should just give gender based off of appearances, because not everyone identifies as a different gender if they are transgender. Some drag queens, for example, still identify as male, but they dress as women, or some men may be androgynous and are very feminine, but still identify as male.

  28. DeNyah Russell | Honors English | Period 4.

    Growing up in this generation, none of this is new to me. As a little kid, I knew what gay meant, and I knew what lesbian meant. As a child I knew not to use the word gay as an insult, and I knew that some men considered themselves more feminine than masculine or that some women were more masculine than feminine. Believe it or not, as a kid, I knew that some people were born both genders. It was just the environment that I grew up in, where it was starting to become more acceptable as I was getting older. My reaction isn’t really big at all, because it’s just something that I’m used to.

    I agree with Sasha, because I see where she’s coming from. With cases of having to choose whether you’re male or female, but you identify as neither, what do you do? It seems as in those cases, people who don’t identify as male or female are not counted. In a way, it seems as though they don’t really count, or that they are who they are genetically. If someone were to choose between male and female, but they are questioning, that would be hard on them, because they aren't sure. If they did have to choose, it’s basically telling them “you need to choose whether you are a male or female, because you have no say in who you are.

    I know a friend who is not only always questioning his gender(sexual) preference, but also his gender identity. He likes to see himself as a very feminine person, but he doesn't like to dress as a girl and he likes the way he looks already, it’s just that he feels more female than he does male. On his applications, he can’t put female, because 1. He was born male, and 2. Other people will easily identify him as male, because he looks like one. These articles show me the actual struggle that it is for people who do not identify as their biological sex when it comes to choosing whether you identify as male or female. A questions that instantly comes to mind is, why can’t people just be who they want to be without labels being forced on them.

    1. I love your argument, but I have to disagree. Take people questioning their sexuality for example,(which is most people in our time) what in the world are they supposed to check off in a paper? "questioning"? That's not accurate enough. What if during the census most people check off "questioning"? How are we supposed to have an accurate count of the number of males and females. It wouldn't really be easy. In my opinion it's just too much altering for every single person. We should just stick to the basics and regardless of how you look, check off what you feel.

      Dhalia Maldonado

    2. Viviana Camargo
      A/B 4

      I agree with you DeNyah about how people who aren't referred as neither male or female are excluded because in a lot of cases, there are many people who just focus on the appearance of the person or even their genetics of themselves as well. That then makes them believe that neither transgender or any other stereotype that relates to that are exlcuded

  29. This is not the first time I am hearing about all the possible sexualtiies you can identify yourself as. I’ve learned about the most common ones in Person Health and learned that some, if not most, people take it very seriously. When first taking a look at this article I was kind of appalled actually. The fact that people want to have every single “gender” listed for not just social sites, but also important documents is kind of crazy to me. I don’t feel it’s necessary to take that extra step.
    I do not agree with Sasha Kolodkin’s statement that “the complexities of your identity are lost” for someone who only has the option of choosing male or female. In reality, we are only male or female. Some people decide to undergo surgery to be one or the other gender, but in the end of the process they still identify themselves as a male or female, depending on the surgery they got. Take Sasha Kolodkin for example, she says “I was born male and feel that I should have been a female”. So why classify herself as a transsexual female, rather than just a female? I feel that there is no need to be specific and say that you went through surgery to be the person you are today. That’s personal business that you should tell people if you so desire, but not to have it in a license or important papers.
    I do not know about anyone personally going through these issues, nor have I read about anyone going through this. Not until now at least. But I think it’s a huge struggle for not only the people who do identify themselves as different genders, but also the people who don’t have that problem. Because we are still deciding together whether or not it would be appropriate to add the whole list to every document. I personally would be against adding every single gender type to all documents because it just doesn’t feel necessary to me.
    The struggle of doing this is wondering how many people would actually be honest about which box they should check off. If you go and put “questioning” because you are unsure, what happens when you are sure of what you want to be? You’d have to do so much to change it back. It’s too much of playing games in my opinion. Or what if someone who is transsexual, for example, doesn’t want to list themselves as that and decides to just put “male” or “female”, we wouldn’t have an accurate response of the amount of people who do identify themselves specifically.
    There are too many risks to go and make this change official. Of course people have the right to express themselves freely, but we can’t go around changing the laws and rules for everyone who decides to be a little different. It just throws everything off in my opinion. The options “male” and “female” should stay the way it is because at the end of the day, we all classify ourselves as one or the other.

    Dhalia Maldonado

    1. Ashley Gaston
      Period 4
      I agree with you. I believe that people who don't consider themselves as Male or Female should be about to express who they truly are. If they dont have the option to them what will happen? I feel people should be jsut as equal and have the option to any gender.

  30. Jesus Ocana H.E Period 4

    I have heard of LGBT before and i’m sure all freshman have but to know that
    there are around 50 different ways to categorize somebody is very new to me. If I hadn’t read this article i would only have known around 7 to 10 maximum labels. I honestly think that people like books can be categorised and just like books there are many different topics in a person’s sexual orientation. People classify themselves according to their self conscious but they also have to understand that there can’t be a single label for each person that would be billions and trillions of different labels around the world. Too much to keep up with in my opinion.
    I kind of agree and disagree at the same time with Sasha Kolodkin
    because people do see in “black and white” the sexuality i mean but also people can still express themselves through other means than labels because although labels speak the can’t show action but a person can. People should not rely on their label to identify them they should just identify themselves. For the past years many years actually labels regarding gender have changed so I don’t think that she should say that “male and female” are the only labels out there because there are many other well known labels.
    I have had many friends in my life that are sexually confused about their label
    They don’t know how to categorise themselves and i tell them “don’t think about your label and just be yourself”. most friends that I have had are simply not interested in relationships and that has somehow started making a lot of sense. So now I say people should not care for somebody’s sexuallity and just see their adettude. people use and see labels incorrectly.
    You may have noticed how I use the term “LABEL” I used it as many times as
    I could to make the word seem useless or maybe even inappropriate the goal of that word was to simply make people realize that sexuality is not a label and those two thing don’t match. Yes I understand That I said that we are all book waiting to be categorized but the only reason i said that is because there are other non-harmful things that we can categorise ourselves in like sports or favorite food but not sexuality.
    People around the world not just here in the U.S worry about what their peers and family will think about them if they “come out of the closet” well they shouldn’t because just like Sasha Kolodkin and Ryley Pogensky people should be proud. I mean they even had the pride to let people online know who they really are and they were not afraid. Labels are bad and everyone should know that so just don’t say that you are gay and expect everyone to know that at first glance, show them and be proud.

    1. I agree because their are different ways to express yourself. You don't really need to right it down on a piece of paper. Specially on birth certificates were it says male or female. It just doesn't make sense to put down more labels.
      Rolando Sifuentes English4

  31. Rolando Sifuentes
    This is not a new idea for me because I know of these words.Also, I have heard these arguments before, like when gay marriage should be legal or not. My reaction when I read this is neutral because It doesn’t really effect me or any body I know of. If I did have to care about this, then I would be okay because all they want to know if you are any of the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.
    I do not agree with sasha because you do not need to tell if you are any of the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. The only two you need is male and female because their are only two genders to pick from. Everybody is basically a female or a male, not what you think you are. The only reason you probably need to put a new gender identifier is when their is a new species.
    I do not know of any one who is in this type of issue or struggle. If I did know someone then it will probably be a big deal to them because of certain issues. Probably if the person is getting married with the same gender then you might want to put down the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.
    The light these articles shed on that struggle for me is that it doesn’t really matter. I would just simply put male, because i’m a male. If I were gay ,even though i am not, I would still put male. I just don’t see the point in having a bigger variety.
    Some questions I have is that why can’t you just put male if you are gay. Same to the rest of the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Why not just put down what you really are. Another question I have is what about your birth certificate. Is your birth certificate going to say male or gay. When you are born your gender is chosen.

  32. Written By: Beverly Avila

    They’re are many unique people on our home Earth. But, some people do not accept who other people are. People identify those who are in LGBTQIA as outsiders, which is pretty sad. Now, as more people are offended, they are more likely to hide and be afraid to speak up. Yet, other people rather say, “Hey, I am different, that does not give you the right to judge”. So, does that mean that we need to find new ways to identify each other as a certain gender and sexuality? I believe the way how people identify themselves is a better way than those who say they are just either male or female.

    I have heard of intersex before, but not cisgender. The fact that actually surprised me was that in the article, some people refer it as being a typo. I support people who are LGBTQIA, and even though I am straight, it offended me as a person because some people consider themselves as cisgender, and they are just a regular human being just like everyone else. Also, even though “cisgender” is pretty new, there are also many different things changing on social media as well. On FaceBook, a user has the option to choose as gender questioning, genderqueer, etc. To me, I see that someone can actually be satisfied to identify themselves and have a normal life like any other person. They can “come out the closet” and not be afraid of who they really are.

    I agree with Sasha Kolodkin who says that, “the complexities of your identity are lost” because some people don’t consider themselves as male or female, but they are forced to choose one of the two. The way someone who is forced to choose male or female is like a punishment. Even though a person looks like a female, that person needs to choose to be female. They’re are complicated things in your identity, and its okay. People who are against Sasha and people like her are destroying their identity, and that shouldn’t be a punishment they deserve.
    I know lots of people who are LGBTQIA. I have many friends and family friends who are gay and lesbian. I know they are happy that they can identify themselves as gay or lesbian, so why force them to identify them as male or female? I heard that many states are letting LGBTQIA couples get married, and its pretty awesome. That state will get much more money because now that people can come out and say that they’re in love and want to get married, they can finally do that. The state will get lots of more money and that will be a great opportunity! Other states should be like them if they want America to be on top.

    Overall, I believe that a new way to identify gender and sexuality is by letting a person just identify themselves as who they really are. It would make life so much easier to live, and people won’t be stressing over the idea that they are different than others. We should be worrying about bigger things like crime and shooting. We should worry about how to make the people in America safe. But, I guess being different and identifying yourself is one of the biggest crimes in America.

  33. Viviana Camargo
    A/B 4

    This is a new idea to me because I’ve never seen people fight like lions over the topic of identifying someone’s sexual identity. I never thought of this topic ever being so important because that really doesn’t have a big effect towards the world at all. Like there are other problems out in the world that are more significant to us and knowing what sexuality is/you are isn’t a part of it. There are many people who don’t even care about the identity, so I don’t know why people in general make this situation a big deal.

    I have heard the words “intersex”, but never the word “cisgender”. Intersex is like someone who is both or either male or female. It can relate back to transgender, but its not quite the same. After i had read all of the article, even seeing some quotes about what people had to say, i truly believe that this topic shouldn’t even be talked about. It’s a state of personality of who you are and nothing else. It’s not like the situation where knowing your identity can tell an alien to go and invade the earth. The fact that people are arguing about whether or not to tell one’s identity is just insane

    I disagree with Sasha Kolodkin because if you had to choose between either male or female, that doesn’t mean that you are officially male or female. It’s their opinion of whether they choose to believe that are fully male, fully female, or fully of both genders. The fact that you're choosing between the 2 genders is just a significance to the world so they know that you are outside. But again, if the fly believes its a hippo, then the fly is a hippo, but originally, its a fly in the outside and to the other animals/ insects it sees.

    I do know someone who is struggling with the same situation that is being explained in the article. It’s a girl, and i’ve known her for a pretty long time. She was born a female, has developed fully as a female, but truly believes that she is male because of what she does daily and how she can relate a lot to a guy. It pretty much states everything that was said in the article. I think that the article just doesn’t explain a lot of what people should think throughout their process of knowing who they are. Also that the issue is making matters worse for those who fit right into this argument. If the shoe fits, then that’s their shoe. If it doesn't, then they find another shoe that fits them.

    Questions that rise upon this article is whether or not society should start caring about this situation, or just let those people work things out on their own. It’s like this; you’re going to take a shower and you turn on the faucet, but the water doesn't know whether you like it hot or cold, so it leaves it up to you to choose the temperature of the water. That's how society is when they ask themselves this question. They are undecided about what to do, and leave those people who are being addressed to, clueless on their own. That just makes people then believe that there shouldn’t be any reason to identify gender and sexuality.

  34. Alejandra Gutierrez
    Honors English P.4

    This isn’t a new idea for me. I learned about it in Personal Health. Therefore, I know what they mean. Yes, I have heard the arguments about these words. The people fight the way cats and dogs do. They just don’t get along. My reaction to what I read was nothing new. I knew people would be ignorant to people who’re different. Thats just how society is now a days. People don’t know who they want to be or what they want to be.
    No I don’t agree with people like Sasha Kolodkin when she said “the complexities of your identity are lost” for someone who must only choose “male” or “females” as gender identifiers. It depends on the person. It’s what they want to be. Not what you want them to be. They can be whatever they want. Its not for anyone to judge them. They’re the ones who make their own decisions for themselves. If they want to be turned into a female, let him. Its not up to you or anyone else.
    No I don’t know anyone who is struggling with this issue. Although, I do have an uncle who is gay. He has no problem with it, I have no problem with it, and my family has no problem with it. Except, his aunt doesn’t talk to him because he’s gay. It goes against her religion. She doesn’t believe in that. Other than that, he’s open about it.
    These articles don’t shed with anything that I’m struggling with. I know who I want to be. Those articles are just other peoples opinions. In which, it doesn’t have nothing to do with me. People’s opinions matter like the presidents opinion matters too, but it’s to a certain limit. People should know when to stop hurting one’s feelings.
    Other questions this article raises is, as I said before the president’s opinion matters too, “What does he think should be done about this?” “Does he know what’s going on?” “What’s he going to do about it?” Other questions would be to the people who’re struggling with this is “How do you feel about what people are doing to you?” “Is it hard to decide who you want to be?” “How old were you when you decided, you wanted to be the opposite gender?” People shouldn’t judge someone on who they want to be. That could be them one day and then they’ll see all the harm and suffering they caused for that person.

    1. I totally agree with you because people just look at peoples attitude and personality and are really quick to judge just to make someone feel different and that's not okay.

      Tyra Harris

      Period 4

  35. Gabriela Marin
    English P.4

    I have heard these terms before because when my friend made her facebook she had a whole variety of what type of gender she was. In the news there has been a whole lot of conflict with gay marriages and there is now more news coming out with the new variety of gender types. I haven’t specifically heard a real life fight towards a person being cisgender and intersex because there are many people that I know that are encouraging those types. On the other hand, i have heard much more in the media and at school because on the media there are more and more celebrities that are turning out to be gay, lesbians or bisexual. At school I have heard much about it because in my health class we learned about what all the terms of L.G.B.T.Q.I.A and what they stand for a person who is describing themselves as one of those terms.
    In my own personal self I don’t really encourage to be there a lot whole varieties of how a person identifies themselves, but i'm also not against it. I say i'm not really on board with the whole new ways of identifying your sex because i feel that there are a lot of people who might not feel like a male or female, but really there is only 2 types of genders that are in the world. I’m also not against it because I feel like people should really express who they are and how they feel because they have the right to. My true reaction to this is being in shock because now in the world there are many more ways of a person identifying themselves as how they are, then there used to be. I’m also a little confused because I really don’t know what side to pick when choosing between adding more varieties to identify what sex you are and if theres only two types of sex.
    I sort of agree with Sasha because yes, when theres only two ways that you can identify yourself and you feel like not one of those two are really what describe you then, yes you feel like who you are isn’t one of those. I also sort of agree with Sasha because people have the to be able to choose how they identify themselves and how they want the world to see them as. I don’t really agree at one side of what Sasha said because even though the person might feel like their identity was lost when choosing one sex that defines them it really doesn’t matter the world and society will see them as either female or male. Really right now in the world it doesn't really matter what the person identifies themselves as, the world or society will always see them as female or male because to them there really isn’t another type of sex beside those two.
    I really haven’t been there with the person or interacted with the person that are going through this issues, but i have read a lot about this issue. Right now all around the world people are question who they are and how they identify themselves as because i have read a lot about with how these new ways of identifying gender is really being a struggle to many people. It has been a real struggle because many people feel as they can be seen as a different way besides as female or male. I have also heard about how now many teens are seeing each other and themselves as something else than a male or female because of how they feel they are seen as. These articles sometimes have a struggle for me because I feel as if sometimes sex types as male and female don’t really exist because of the new ways that many people are identifying themselves. The question that these articles rise in me is that being there new ways of telling what type of sex you are, How is it going to impact the world and the way that society will start to identify you as. There really isn't many more question that rise to me, but the consequences of these new ways of genders.

    1. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd 4

      Firecat Gaby, I can see where you are coming from about disagreeing with something, but not feeling against it though. But, I kind of disagree with you that there shouldn't be more options. people have their own beliefs, so they should express them in as many ways as possible.

  36. Written by: Andrea Aguilera
    Honors English Pd 4

    I have not encountered the word cisgender, but I have encountered the word intersex. I heard this word from a movie and learned more about it in my personal health class earlier this semester. I have not heard any arguments on either of these words, however. My initial reaction to what I read was that I realize that the words “male” and “female” are confining to some people, but I found it interesting that there was a question about putting these words based on sexual interest on a passport or i.d. When I read that question, I had mixed thoughts. But, reading further into the article I changed my opinion slightly.
    Personally, I feel that what Sasha is saying has a lot of meaning, and I do agree with it. If a person is transgender, intersex, cisgender, or anything else, they might feel that identifying themselves as male or female is taking away who they are. If a person was born male, but wants to be female and lives their life as a female, than putting male on an i.d. or passport might make that person feel as if they are putting down false identity, in a sense. A person has his or her right to express what gender they are, so putting something that they do not feel they are can make them feel bad.
    I have not heard about anyone who is dealing with this issue. Something that this article showed me was consider a person based on what gender they feel to be as oppose to what gender they were born with. The only thing that I am struggling with is whether all genders should be an option on i.d.’s or passports as oppose to just male or female. A question that the article might raise is if everything that asks for a gender should have all gender types. I think that this is an interesting question because many people would like to see this change and some people might feel very strongly against it.
    Although I can read about this issue and people’s problems with it all day, I don’t think I could ever fully feel like it’s a big issue that deals with my life. My faith is catholicism, and I am aware that in my faith, it is said to be that a man marries a woman. But, I am not really sure if this is stated in the bible. And even if it is, I do accept everyone’s choices whether they go against my faith or not. My gender is female. I am aware that I was born female and am a female, but I can honestly say that I feel genderless. I live life and I just live it, I am not always thinking about what I am, so I feel neutral. I am confused about who I am and what I am sometimes, but I know that I am a female. I am not sure what the gender is called for feeling without a gender, but I know what I am so I always put female for everything. Even though I feel a certain way, I don’t let my feelings interact with the truth when it comes to my gender. This is me personally, and I do not speak for everyone who feels a certain way when it comes to gender.

    1. I strongly agree with Andrea about her position on identity with gender. There are those two confining options that people have to force themselves to associate with. These options may not truly express how they feel. I should have elaborated more in my own post about how I feel with my gender like you have. I also feel genderless most of the time, but I feel more feminine as a person a majority of the time.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  37. Tyra Harris
    Honors Period 4

    This is a new idea for me because I never even heard of “cisgender” or “intersex” and I didn't know they had so many different meanings for determining sexuality in people. My reaction to what i just read is that I know know why people feel why they need or want to change their sexuality because they either don’t feel comfortable the way they look or just don't feel happy overall. I also noticed that most teens usually choose their sexuality based on “L.G.B.T.Q.I.A” nowadays based on who they want to portray.
    I Somewhat agree with Sasha when she states this because for some people who might not be just”male”or “female” they should have the right to choose who they want to be and how they characterize themselves because like it was said in the article people maybe were born a man or women but they don’t feel comfortable in their bodies, so they want to change it. Its like being colorblind and you can only see shades of black and white.
    I’‘ve actually read this article on this girl and after going through all of her high school years without anyone talking to her or not even getting a date to prom she decided to turn lesbian as if nothing ever happened. She became so ashamed of herself blamed herself because she was so ugly ,and was so tired of never being treated like she belonged or never feeling like no one liked/loved her. By the end of the year , She had felt like she was the most loved person in the world and she felt as if turning lesbian turned her whole life around.
    This article shows me personally to start looking at things with a different perspective instead of just looking at someone and saying he/or she is lesbian or gay or this or that I need to learn why people might be one of these “L.G.B.T.Q.I.A” before i do anything to hurt someone’s feeling. a pretty flower dances through the wind then sways back and forth in sorrow is something that can relate if Someone judges someone else.
    So WE do need new ways to identify one’s gender and sexuality because we don’t know someones background and life right off the bat and that's not okay for us to judge someone based on looks or attitude that they give off to people.

  38. Adam De La Torre
    Honors English Pd 4

    Well sexuality is something that makes me think of people that are “different” in society but in my opinion they are just regular people but with different way of finding love. That people’s gender is their identity is not right i thought what made peoples identity was the way the person is not physical characteristics. Well I have answered some questions that i have answered with my personal thoughts and opinions.

    I've encountered different types of names that people would call themselves or others but i had never heard of cisgender or a intersex. This is all new to me so i stand on the side where people feel comfortable with themselves that, being what ever type of sex they feel happy. I'm on the their side because why would we not allow people to be happy instead allow them to be who ever they want to be. If they want to be any one of the sex so be it, its their life and if its not harming anyone why not its a free country.

    I don’t agree with that statement because its not what gender that defines the identities of a person instead it is the characteristics of a person. In the end every person in this world if their a male or female they are both human beings so why say that gender makes their identity when people all think differently. People shouldn't be stumped in life because they don’t know what gender they are. Once people began to accept changes that's when people begin to unit as one.

    I do know people that have the same issue and that's why I think that there is nothing wrong on being different. That's why I think the people with different sexuality is okay by me because they are human beings but different not everybody thinks the same that's what makes us different and unique. The thing that i’m wondering about is that why can’t people focus on other things other than people sexuality its not like its a bad thing towards this world.

    Well that's what i have to say toward sexuality that it doesn't make peoples identity and that there is nothing wrong with people being a little different. Why focus on things like sexuality and focus on greater things instead. That when people come to the point where they accept that being different is okay that’s when the people in this world will have peace with one another.

    1. DeNyah Russell | Period 4.

      Adam, your argument was beyond perfect. I agree that we shouldn't really focus on gender identity, because it isn't what makes you who you are, it's who you are as a person. I also like that you said that not everyone identifies as something, so they have the right to feel however they want.

    2. Daniel S Vazquez A4/B4
      i agree with you and how you belive that people are not differnt but that they just have a different way of expressing their love and who they no love no matter the choice that they make in life

  39. Carlos Laureano

    These words are not unfamiliar to me because, I’ve learned them all in my personal health class. We were taught all the different meanings behind these words and all the different ways people see themselves as. I agree with the majority of the arguments above, except the one where the man uses color as a comparison. Some arguments just didn’t make sense to me. Even though I understand the point they are trying to get across, I don’t believe all the statements make valid points or even make sense.

    My reaction to these statements are very neutral. I understand the majority of these statements, however I don’t agree with all of them. People that classify as gay or lesbian just want to be classified as how they see themselves. Instead of Facebook having the gender options preselected why don’t they just let the user type in their preferred gender. This would eliminate all complications and debates.

    I do not agree with Sasha but I do understand where she is coming from. Even people see themselves differently ,they are either man or woman. I don’t understand why people can’t just choose the gender they were born into, because at the end of the day you are either man or woman, nothing more or less.

    I do not know anyone who is currently struggling finding their identity. I honestly never payed much attention to this topic until this article. What I don’t understand is why do people care so much what others classify as. If the person was born a man, but feels they classify as a woman let them be. They are not harming you in anyway by having a different perspective on life.

    I’ve previously read about people have struggles choosing a gender. The article should me how people feel, and kind of let me step in their shoes. I’m aware some people don’t feel like the gender they are born with. That is why there is multiple methods to have your gender changed. The article always should me how expansive this topic is, and how many varying opinions there are.

  40. I have heard the terms before, more specifically in Personal Health. To me, I just react to neutrally. I view the words as another way to identify an individual. When I read the article, I could not understand why some people would go against it. It is like algebra, I just don’t get it. Why should we bother people for saying how they view themselves.

    I do agree with Sasha Kolodkin because we must have every one to belong to a group. For cases of people who are born with both reproductive parts of a male and female, who do they belong to? The answer lies on the individuals feelings. If the intersex person feels like a woman or man, than so be it. Maybe a man feels like he should have been a female, so let him call himself a female, not transgender. Despite this, Male or Female are biological ways to identify someone, with the exception of intersex people. They may change themselves later to be identified as male/female.

    I have not really heard of or know anyone who struggles with this problem, except my uncle. The main reason why I haven’t is most likely because LGBTQQIA people are afraid to admit it. I am not pressuring them to come out and say it. On the contrary I am defending them. Why should we make fun of them and exclude them from our society if they are just like us, human.

    This article does not shed any light to me because I already support LGBTQQIA. As I mentioned before, my uncle cans be qualified along the LGBTQQIA. I will not say which one, but I have seen him struggle with society because they do not support it. This article only makes me want to go to people and smack them when they reject people of the LGBT. They aren't any different from you or me! Get over it!

    This article does not arise any questions for me personally. The only thing I ask myself is the following: What will become of our world when we reject people for being different from our views? Rejecting people because of their gender is injustice. What did they do to us to deserve to be treated unfairly? Think of it like this, if their is a deadly disease worldwide and the government needs a cure, but there isn’t any. Yet thanks to technology and smart people, a gay scientist made the cure. For being gay, the president will reject the scientist’s cure. Thats messed up, right? This is why we should all forget about differences, because they only make things worse in cases.
    Written by: Diego Don Pd.3

    1. Gabriela Marin
      English P.4

      I agree with Firecat Diego because I agree that every person should be in the category that they feel they are in. I also agree that if the person feel that they are one type of category it's their decision to be in it and no one else.

  41. Written by: Julio Acosta

    I don’t honestly think we need new ways to identify what gender a person is sexuality they are. It’s pretty basic to tell whether you believe your gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, etc. If you aren’t so sure what you are or what you're attracted to, the simple solution is to say that you just don’t know. Adding to many things to the current way of identification we have will just be to complicated and a hassle. Besides what the public thinks of as feminine or masculine is already established in many ways, this can easily help one distinguish what gender and/or sexuality they are/prefer.
    Women often times are seen as housewifes, news reporters, models, cooks, teachers, etc. They are interested in men and if they are lesbian in other women as well, Bi-sexual if they are interested in both. Men can be just as easily identified as well. They have more construction based jobs like engineering, architecture, business, etc. They are attracted to women, men if they are gay, and again both genders if bi-sexual. This honestly pretty straight forward, you know what you are and if not then you just don’t. I find this issue to be pretty excessive just trying to find new ways to identify yourself in terms of gender. What more can there be for you to identify yourself as? I’m not saying this because I have something against anyone who is either Bi-sexual, gay, or lesbian. I just think it isn’t necessary to be adding so much to a really simple cause.
    Think about how complex the way we have things for identification are all ready. People misuse the word gay and lesbian, bi and transgender, intersex and queer all the time. There really isn’t any more ways you can identify or class your self in gender, you're either male or female or both. Sexuality wise you're either into males, females, or both again. Adding more terms or ways to identify your self is like making it seem as if you’re classifying other people as some sort of different being, not human because they aren’t male or female basically. If you want to be classified as something different than that, well I don’t really see the point. Your human no matter what so if trying to identify yourself as something different just because you don’t know what you're into or because no one else can see why you're trying to identify yourself in any other way is a little overboard. Many people just over think too much about the topic.
    If the problem is you don’t know yourself what you're into then just simply say you don’t know or you’re unsure in some way. If the problem is you don’t like the fact that others view you differently because you have different thoughts on what gender or sexuality you prefer then two things are possible: ignore them, you know what you are and you're human just like anybody else here. Adding to this, you could also pick anything you wish or say you wish you are it’s your own opinion, just don’t go overboard and begin with protests saying something about rights and things like that because well I think that’d be a little too much.
    This topic just really isn’t needed in anyway to be changed. Things are simple enough to classify anyone who they are and what they are in to. I just feel that this is a fairly simple issue and if I ever encountered a time or experience where I had didn’t know anything I’d just keep it simple and simply say, I don’t know. That’s all there is to it honestly for me.

  42. Tyra Harris
    Honors Period 4

    This is a new idea for me because I never even heard of “cisgender” or “intersex” and I didn't know they had so many different meanings for determining sexuality in people. My reaction to what i just read is that I know know why people feel why they need or want to change their sexuality because they either don’t feel comfortable the way they look or just don't feel happy overall. I also noticed that most teens usually choose their sexuality based on “L.G.B.T.Q.I.A” nowadays based on who they want to portray.

    I Somewhat agree with Sasha when she states this because for some people who might not be just”male”or “female” they should have the right to choose who they want to be and how they characterize themselves because like it was said in the article people maybe were born a man or women but they don’t feel comfortable in their bodies, so they want to change it. Its like being colorblind and you can only see shades of black and white.

    I’‘ve actually read this article on this girl and after going through all of her high school years without anyone talking to her or not even getting a date to prom she decided to turn lesbian as if nothing ever happened. She became so ashamed of herself blamed herself because she was so ugly ,and was so tired of never being treated like she belonged or never feeling like no one liked/loved her. By the end of the year , She had felt like she was the most loved person in the world and she felt as if turning lesbian turned her whole life around.

    This article shows me personally to start looking at things with a different perspective instead of just looking at someone and saying he/or she is lesbian or gay or this or that I need to learn why people might be one of these “L.G.B.T.Q.I.A” before i do anything to hurt someone’s feeling. a pretty flower dances through the wind then sways back and forth in sorrow is something that can relate if Someone judges someone else.

    So WE do need new ways to identify one’s gender and sexuality because we don’t know someones background and life right off the bat and that's not okay for us to judge someone based on looks or attitude that they give off to people.

  43. Estrella Olivares
    Period 4

    I’ve encountered words like intersex the day I started with my sexual health class for personal health. Cisgender is a word that I’ve never heard about, but thanks to this article, I now know what it means. Before I even read this article, I didn’t know how hard it was for someone to identify themselves when they were only given 2 options, female or male. After reading this article, I am convinced that we need new ways to identify gender and sexuality. New options other than male or female would be the key to happiness for others.
    I agree with Sasha Kolodkin that complexities of your identity are lost when people have to choose between male or female. When people are only given those 2 options, they feel like they have to stick to being that person forever. Those 2 options are dead zones. They prevent people from being who they really want to be. We all have the right to be whatever we want to be.
    I don’t know anybody that is struggling with this issue, but if I did, I would surely be the light to guide them out of that darkness. I would tell that person that it doesn’t matter what they choose. When you put a checkmark next to male or female on your paper, nothing should change. You’re the only person who should know yourself the most. If you want to be male, go ahead. If you want to be a female, go ahead. If you want to be both, well then go ahead and put a checkmark next to both. At the end of the day, that’s still a paper and you’re still you. Nobody can change you and only you can identify yourself.

    1. Andres Davalos
      I have to agree with her because she clearly makes me see her point in a different way. She makes me see this in a whole different point of view when she says that that paper is just a paper and it really doesn't matter. Even though that's not true a paper could mean your whole life, it could mean in a million years but if you write something you have to be able to go by it. This really can only be seen if you really want to hide your identity but then it pops the question to officers that you are either male or female something clearly seen. I can make a connection because I have a friend that really struggles with telling people that she is lesbian and that's ok but I always tell her that one day that will come back to her and she will have to say the truth and that's fine with me I will always support her.

  44. Written By: Kayla Banks
    Period 4

    To me I personally think that it doesn’t matter if they have new ways to identify gender and sexuality. I believe that if a person doesn’t identify themselves as the sex they were born as people shouldn’t judge them based off of what they label themselves. Sexuality is what that person deep down feels about themselves and the new categories shouldn't stand in their way. This idea however is somewhat new to me because most of these words I have not heard before.

    Although I have not heard the arguments before I still believe this isn't necessary nor unnecessary. I understand where these people are coming from, they have the right to express themselves in anyway they want to. My reaction to this was that this was somewhat unexpected. I have never thought there were many, many other ways to identify a person other than male, female, bisexual, bicurious, intersex, androgyny, or any other ones. I expected them to list those things in the dropdown menu instead of those “foreign” words.

    I agree to disagree with people like Sarah on that opinion. I would agree because people wouldn't be able to show their true selves if they couldn't put it out there into the public. For example, if a male was born and his whole life he always had to hide that he had a strong desire to be with males, when he would finally want to come out and say he falls along the lines of these different spectrums and could only choose “male” as an option he would be lost in himself for not being able to show who he really is. I would disagree because the person doesn’t have to let the world know who they are or try to impress people. The person should be comfortable in themselves and not have to worry about what others think. If they know who they really are then their identity would not be lost.

    Personally I have no one in my life who is struggling with this type of problem.
    The people in my life who are gay, bisexual, or anything else don’t hide it they let people know. Even when they only let a select few know they still feel comfortable in themselves. For example two of my friends post openly on Facebook that they are gay or bisexual, they have the confidence in themselves. There really is no light that sheds onto this for me, This article does show me many more perspectives of other people. My questions are: Will people care about this? Will people want to protest against this to? How will it affect people?

    In conclusion, I still believe that it is both necessary and unnecessary for these things. I think that people may disagree with me but I stay contempt in my opinion. In reality people should not have to rely on an app to tell them who they really are. If they want to its their life. All they need to worry about is being happy with themselves and not worry about what others think.

  45. Victor Villanueva
    Ms wright
    Honors English P4

    Should there be new ways to identify gender and sexuality? many people have questioned the choices that they have in order to express themselves in any legal document or even in social media , the thing is that many of the creators of this documents or medias are discussing whether or not there should be more terms added to their possibilities in order for a person to be more clearly understood. In my opinion there should be more possibilities for those people from the LGBTQIA community to chose from , my opinion will be further explained next.
    First , changing the amount of possibilities will allow for many benifits to come along with it .the first benefit for it will be that it will allow the paper or application to speak the truth about the person who is filling it out and not give false ideas or opinions of how others categorize that person. What this means is that people who are gay or lesbian or any other part of LGBTQIA will now be able to be recognized as such if that is what they please.
    Next , in a recent article Ms Sasha Kolodkin has said that with out these new extra possibilities “the complexities of your identity are lost” , what i believe that she was trying to say is that a human being cannot simply be categorized do to 2 options in which they might not feel totally comfortable with , if other gender identifiers were to be added perhaps those people who do not feel like they totally fit into one of those options , might finally have the chance to be placed where they believe that they belong.In my personal experience I am totally fine with the current gender identifier that are available , but i also understand that it would be much simpler for others to identify themselves more esily with a different identiffier.
    Finally, I haven’t really heard of anybody close to me having a problem with a gender identifier , but I do understand that some people do , the problem with that is that it raises questions. Many people are now questioning why the change should or should not be done and also why it would make a difference. Do to this topic , this has also sparked controversy to other self identifiers like race and ethnicity , and it is totally understandable that some people do , as a matter of fact , struggle with that and that many people are dying to hear whether or not this identifiers would be change. If people understand that sometimes when you get too specific it may be difficult to interpret the data that some of these document are trying to obtain , then they may understand why making the change would cause such problems and perhaps there is where the problem would get solved .
    In conclusion we should be able to add gender identifiers , even though it is not totally crucial or necessary , it will soon be and that is a fact that we can’t overlook , some people are simply looking for a new way or a better way to speak their minds out about who they truly feel that they are .even though many people don’t understand the struggle there will be someone who does , and if there is one person struggling we all are and that is the main reason to why we need this change .

  46. Daniel S Vazquez

    No this is not a new thing to me, I have learn what most of the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A mean from my recent class of personal health. I was not aware of the arguments that were happening because i never looked in dept of the actual content. But based on my reading i was surprised and also confused. I was surprised because i saw how facebook had a real impact in peoples life and how they were asking for facebook to add more choice. this surprised me because i saw how people will react to a small thing that wasn't really important. I mean if you really wanted to tell people who you are and what you liked, you could have always written it into the comment book which is marked things about you. What confused me is that the way people wanted to add more things to L.G.B.T.Q.I.A I mean it did they really have to list out more permutation of gender?
    I dont think so because when she said that you're complexity is lost it really isn't. i say this because so what if you have to check a box of what gender you like, does it really matter. But i do believe that their should be three more option boxes saying both, saying neither, and also saying decide. to me this is giving the person an opposite to either answer or not answer the question fairly. So yes to some people this might change their complexity due to having to pick while other it could mean that the box is just a question and that question can't tell you who or what you like.
    well i had a friend who question her gender identity a lot. This was because i believe she had grew up in a family of all men and her mother had died giving birth to her. So she grew up without a mom or any girl figure in her life. So as growing up she would dress more like a boy and also she had a mind as a boy. An example is that she will have strong feeling towards girls and when she talked she tried to hide her high pitch voice and turn it into a deep guys voice. But as time pass i think she would get different mood swing and began having more feeling towards guys and in a way become more feminine and through the time i was with her she would change her gender identity, she had decide that she was a girl and that she has strong feelings for the different gender not the same.

  47. Written by Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English

    Gender and sexuality is a very sensitive topic in the United States. People who identify themselves differently to that of the majority are usually criticized for what they think is right or wrong. There are many people in the country, so that means that there are many unique views on gender, sexuality, religion, race, and so much more. Specifically, I have seen a lot of controversy on gender and sexuality. Many people still have their problems with these two things. People believe that gay marriage is not right or that you should not love people who are the same gender as you are. But I believe that people should be able to love or marry whoever they choose. We do not need new ways to identify gender and sexuality because a person is not always going to open to the public. When people who are in the category of “LGBT”, they are almost always criticized. Things like this should change.

    I have learned a lot about gender and sexualilty difference in my Personal Health class at UIC College Prep. I learned that there is a variety of people who are different or want to be different. These individuals are unique groups of people and they should be able to do what they choose. If a woman likes another woman, then she has the freedom to do as she pleases. Words like, “cisgender” and “intersex” are all words that I am familiar with. There are words that are suddenly developed just to identify gender and sexuality. This shows that there are a broad amount of possibilities to how people want to be identified. Some people also like they are at a fast food restaurant; they are unsure of what they want in their life.

    Although there are many different ways you can identify your gender and sexuality, I believe that you should officially be either male or female. I believe this because if there were other choices, then it might start to get confusing. You should be identified as the gender you were born with. There would be less complications. Some people want to officially have the choice to be the gender that they portray themselves as, but if you are at the hospital, they will be treating you as the gender you really are, not what you believe.

    On social networks, people should be open to their gender and sexuality. Things are always less serious if it is on the internet. Some people do not even take these things seriously. There should not be any other way to be identify your gender. You are either male or female. If you want to be more open to people, then you should state your sexuality and what you look for in a person. Social networks are place for a communication and socializing, but out in the real world, gender and sexuality can be a sensitive topic.

    Although I have not met anybody personally who is struggling with this issue, I have seen many celebrities who are talked about because they have “came out of the closet”. This shows that people always make a big deal out of gender and sexuality. In the year of 2014, nobody should worry about others’ gender and sexuality. It is almost the same thing as racism. All of this prejudice should no longer be an issue. If there were different ways to identify your gender or sexuality then more people will be known to the amount of individuals who do not want to be regarded as the gender that they were born with. Gender and sexuality is a sensitive topic and should be kept with yourself.

    1. I agree with Jor-El on many parts of your post about confusion with gender. I strongly believe that people have the freedom to choose what they feel their gender is to be. Having the identification of being male or female helps generalize how people are. Having more than one gender would just create confusion, but it's how people express themselves. I personally think I could have added a factor of confusion in my own blog post.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  48. I have encountered many of those terms for different gender identities. In personal health, I was able to learn a bit about them; however, I knew about those terms before because they are used very often on tumblr. My friend actually identifies as gender fluid. I personally think that it’s pretty cool that now there are many more options for people’s gender identities on social media such as facebook. Honestly, male and female just doesn’t quite cut it for some people. I haven’t heard many arguments about it, but I know it was a big topic when that was first discovered. A lot of people were really happy when they saw that there were more options for gender identity. I don’t go on facebook, but I hope they are doing the same thing for sexual orientations as well. It makes me happy to know that people are starting to be a little more open minded.

    I do agree with Sasha because like I said, male and female doesn’t quite cut it for some people. Being forced to identify as something that you know you’re not is basically giving up your identity and confining to society. It’s like eating meat when you know that you’re a vegetarian. You might as well be a mindless puppet because with these social norms, we are hanging from strings and moving to their beat instead of our own. These social norms are very oppressive to a lot of people. They chain us down and don’t allow us to be who we want to be, who we know we are. Gender identity even has is it in the name. Our gender is a part of our identity. Some people don’t like what they are born with, so they identify as something else. We go through a lot of changes in our lives. We cut, dye, and style our hair differents ways. Our appearance changes. We weren’t born this way. We change. If that’s acceptable, why should gender be any different?

    I know someone that struggles with this greatly. My best friend identifies as gender fluid. She was born as a female, but sometimes she doesn’t always feel female. Some days she likes to identify as a guy, other times she likes to identify as a girl. Her behavior doesn’t change, it’s just how she likes to identify herself. Her mother is very religious and old fashioned. Whenever her mother sees her dress like a guy, she says a lot of negative things and basically tells her that she shouldn’t dress like that. Her mother tries to force her to wear jewelry, dresses, make-up, etc. She gets sick and tired of her mother always knocking her down. I feel like she gave in a little to her mother’s words because it’s been awhile since she’s been open with her gender identity. I feel bad for her because she basically gets punished for being herself. If she fights back, which she does, things get really out of hand. I wish that her mother would just be more open minded.

    Mina Nunez
    Period 4

  49. This idea of new ways to identify gender and sexuality is not really new to me. I am frequently curious of those who differ from me. Finding out their was a wide spectrum of gender options mostly can be credited to facebook making new options of those a a new update. Up until this point I thought gender is a linear categorization, “ you’re a dude, you’re a girl, you’re something else “ is how I viewed the topic of gender. I understand why they existent nevertheless, being a intersex male and a cisgender male, while still retaining the fact that they are still male, are two very different things, and should be specified as such.

    I agree with Sasha Kolodkin point that you would lost some complexities of your gender. However, I would consider that the complexities lost to be very insignificant. You’re who you want to be regardless of whether or not you prefer to be defined in gender as male or female. While simply having male and female could be considered too linear for a person who could be a mix between the two, an elaborate gender of “ Gender Fluid , ” Gender Nonconforming “, or “Non-Binary” I personally believe is relatively unnecessary. Regardless of who you are you are either, more masculine which aligns with the male gender, more feminine which aligns with the female, or an even mixture of both, where you’d be both gender. This can be coupled with a few modifiers such as “cisgender” or “Transgender” as that could more easily identify what type of person you are now ( physically).

    I personally don’t know a person who has trouble identifying with a single gender. For me, it’s simple, I’m a male, I identify closely with the masculine side rather than the feminine side. Considering this issue from the viewpoint of a person who might be something different, not able to be simply explained by two options, I’d understand the need to be classified as something more, I would presume that the “other” category would be sufficient but having more options than just that would still be logical. However, even with all other options, I honestly believe every person will be confined to be either Male, Female, Or Other, regardless of how they personally feel, this is mostly because people need to be “organized” what type doesn’t really matter, because you will always be in those specific categories.

    -[ Dawson McThay PD. 4]

  50. Armando Quintana Period 4

    This is in fact a new idea for me. I have never once heard of the debate, about adding new words that can identify a person’s sex rather than using male or female.I have never once heard the words intersex and cisgender in a conversation before. While I was reading the article I was not surprised because a person should have the right to identify themselves as whatever they like. Why should a person be restricted to identify themselves as male or female if they don’t feel that either one is appropriate to identify themselves. It’s like trying to pick your favorite food to eat and the only option there is, is meal. If male and female isn’t specific enough or doesn’t meet the standards of a person, then the person should be able to identify themselves in a way that suits them best.
    I agree with people like Sasha because that say, “the complexities of your gender are lost.” for those who can only choose between male or female. By only using male and female I believe we are leaving out important factors that we should consider. For example Ryley Pogensky is considered a “male” but he is actually considered a “trans male” on Facebook with his fellow friends. By only having male or female as an option we are losing out on a person’s right to identify themselves properly.
    Before reading this article I had no clue that people were struggling with this issue. I don’t know anyone who is currently trying to deal with this issue. By reading this article I guess you can say It brought some light upon me. I do believe people should have the right to have more options on forms that can satisfy their beliefs on their gender. On the other hand, I honestly don’t find this topic interesting or important. Yes, a person should have the right to identify themselves however they like, but why should they want to force this upon paperwork?
    After reading this article it made me think and ask questions about this topic. For example I would like to know why it’s so hard to add more options for questions on forms that ask for a person's gender. Are there valid reasons why we shouldn’t include more options, but male and female? Why do people want to add more options to the question of gender? Is it important to have more options for gender? Is it considered a violation of a person’s right if more options for gender aren’t made?
    After today this will be the first time I have ever heard about these issues stated in the article. Even before reading this article I never once heard the words cisgender and intersex in a conversation before. I just believe people should have the right to be able to choose more options than male and female. If it’s important to the person then why are we limiting their choices? On the other hand, I don’t find it necessary to have more words than male or female because why is having more than two options a problem? If this is indeed a problem then why not just add more options to forms. I don’t find this an important issue to resolve, if people want more options to clearly identify themselves then why not let them?

    1. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd 4

      I agree with you on how you said that people should have the right to express themselves. I do realize that having never heard about this, there may be a feeling that people facing this have a difficult struggle. I agree that expressing yourself is an important part of identity, but I also feel that expressing these feelings should not be expressed in legal situations such as on i.d. and passports.

  51. Yadira Saldierna
    Period 4

    Being a male or a female is a part of who we are. It is how the world sees us and the way we see ourselves. Biologically we are one or the other, possibly neither or both. Biological gender or our sex is what we were born as. It determines the little box you check saying “Male” or “Female”. Although this is the case. What we are biologically doesn't always match how we feel on the inside. Our system of identifying gender and sexuality needs some improvements.

    If people weren't so judgmental towards others, many of these problems wouldn't exist. We determine what and who we are, what a piece of paper says, doesn't change that. People can express themselves in any way that they feel. But when those expressions are hateful towards others, then it’s not okay. If a person was born a man and feels like they’re a woman and can identify himself as a woman, therefore she is a woman. All applications and papers should allow him to be whatever he feels like, there should be some sort of statement saying that he was born a male, but just doesn't feel like it.

    Many people struggle with figuring out who they are. Once they accept who they are inside, then they have to struggle with people disapproving with who they are. It shouldn't matter how other people view you, but sometimes people’s thoughts and actions get to you. If a person doesn't have a problem with how they feel, then why should others? It’s unfair the way these people have to struggle, it’s like a short child reaching up to a cookie jar, and being able to reach all the way up to receive their share of the cookies..

    It’s been a rough time for some people having to fill out papers and other documents that just have “male” and “Female”. People feel trapped where they are not accepted.There should be some other options for people that identify with being something else. People who can relate to this agree that they should be able to have more options as to what they are to people regarding “Gender”.

    The current system of identifying gender and sexuality needs to change in some way. This may be the way for people to feel like others recognize them for who they feel they are. People feel like they’re wearing a mask to hide what they feel. More options like “Neither” ,“Transgender”, and “Questioning Gender” need to be added to our system of identifying gender and sexuality.

  52. This is a whole new idea that i have never heard of till now. It is not really popular as of now so i have not heard any sides argue about the topic. The topic neverless was very informational about how the gender naming process is trying to be updated.My first reaction was wow this sounds about as complicated as rocket science. It brought so many new names for one’s gender which I personally believe is really complicated and probably impossible to remember.

    However it did not change the fact that it is a true statement. Being able for one to choose their gender is important part of who they are. The traditional male and female gender roles do not suit everyone. People do not feel that they are either male or female but are made to choose one because there's no other option. That is why agree with what this idea is trying to do and i also agree with those who are trying to make this idea possible for people in these types of situations.

    Even though i know nobody currently in this situation but it does not influence my decision in either way. the people should be able to be which ever they feel they belong to and not one they are forced to be in. This innovation that people like those in social media world are starting something great that i personally hope that will influence other to catch on.

    This idea is a wonderful on that i believe will shipped out quickly and make a huge impact. it will lead for what I believe will be more choices and openness with people being that they are able to be identified by the gender they believe is for them. It gives not only a better say for the people but also those who support them by knowing that since this person has a choice the have helped them in some way.

    Juan Ramos Period 4


  53. Yadira Saldierna
    Period 4

    Being a male or a female is a part of who we are. It is how the world sees us and the way we see ourselves. Biologically we are one or the other, possibly neither or both. Biological gender or our sex is what we were born as. It determines the little box you check saying “Male” or “Female”. Although this is the case. What we are biologically doesn't always match how we feel on the inside. Our system of identifying gender and sexuality needs some improvements.

    If people weren't so judgmental towards others, many of these problems wouldn't exist. We determine what and who we are, what a piece of paper says, doesn't change that. People can express themselves in any way that they feel. But when those expressions are hateful towards others, then it’s not okay. If a person was born a man and feels like they’re a woman and can identify himself as a woman, therefore she is a woman. All applications and papers should allow him to be whatever he feels like, there should be some sort of statement saying that he was born a male, but just doesn't feel like it.

    Many people struggle with figuring out who they are. Once they accept who they are inside, then they have to struggle with people disapproving with who they are. It shouldn't matter how other people view you, but sometimes people’s thoughts and actions get to you. If a person doesn't have a problem with how they feel, then why should others? It’s unfair the way these people have to struggle, it’s like a short child reaching up to a cookie jar, and being able to reach all the way up to receive their share of the cookies..

    It’s been a rough time for some people having to fill out papers and other documents that just have “male” and “Female”. People feel trapped where they are not accepted.There should be some other options for people that identify with being something else. People who can relate to this agree that they should be able to have more options as to what they are to people regarding “Gender”.

    The current system of identifying gender and sexuality needs to change in some way. This may be the way for people to feel like others recognize them for who they feel they are. People feel like they’re wearing a mask to hide what they feel. More options like “Neither” ,“Transgender”, and “Questioning Gender” need to be added to our system of identifying gender and sexuality.

    1. Jor-El Santos: Period 4 English

      I agree with Yadira because I also believe that the ways we identify gender and sexuality should be improved. If others were not so critical about this type of topic, then we would not have these problems about who should marry who. We should all be able to show what types of people that we enjoy being with. This is the reason why there should be more ways to label our sexuality or gender.

  54. javier pesina jr

    Ms.Wright A5/B5

    Honors English

    this is not a new idea for me i believe that there should be more choices for gender because there are people in the world who like the same sex or both, and if that is there choice leave them be. and give them the same rights as everyone else because in the and they are still human and they do have emotions that others might not understand quite yet. my reaction to what i have just read is incomprehensible i agree to most of the article. mainly about how there should be choices on a document for L.G.B.T.Q.A which are the different types of genres that people could chose

    i partly agree with Ms.kolodkin because she does say that “the complexities of your identity are lost” which means that people don't actually know what to put down when they say that they are even though they are male they feel like a female or vice versa. what don't agree with her is how she puts what she’s thinking on words. i know what she says but to others she doesn't make sense.

    i have not read or heard about anyone who is struggling with this issue at the moment because not everyone is comfortable about talking about their sexual orientation and the type of or gender they feel like or are. and it allows people to better express themselves with how they feel.

    1. Jor-El Santos: Period 4 English

      I agree with Javier because I also believe that people should be given more ways to identify their sexuality. Not everybody will like the same type of people. This means that we should all be able to show others what we want. I have also not known someone who is struggling with this issue. It must be hard for someone to go through this issue because it may feel like someone is not able to be who they want to be. They are held back from who they truly are.

    2. I agree with Javier and jor-el, everyone should be able to express them selves and call them selves what they would like
      DEnnis Kramer Period 4

  55. Andres Davalos
    No I have already heard these words and have learned them in personal health. I have heard these words like “intersex” and “gay” which are words that have been everywhere and misinterpreted because people only want to offend others. Even though we are suppose to be heterosexual that doesn’t mean that everybody has to be it. I have never really experienced what these people feel but when a person uses a word incorrectly they really are affecting everybody that fits under that category.I have seen arguments of how each people can be married with the same sex marriage and if it should be legal.
    I read about how if gay marriage should be legal or illegal in the U.S because many people are super racist about this fact. Even though the decision is up to a state like Arizona the most racists state in all of the U.S because they make laws to see a Hispanic and ask them for their papers which is not right, and they also tried to ban gay people from their own state and that never passed luckily. I reacted by being surprised and why haven't the U.S stepped in because these people are so racist that they will do anything to get their way and that is not right because if they want to be a state they have to show that they understand the laws to this day and respect them. Many people believe that they were flying like a bird, but they are really thinking that they are the birds that run their own direction. I only think that if a state wants to be free they have to accept everybody because if not they will be terminated and taken over and make really democratic to be able to make the U.S run smoother.
    I interpret her quote by saying that if somebody is identifying themselves as "gay" they are really sometimes change their sexuality if female and that's completely fine with me. The problem is that when it comes down to saying if you're female or male you lose the way your identity is shown because now you can't follow your own beliefs. If my theory is true and how I interpreted this true then I do have to agree because these people are for real and know how another person would feel when they have to make such a tough choice. They either have to follow how the crowd sees them or how they feel personally. Even though these people have to make a decision by themselves I ask myself, what are they labeled in the police report when they have to put if they are male or female.
    I have heard that people have been struggling with this issue because they really aren't accepted in today's world.People who struggle with this issue really don't look for any options and close their thought to the point that they really start taking excessive measures to the point that they will never wait one million years to wait for their life to get back and shaped up. So I've seen people take their life away or leave and never be found again because they want to get away from their desires and never want to see the things that harm them again so they get away from them. These articles tell me how everybody is finally taking notice and action on what to do to make people feel more comfortable.
    The articles raise the question of equality and how everybody is viewed because of the freedom people have on social media like Facebook. It raises the question if they will be able to be protected by the social media and not be discriminated by the other people. It also raises the question if people would be able to see theses people public alley or can these people have that section blank. Even though these articles are facing the fact that many other people that are part of the LGBT are open this will help them express themselves, but it really doesn't protect them from discrimination.

  56. This is a relatively new idea for me. I’ve actually have never heard half these words or descriptions like “cisgender” or “gender nonconforming transsexual female”. The whole idea of have more than just male, female, and other is pointless. Yeah, some people like to show who they really are and not just an “other” but is it really a big deal that they don’t have the specific term for what you are.

    Even though I think it is pointless, it is still something that change the whole look on the world. Maybe this is the push america needs to realize that there are more than two genders and the word “other in the world. the world is a brain and reality is a bomb, and it’s gonna be mind blown.

    I agree with Sasha Kolodkin.The complexity of one's gender does not depend on what, was printed on your birth certificate because you had no say in it. It is about how you feel and what you feel for. Its about what you think of yourself, and not what society thinks of you. If they want to call themselves gay, lesbian, transgender, or if they want to call themselves animals, it shouldn’t matter.

    I honestly have never heard anyone complain that their gender is not stated on a social media site. in mean, come on. this isn't really a big issue. being gay or lesbian is a state of mind not a gender.This is like our future and current generations, a joke. “other” might be demeaning, but what isn’t in america.

    a question that comes to mind is if you have either of the sex organs of a male or female, how can you be other? If you're gay, then that is your sexuality, not your gender. gender is ameaningless thing on this topic. if you really want to be called something else then ask for a separate drop box that classifies under sexuality and the whole problem is over. life is like a game; yougotta fightfor what you want.

    dennis Kramer period 4
