Monday, March 17, 2014

How Much Do Test Results Matter?

How Much Does the SAT or ACT Matter in Your Life?


  1. The SAT and ACT tests matter in my life, but not nearly to the point where i’m going to go crazy over it and studying all night. The test asks you to write about topics you never once thought about in your life. It’s not accurate, you don’t know exactly what kind of format or question it’s going to be, so why stress over it? If I have no idea what to expect, then I don’t know what to study. Sure I want to give it my all because it is important, but i’m not the person to stress it.
    It is an exam I plan to prepare for, but just by doing my best in school, and picking up as many tips as I can before the test. As far as practicing the test, I don’t think that’s a good idea, for me anyway. If I practice something over and over, and test day comes and the test was nothing I expected, then i’ll panic and do horrible on it. I rather walk in with an open mind and sort of be ready for anything, not hoping for what I studied to be on the test.
    I do not think that SAT or ACT scores will be an accurate way of knowing how well someone will do in college. It’s one test out of all the years you’ve been going to school. To base someones knowledge on a single form is absurd to me. For all we know the smartest student in the room could be having a bad day and not be focused, whereas the person with the lowest IQ happens to be having a great day and does better. Then the wrong student gets accepted. The person who put in everything they got all their years of going to school will get denied because of one bad test. It’s not accurate, nor is it fair.
    These tests cannot determine how successful someone is in life. Not at all. If someone scores low on one of these tests, that doesn’t mean their life is over with or they have no potential. They still have a chance to learn more and continue to go to school. Even if a person does really well on the test they still have to continue learning because people make new discoveries everyday, life isn’t over with after the one test you took in high school.
    I believe the changes trying to be made on the SAT tests are a good thing, it gives students a chance to earn more points than they were able to before. It also focuses more on topics and things that they spent all these years practicing, so the students know what to expect. The point of the test is to find out a students knowledge and testing them on things they learned will better help them to determine that.
    The SAT and ACT tests can be a bother to most students, as it is for me, but if they are willing to make changes to it then maybe the test will be more accurate in determining who will and won’t be accepted to the college of their choice.
    Dhalia Maldonado
    Ms. Wright
    Honors English pd. 4

    1. Alejandra Gutierrez
      Period 4

      I agree with you! The SAT and ACT are important, but not to the point where your stressing over it. Also the ACT and SAT will not be an accurate way of knowing if someone gets into college. Its only about the person determining. They could probably be having a bad day.

    2. Carlos Laureano
      Period 4

      I completely agrre with you. The SAT and ACT are very important, but it does not show colleges how smart you are. This test is just based on one day, and like you mentioned if you're having a bad day, you're probaly going to perfrom poorly. Also you mentioned this test is asking me questions that I have never thought of before, which is why I won't stress over it.

    3. Isabella Velazquez
      Ms. Wright P:5
      I agree with you 100% when you say that the ACT is a very important test but not so much that you need to be worrying about it. I do not think it will help you at all to be stressed about a test because it can make you do a lot worse. This will not benefit you at all in the long run because it will effect what college you get into and from that how successful you become in life.

    4. I agree with Dhalia because of the fact that we both see that the test is really inaccurate. Even though this is the most important test she's right you can't go crazy with it in any way because you really haven't studied any of it. She actually didn't make me see this in a different way because we both see that the ACT doesn't really matter because it's an absurd test in life. As time goes by people everyday want to expect to go to college and they need to get a good score on the ACT to even get in. I can make a connection because when I was trying to get into a selective enrollment school I really tried my best but I didn't know all of the things and that's how going to feel when I go to the ACT when times get tough I will really do my best and try to get a high score but it really didn't pay off eventually.
      Andres Davalos

    5. I agree with you. I feel that the ACT and SAT are important but not important enough to the point where i would go crazy studying for it. There inst really anything to study and you can t prepare for it.The best you can do is just hope you understand it and make sure you are wide awake during the test and to not slack off. I also agree with you that is is inaccurate, If someone doesn't need to be strong in a subject that made their test score low for what they want to major in in college, colleges wouldn't know because they are just looking at the scores.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

  2. The ACT and SAT matter to me, but it’s not something I’m really concerned about at the moment. I want to do well on these tests of course, but I’m not going to stress about it. Whenever I try to study for a test, my mind goes blank when I have to take the test. I try so hard to remember everything I studied word per word and eventually I panic when I can’t remember much. So, that’s why I’m not going to stress about it. I’ll work hard and review materials for a bit, but I’ll worry about that when the time comes. For now, I’ll just work through the rest of the years until that day comes. Also, these tests don’t really show what you can do or what you’re capable of. You’re in a timed and stressful environment trying to show off your academic skills. Of course the quality of work won’t be the same as a regular everyday environment.

    No, I don’t think that the SAT or ACT are accurate measures of how you will perform in college. You are in a timed and stressful environment, trying to show off your academic skills because you believe that those tests will determine your fate. You will be nervous, you might forget everything you studied. It’s not going to be that way in college all the time. Even in the article, it said that for the written portion of the tests, details matter but accuracy doesn’t. I believe the ACT and SAT don’t affect how successful you will be in life because again, they aren’t accurate measurements of one’s potential. It might affect where you go to college but you don’t have to go to an IV league school to be successful either.

    I think the changes are more fair for the students. Since points won’t get deducted for incorrect answers, I think students will do a lot better. Using college level words also help prepare the students even more for college. Also, making the essay optional is kind of a good thing. Not many people may be the best at articulating their thoughts through writing, however, others might do better at that. It could also be a bad thing, because that’s a skill that’s needed for college. However, making the essay optional also makes judgement more fair. All in all, I think the new changes are great. It honestly makes the scoring/judgement more fair. It gives people more of a chance to succeed on the ACT and SAT.

    Mina Nunez
    Ms. Wright
    Period 4

    1. I agree with you! it's not something i'm stressing over either because we really don't even know what to expect on the test. I rather go in with an open mind on things and do my best. It's one test and its not accurate on determining who goes to college and who doesn't, you're right.
      Dhalia Maldonado
      Ms.Wright pd. 4

    2. I agree one hundred percent because there is a lot of stress going in for these tests and there is no way of knowing what can come at you when you take it. Yes, there is practice tests but that does not measure what will really be on the tests. Even the teachers wont know how to teach it as much because the tests change a lot. So there is no sense of reassurance when it comes to taking the tests and knowing that you feel comfortable taking it. So, lets do whats right; fairly place students where there potential and success could grow and do great.

      Xe Cabrer-A5

    3. I agree with you. I'm worried about the ACT but its not something i'm focusing on at the moment. I feel like we don't really need to worry about it until out Junior year. Not only that but we really have no idea what will be on the test. We just kind of have to hope that somewhere down the line of our education we learned what will be on it. Which is unfair because everyone comes from different schools so they may not have learned the same thing.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

  3. Alejandra Gutierrez
    Period 4

    The SAT and ACT matters to me kind of like how much graduating high school means to me. Taking the SAT and ACT can decide what college I get into. I can do very well on those two particular tests and get into the college of my dreams with a scholarship or I can do poorly and get into a community college. Taking those two particular tests can determine my future. My plans in life that I want to accomplish, and be the first person in my family to go to college.

    These tests are the tests that I do care about. I am planning to take it in the near future when I’m a junior. Those tests can decide on what I do with the rest of my life. The tests are something I care about and my parents care about. They want to see me do good and take that test and be in the 90th percentile.

    I don’t believe the ACT or SAT will provide an accurate measure of how well I will do in college. I can take the test and i could have made a tiny error like in math, because i added, subtracted, divided, or multiplied wrong does not mean it’ll impact on how well I will do in college. I dont think my ACT or SAT scores would affect on how successful i will become. If I want to become a doctor would my scores matter then? No, why? Because those scores don’t have to determine how successful you are. You determine on how successful you are.

    I believe the redesign isn’t that good, especially on the math portion. If were only going to focus on three areas for the Math section, why are we wasting time learning about other things in math if it isn’t going to help us. Why are the essays optional? They should be mandatory, so students should improve their writing. I also dislike how they’re lowering the vocabulary. Students should improve their vocabulary by learning new words.

    1. I totally agree with you because the ACT and the SAT is very important to me too because these tests techinally determine the college you go to and determine your future.
      Tyra Harris

    2. I disagree with you a little bit because though the test determines where you go, it does not determine how much you can succeed. Your potential is unlimited in this world but unfortunately your potential is limited on these tests.These tests do not measure how much you can give in this world with all of your hard work in length instead of just a single test.
      Xe Cabrera-A5

    3. I agree that these tests are important, just because it's what determines if we get into college or not. But it's not a good way of determining it, you're right! I'll be the type of student to kind of wing it, I don't want to go in stressed, but instead confident and calm.
      Dhalia Maldonado

    4. Carlos Laureano
      Period 4

      I agree with you these test are very important, because they determine what colleges you can and can't go to. I also believe the act isn't a good measure of how you will do in college. One test can't determine how much you have learned, or what areas you are better in.

  4. Tyra Harris
    Honors English P4

    The SAT and The ACT matters alot in my life because those are the two most important tests in everyones high school years.These tests technically determines one's future it shows colleges what you have mastered or what you need to improve on and it also affects the colleges decision when the time comes for you to decide where you wanna go in life and what more do you have to accomplish in life to finally be successful and show what you have learned over the years.
    Since i'm a freshman this is a test/exam that my school is preparing me for. each and everyday i am constantly reminded about these tests because they can really determine your future ,your college,and your life choices this far.Taking the ACT and the SAT will also let you know how prepared you are for college by measuring your scores you well know how much the hard work has paid off.
    Yes ,I do believe that the ACT and SAT will provide an accurate measure of how well someone will perform in college because with the scores you will know what you did really well on and what you need to improve on to make sure when you arrive to college you aren't just looking at textbooks like a lost puppy.I do believe they will determine how well you will do in life because the choices you make affect everything so you can go in there and just think “ oh im just gonna wing it” or you can have your game face on and really study and prepare for it and can think “all my hard work will pay off”.
    I fully agree with the changes because they are trying to make the test less stressful for the students and have less to worry about to not have test anxiety. in the article it states that the will make the essay part of the test optional and although the ACT doesn’t have a science section the SAT will be adding one. Also on both tests they will encourage students to guess. Instead of the original SAT words they will include basic college course words.
    In conclusion , The ACT and the SAT is a very important test that i am striving to achieve and i know that with UICCP with help me achieve and to the best that i possibly can.These tests technically determines one's future it shows colleges what you have mastered or what you need to improve on and it also affects the colleges decision

    1. I disagree because you think that it should matter and I think it doesnt. If the ACT defines you and you fail, how will you feel. You would be hurt because you wont get into your choice of college. They should make the test optional.
      -Ashley Gaston Period 4

    2. Mariah Harris Period 5
      I disagree because I don't think the SAT or ACT provides a accurate measurement. It shouldn't determine where you go in your future. One bad score on a test could ruin the future of someone with great potential.

    3. I agree with that these two tests are important. It basically determines what you are. Also it determines your criteria of what you know in each subject. This shows colleges what you are and if you are worthy of going there. So these tests are a big deal in your life.
      Rolando Sifuentes

  5. Dear Reader,
    The ACT or SAT matter a lot in my life. I say this because these onetime tests determine which college you go to. They are so essential because if you mess up once you are going to a not so good college. But a thing that strikes me is that one test determines who you are and how much you are capable of. What I believe is that success is measured by the progress and completion you have done. Hard working people cannot be judged so quickly because that is exactly what the test is saying. If you fail it once then you are automatically not fit enough.
    I honestly do care about this test, this test, once again, determines where I go only on one try. And really, if I stress about this test all of my life and I go for classes for the test itself just to prepare, then that’s just crazy. Why should I stress over a test when I have 3 years until the test? So when I am a senior and the school gives us practice tests, then I will get that time to study. Other than that I won’t stress over it a bunch like other kids and take it serous but not to serious. I have life ahead of me and now, so I say live now and worry about later because on the way to the ACT I will have a lot of things learned in my pocket, so I won’t be completely unknowing. Studying on a test almost for the rest of your high school years will make you the tensest person ever. I don’t want to be like that.
    I believe that the Act does not provide an accurate measure of my true potential in a span of 4 years in college or more! When I take the test and get a horrible score, that won’t make me any different than a kid who scored a 30 on his test. For all I know my GPA in college could be a 4.0 and that kid in Harvard would have a 2.0. Just think I could be getting all of my accomplishments done while he is working on getting his semester to grade to a C average. I could be getting all as and transferring to Harvard, when he is dropping out. The point is, he was put in a college where he was misplaced, and I was put in a college perfect for me and my future. That kid’s future now is minimum wage, while I’m a doctor with a mansion. If you think of my scenario the ACT is doing more bad than good. So let’s trash the ACT and bring in something more legible and fair.
    I completely agree with the red sign because this gives some wiggle room for stressed students taking the test. Just think, if you set high expectations for a regular person, how do you think they will adapt to it? I think very poorly, now if we set the bar down on the test to the just right spot, then it will be way fairer. Its way better than the points possible score of the test being at an overwhelming 2,400, But it is lowered to a calming 1,600 points possible score. This also gives some hope in some low income families because they might not be able to pay for practice ACT classes than richer families who can. This gives some hope of the families out there making minimum wage. I do believe that hard working students are out there but they do not have the benefits accessible to them than richer families. This over all gives a chance to people who are stressed about such a big test.
    So to conclude ACT and ACT tests is not an essential thing in a senior’s life. This test determines your fate and where you go to work as hard as you can to succeed. Now, I believe that my wish isn’t as real as I want it to be because these tests have been around longer than I have. So my suggestion was to bring the standards a little lower, reading the article, it has done just that. So I fully support this change for the greater good of the fairness for all seniors taking this test. As long as this change stands then I won’t have a problem with the test.
    Xe Cabrera-A5

    1. Alejandra Gutierrez
      Period 4

      I disagree with you on the point to where you said "so essential because if you mess up once you are going to a not so good college." This does not determine if one's going to a good a college or not. What if they were having a really bad day, but they were one of the smartest people in the classroom? If you were to mess up once and get into not so good of a college you'll be disappointed, but your probably one of the smartest people in that classroom.
      I agree when you said that you have like three years and you won't be that stressed out.

    2. I totally agree with you. The test is important, but it's a poor was of determining who gets accepted to certain colleges. We all have the potential to grow, and a single test doesn't show it.
      Dhalia Maldonado
      English A/B 4

    3. I agree. A test can't measure a person's whole potential. A person who shows success through his whole 4 years of high school should be not measured by a single test. It takes more than numbers to very show if scholars are ready for challenging colleges.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

  6. Armando Quintana Period 4

    Personally I believe the SAT and the ACT is really important in my life. I believe a test shouldn’t determine how educated a person truly is. Knowing from experience I perform better in class rather than a standardized test given to me by the state. I just don’t like the idea of having such a short time period for multiple questions. I dream of getting accepted to an Ivy-league university, and study to one day become a professor. Ever since I can remember I have been told frequently, that the ACT and SAT determines what university you can get accepted to.
    Yes, these are exams that I truly care about. Knowing myself my weakest subjects have to be Literature and English. In my case I would focus more on these subjects rather than Math or Science. I have taken a practice ACT, which is called the Explorer. I have taken it once in 8th grade and I will soon be taking it again in my freshman year. So I have been preparing for the ACT, but when I am a junior I will be taking it.
    I don’t believe that the ACT or the SAT is really accurate. Personally I have trouble taking standardized tests; simply because I feel pressured and lose track of time. I perform better in a class rather than in a standardized test. If I were to get a low score I believe it will indeed affect my life. In the near future I want to attend an Ivy-league university. And the ACT is a huge factor that would decide whether or not I can attend an Ivy-league university. When it comes down to my decision I believe the ACT and the SAT isn’t accurate. Due to the fact that not everyone is a good test taker.
    After reading the over all changes about the SAT. I believe the test is actually becoming a little more stress relieving. They have changed the written exam to be optional, the grading scale has went down to the original, and the vocabulary has been changed to fit words that are most likely used in college. I actually like the changes they have made I feel a little relieved. I feel as if the test makers finally took the view point of the students who would be taking these tests.

    1. I agree that the tests are important but they shouldn't determine who gets to go to college and stuff. It's not accurate enough. Yeah, it's a good thing that changes are being made to the test.
      Dhalia Maldonado
      Ms. Wright
      English pd. 4

    2. Yadira Saldierna
      Period 4

      I agree with your beliefs about the SAT and ACT. I also think that that these test cause a lot of stress and shouldn't determine so much in our lives. Also I feel more comfortable with the new changes made. Tests like the SAT and ACT doesn't say everything about the student.

    3. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      20 March 2014

      I agree with what you stated. The ACT/SAT doesn't measure your intelligence. Any person can be really smart but be really bad test takers. That isn't fair to them because they probably should get the chance to go to that college. Also, someone can be having a bad say on the say of their test and it is going to affect them. There shouldn't' be no test to see what college you go to. I think it should be based on your grades in high school.

    4. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd. 4

      I honestly have to say that I only halfway agree with Armando. I get that not everyone does well on tests, but I think that is also what the test is trying to show. That a student can do well even when under pressure. I think that The ACT show a lot more about us than we think, so I believe that they are accurate. I want to attend Stanford University, which in my eyes is a good school, and they will accept me or deny me based on not only my grades, but my ACT and SAT score (I personally have to take both). And by looking at my results, they will determine what kind of a student I am.

    5. Isabella Velazquez
      Ms. Wright P:5

      The way my ACT scores will determine my future can be either very good or very bad. The reason why I say this is because if I get very high scores I will get into the college. On the other hand if I get very low scores it is likely I will get into a lower college. Either way it depends on how I take in my experience. I can be very negative about it and not try as hard as I would at a higher school. I could also be very positive about it and try my best to succeed in what I want to do and what I feel is right for me.

      This is an exam I care 100% because it really shapes the path I follow in the future. Determining if I get a job or not is based on this test. With that job it will determine if I get a career. Determining if I have a stable and reliable lifestyle to support myself on my own in the future is based on this test. With a career it can teach me responsibility and for me how to be more disciplined. With this it can help me shape how well I work in my job and in my future career. Which can be very beneficial to me and the people around me in the sense of me
      helping them.

      I do believe that the ACT will determine how well I perform college. The reason why I say this is because this is an overview of how I have been doing all through my educational career. On the other hand I do believe this is an unfair test. The reason why say this is because there can be very intelligent people who are very bad test takers. In this sense it really won't benefit them at all but harm them because these colleges will believe they can only achieve little when their potential is way more then they can see.

      I highly believe that my ACT scores will determine how successful I become in life. If I score very high ACT scores then I will get into a good college. With a good college degree I will get a good job. With a good job I will get a good career. With this career and the money I earn really depends on how I want to go with my life in the future. Depending on how I take action with all these skills I have learned over the course of many years will truly determine my true intelligence.

      I do not support these changes to the ACT at all. The reason why I say this is because many of the changes that they are making are very unnecessary. One change that I do not like is specifically the math portion of the test. I do not think that they should allow us to use calculators on some portions of the math test but not on others. I do not think it makes sense to do this at all. I feel it is not smart to do this because that would not make much sense to use your calculator on some part of a test and not on the other parts of it.

    6. Isabella Velazquez
      Ms. Wright P:5
      I do agree with you when you say that the ACT is a very important test but it shouldn't determine how intelligent a person is. I agree with this 100% because I do believe that some people can be very smart and very bad test takers. For the people who are like this it can be more harmful to their educational career than beneficial.

    7. Andres Davalos
      Armando and I have the same perspective of the ACT and we both are almost alike. Even though we have multiple honors classes and are taking a test that we don't really know what to expect. I didn't really know the fact on how people expect to study but we both see that we have to focus on our weaknesses. Even though we are academic enemies I see that we have a connection between our goals in life and the way that we believe we should pursuer he ACT and face it. I can make a connection because I was trying to get into the gifted program for my school and I made it because of high ranking in being able to do math and got the chance to make it in.

  7. Jazmyne Palacios
    Honors English P:4

    How much the ACT and SAT mean to my life, well, they do mean a lot considering it determines my future and what colleges I will be able to get accepted to. But in a way these two tests don’t define who I really am and if I am really smart. I can have a really bad day, for instance and get a really low ACT or SAT score. I have no chance of ever retaking those tests again. Now what to do I do? My hopes and dreams are crushed and I can no longer go to a college of my choice.

    The exam I am taking, which is the ACT, I absolutely care about it, of course. I plan on to study hard to achieve my goal and at least be able to get accepted into one top college choice of mine, and two other preferable choices as well. But I don’t want to waste mine time for nothing and then receive an upsetting ACT score. Then even worse, people and family members would be a bit judgemental and label me as “smart”, “somewhat smart”, or “dumb.” And I really think over a ACT test that determines my career shouldn’t be able to define the real you and who you really are.
    I personally believe that the SAT or ACT shouldn’t provide an accurate measure of how well I will perform in college. Like I stated before, I can do extremely bad on one of these tests, but will it really affect or determine if I’m going to be like that in college? Absolutely not. What if I achieve even higher in college than I did on the ACT or SAT? I’m not going to be looking like a fool anymore, because I’m still reaching toward my goals. These two tests shouldn’t affect how successful I am in life. I can go to a really non-rated or non-top college and I can maybe most likely succeed very highly in that college.

    What I think about the redesign of these key changes is that some of the changes seem reasonable to change, like how if you guess on an answer they won’t mark it incorrect, but that depends on how much you’ve tried on this question. But a thing I sort of dislike is that the people taking these tests have to read one of the nation’s “founding documents, or “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” which I think isn’t the greatest in my perspective I believe that we shouldn’t have to read something that may possible bore our minds or make it more complex for the kids than what it already is.

    Overall, the SAT/ACT don’t really mean so much to me. They aren’t really gonna measure how smart I actually am. I mean it is important to me, but only really a certain extent.

    1. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      20 March 2014

      I agree with everything that you stated. The ACT/SAT doesn't determine how smart someone is. There are many people who are bad test takers. That doesn't mean that they aren't intelligent. I know for myself I am not good with tests. I think the ACT/SAT shoudn't determine where you go to college. Instead, it can be to see where you are.

    2. John Capers
      Honors English A/B5

      I have to agree with one opinion specifically and that is the bad day subject you brung up. It is unfair for someone to be judged on how well they do on ACTs or SAT even more so if they aren't having the best day or the right amount of sleep. But I wonder if they allow reassessments for this type of testing, then maybe it would be alright because you can retake it if your score is low. Overall good job on your comment.

    3. Response from Jor-El Santos: Period 4 English -

      I do not agree with Jazmyne because I believe that the ACT and SAT will determine how you will perform on the test. If you are smart, then you will do good on the test. If you did not prepare for test, then results will show that you did not do well. It does not matter if you had a bad day. People who are above average students will mostly always do better than the average student. This just shows that the SAT and ACT are tests that show if you are truly smart enough.

    4. Jazmin Juarez A5
      I completely agree with you. I liked most of the points you made. I like the way you were clear with all of your ideas. I think that we should take the test many times to assure that we take it seriously and with the best grade possible. However I do have to recognize how it might be a bit "unfair" for a not so good student to do good and a great student to do bad.

  8. Mariah Harris Period 5
    To me the SAT and ACT does not really matter now. I dont think or worry myself on the SAT and ACT. To succeed on the test I honestly think when the time comes, you either know it or you don’t. I don’t Look at the SAT or ACT as something that I can start preparing for A month or two before. To me the SAT and ACT is a reflection of what I’ve learned throughout my entire life.

    I do not stress the exam much In my freshman year. I’ve been preparing for the exam since I’ve started school, by working hard In school. It’s just a matter of recalling all the Information that has been giving when the time comes. I care about the exam since I know It is a big Impact on where I go after UICCP. I care very much about my score, I don’t think It’s smart to put everything you’ll need to know In college aside, Just to focus on the exam.

    I really don’t think the SAT or ACT will provide an accurate measure of what I’m capable of. If I have really great grades but I’m horrible at testing It won’t be fair. The success or future of a student should not lay In the faith of one test. Colleges shouldn’t look at the SAT or ACT to determine who to let In. The future of someone’s college shouldn’t be measured by one test.

    I think the scores of my ACT or SAT while affect the level of my success. If I’m not accepted to the place I had my eyes set on I’ll be upset but I’ll get over It. As long as my sores get me In a place where I can learn and countie to grow I’ll find success. Success doesn’t come easy, I think regardless of where I go, If I’m determined enough I’ll make it. I think It has some effect, but very little.

    I think allowing students with low income to apply to four colleges for free Is the best idea. Many high school student want to go to college, but without money It’s not an option. I think opening up waivers to student It’s beneficial to everyone who needs It. It’s not right to tell someone they can’t at least try to get into a college, just because they don’t have the extra money. It’s very considerate to think of the struggles that people face now while applying to colleges.

    1. John Capers
      Period A5/B5

      I wish to have your ability of not worrying for the ACTs and SATs. I constantly have to worry about it even if it is years from now. This is why I also have good grades now so that I may be overlooked if I have poor scores for these test due to my high GPA. Though this is unlikely. Good work though.

    2. Response from Jor-El Santos: Period 4 English -

      I do not agree with Mariah because I believe that the SAT and ACT matters to everybody and anybody. These tests are things that you should be focusing on in high school. You should take it seriously because if you do not get into the college of your dreams, then you will regret all the bad habits you have done in your life. Although the ACT and SAT are tests that reflect what you have learned, it does not hurt to prepare for these tests. These tests are going to be challenging, so you should practice for it.

    3. Yadira Saldierna
      Period 4

      I disagree with a few of your statements because I personally think that the SAT and ACT test are extremely important because they can really affect where you go in life. Not preforming well makes it hard to get into good colleges. The SAT and ACT exams require you to practice and study to get a good enough score to get into a selective college that will help you to start a successful career later on in life.

    4. I agree with you because I personally think the ACT doesn't matter. The ACT should not define who will be and how successful we will be in college. We might flunk that one test and that shouldn't define us as a person.
      -Ashley Gaston Period 4

  9. Andres Davalos
    The ACT matters greatly in life because that determines where you will go in life. Every year students practice and try to master the skills that will be on the ACT. These students don’t realize how great this test will affect their college opportunities in life and how they will get their opportunities in life. Students in life try to make the best to impress their family members because they don’t want them to worry. I personally think that the message of the ACT is suppose to measure your knowledge that you have in life. The ACT matters so much in life because even today i am trying to get all of the knowledge so i can be ready when that test comes.
    I think that i do care about the ACT the most because of all of the things i was talking about in school and how everyday that we try to do basic skills. Now everyday i am trying to learn and remember all of my skills. I plan to prepare so i can learn the best in english and reading the most subjects that i struggle with. When i give it my all i know that i can pass and get a really high score because thats just what i do. I only expect to try my best and be able to manage my time efficiently. Speeding up the process of the ACT will be the worst but as time goes by i will show what i have and the things i can do.
    No the ACT will not measure my performance in college because of the fact that that is one test. Even though that you are suppose to do your best, people need to understand that you cannot measure knowledge with one test. I only see the fact that knowledge is measured by quality and thats what the U.S has to see. The ACT affects the way that people will see you and the score that you got will get you ranked which is the most nervous thing people will think of.The ACT will make you prove only one thing and that is the test every test should only be 30 questions with one hour and they all need proof of work the answer being stated.
    I do agree with the redesign because they realized the fact that knowledge can’t be measured through one test. With that fact said thats good that they took off the penalty of guessing because not all of the students know the answer to the question. I kind of disagree with making the writing portion optional because if that is then it should be extra-credit not affecting your score. Even though students know all of the subjects the ACT should not tell what will be on the test. That is correct with only letting students read high level college things, but thats stupid because not everybody knows the college things and thats what students don’t need to learn because they are basically losing all of their things and they just gave up the worthless years of being in high school.
    Life is hard in broad and people need to understand that the ACT is just another obstacle in life. Students go four years in high school to prepare for college and if the ACT isn’t going to measure their intelligence but the idea that your high school should have taught you the college level things. The ACT will one day be canceled and changed completely because they will be making the subjects more broad and open to things that everybody should know. I really see the ACT as a great way to go to college because all colleges are interested in that way of life. Students every year try their best especially like in china where that is all the students worry about and see that as their life journey to go into a college.

    1. Gabriela Marin
      English I P.4
      I agree with Andres because the ACT is a test that does measure how much a student knows and the amount of knowledge the student has in their life. I also agree that the ACT is also a test that doesn't really measure how we will do in college, but I also sort of disagree because on the other hand it sometimes does. Moreover, I agree that sometimes the score you get in the ACT is how schools and people are going to see you as.

  10. Andres Davalos
    The ACT matters greatly in life because that determines where you will go in life. Every year students practice and try to master the skills that will be on the ACT. These students don’t realize how great this test will affect their college opportunities in life and how they will get their opportunities in life. Students in life try to make the best to impress their family members because they don’t want them to worry. I personally think that the message of the ACT is suppose to measure your knowledge that you have in life. The ACT matters so much in life because even today i am trying to get all of the knowledge so i can be ready when that test comes.

    I think that i do care about the ACT the most because of all of the things i was talking about in school and how everyday that we try to do basic skills. Now everyday i am trying to learn and remember all of my skills. I plan to prepare so i can learn the best in english and reading the most subjects that i struggle with. When i give it my all i know that i can pass and get a really high score because thats just what i do. I only expect to try my best and be able to manage my time efficiently. Speeding up the process of the ACT will be the worst but as time goes by i will show what i have and the things i can do.

    No the ACT will not measure my performance in college because of the fact that that is one test. Even though that you are suppose to do your best, people need to understand that you cannot measure knowledge with one test. I only see the fact that knowledge is measured by quality and thats what the U.S has to see. The ACT affects the way that people will see you and the score that you got will get you ranked which is the most nervous thing people will think of.The ACT will make you prove only one thing and that is the test every test should only be 30 questions with one hour and they all need proof of work the answer being stated.

    I do agree with the redesign because they realized the fact that knowledge can’t be measured through one test. With that fact said thats good that they took off the penalty of guessing because not all of the students know the answer to the question. I kind of disagree with making the writing portion optional because if that is then it should be extra-credit not affecting your score. Even though students know all of the subjects the ACT should not tell what will be on the test. That is correct with only letting students read high level college things, but thats stupid because not everybody knows the college things and thats what students don’t need to learn because they are basically losing all of their things and they just gave up the worthless years of being in high school.

    Life is hard in broad and people need to understand that the ACT is just another obstacle in life. Students go four years in high school to prepare for college and if the ACT isn’t going to measure their intelligence but the idea that your high school should have taught you the college level things. The ACT will one day be canceled and changed completely because they will be making the subjects more broad and open to things that everybody should know. I really see the ACT as a great way to go to college because all colleges are interested in that way of life. Students every year try their best especially like in china where that is all the students worry about and see that as their life journey to go into a college.

  11. Jor-El Santos: Period 4 English

    Getting into a great college means that you will have even higher chances of having a successful life. You will be able to fulfill your dreams as to what type of career that you want to pursue. Your life will be running smoothly just like you planned. It all starts with the SAT and ACT. These tests determine what colleges that you will be able to do enter. If you do not perform well on these tests, then your future will not be on the right track. This is why the SAT and ACT are an important part of my life. I go to UIC College Prep and they help me prepare for college and for these tests. I know that I will be ready for the test when it comes.

    In 2 years I will be a junior at UIC College Prep. I will be preparing for the ACT as much as I can. I will try not to stress myself out, but it will be very hard. Preparing for tests is a great way to get a good grade. This is exactly why I will prepare. I really do care about this test because it is something that may determine your future. If you do not prepare for this test, it might be really challenging. I want this test to be easy as possible for me. I need to be ready.

    Your SAT or ACT will provide an accurate measure of how well you will perform in college. Just like any other test, these tests will see how well you can perform on a subject. If you do not perform well on this test, then that means that you will not perform well in college. Although some people may say that smart people will accidentally do bad on this test, I believe that if they were really smart then they will prepare and do better than average people on this test. These tests are really rigorous, but it will help determine how intelligent you really are.

    People should take these tests really seriously. It is very stressful to study, but in the end, it will pay off. I will not forgive myself if I do not try my hardest. These are tests that I would fully dedicate myself to. I want to do really good. I want to enter an amazing college with great high school grades. But those grades will not matter if I do horrible on the ACT. I need to get a really high score if I want to get into a good college. I am determined to the best that I can.

    The SAT and ACT is what decides your future. If you do bad on those tests, then your future will not be as bright. Every single high school student should take this test seriously. I go to a high school where they will help me prepare for the ACT. With teacher’s help, I trust that I will be ready when the time comes. The ACT is in two years for me. I have a lot of time to prepare. This test will determine my life and I will be ready for it.

    1. Jazmin Juarez A5
      I completely agree with you. I liked most of the points you made. I like the way you were clear with all of your ideas. I am also determined to make the best I can of the ACT . In addition I liked whay you said about taking these test seriously.

    2. Armando Quintana Period 4
      I agree with Jor-El about how important a simple test can be apart of your life. That thees tests determine what college you can and can't get accepted to.The only part where I would have to disagree on is the fact that there is no such thing as a bbad test taker. Personally I have hard times meeting time limits on tests, which causes me to rush. Which can result in bad scores and I believe there can be bad test takers not everyone can perform well on a test when pressured to meet a time limit.

    3. Gabriela Marin
      English I P.4
      I agree with Jor-El because the score someone gets on the ACT and SAT test will determine the life that you will be living and college that you will go to. I also agree that starting to prepare ourselves for the test now like Jor-El said he is doing is great because than on the day of the best you will be very prepared to take the test. I sort of disagree that the test score will determine how a student will do in college because in some cases it's not like that, but then I can sort of agree with Jor-El.

    4. I agree that the ACT is an important factor in someone's life because it determines their future, but I wouldn't want the ACT to determine my success and my future because it is only taken once and it can't be taken again. This gives all test takers an unequal chance in becoming successful in life

      - Felipe Islas P5

  12. Written by: Andrea Aguilera
    Honors English Pd. 4

    Personally, I believe that the SAT or ACT matters a lot in my life. When it comes to the ACT or SAT, it determines which college you get into, which f]determines what job you get, which determines what kind of life you will have. I really want to have a job in the future that is very good, such as becoming a surgeon or something in the medical field. The SAT and ACT mean so much in my life because my performance on these tests will determine if I get into Stanford or not, which is my dream school. My performance on the ACT or SAT will show colleges and employers how good I have done in my academic career. Doing well on either of these tests will determine where i go in life.
    The SAT and ACT are things of both high importance to me because they determine where life will take me when I’m older and what kind of life I will be living. They mean a lot to me because I believe that my future depends on my college, which depends on my ACT or SAT score. I do plan on getting ready way far in advance for the ACT. I will attend a camp in which I will be prepared for multiple tests and this will help me in the future and possibly even give me a idea of testing for the SAT or Act. Since I believe that my entire life depends on my ACT or SAT performance, I would consider it something that I care about.
    Although it is a big part of my life, I don’t think that ACT or SAT scores reflect how you will do in college. Just because a person does good or bad on the ACT or SAT, doesn't mean that they will perform the same way in college. In college, a person has the option to work hard or slack off, and both of these actions aren't based off of the results from the ACT or SAT. SAT and ACTs only determine whether a person is accepted to a college or not, not if the person will do well in college. I do somewhat think that your ACT or SAT will determine if you have a successful life or not, but then I don’t. The reason why I say this is because you ACT or SAT scores determine what college you get into, and the college you get into determines what kind of job you will have.
    Personally, I think that some of the changes are better. I say this because it is reasonable that guesses won’t be counted incorrect, but I am not exactly sure how it will be determined if a student guessed or not. A student may not be putting in any effort and just guess on all of the questions, what will this do to the student’s score. I think that reading something that does not interest many students will also be un-beneficial for the student. Since they don’t like the passage, then they will lose focus and not perform very well on that section of the test.
    To me, the SAT and ACT are very important because they are what hold the future for a person. I believe that the wellness done on the ACT or SAT has a huge domino effect. If a person does bad on the ACT or SAT, then they won’t get into a good college, if they don’t get into a good college, then they won’t get a good job; and an unsuccessful job means a not so great life. When you know that something enormous will happen to you and has a giant chain reaction, then it is extremely important that people do their very best on the ACT and or SAT.

    1. MaryClaire Mangan
      I agree with how you said that the tests are very important, and how you said where you really want to go to college, and set a goal for yourself. I also agree with how you said the tests don't fully determine how you perform in college, and just rather or not you get accepted.

    2. Armando Quintana Period 4
      I agree with Andrea because the ACT/SAT really matter in my life. I hope that one day I can have the chance to be accepted to Harvard or Yale. These two universities are my dream schools. And if I want to be accepted into these colleges I must perform well on the ACT/SAT.

    3. I agree with your belief that both exams really do affect you in the long run. It's practically true that exam results really do change where you go in life. I haven't really thought about that point nor have I put it in my own blog post. Having to keep up with education and the examinations really do pay off on a huge test. I believe skill is also crucial in it as well, as I've put in my own blog post.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  13. Jazmin Juarez A5
    In my life the ACT plays a big role. The school I currently go to likes to emphasize on having high ACT scores. Infact, we firecats have to take the ACT three times. We do this in order to give colleges our higher score. The higher the score the more chances you have of getting into a more competitive college. I pay attention to it because I know it’s coming and that I’m gonna need to have a high score on it. Personally I believe that I should start studying now, even if the test is unfair everyone is taking it so it’s equal chances.
    I want to start preparing for my ACT because I feel like even if my GPA is high I can still do horrible on the test. I think the the Interims will help me to prepare my self and so that I can be in competition with others. I can also prepare my self to be more competitive. my personal goal is to be top of the class and if I can't then I want to have the highest test scores. I currently have tutoring and plan to keep taking it, plus I would like to join other clubs to make me better prepared.
    I do not think one test can describe or say how well you will do in something. Me being one of the people who did horrible in the interims this quarter knows that test don't describe what kind of student you are. I did my test thinking I was doing my best, but when I got my results it turned out not so much. You might be having a horrible day on testing day and that doesn't mean that you because your grade is horrible you are a horrible student and will do horrible things in life. I do think that the test show how well prepared you were the day of the test.
    I agree with the redesign, because i’m one of the people who thinks one test should not determine how well you do in life. However people should take this test very serious. I agree with the writing being optional because I wouldn't necessarily want to do it my self. I however think that high schools should start getting their students college ready. Many times I guess answers on test because I don't know answers, most of the time i get it right and that makes me happy, that is why I’m not against people guessing.

    1. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd. 4

      I completely agree with you Jazmin. The ACT and SAT are huge in my life, and I couldn't agree with you more. Actually, reading this twice, I only half agree with you. I know that some people do bad at tests and are really good in school, but I personally feel that tests show more about you than grades do at times. They show your focus and ability to work under high pressure. I do agree that they are big tests that mean a lot, but I do feel that they show how good we are as students.

  14. John Capers
    Period A/B5

    The ACTs and SATs do matter for my life because it is so influential to my future. That is by force. I don’t want to have to make this a big part of my life. Taking it will be even harder because not only will you feel the pressure of this test, but you will also feel that some questions are too hard even though it’s not and that is due to pressure. Fighting for this to be change will probably be hard. I will still be willing to do it though because I feel that there are strong points to argue against the importance of the ACTs and SATs to getting it to college.

    I care about only because I feel that I to care for it. Like I previously stated, I will fight for the importance of this to be brung down to a minimum. Make it like a regular test that only colleges would look at when you apply. In truth, I feel that while at UICCP, I am already preparing for the ACT. From my perspective, despite the rules, this school is really rigorous when it can be especially with the test by showing us that through studying then we can definitely ace the test. At school, each day, I realize that my old habits are eventually not going to go away and that means that I have to find this balance and of work time and play time.

    Rating success by a number is actually not that good. It is never really good to say “Well your score on this test is higher, but your overall grade is horrible. This guy over here did bad on the test but has the best grades. Obviously the first one is better”. Judging the intelligence of a person for one test is also very questionable. Unless you are a straight A student, or really good at tests, then you don’t need to worry. What about a regular student whose test scores vary between each one? Noticeablythis is a problem. These tests should not be so strong in our life as anyone, especially those with not so good test scores. It can be really stupid to say life is based on one test. When it isn’t.

    For the changes that are made, I honestly like the math portion being changed to three areas. These areas are actually partially known while in Freshman Algebra class. I know we will explore these more in the coming years and that is comforting. The writing portion, I guess I don’t like it being optional. I want to be a writer and this will be better for me personally as a way of seeing how far I have gone in my writing skills. All the other changes are alright and not really that important to me for a little while as I don’t have much knowledge on them. Though I do like the free appliance for four colleges.

    In conclusion, ACTs and SATs are really dumb in the fact that it can change your life so drastically. This is including the fact of multiple factors able to affect the tests. I prefer the changes greatly and I have to give the ones behind the changes props for making these changes. They were long overdue. I hope that these changes are beneficial to anyone who takes and that no rethinking of these important test will have to happen again. It doesn’t ease much stress unfortunately. It does ease something so that counts.

    1. I completely agree with how you believe that the ACT's and SAT's are dumb due to the fact that it can change your life so drastically. I also agree with how you say that these tests are only important to you by force. Rating success by a number I believe is ridiculous as well.

      Alicia Rodriguez
      Period 5

  15. In all retrospect, the ACT and SAT have been important tests for many scholars. ACT scores will highly impact if someone will enroll into a mediocre university or a competitive one. As of now, the ACT is important to me because it highly changes my college choices. My success through the ACT will massively impact which colleges I can apply to; higher scores will lead to more competitive colleges.

    Preparing for the ACT is something that all students are doing right now. The tests they take and the classes they attend are all meant to prepare students for that test. In the near future, I will probably start preparing for the ACT as well. Thinking back, the tests I took in elementary school are also probably used to help students practice for the ACT. So in reality, I am already starting to work towards the goal of the ACT.
    I believe the SAT or ACT or any other test can not determine someone’s overall success in college. A test can not measure a person’s academic success throughout her whole 4 years in high school. Numbers in general can’t effectively summarize a scholar’s 4 years of achievements. For example, a student who showed academic success throughout his whole 4 years of school but does poorly on the ACT will probably be unlikely to be accepted to a competitive university. How is this fair? Being a impactful test as of now, I believe my ACT scores will affect my future education.
    Making the essay optional, in my own opinion, is a good change. The grading of writing can be based on opinion. Each person has his or her own standards on writing. For example, during elementary, my class’s homeroom teacher assigned us a task to grade pieces of writing. At the end, each group assigned the piece a different grade. All of us were strong writers but we all have different viewpoints.
    Andy Xu
    Period 5

    1. MaryClaire Mangan
      I agree with how you said the tests are important to you, and what type of school you will be accepted to. I also agree that one test won't measure all academic success within your four years of high school.

  16. MaryClaire Mangan
    Honors English A/B5
    20 March 2014

    The SAT ACT is going to be important in my life, because it can determine what kind of college or schools you get accepted to. If you do really well, you would get accepted to a lot of schools, which gives you more options to choose from and go to the school that you want. The article mentions people spending thousands of dollars on tutors for the SAT or ACT. I wouldn’t spend all that money on a test, if you end up doing poorly, all money is wasted and still no more for a college or school, when you can study on your own.

    It’s an exam that I do plan on taking seriously. In the future when I have to takes these tests, I plan on studying, but not too much. I never like to stress myself out for studying for tests too much. I think it’s best not to study too much, because no one knows what’s going to be on the test, and the test is based on things learned already. I think reviewing for the test would be the best way to study, but don’t let it control your life because it’s a test and anyone can mess up on it.

    The SAT or ACT scores can give a good idea on how we might perform in college, because the article talked a lot of writing skills. In college, writing skills seem to be really important, so it could be a good example of how your future in college might turn out, like if it will be difficult or no so difficult for you. I don’t think SAT or ACT scores will fully predict how well you end up doing in life, because you can go off to college and to very well also. Although, you could also go off to college and do very bad, but do good on the test, so you would have to do good in college and on tests to be successful in life.

    Some of the changes that are being considered on the test, are the use of calculators on only certain math sections, vocabulary words, online practices, and optional essay. The changes in the ACT or SAT, I’m not sure if I agree with them, because I’ve never taken a test like that before, and I didn’t know the rules before they changed. The changes don’t sound much different though, because new words are going to be used, calculators on math will be optional, and essays will be optional. I think the essay being optional is good, because not everyone is the best writer, and the test determine your future, some people don’t want to write.

    1. I agree. The ACT is an important test for any scholar. It will determine if a student will be accepted to a competitive college or a very competitive college. There is a difference, and it could possibly impact your whole future depending on your ACT score.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

    2. Carolina Barraza P5
      I agree that the ACT is an important test and that everyone should prepare for it, but I think that we are already preparing for it. Our teachers are teaching us and giving us the tool we need for this test as freshmen. This test what type of job I get, so I'm very afraid to take it because I could mess up at any time in the test.

    3. I agree with how you think the test changes are good. You bring light to the fact that the changes might not be much, but are beneficial to the test-taker. I didn't include any opposing viewpoints in my post, but this changed my view. The ACT and SAT can truly change where you go in life. My own blog post opposes this with the logistics of what a single test can do, but this is a fairly good counter-argument.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  17. Isabel Martinez
    Honors English A5/B5
    20 March 2014

    The ACT/SAT matters to me because it determines what college I can go to. Although, I don’t think it is fair because there are bad test takers. That doesn’t mean that they are not smart. Or what if someone is having a bad day that can possibly risk their chances of getting a high score. The tests don’t determine how smart you are. For example, lets say you have had straight A’s throughout high school and you're going to take the ACT or SAT. You end up getting a low score and colleges will see what you get. Colleges shouldn’t really pay attention to it.

    I don’t believe that the ACT/SAT determines the things that I am capable of. My scores will not match with how I am. No one should think that the test says how you are as a student. There are going to be students that do better or worse than myself. That doesn’t mean that we are any different because I’m sure anyone who takes the tests try their hardest. Many people put their effort into it. Many people have their own problems when taking tests.For instance, I get nervous when I am going to take a test and I don’t end up doing how I want to.

    The SAT or ACT will not provide an accurate measure of how I perform in college. Like I said before it is all about your test taking skills. I know I am going to try my best for test but if I get a score I am not happy with, I can’t do anything about it. No one should let anything get in their way of achieving what they want. No test can stop you from wanting to be someone. People in college are there for a reason: to succeed. I’m sure people who are in college do the best that they can and probably forgot that they even took the test.

    I don’t think the scores I get on the test will affect how successful I am in life. It is just a test: it is a step toward success. Also, it just determines what college you can go to. After I take the test and know what college I go to I know I’m going to forget that I even took it. I’m going to be more focused on doing my best so that I can get a good career. I will learn from my mistakes and move on. Just like the saying “Life goes on”. A test is not going to affect me my whole life unless I really focus on it or over think about it. I hope that is how everyone is too because they shouldn’t let a test stop them from trying to get the career they want.

    I think the redesign is better. For example, the essay is optional. Many people will probably feel less stress when the test is coming closer. They should be thankful for the new changes because it sucks for the people who already took it without the new changes. I’m not really sure on how the changes came about. Like I don’t know how the rules were before. Going back to what I said of the essay and how it is optional. It can be beneficial to people because not everyone is a good writer. Overall, the SAT/ACT are important to me but they don’t measure my intelligence and how I am as a student.

  18. I think ACT and SAT’s have a very large part in a person’s life. While I wouldn’t initially say that solely the participation of the test is of any importance, I would consider the score given from the results that would interest colleges are, however, important. Those test results determine what colleges allowed into which do have a prove major impact on shaping a future. As for specifically the tests ACT and SAT, I would not think these are important, but a test is needed and since the education officials deem ACT and SAT to be the more efficient means of doing so, I would also agree it is important.

    As a freshman, I certainly haven’t taken my ACT or SAT exam yet. Nevertheless, this is counteracted by the heavy amount of preparation for the ACT and SAT. I deeply care about this test, I feel it is a very important factor in my career going to a college prep. Our school, UIC College Prep, in particular has a very strong focus on preparing one for college as it is a college preparatory school. To ensure the greatest amount of success at college, a focus on ACT and SAT is placed. Since I have to endure this strict curriculum, I personally can say my life has a strong aim towards preparation for those test.

    I most certainly do not believe that the ACT or SAT will give even a slight accurate measure of how one might do in college. ACT and SAT are, of course, tests, which can certainly reflect your intellect based on the details given, but it fails to factor in such things like, illness, fatigue, family issues, and even overall morale. Due to the variety of results produced, sometimes for things having nothing to do with the test itself, it cannot be considered accurate. ACT or SAT scores do not directly affect how successful you are at life, but the college you get into, which is determined in large by those scores, determine future successes.

    As for the new SAT changes, I honestly feel they are brilliant. I feel although excellent writing skills is a very important skill to have, baseing someone’s future on anothers view of their writing is very flawed. I feel writing to be a personal expression of words, as long as the sentence is proper and is logical, then that is enough; fortunately, the english exam of the test makes that issue for more simplier. I believe the division of the math section, was also a good idea. Each person has their strengths and weaknesses, the breaking down of the sections allow for specific attention to their weaknesses to become far stronger.

    I feel ACT and SAT are certainly important, while they are tests that give unreliable results, I would consider overall, for the test to be generally considered a pretty fair representation. I dislike how these two tests can determine how successful you can become far later and life. This is a very stressful time in a students life, and they test should be made as simple and intuitive as possible to achieve the highest results possible. I think ACT and SAT should have less of a role in college decision making yet it should still continue to be a viable factor.

    ~Dawson McThay PD. 4

  19. Yadira Saldierna
    Period 4

    The SAT exams are very much thought to be as highly important. How well one does on the exam helps to decide what will happen to them in the future. These scores will be a factor that colleges look at to determine if you will be a possible student. Depending on how well you do on the exam will tell the ability you have to do certain things. Just basing someone’s skills off of one test they took isn’t fair. The SAT is important but may also cause someone to do poorly on it because of all the stress they are faced with about how they will perform on the exam.
    I’m just a freshman and it seems like already people around me are talking about it. Teachers and my parents are telling me how important these tests are. RIght now I’m talking to juniors who are preparing to take the exam and they are really nervous and are trying to do things like studying to make sure they do good on these stressful exams. Seeing how they are acting makes me nervous for how I’m going to be once I’m in their shoes.
    It’s not fair that the SAT and ACT can determine part of your future. When taking a timed exam it’s easy to get nervous and this can result in someone’s failure. People tend not to perform well when under a great amount of pressure. Personally, I would be a mess and not know how to study or to prepare for the test. The standardized exams people have done in the past doesn’t seem to be anything like the SAT or ACT.
    Even with the new changes that have been made for taking the SAT and ACT, the idea of taking a test that determines what college you can go to is really scary. The goal is to do well on the test. But it’s hard to be successful when taking the ACT or SAT because there is so much depending on it. That isn't great because the tests aren’t always accurate.
    Taking the SAT and ACT is stressful and difficult. Knowing that one test that you take is going to have such a great impact on our future makes it difficult for someone to really try their best on the exam. Although changes have been made taking any test is scary. These exams are important, but shouldn't be too overwhelming.

    1. I agree with your point about while tests and exams are important, the overwhelming of the test can certainly waver the outcome. We are being prepared for a test I won't take for another 2 years and because of this, I already feel a heavy degree of stress. These changes are logical but the fear still remains

      ~ Dawson McThay PD. 4

  20. Ashley Gaston
    Period 4

    Does the ACT or SAT mean something to me? It does but it doesn’t. I think that the ACT should not determine where you want to be for the rest of your life. What if you do bad on the ACT test and you can't retake it. Colleges look at that sort of stuff and they won’t allow you to go to their college because you failed the ACT. It puts all this pressure on you to do the best you can on a test that determines your future when it really shouldn't. Colleges need to look from students point of view and understand that we can’t master everything. I think they should start looking at your progress over the years on test instead of one test.
    If they continue to make the ACT the number one test to look at, of course I will plan to do good. I would have no choice but to do good on the test because it is very important when it chooses you future college destination. I know what college I want to enter and I know in order to I have to make sure I do well in high school period. I have to plan ahead for what I want to achieve. I don’t really care for the test, I just care as to where it will place me.
    The ACT is an important test for students but it shouldn’t judge how smart you are. I think that colleges should choose to look at your previous test growth. Growth is the most important thing for a student. It should determine how you want to present yourself. I dont believe that the ACT will give accurate results into how I will do in college. I think I would be successful in college but what if i'm successful and my test results prove that I am not. That would be accurate to how my future will be planned out.
    When they redesign the SAT test, they plan on making the writing portion optional. I agree that they should make it optional because it shouldn't define us as a writer. I think the whole test should be optional. If someone chooses they want to do the test just to see their scores then let them do that. But if someone doesn't want to take the test then they shouldn't have to because maybe they are a nervous test taker. I personally am not good with taking test. o if I do bad on that one test that would define me. It shouldn't because its not right.

  21. Estrella Olivares
    Period 4

    The SAT and ACT matter a lot to me. These might be just a test to you, but for me, they are the key to success. The reason why I’m in school is so I can be prepared to take the SAT and ACT because without these test, I’m not going to achieve in life. The SAT and ACT will help me get into the college I want to, which will then lead to having the career of my dreams. The SAT and ACT will help me prove to my parents that they didn’t waste their money on school for nothing.
    I really care about the SAT and ACT, even though I haven’t taken either of them. I will be taking the ACT my junior year, which is 2 years away from now. As you can see, I’m doing a great job preparing myself. I’m attending to one of the best high schools in Chicago, that I know will help me get into one great college/ university. I know for sure that the SAT and ACT will gradually help me become the person I want to become in life.
    Yes, the SAT and ACT are really important when it comes to choosing your path. No matter how important they are, the scores shouldn’t reflect on you. There’s a lot of things that can happen the day of testing. Maybe you weren’t feeling good or maybe you were getting distracted. A lot of things can change as well. Maybe college can really improve your intelligence.
    A lot of changes occurred in the SAT. The only change that I liked was the the essay was optional. I feel like students that take SAT should be tested on things that they recently learned. The SAT and ACT shouldn’t be really difficult. The SAT and ACT should be a test that will make students feel confident about. A test that will surely help students become who they want in life.

    1. I disagree with you about the ACT being everything. The ACT test results is just a number, it can't really determine someone's true potential. The ACT is only taken once so it gives people an unfair opportunity to succeed in life.

      -Felipe Islas P5

  22. The SAT and ACT really matters to me none right now in my life. I believe you start taking it in junior year, so why worrying now. Right now my main focus is to just focus my freshman year and get this over with and taking my knowledge with me.Then, sophomore year, I might focus on it more. I’m pretty sure we will be focusing on the SAT and ACT while in school so why panic.
    These exams I can really care less about at my age and grade. To me, these exams are just another test. I’ll study for it, try my best, and get it done. There’s really nothing else I can do. I’m sure the school will know what to do. The only thing is that this test can change your life. It helps you get into college.
    I don’t believe the ACT and SAT will determine how well you perform in college. In college, you learn new things and you might grow more motivation while in college to learn. It also could’ve been a bad test day for someone. I might do bad on the essay part, but what if I want to major in something that has nothing to do with english, who knows.
    I believe the ACT and SAT will affect my life if I do bad on the test. Colleges will think i’m not smart enough for them so I won’t get accepted, and I might go to a community college. This will get me no where. I won’t be making good enough money, and I will be struggling. I want to be an engineer, so I need to go to college.
    In conclusion, I think the test is important, but not right now. I have enough time to study next year. I will be prepared, and I believe I will go to college. For now, I think i’ll just relax and focus on doing my homework right every night. My next step will be to study.
    Written by: Andrew Guerrero, Period 4

    1. I agree because we are just freshmen. why worry while the test is only about two years away. freshman got to focus on other thing that are do on freshmen year.The time i will start to take action is in two years. freshman still got stuff to learn.
      Roland sifuentes

  23. Gabriela Marin
    English P.4

    In my own opinion I believe that that the ACT and SAT matter in a persons life very much because it determines what college will they go to nd its a great college where students can build up a great future. The ACT and SAT basically determine the capability of a student and the amount of knowledge they have. I would agree that the ACT and SAT to determine a student's future and is something that parents should be worried about because if they student does really bad in the ACT or SAT, then they won't be accepted into a great college and get the knowledge they need to be able to get a good job with a good payment. On the other side if the student does really great and gets into a much greater college than they will be able to have a very high education and a very good job as opposed to struggling for a job to find that you actually know how to do. The ACT and SAT basically determine the college you will go to, the type of job you will be doing, and the type that you will be living because the ACT and SAT are tests that show a student's future.
    The ACT and SAT are tests that I will take seriously and care about because the score I get on the ACT or SAT will be what my future will basically be. I actually plan to be really prepared for the ACT or SAT because the scores students get on the test is the score that colleges and universities will be looking at and they choose the highest scores. The ACT and SAT are tests that students should be worried about because why else in high school would teachers be putting pressure on the students for a single test. If teachers put pressure on students to do really good in their classes and try to reach higher, than obviously the test is important. Throughout my high school years I plan to do really good in all my materials because when I get to my junior year I really want to feel prepared and feel like I have done what i can to be able to take the ACT and SAT.
    I do believe that the ACT and SAT will reflect on how well a student will do in college because if a student gets a really low score on the ACT or SAT, than it will show that the student didn’t try and didn’t have any knowledge of what they learned. On the other hand, if a student does really good than the college or university will see that the student wants to learn, is capable of learning and is ready to be challenged. I do believe that the ACT or SAT score reflects on how much a student is capable of because colleges and universities now and days want the best of the best students and not anyone who just doesn’t want to learn. I also believe that the ACT and SAT scores do affect how your future is going to because the higher the ACT or SAT score is than the much better your job is going to be and future. But also the lower the score you get than the less job opportunities you’ll be able to have.
    I think the new designs are helpful because they allow the student to have a better chance of doing much better in the ACT and SAT. I also believe that the students will be able to be more prepared to take the test because they got more help from teachers and learn many new things also. I also believe it will give the chance for students to have a test on something that they know how to do a be able to answer to. If the new redesigns wouldn’t have been made than it would still be a big struggle for a lot of students to be able to take the test because many students don’t have the money to get the resources they need to be able to get a really good education. Moreover, if the student chose to do the essay that they student would have known what to write about because the student will know what the question is asking them.
    Overall, I do believe that test like the ACT and SAT is something that many students should be stressing out because the score you get is how basically your future is going to be planned out. If the students don’t take the ACT or SAT than their lives just finish off there because it’s a score that defines your future and how you are going to live.

  24. Isabella Velazquez
    Ms. Wright P:5

    The way my ACT scores will determine my future can be either very good or very bad. The reason why I say this is because if I get very high scores I will get into the college. On the other hand if I get very low scores it is likely I will get into a lower college. Either way it depends on how I take in my experience. I can be very negative about it and not try as hard as I would at a higher school. I could also be very positive about it and try my best to succeed in what I want to do and what I feel is right for me.

    This is an exam I care 100% because it really shapes the path I follow in the future. Determining if I get a job or not is based on this test. With that job it will determine if I get a career. Determining if I have a stable and reliable lifestyle to support myself on my own in the future is based on this test. With a career it can teach me responsibility and for me how to be more disciplined. With this it can help me shape how well I work in my job and in my future career. Which can be very beneficial to me and the people around me in the sense of me
    helping them.

    I do believe that the ACT will determine how well I perform college. The reason why I say this is because this is an overview of how I have been doing all through my educational career. On the other hand I do believe this is an unfair test. The reason why say this is because there can be very intelligent people who are very bad test takers. In this sense it really won't benefit them at all but harm them because these colleges will believe they can only achieve little when their potential is way more then they can see.

    I highly believe that my ACT scores will determine how successful I become in life. If I score very high ACT scores then I will get into a good college. With a good college degree I will get a good job. With a good job I will get a good career. With this career and the money I earn really depends on how I want to go with my life in the future. Depending on how I take action with all these skills I have learned over the course of many years will truly determine my true intelligence.

    I do not support these changes to the ACT at all. The reason why I say this is because many of the changes that they are making are very unnecessary. One change that I do not like is specifically the math portion of the test. I do not think that they should allow us to use calculators on some portions of the math test but not on others. I do not think it makes sense to do this at all. I feel it is not smart to do this because that would not make much sense to use your calculator on some part of a test and not on the other parts of it.

    1. Carolina Barraza P5
      I agree with you Isabella because we both think that the ACT or SAT will determine our future. I mean this test will follow you anywhere you apply to college. Colleges will determine if you are good enough to be in their school based on this one test we take our junior year in high school. I'm pretty terrified of this test because I worry that I'll mess up and fail the test. Therefore making me limited to certain colleges of my choice.

  25. Carolina Barraza P5

    I think that the SAT or ACT is an important test, but only to a certain level. Since this test only measures a certain part of your intelligence, it doesn’t give the people reviewing it a clear view of what or how much you know in reality. Taking these test, can be very nerve wrecking to some students. Some students do not perform well under pressure and especially when it determines if colleges accept them. To me this test seems rather frightening because it somewhat is the key to my future. It determines where I can go to college and whether or not I’m sufficient enough to go to a high-performing school. This is why I don’t like the idea of taking the ACT.

    I do care and worry about this test, but not to the point where I will be studying every single day for this test. I mean I will prepare for this test when the time comes. In my opinion I think that as freshmen we are already preparing for this big test. Our teachers are already giving us the necessary tools to be able to perform at our best. This is one good thing about being at this school. The teachers are teaching you little by little all the things you need to know for this test, so when the time comes you won’t be overwhelmed with all the things you need to study.

    As I said before, I don’t believe that this test will give an accurate measure on how well someone knows a subject. It will provide colleges with only a partial amount of all the things you know. It’s like a sample of your knowledge because it is not giving them how much you really know in total. For many people this test will determine which job they can get or be available to. It might land someone really smart in a position that doesn’t let them show their entire capacity. And all because they were nervous about taking the ACT. I feel that this test will taunt me for the rest of my life because it will follow me anywhere I want to get a job.

    I actually think that the redesign of the SAT or ACT was a great idea. I think that it is more ideal to have a paper exam version and a computer standardized test. It makes it more accessible to students and teacher in school. But I think that the best change was, the optional written essay portion. Why I agree with this is because some students can’t get their ideas across by writing them out on paper. They might have more trouble writing down what they think because the reader might not understand clearly the message they want to send. Therefore, the changes that have been recently made to the ACT or SAT are great.

  26. Efrain Santacruz
    Honors English period 5
    21 March 2014

    THe Sat/ACT does not matter to me because regardless of the scores I plan to go to college even if it means community college. The test doesn’t determine how smart you are because it is a one day thing and not based on what you have lived through your childhood. People shouldn’t over stress for the test. It will only make it worse on them.

    I don’t specifically plan to prepare for this test, but obstacles that will come my way that will be more difficult than a one day test. I will just try my hardest when it comes to it. A future or planned job is not based on test scores but on your historical grades growing up. Colleges shouldn’t determine if you can attend their school based on your test scores. They should look at the recommendations of the teachers and grades.

    No it will not provide accurate measure of how I will perform in college. The reason is because college is not all about test. It is also based on things such as papers and other minor homework assignments. I know I do my best when I am in college. I want to make sure I can achieve the goals I have for myself. I’m going to work hard so that I can get a good career.

    No the ACT/SAT will not determine how successful I am because managers at jobs will primarily ask about your grades and not your test scores. If anything, test scores will the second question based on your response on what your grades were like. I’m sure that once I take the test I am going to forget that I even took it.

    In conclusion these major test are not a big issue in my education stress. Many people shouldn’t stress over this as long as they keep their grades up: if grades have been low throughout your life then you might consider preparing for this assessment. Colleges should just use the test to see where you are and things that you need to work on. These are the reasons why the ACT/SAT aren’t a big concern.

    1. victor villanueva
      ms wright
      english P4
      I will like to say that with all do respect to what Efrain said it should be an important part of his education because it could decide to what type of college he could go to .

  27. Armando Quintana Period 4

    Personally I believe the SAT and the ACT is really important in my life. I believe a test shouldn’t determine how educated a person truly is. Knowing from experience I perform better in class rather than a standardized test given to me by the state. I just don’t like the idea of having such a short time period for multiple questions. I dream of getting accepted to an Ivy-league university, and study to one day become a professor. Ever since I can remember I have been told frequently, that the ACT and SAT determines what university you can get accepted to.
    Yes, these are exams that I truly care about. Knowing myself my weakest subjects have to be Literature and English. In my case I would focus more on these subjects rather than Math or Science. I have taken a practice ACT, which is called the Explorer. I have taken it once in 8th grade and I will soon be taking it again in my freshman year. So I have been preparing for the ACT, but when I am a junior I will be taking it.
    I don’t believe that the ACT or the SAT is really accurate. Personally I have trouble taking standardized tests; simply because I feel pressured and lose track of time. I perform better in a class rather than in a standardized test. If I were to get a low score I believe it will indeed affect my life. In the near future I want to attend an Ivy-league university. And the ACT is a huge factor that would decide whether or not I can attend an Ivy-league university. When it comes down to my decision I believe the ACT and the SAT isn’t accurate. Due to the fact that not everyone is a good test taker.
    After reading the over all changes about the SAT. I believe the test is actually becoming a little more stress relieving. They have changed the written exam to be optional, the grading scale has went down to the original, and the vocabulary has been changed to fit words that are most likely used in college. I actually like the changes they have made I feel a little relieved. I feel as if the test makers finally took the view point of the students who would be taking these tests.
    In conclusion the ACT is very important in my life. If I want to be accepted to my dream school I must perform well on the ACT. KNowing myself I am a very bad test taker the nerves always get to me. Therefore, I believe the ACT or the SAT doesn’t determine how smart you are it’s just a test. But, this test can have a big effect on a persons life. The changes they have made are actually beneficial, I believe the test makers put themselves in high school student’s shoes.

  28. Armando Quintana Period 4

    Personally I believe the SAT and the ACT is really important in my life. I believe a test shouldn’t determine how educated a person truly is. Knowing from experience I perform better in class rather than a standardized test given to me by the state. I just don’t like the idea of having such a short time period for multiple questions. I dream of getting accepted to an Ivy-league university, and study to one day become a professor. Ever since I can remember I have been told frequently, that the ACT and SAT determines what university you can get accepted to.

    Yes, these are exams that I truly care about. Knowing myself my weakest subjects have to be Literature and English. In my case I would focus more on these subjects rather than Math or Science. I have taken a practice ACT, which is called the Explorer. I have taken it once in 8th grade and I will soon be taking it again in my freshman year. So I have been preparing for the ACT, but when I am a junior I will be taking it.

    I don’t believe that the ACT or the SAT is really accurate. Personally I have trouble taking standardized tests; simply because I feel pressured and lose track of time. I perform better in a class rather than in a standardized test. If I were to get a low score I believe it will indeed affect my life. In the near future I want to attend an Ivy-league university. And the ACT is a huge factor that would decide whether or not I can attend an Ivy-league university. When it comes down to my decision I believe the ACT and the SAT isn’t accurate. Due to the fact that not everyone is a good test taker.

    After reading the over all changes about the SAT. I believe the test is actually becoming a little more stress relieving. They have changed the written exam to be optional, the grading scale has went down to the original, and the vocabulary has been changed to fit words that are most likely used in college. I actually like the changes they have made I feel a little relieved. I feel as if the test makers finally took the view point of the students who would be taking these tests.

    In conclusion the ACT is very important in my life. If I want to be accepted to my dream school I must perform well on the ACT. KNowing myself I am a very bad test taker the nerves always get to me. Therefore, I believe the ACT or the SAT doesn’t determine how smart you are it’s just a test. But, this test can have a big effect on a persons life. The changes they have made are actually beneficial, I believe the test makers put themselves in high school student’s shoes.

  29. Victor Villanueva
    Ms Wright
    H.English P4
    How much does the ACT and AST matter to me ? It’s hard to think of anything but one answer , an abundance . Threw previous knowledge and much of listening to speeches made by teachers , scientist and my own fellow classmates , I have always kept in mind that the ACT or/and The AST should be a test that I should be looking forward to from this moment , I will give the reason why next.

    The ACT and/or The AST are test that will determine to what type of college I will attend and my score correlating to the test will be one of the factors along with my GPA that will decide my faith since a great college doesn’t only mean a good student , I have to proof that I am a great student by achieving a high score in the ACT and / or the AST and I will also have to get a high GPA in order to attend a good college. The ACT is a really important test that I will take therefore It is one of my top priorities and I will have to study and take a great load of my time to prepare for this .

    Another great point that i want to make is that even though the ACT and Ast are really important test for me to prepare and take , they are not a real accurate demonstration of how I will do in college , I believe that I will never be able to or not anyone will be able to know how good or bad I will do in college or in any occasion of life before I get there , I think this way because maybe there will be a certain aspect of college that will have a great impact on me that I will either give up on college or try even harder and nobody can know that before it happens .

    finally, the last point that I wanted to establish was that even though the ACT and/or AST will not give the best representation of how I will perform in college , it will affect how good I do in life because it will first affect into what college I go to because a bad score could mean a bad college which may lead me into a bad job or no job , and from there I will technically be sucked into an abyss where my life will technically be ruin . I think that the ACT and/or AST having such a big impact on the future if my life is the reason of why I care so much about it and I am already planning and preparing myself for it from now on .

    In conclusion I know that the ACT and/or the AST are great test that will require much of my time and therefore I will have to take it in order to go to a great college even though it is not the most accurate representation of how good I will be during college the ACT and/or the AST is going to have a huge impact on my life and on the possibilities that I will have for success.

  30. Rolando Sifuentes
    English 4

    How much ACT and SAT matter to me is major. Its basically tells how intelligent you are and where you could go or not go to college. It is a ticket to where you want to go for college. Some people even have tutors for this test. Basically, if I fail I will be going places besides collage.
    This is an exam that I take seriously. The ACT and the SAT are basically the big test on what you learned about. So the way I would study is to review what i learned in the school year. The reason for taking this serious is because it determines your lexile and intellectuality. So make the best of this test.
    I do and don’t believe that SAT and ACT will provide an accurate measure of how well they will perform in college. It will because it makes sure what they learned. Also it might not because someone could be having a bad time like if their stomach hurts. So that will lead to distraction and not accurate test scores.
    I think that SAT and ACT scores will affect how successful you are in life. If you get a good score, people will look up to who you are. If you have a bad test score not that much people will think of you as worthy. Also it will affect how you work. If you have high score, people will see that you worked hard. If you have low scores, people will not appreciate you.
    What I think of the redesign is lazy. they are putting less work on the SAT test. If you take away the writing proportion then your just making it easy on yourself to grade. Also you're making it easier on the people taking the SAT. If you put less work then you’re not challenging the people taking the major test.

    1. I agree with how you say that the SAT and ACT are important exams and how they determine which college you go to, but I disagree with how you say that there exams tell you how intelligent you are. I personally believe that any exam/test does not measure one's intellectual abilities. Just because someone doesn't get one thing, that doesn't make them unintelligent.

      - Alicia Rodriguez
      Period 5

    2. Viviana Camargo
      A/B 4
      I disagree with you Rolando about how it shows your intelligence on based on the score because the people who are looking at these don't know you so they really don't know how smart you are just my looking at your scores for those major exams

  31. Written By: Alicia I. Rodriguez

    The SAT and ACT matter in my life, but they don’t matter to the point where I’m going to stay up all night studying. They are important to me because those tests are going to determine which college I go to, and I plan on going to an excellent college. These tests are going to be my escape. Even though these tests are important to me, they don’t mean enough for me to spend thousands of dollars on to study. Even though these tests are important, I believe they do not measure one’s intelligence, but since these tests will provide me of my escape, the studying and hassle is worth it.

    The SAT and ACT are exams that I care about, and I plan to prepare for the exams, but like I said in the first paragraph, I am not dedicated enough to spend money for tutoring, but I am willing to study on my own. I have yet to not take the SAT or ACT exams, but I will soon. My way of preparing is by reading books and studying from them, which I am currently doing. My goal is to just get a good score and go off to a very competitive college.

    I do not believe that the SAT or ACT provide an accurate measure of how I will perform in college. I believe this because I would have only been studying for those two exams and nothing more. Just because you pass with a good score doesn’t mean that you are automatically intelligent. In my opinion, tests/exams do not measure one’s intellectual abilities. It just shows that the person studied hard enough to succeed/pass that test/exam. I think that the scores will affect how successful I am in life simply because the scores are what gets you into the college that you get into. The college you go to all depends on the score you get.

    I believe that the SAT changes are very good improvements to the test. I especially like how they have put the math part into certain sections. I think that was an excellent idea because it’d be easier to identify the person’s strengths and weaknesses. I also like how there is a writing portion since writing essays and outlines are very important in college.

    The SAT and ACT are fairly important, but I do not like how unreliable these exams are. Although the tests are unreliable, I suppose that they are decent tests. I also don’t like how the SAT and ACT play a huge role in which college that you are going to attend. Exams do not and should not be used to measure one’s intellectual abilities.

  32. Adam De la Torre

    Ms. Wright

    Honors English Pd 4


    The ACT and the SAT do matter in my life because it looks really good when you want to go to great colleges but also works for the wrong way as well. When you don’t have the opportunity to do well on these tests, then the student won’t stand out from others that have impressive SAT and ACT. They are great ways for someone to become more noticeable and being able to get into the college of their choice. But as i said it can’t someone as well because if you don’t do well then the colleges will most likely won’t pick you because of these two test.

    Well i actually do care about these tests because if i do well they are a great benefit to allow me to get into the college of my choosing. The way that i have planned to help me out is to ask my brother to see where he left his book where it helps students prepare for these test. The book has information and examples that i would be able to do so that i will be prepare and see what type of information i should look more depth if i want to succeed in the test. Than after that i will ask my brother as well and ask him if he could give me any type of advice so that i can be even more prepared for these test and how to have my mindset.

    Even tho i believe that the ISAT and the ACT tests are important in my life i believe that they don’t show the full potential of someone by these two tests. I believe that every person learn differently from each other or similar to each other. But that every person does things differently and do things differently when they are inside the organization if its a good thing or a bad thing. It all depends on the person who does the type of things they have to enjoy it for them to truly make magnificent things.

    I think the changes are more fair for the students. Since points won’t get deducted for incorrect answers, I think students will do a lot better. Using college level words also help prepare the students even more for college. Also, making the essay optional is kind of a good thing. Not many people may be the best at articulating their thoughts through writing, however, others might do better at that. It could also be a bad thing, because that’s a skill that’s needed for college. However, making the essay optional also makes judgement more fair. All in all, I think the new changes are great. It honestly makes the scoring/judgement more fair. It gives people more of a chance to succeed on the ACT and SAT.

    1. Viviana Camargo
      A/B 4
      I agree with you Adam about how the tests can't show either if your smart or not because your intelligence isn't based on paper and writing

  33. Written by:Remi Moy P:5

    The only reason why the ACT matters to me is because it basically determine my future. When I said it determines my future, I mean it determines what jobs, house, life I will have when I graduate from high school. This is important because if I’ll have a productive life with a good career or if I become a homeless and live a bum life. If you don’t have an education or special skill given from birth consequently you will end up in the streets trying to hustle and try make a living.

    The ACT and SAT is something I indeed care about because it will shape my live in the future. On the other hand, I dislike that one particular test or exam is based among your knowledge and learning skills that you have learned throughout the entire course of your life. I see it as unfair because your fate can be jeopardy and this one test is effect huge aspects in your life. I will prepare for the test because my future is based on that test and I will try to put my best efforts and hard work into it.

    I don’t think ACT score will not impact how good I will do in college, but I think it will show if I’ll struggle more or less than other people based on the scores. The hard work, preparation, readiness, grit and intelligence will make you succeed in college. There are people in college who do exceptionally well but flunked the ACT. The creator of Apple products didn’t even go to college, but is a millionaire. So no, this one test cannot determine your success.

    The changes in the ACT is more flexible because you can guess without being penalized and the essay is optional. On the other hand, you have to give an explanation of your answer which I think will take longer for the student to do if they are timed. Also, the test will be more based on things learned in school which is good. In addition, the test and essay will be separated which is also fair. Lastly, the reading section will include a historical article which is good in more knowledge of history.

  34. Currently, I think ACT and SAT are only important to my life through the opportunity of education. Learning is the only way to make a better future, so the ACT and SAT dictates what I've learned and where I deserve to be. Standardized tests do not really test true intelligence. Intelligence is not static, people think differently. Thinking smart is a way of interpreting something that makes sense to you and still concludes a valid conclusion.

    I honestly do not care about either exams as of right now. Learning is the only way I can truly prepare for the test. If the school you go to does a good job to build you up for the ACT or SAT, then the test wouldn't even make a significance in your life. Being able to learn and understand in your own way is crucial in your future, not a test score number. There are many reasons why you're can be called smart, a simple number shouldn't be a reason.

    I believe the ACT and SAT don't have anything to do with performance. The fact that they're both standardized tests just give blind chances to test takers to score well. A number that's spewed out of a test that scores static intelligence isn't even accurate. You can flunk on the exams and be a great student and vice versa. On the topic of exams, David Coleman says: “when is there a situation in either college or life when you’re asked to write on demand about something you’ve never once thought about?” The tests are unreliable and unfair because of this. Scoring from these tests can make or break your future, no doubt about it.

    The changes to the SAT actually tests people on their skills. A huge improvement is not penalizing for incorrect answers - which may be guessed answers. Better usage of common college level words are now in place of the old previously convoluted vocabulary. The mandated essays will now become optional, having a fair playing ground for everyone who does and doesn’t want write.

    Colleges shouldn’t focus on a single point of unreliable data, it doesn’t help anyone. Someone’s first impression, like their ACT or SAT score, may certainly be prejudged and lose opportunities. Looking to actual skill and application, simple scores don’t prove anything. Actual work and it’s significance matters, but testing someone on a skill they don’t focus themselves on would be mundane - irrelevant. Skill sets should focus on the skill they want to be tested in and excel in, like what colleges specialize in.

    Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

    1. I completely agree with your point that since they are both standardized, the cannot measure intellect. My biggest issue with the college selection process is the fact a huge portion of that is based on a test a person actually only takes twice.

      ~ Dawson McThay PD.4

  35. In my opinion I believe that the SAT and the ACT are not as important in my life. It does not matter to me; because, I feel that the test scores do not prove much. How is a school going to reject a student who does not have a high score. It could be possible that the student did not feel good that day. Also some people are just not good test takers.

    Even though I do not like or care about the ACT, I will prepare for it. I know that today's major colleges look at high results. I feel that the better school a person goes to, the better the success for them. Even though I said it before, I will still retake the test as much as I need to for reasons stated above. Until I take it, I will have to keep preparing at UICCP.

    No I don’t believe that the ACT will provide accurate scores. Many people can change through a short period of time. Over the course of weeks, a person or student can change. They might even feel better or confident if they take it again after studying. That might change the amount of students who are successful in the test.

    One of the new key changes to the SAT is the essay portion. These new changes include how the essay will be graded. Instead of being measured by length, it will now be graded by how well thought it was made. This would be a better way to grade for now it pays attention to the thought and comprehension of the test taker. This would also help test takers worry about their quality rather than their quantity.

    In conclusion I do not care about the ACT or SAT. Many people would disagree with me because it determines peoples future. Sure I agree, but the test cannot determine the students whole thinking process. However going to UICCP, I will prepare for the next year and a half. I will still do my best no matter how much I dislike it.

    Written by: Diego Don Pd.3

  36. Remi Moy
    Ms. Wright P:5
    I agree with you because the ACT is something I indeed care about but something I'm not fully worried about now. Additionally, that the ACT does not shape how well you will do in college and the success you will have.

  37. I agree with that the ACT is something very and important and something cannot and shape your success and cannot be inaccurate.
    Remi Moy P5

    1. I diagree with what you said in the first paragraph. You said "It does not matter to me; because, I feel that the test scores do not prove much" In this case, the SATs and ACTs prove your worthiness of being accepted to a certain college. That is why the exams are so important.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    2. I feel completely the same about what yousaid on how you don't like it but will try. I feel the exact same way about the test.

  38. Carlos Laureano
    Period 4

    The ACT is very important in my life because it is a big factor in deciding what college I go to. At the same time I am not going to get upset over, whether it’s studying for it or just being nervous for it. When I take the ACT when I am a junior I am going to take it with a positive mindset, and know that everything I am being tested I have learned. What I am not going to do is what some people do, which spend thousands of dollars on tutors or study material.

    Yes I care about this exam a lot because of its purpose, but I am not going to go crazy over it. The way I am going to study for the ACT is try to increase my vocabulary, and read a lot. I say this because I don’t know what is going to be on the ACT and what questions they are going to ask me, so there’s one specific area I am going to focus on over another.

    No the ACT/Sat is not a good measure of how a student will do in college. I say this because the student could perform poorly on this test because they are a bad test taker, and become something greta in college. Another possibility is the student is a great test taker and performs great on the test, but becomes a college dropout. This test cannot determine how much effort someone is going to put in college, because people change.

    I believe these changes mean nothing and do not improve the test at all. Why are they making the essay optional? They either should make it mandatory to improve students vocabulary, or not have it at all. Also decreasing the number of points you can earn on the test is a step backwards in my opinion. The people who make the SAT are completely oblivious of how to make a test. That’s why more people take the ACT.

    In conclusion, the ACT is going to very important in my life, but I am not going to let it stress me out. I am going to take it open-minded knowing that I have learned everything I’m being tested on. The ACT is something you can’t prepare for effectively, because you do not know what your are being tested. Just take it with confidence and hope for the best.

  39. The ACT is very important to me because it determines what college/university I will go to and it will also determine how much money I will make in the future. At the same thing I don't really care about the ACT because its just one test and one test can't determine the future of one person. This one test does not determine the true capabilities of one person.

    I wouldn't want this exam to determine my future because once I take that's it you can't take this test again. If one does horrible on the ACT they could not go to the college/university of their choice and they would probably have a miserable life afterwards. Having the thought of this sometimes makes me scared of the ACT just because of its power. I want to do good in the exam but at the same time I really just want to just wing it just because it don't see the big deal in this one exam.

    The ACT or SAT doesn't really give an accurate number on someone's success, its just a number, it doesn't really mean anything to a lot of people. For the most part it is just more stress being made for the tester. Most of my classmates agree that this test is rather stupid than helpful because its just one test and you could only take it one time in your life. The ACT is a waste of time, money, and something to be stressed about when the test really means nothing.

    The redesign is alright I guess. The changes makes the assessment a whole lot easier no challenging vocabulary, penalty for guessing, and making essay optional. This makes getting into a good college easy because the test taker has a lot less to worry about and the test taker now has to pay a fee that suits for him/her. I really like the fact that they change the fee for the exam because having to pay for testing is no longer a thing to worry about. The fee fits all sorts of people with economic problems.

    Overall, people should take this test seriously because it determines their future and there's no going back, once you take it its over. I think, and I think I am speaking for many other people, that the ACT or SAT shouldn't determine one's future because its just one test and the number is only a number it doesn't mean anything. Everyone has a chance to succeed in life, but that doesn't seem possible with this mandatory test.

    - Felipe Islas P5

    1. Kevin Avila P5
      I agree with you Felipe. The ACT is very important to me because it will determine what college I will attend and that college will help me get a good career and have a high wage. Although it is a test that will only take about 4 hours, those 4 hours will be very important in our lives.

    2. I agree how you don't want this test to determine our future. If you do horrible on the test, your whole future is ruined.

  40. Viviana Camargo

    The ACT and the SAT are really important to my life. Those tests pretty much determine my future, my career, the life that i will get based on what the score was for those exams. The SATs and the ACTs determine whether or not you qualify for the best future that any rich person can have or even the future that you never wished for. They matter to me because those tests tell me if i get to be an oncologist or not in the near future. I believe that they are important if I want the life that I expect it to be. Many people don’t really take it seriously about what their scores are going to be and whether or not they will get into college. But to me, the ACTs and the SATs are really important to me when I take them during my junior year and my senior year of high school.

    The SATs and the ACTs are tests that I care about because they state everything that will happen later in my life; determine whether i have the job I’ve always wanted, have less problems with money because the job i would get would be good enough to make me worry less about debt, etc. I certainly do plan to prepare for the tests because if you really want something or want to be someone in life, then you might as well word towards that goal and work hard to prepare for those tests who reveal everything about you. I know that these tests do affect you greatly on yourself and the world, so I’m going to make the best of everything.

    I believe that it won't provide the fact that your intelligence is all dependent of the scores of the ACTs or the SATs. Anyone can be having a bad day or even having some issues that very day. Plus if anyone is smart or not as smart as anyone else, that does not sense their accurate intelligence. We as humans all learn in different ways and might have some slow minds in order to comprehend some of the lessons that we are taught

    Also that just because someone either scored really good on their tests doesn't mean that they are going to continue their work that way. Maybe in the future they might slack off and just lay low, not doing anything. And that can also happen to the other person. They can have a really bad score in the ACTs or the SATs and then maybe even become the next greatest doctor or scientist yet.
    I think that these changes are decent enough for everyone, especially the fact that the essay will now become optional. A lot of the students get their scores lowered all because of the way that they would do on the essay. Now that the essay is going to be optional, then there will be a better chance of students getting a higher score on their exams than what they would’ve actually gotten. That will give them a better chance of getting into really good universities and then not worrying about their scores. Overall, the changes are ok.

    1. I agree with everything you said. It's practical the same thing I said. I think the SATs and ACTs are very important to everyone.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5//

    2. I disagree with your response and with the comment on it. not everyone will feel the same to this test. many people believe that it is a useless and meaningless part on a colleges acceptance.

  41. The SAT and ACT are very important in my life. These tests will determine where I go to college and the rest of my life. It’ll determine if I go to one of the best colleges in the country, or the worst. This is a test that should be important to everyone, not just myself. It is something that will prove my worthiness to be successful in my life.

    It is an exam that I both care about and plan to prepare. I definitely care about this because, as I said in paragraph one, the exams will determine where my life is headed. It is also something I need to prepare for. I can’t just take the ACT without studying at all. Ben Franklin once said “ by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.

    I do not think the test will determine how well a person will do in college. Test are only accurate measures of a person’s knowledge and memory. Peoples’ habits change over time. They can change a way a person will perform in any subject, including college life. My exam scores will affect my successfulness in life because it will decide where I go to college, and my college/degree will decide where I get a career.

    I think the redesign will have an increase of students get accepted into top colleges. The exams are basically being made easier for students because the exam didn’t focus on scores academically. I think the redesign isn’t the most effective way to make the exam focus on academic scoring.

    // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

  42. the act is most definitely not important to me. I believe that the act is a waste of time. Most schools already have an exam that is required to get in. its ridiculous that a writing test is needed to see how educated you are. Schools don't need these test to know the mental level of their students

    I don't really care about the act, but I am going to prepare for it so that I can get into a good college later in life. even though my opinion is that it is useless I will still prepare myself for the test and use the time until it to make sure I can get a good score.

    I believe that the scores for the act and sat are a totally terrible way to judge the scores of the students. if the students do bad on one part the are shunned away, but the tests are hard to take due to the pressure brought on by the exact thing they are taking.

    I think these new changes to the test are not going to do anything. like the test they are a waste of time and are just more factors that ruin the educations of students that are bad test takers. the requirements of this test are completely useless. the creators are just adding things to modify the scores.

    in conclusion, I believe the act is going to be useless to me, but i will still try my best on it. I will take the test with no concern to my grades and hope that the dean of whatever college I go to will see this and understand my reasoning.

    Dennis Kramer period 4

  43. The ACT and SAT, honestly, are just tests for me. There are tests that determine what college will accept me. If I fail or don't do well on these tests, I won't necessarily think that I'm a giant failure and always will be. I probably won't be able attend a great college, but I still will be able to succeed. One test can't really test all your knowledge.

    Even though I think the ACT is just a test, I still take it seriously. If I do well in the ACT, I will be able to attend the college that I want. I'm still not sure which one I want to go, but I just don't want to go to just any college. Since UIC College Prep is giving us the resources to do well on the ACT and other tests, I will use them to the fullest to prepare my myself for when the time comes. I don't want to be unprepared.

    Like I have stated before, I don't think the ACT will show how well I do in college or later in life. The ACT is just one single test, and it does not measure how smart you really are. People can change, and sometimes people won't do what was expected of them. Someone can do well on the ACT, but can do really bad in actual college. Someone can do bad on the ACT, but do well in their later life. In order to determine how a person will do in their future, a serious a tests need to be done; one test is just unreliable.

    The changes made to the new SAT seem to make it a bit easier and a lot less harsh to the test taker. While an easier test can have its benefits, I don’t think that making the essay optional is a good idea. If the essay is optional, most students will just skip it. Students need to take this essay because they need feedback on how well their writing is. People use writing skills for everything; emails, essays, comments, and letters. I think making the essay less harsh is a good idea, but they shouldn’t remove the essay.

    To sum it all up, the ACT and SAT are just tests. One test is not a good way to see if one is going to be successful in their future life. The ACT and SAT are great ways to see how much knowledge you have gain over the years, that for sure. But you shouldn’t feel like a failure if you don’t do well on your ACT or SAT. Just keep trying.

    Moises Perez A5/B5

    1. Kevin Avila A5/B5 Ms. Wright
      I agree with you Moises because I don't think it is a good idea to measure student's smartness by taking a test. A person can get a really high score in the ACT even if he were to guess and a really good college might accept that person but that college would not be a good college for him because it is not at his academic level. Colleges should look at your ending GPA of all four years in high school and base their decision to accept you on that.

  44. Kevin Avila A5/B5 Ms. Wright
    The ACT and SAT matters a lot to me. It means a lot to me because this little test will change my future significantly. A test will determine which college I will attend and the college that I will attend will help me get a good career. Although this is just a test that will only last for about 205 minutes it is very important because colleges will look at this test’s results and decide if you will get in or not.
    This is a very important test to me, but I do not plan to study every day and work hard to prepare. I will take the test without tutoring and wasting a lot of money like other people do, then see the results and that will determine if I should retake it or not. It is about 2 years away and I should not be so worried about it now. I think I will be well prepared for that test because we have done and we will do more practice on it.
    The interims have been like practice for the ACT and I think I have a decent score. Also we will be taking many tests similar to the ACT and that will help us get an idea of how well we will do in the ACT. I will probably not study or prepare outside of school because I think that we will be doing a good amount of work in school to prepare for this test. I might change my opinion on preparing for the test because it is like 2 years away so I will have plenty of time to think about it.
    I don’t think that the ACT or SAT will determine how well you do in college because to succeed in college you not only need to be smart, you also need to be willing to do all the work and do your homework every day. Even if you get 2,400 points on the SAT, which is the maximum score, you wouldn’t be so sure that you can succeed in college. I don’t think that a test can measure how brilliant you are. Taking a test so that colleges see how smart you are is not accurate.
    I think that all of those changes in that article are beneficial to all students taking the test. I didn’t know that there was a penalty for guessing and getting the wrong answers because guessing in the question is better than leaving it blank. Also the essay required since 2005 will be delete and will now be optional. That means that the total possible points will be lowered down to the old possible points of 1,600, which will beneficial to most of the students.

    1. - Julio Acosta P4
      I do not agree when you say about how it will affect your life college wise. It honestly doesn't matter where you to in a college. If you put in the effort and work and get a very good GPA then you are certain to succeed somewhere in life and make a good name for yourself.

    2. I agree on how you believe that it impacts your future so much. If you fail that one test the future will be very difficult.
      -Anthony Guerrero Pd 5

  45. Being a high school student the SAT and ACT are very important. In fact, they are life changing. These test determine the rest of our lives basically. They tell us where we stand education wise and where we will end up in the future. They determine where we go to college, and depending on that college, it determines what we will do in our lives and how successful we will be in life. So, it matters a lot.
    I have not taken the SAT or ACT as far as i know. I don't feel like you can really prepare for these kind of test. You don't necessarily know what will be on it. You just have to hope that you understand the test and that it is something you learned in your years of school. I guess if i were to prepare for it, i would review material i would think would be on it or things that were on past SAT/ACT tests. I care about these test very much because i plan on going to college. Not just any old college either. I want to go to a good one. A competitive one. A successful one. In order to do that, i MUST do good on these test.
    I dont think it is an accurate measurement of how well you will perform in college. In college you basically control what you learn. If you want to be an Actress then you may not have to be strong in math like you would need to be to be a scientist. So i feel as though it is unfair for colleges to only look at those scores when you may not necessarily need to be strong in them to get into their school for the reason you're going. Again, I think that it all depends on what you major in for how much the SAT or ACT will affect you.
    I don't really agree with all the changes that are planned to be made. Some of them are confusing actually. How will getting answers wrong not be penalized? That isn't really a test if you don't get points off for being wrong. Thats the whole point of test to see how much you know. No calculators for part of the math portion? I don't feel that is fair. Some things in math may be harder for people that others so they may need the calculator.
    I also don't find it fair that the writing portion is optional. I don't think things on a test like this should be optional. You either take it out or you leave it. Its unfair if one person does the essay and does a great job on it and get points while another person did not. I agree with what the math section will focus on. If teachers know what type of math will be on the test, they can better prepare their students.

    ~Sharon Boyd P5

    1. - Julio Acosta P4
      I agree, I don't think the SAT and the ACT are accurate representations of how well you perform in any school, There are so many different factors as to why you have what you have. The teachers and education as well as overall school and learning environment affect your knowledge in certain things.

  46. Written by: Julio Acosta
    The ACT and SAT to me don’t really mean much to me and are just another test that I have to take in order to do well in school. They really are just ordinary tests of entry to get into colleges, yes they may be a little more difficult but it doesn’t scare me or worry me or even matter to me at all. I remember always being so nervous as a kid about the ISAT testing days and how I would always want to improve because people said it was difficult and important. After seventh grade however tests just didn’t bother me at all unless I was having a bad grade in something.
    The tests themselves just don’t phase me whatsoever. They just never seemed important to me to the point where it is all I focused about and if I did bad it would have horrible outcomes. For one, after seventh grade was when I realized I didn’t need to study I kept on focusing less and less on tests not because I was getting into a bad habit but because it didn’t help me out to worry about it. After I knew I was more calm and relaxed about not studying and actually getting good grades on most of the tests by memory I kept along with that mentality. In my opinion they just are another assignment in school that you have to complete, maybe I am just really lucky with not studying (I think I just have a really good memory when it comes to tests) who knows I just don’t stress out that much about it. It could just be my laziness that I just don’t care that much for the tests but the point is I find them a little meaningless. All of that aside I do get worried sometimes when I do not understand a certain thing or just don’t remember the lesson and so on.
    Teachers and my parents always emphasized on me saying how important entrance exams and college exams and ISAT tests are. I’m not going to lie when I say I was worried as a kid but now that doesn’t seem so extravagant. The tests supposedly suggest how smart and well educated you are in everything to see if you are worth going to a college. This really is a load of nonsense to me, I always thought of it as a kid as being true, but my mind has been changed about it. Every time I took an ISAT test or a OER or a math test or just any test in particular I never really tried. My results were decent enough that I was happy about it, they were mostly 80’s or 90’s maybe even 70’ and I found that to be pretty good considering how much I actually lacked the motivation to do well. This is why I think tests aren’t a good representation of how smart you are.
    Something I had to really get accustomed to when testing was being told to study and have a good mindset. After a certain time, however, I realized I didn’t need to be studying and just gave up on it. It seemed to have worked best for me anyway since most if not all of the times I did study got me worried and actually made me forget certain things. This is where I actually decided to stop worrying so much about tests and just get a mindset of calmness. Since then I just take tests and don’t even worry, they don’t bother me or concern me. I just view them as necessary to take and complete but honestly they don’t mean or matter much.
    Tests aren’t really all that important in my opinion. They don’t worry me or bother me or concern me. They actually just annoy me and I think their inaccurate to a person’s intelligence. The only thing tests really are, is a way for others to see your performance so they can base it on entry for jobs and colleges, but really that doesn’t mean much because it doesn’t matter what school you go to you can still do a very good job if your effort is right. Tests aren’t really needed, that’s just my opinion.

  47. Anthony Guerrero

    Honors English Pd-5

    The SAT and ACT do matter to me because its a big deal in life. In order to succeed you have to get a good score on both of them. These tests determine if my future will be amazing or if its going to be horrible. I don’t think that these tests are a fair thing to decide someones future in life. You can’t just judge someone on a test they took once in their life on one day that could’ve been the worst morning of their life.

    I care about both of these tests because it depends on where I go in life. When the time comes i will have to start preparing for them. I’ll have to start studying and staying up later than usual. I believe that it would be better if we could take the test whenever we want, just as long as we take it before college. Its because that these tests that determine my future that I have to care about them.

    I don’t believe that these tests will provide how I will perform in college. One test on one day shouldn’t judge how i’ll perform in college for four years. The morning of the test could be the worst morning in my life. My alarm might brake in the middle of the night and i’ll have to skip breakfast and become really tired during the test. I won’t be able to focus on the test and will end up getting a low score. One test shouldn’t determine my whole future.

    The redesign seems like a good idea to me. It helps to prove the negative things about SAT. The things we need to learn in order to pass these tests are not things we will need in the real world. We are wasting so much studying about things that aren’t even going to be used in our future. They should teach us things that we’ll need to learn in the near future like how to manage our money. This is something that will make our future a little better.
    These are the reasons why I believe that the tests should not matter so much in our lives. It contains information that will not even help to better our future. It just slows us down from gaining the information that we really need in our lives. The tests shouldn’t have such a huge impact on our lives or our chances of getting into college. These are the things that make me feel like the tests have such a negative impacts on some people’s lives.

  48. Written by: Beverly Avila

    You are now in your junior year in highschool, and you are now almost a senior. You get to go on college trips, be on campus with other friends, all that good stuff. But, in order to go to college and think about your future, you need to do an ACT or SAT test. Those tests is the key to your future. But are taking tests worth taking? Does it prove how smart you are? I think ACT and the SAT are useful in a way, but is not worth taking. I believe a better way to show a person’s mind and smartness is by actually looking at their grades and the way they have developed over the years.

    I think that a person who is taking the ACT should be really putting their effort and mind into it, but I believe that the ACT won’t be as accurate as it really should be. I think that a better way to show a person’s smartness is by the way they grow and learn in school. That really can prove to colleges and universities on how much effort a student puts into their work in school, in addition to the way they actually learn in school. Someone can be the worst learner in history, but if they put in the effort and time into their work, they should be able to get into a good university or college that may fit for them. That is the whole point for a student to go to school.

    I believe that the ACT is a waste of time as well because based on a family member’s experience, they had a moderate score on the ACT, but this person was an honor student. He always got A’s and B’s, and he always participated in class. He wasn’t shy, and he was very outgoing. The problem was that he did not know what was going on in the test because he was always studying a certain topic, and what he was studying was never on the ACT! I found that pretty sad because he is an honor student, but got into a community college. I think that the ACT should be available to a student that is studying a certain topic, and maybe it won’t be a waste of time.

    The ACT does matter in my life, but to the point that I shouldn’t be worried about it. The ACT is important to me; the fact that it will supposedly will be an accurate result on how smart I am, and what my future will turn out to be. But, on the other hand, the ACT doesn’t matter to me right now because I still need two years to prepare for the ACT and I believe I still have enough time to actually learn what the test is about. I know that the test will benefit me, but I don’t think I should stress about it now. The ACT is a big part of my life, but right now, I don’t need to stress about it.

    Overall, I think that the ACT is very beneficial for student and what colleges need to look like, but I don’t think it is very accurate. The ACT shouldn’t be a test on how smart a student is. It should be about how and what a student is learning in school and how much they have grown over the years. Maybe, the ACT should not be a test where students stress out for and prepare for; it should be the IQ test instead.
