Monday, March 24, 2014

Should The School Day Start Later?

Could letting teenagers sleep later in the morning do more than just make them happy? New evidence suggests that a later start to the school day could have all sorts of benefits, like better grades and fewer car crashes. But some worry that pushing the school day back might get in the way of after-school sports and jobs, and wouldn’t leave students enough time to finish homework.


  1. Written By: Alicia Rodriguez
    Period 5

    The official school day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 3:50 pm. MY school day all depends on if I have homework and what day of the week it is. My normal school day would consist of waking up at 4:30am and getting home around 7:00pm. Waking up that early is a personal preference of mine. I like being able to take my time doing things. I will only follow this schedule if all of my homework is done. Even though I am sleep deprived, I personally like my schedule. I like being able to wake up and take my time, and I like getting home late. Me being sleep deprived is entirely my fault, but if the school day were to start later, I’m not sure how I would feel about that.

    To be honest, the early start isn’t the only thing keeping me sleep deprived. I stay up later than I should simply because I can. My mother doesn’t have a specific time set for me to go to bed and to wake up. Not only is it because I don’t have to follow some sort of rules set, but it is simply because I feel like it. When I’m done with homework and everything else I need to do, I tend to feel energized and I stay up late even though I know I should go to sleep because I know I’m going to be tired when I wake up. If the school day were to start later, that would only give me more excuses to stay up later than I actually should.

    The most important benefits of a later start time would be that most teens would not get some sort of sleep in. Most teens, including myself, stay up late to finish homework. We stay up to unholy hours of the night and into the morning just trying to finish homework. If there was a later start time, then teens would have longer hours to sleep and that will benefit them greatly. Teens are still developing, and how can we develop if we are sleep deprived. The disadvantages would be that teens would begin taking advantage of their time and stay up later than they should simply because they can. Of course there are going to be more advantages than disadvantages because if teens are sleep deprived, they are more likely to cause accidents, if these said teens are on the roads. The advantages would be that they will perform better in the classrooms and overall get better grades. They are more likely to succeed if they are getting a lot of sleep in.

    I think that the campaign that JIlly Dos Santos led in her district to push back the high school start time is a good idea for them. Personally, I am perfectly fine with my schedule and any sort of change to it will throw me off. I like how she got a lot of people into it and made her voice heard in the community. I believe that the campaign has a good cause, but I honestly have no interest in it. I know most people would definitely support the campaign, but I don’t think I would. Even though it is affecting me and others my age, I just have no interest in it. I just can’t see myself getting all fired up and passionate about it.

    Overall, I believe that the start time should not be pushed to a later time simply because I’m not a big fan with my schedule being changed.That is simply just my personal preference. I do believe that there are a lot of benefits to the starting time being pushed to a later time. If I push aside my personal preference, I believe that the time should be pushed to a later time. It will benefit a lot of adolescents and adults as well.

    1. I disagree with you because some students might live far and thats a big difference. Time should be changed.
      Ashley Gaston
      Period 4

    2. Isabel Martinez
      Honors Engllish A5/B5
      26 March 2014

      I agree with some of the things you said. It would benefit because they will get more sleep, but there is also some things that are bad about this idea. If school started later, then that obviously means you have to get out later. It wouldn't let students have much freedom because they would have to worry of also doing homework. I'm pretty sure no teenager would also want to stay inside school later than normal schools on a summer day, for example.

    3. Alejandra Gutierrez

      I agree with some of the things you're saying. I like how you said you only stay late if your homework is done. I agree with that statement. I feel the same way with sports and homework. I agree with staying up late because of homework. It isn't our fault.

    4. Destini Steward
      Pd. 5
      I disagree with you, school should start later, because students could get more sleep, and they would get the chance to actually be more alert in school. I understand that some students have to stay late, but this is not mandatory. The only reason people stay late is because they have enrichment, or something else after school. I understand later school would not benefit you, but it would benefit others.

    5. I completely agree due to the fact that sleep is an essential thing in life for teens. And if we don't have enough of it then we will change the course of our life. I don't know about you but if i lose sleep then i change completely and i don't want that happening to me. So sleep is needed for not just me, but everyone.

      Xe Cabrera-A5

    6. Carlos Laureano
      Period 4

      I disagree with you just because I believe more sleep will have many benefits. If the students are not sleep deprived they will perform better in school, and not be in bad moods in the morning. From my personal experience I would enjoy more sleep.

    7. I disagree with you because there are some benefits of going to school later. One can be being more aware and alert, as a result, feeling restored and getting better grades.

      Remi Moy P:5

    8. I agree with you. Im also tired throughout the day because i stay up later. My mom also doesnt have a set time for me to go to bed so i just kind of go to bed whenever i want to and drag myself out of bed at 6am. I also like your point about if school started later it would just give us more of an excuse to stay up later than we actually should. I agree completely.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

  2. Adam De La Torre


    Honors English Pd 4


    The timing that my school has is 8a.m. till 3:50 pm and they are exactly 7 hours and 50 minutes that the school makes us be in the school. 8 is the time when the student is suppose to be in their advisor by then if the student is not in the classroom than depending on how long they are late depends of the amount of demerits the student receives. So thats why the teachers and the staff suggest that the students should be in the at the school around 30 to 15 minutes early so they could be on the safe side other than be regretful of not being early.

    Well i believe that the timing of the school should be at least 1 hour later than it already is. I say that it should be 1 hour later at least is because the better the chance the students gets the opportunity to sleep better. Which means they will be more concentrated. I say that they will be concentrated mostly students get really tired from the last night from not sleeping well but if they got more sleep they would be more active.

    Yes sometimes when i wake up in the morning im am completely deprived which is not good because i could receive demerits for doing such a thing. Well most times i do stay up pretty late because there are certain things i have had to do before sleeping for the next day. Some reasons why i might be staying up late is because i have to complete certain homeworks or that i'm trying to make an application at night. These are some of the reasons why i say up a bit late which makes me feel really tired when i wake up really early in the morning.

    The advantage that schools starting later would be that there will be students happy that they were able sleep a greater amount than sleeping and waking up early in the morning. Students will be more happier than usual because they were more able to rest more compatible than befor. The things that may not be so great is that there might be greater of a chance to be in traffic than usual and there might be a greater amount of missing people because they may not have wanted to go to school.

    Jill might have gotten a petition to get the more people to speak out and show that is not only her who wants the timing of the school should be delayed longer. Maybe what she did was gathered a great amount of facts or claim so that she would be able to support her answer. So that when someone were to try to prove that the education should stay the same she would be able to know and support her claim. If she were to just say of delay the time of the school isn’t effective but what showing that others think the same way as well.

    1. Alicia Rodriguez
      Period 5

      I also agree with how you say that the start time should be an hour later than it is now. I also agree with the benefits that you have stated. I also wake up sleep deprived, and so I think that the later time will greatly benefit.

    2. Ashley Gaston
      Period 4

      I agree with you. I also think that school should start at 9 am because it gives time for the students to be fully awake. Usually in class students are tired because they have to wake up at 5-6 am and get ready.

    3. Isabel Martnez
      Honors English A5/B5
      26 march 2014

      I agree with how you said school should start at least one hour later. That way students don't have to worry of waking up so early and having to be in a rush to be on time. Just like the article stated that some teenagers don't eat breakfast and that is bad because that is the most important meal of the day. The only bad thing if school started one hour later is that it would end later so you would have less freedom time. It would be best if it started a little later and ended the same time.

    4. Destini Steward
      PD. 5
      27 March 2014

      I agree with you. School should start later, because students often come to school sleep deprived. If school started later, then we would be able to get extra sleep hours. A con would be we may get out later. If school started later, students could simply wake up earlier and complete their homeword before school.

    5. Your right Adam, Jilly should have gotten more words from others. This would have gained power and started the movement. It would have made the influence better than ever. Sleep would have been saved earlier! So extending the word brings better results.

      xe cabrera A5

    6. Carolina Barraza P5
      I would have to disagree with you Adam. I mean does an hour make a big difference? You would only get half an hour or an hour, at most, of extra sleep. I feel that students would only go to sleep later if the school day started later. I see your point that we have a lot of homework to finish and that we still have to do things besides school work. But isn't it our responsibility as students to try and finish this things as soon as possible? You made some great points throughout your blog though!

    7. Carlos Laureano
      Period 4

      I completely agree with you!! The extra hour would provide so many benefits like you mentioned. The extra hour could make up for the extra time you have to stay up to complete homework. The extra sleep could also help kids perfrom better in school. Great thoughts Adam!!!

    8. Andres Davalos
      I have to agree with Adam to the point that I do support to wake up earlier. With the fact that I will also want to wake up another hour earlier because I can sleep more and be more relaxed. His perspective matches mine because we both see this as the opportunity to get a better sleep. We are different because I see that we probably want to do this to do more homework and cheat better. We also are different because he made me see that when waking up early people might not want to go to school anymore and they hesitate to go. I like your evidence about Jilly and how she helped make people see the point of view of a students idea of the topic and that brought small whispers to sound really loud.

    9. I disagree with you Adam. I see your point and you did bring up great points. For example, about how you said students will be more concentrated if they have more sleep. That is true, but if school starts later then it will end later. CPS requires i think at least an 7 or 8 hour school day. So if we satrt school at 9 or 10 or something, we wont get out untill around 5 which wont leave us time to do anything or to hang out and stuff after school. Making it start earlier will make it end earlier too which will give us more times to do things.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

  3. Kayla Banks
    Period 4

    I agree with you that school should start later because students will be more focused. I think students are in the same predicament as you when having to stay up later than usual. I think that if we had an extra hour we will be happier and will be focused as well.

  4. Viviana Camargo
    Ms.Wright A/B4

    Here at UIC College Prep, the school starts at 8 in the morning, and we all leave at around 4 in the afternoon the average time. Usually it all depends if a lot of the students stay for a homework detention which then we would get out at around 5:15 in the afternoon, or even to stay for office hours or enrichment clubs. Most of the times, they end around 5-6 in the evening of the day. Whenever we stay later in the day, the students either have earned a consequence or have a responsibility to stay and get home at a later time than the rest of the students.
    Honestly, I like my daily schedule right now because if the school day started at a later time, then that only means that we as students would get out of school later than what we do right now because we have to complete our 8 hours of school. The more time going to school, I have been getting use to the time that i’ve been waking up and used to a lot of the routine for most of my days. Most of my life i have been waking up really early in order to get to school on time and so changing the time of when school starts really will affect everything for me.It’s like my body is built already for the schedules that we usually have already for the days.
    Yes an earlier hour is causing me sleep deprive because you have to wake up really early in order to start your day good. The fact that we need to go to sleep and have all the energy and strength that we need in order to focus on the school material, it does affect us a lot. It really does have a great impact towards how we put effort to our try and focus on school when really, all we try to focus on is staying awake and trying to learn what the teacher is teaching. I am staying up later than I should be most of the time. The reason why I mostly stay up late is due the amount of homework, specifically from one of our classes, and that involves us to actually do the assignment right in all form.
    I believe that the benefits of starting school later than the time that we have right now is that we get the time to actually sleep maybe about an hour later than what we are normally use to waking up and that we will have more energy towards the day. Also that many students stay up late to do the homework and sometimes don’t even have the chance to finish the work. So the fact that school would start an hour later, it will give the student extra time in the morning to actually finish the work, even if that means that they might not do it as well as what the teacher has expected to, but at least the students have the time to actually finish is and everything. The disadvantages of having school start an hour later is that we will have to get out of school about an hour later than what we actually get out now because of the law wanting to complete all 8 hours of school.
    When there are school hours that do start really early, then she did right because having the school start at 7:20 am. Schools in general should start at around 8 am because that schedule does make sense for all the students plus they can manage their time within them. The fact that will school should start at 7:20 am is just overboard.

  5. Alejandra Gutierrez

    My school day starts at 8, but you have to be here before 8:00 am on the dot. If you get here after 8:30 you get 4 demerits. If you get here before 8:30 you get two demerits. The only way to get out of the demerits is if its a really bad snowstorm, or natural causes in general. My school day ends at 3:50. Every class is 75 minutes long except for AMA which is 10 minutes long, and PMA is 30 minutes long.

    I believe a little bit of both. I believe it should start late, but then again shouldn’t. If it starts late I get enough sleep. I won’t fall asleep in half my classes. You will actually see what you’re doing. Then again it shouldn’t, because it’ll affect your daily schedule. Like if you play sports after school, what time would it start? What time would it end?

    An early start time is leaving me sleep deprived. I don’t get enough sleep! I stay up later than I normally do because of all this homework we get. I can’t finish a project in one day. When you give us a project on Monday, don’t make it due on Wednesday. At least give us a week. We have other things to do. Dont give us a whole bunch of homework and say it’s due on a certain day. If you do that, we end up forgetting or we do it at the last minute.

    The most important benefits of having a later time is actually getting enough sleep. Being able to do things in the morning. Also actually being able to see what you’re doing. The disadvantages would be after school activities. You won't know what time it ends or starts. Also your sleeping schedule won’t be to what you’re used to.

    I think they thought about it and pushed it back to at least 8 o’clock in the morning. She probably made a petition and got over 100 names. People might’ve been at her school who signed her petition or some may have been other people who thought it was a good idea. She might’ve been able to get the board to listen to her. She might’ve made a strong argument and got strong feedback.

    1. Andres Davalos
      I have to say that I agree with Alejandra's because I see how all students want to do is sleep. This makes sense because most of them go to school sleeping, and especially schools are aware of this because they even have demerits to give to kids who fall asleep and why would they have this because of the fact of how early the day is and the leangth of all the classes. She did make me see the point in a different way because all students want to do is sleep and that's why we are all arguing about this topic. Yes I understand Alejandra's point and I can connect this because I only believe that when you sleep you are wasting your time, and if students really want to get out at 4:30pm for and more sleeping time that is so dumb to do. She didn't make me see it in a different way but I could see her point and believe that if we now sleep longer we can be better and stronger students.

  6. Tyra Harris
    Honors English P4

    Should the school day start later ?
    My school day starts at 8:00am and ends at 3:50pm and that is exactly 7 hours and 50 minutes until the day is up. The school day should start at a later time because research has shown that teens that have to wake up really early perform worst in school,fall behind on tasks ,and have a hard time focusing on school work. in addition if the school cuts down the start time that would release more stress on teachers and students because students won’t have to rush and get up in the morning because we will already be up.

    Yes,sometimes because I wake up late because i forget to sit my alarm and when I have to rush and wake up and get ready that is not just a good feeling for me because i need to get my rest. No i don't stay up later than i should because its ironic because when i got to sleep early i wake up late and when i got to sleep late i wake up early and i dont know why that is. if the school time started later than this won’t be a problem for me.

    The most important benefits of having a later start time is having a good home cooked breakfast every morning because just think about it if the school time was 9 o'clock then you would have to finish up some homework , study for a test, watch tv and basically anything because you would have just all that time to do so much.the disadvantages would be that people would try to sleep overboard and probably would end up being late for school on purpose because they maybe have overslept last night.

    I think that the campaign was a really good idea because she got to speak her mind and really be heard by others.she not only wanted to be heard but she also wanted to benefit from the changes of a later time because with that she knows that she won't be late for school again because she will have extra time to get ready to start the day.

    Overall the school time should start at a later time because that would be really beneficial to many others and people wouldn't be late for school and they can do so much other things that can really help them get prepared for the day instead of oversleeping and rushing out the house so you wont be late.

  7. I agree with how you say that the time should be extended because it will bring benefits to the people and the schools. When the teens are more energized, they will bring more money to the schools.

    Alicia Rodriguez
    Period 5

  8. Isabel Martinez
    Honors English A5/B5
    27 March 2014

    For my school, my day starts from 8:00 am until 3:50 pm. Some students might need to stay longer for different reasons. One is something called a “LaSalle” and it is when your assignment isn’t complete so you have to stay after school to finish it. Or other people can stay for extracurricular activities that can include: any sports, clubs, etc. For me, I like this schedule because the time we are able to leave isn’t that bad. Although I am one of the people who stays after school everyday so I get out later.

    I don’t think my school day should start later because then that means it will have to end later. The only way I will want school to start later is if it was shorter as well. I’m sure many people wouldn’t want to still be in school while it is 6:00 pm. I like my daily schedule because it is not a bad time like I said before. You get out at a good time and have the rest of the day to complete your homework assignments for the next day. Also, you are able to have some freedom and be able to relax for awhile. For me, I don’t get as much relaxing time because I get home late since I do extra activities, but I’m sure others who don’t have plenty of time for themselves.

    I personally do stay up later than I should. I don’t get as much sleep as I should be getting. It is all because of the homework that we receive. It takes time to complete. Another thing is when I get home I have to help with other things so it takes time and by the time I start doing homework it is late already. Also, sometimes I make the choice of staying up late, but I don’t like when I do it because then I regret it the next morning. I end up tired and want to just go to sleep as soon as possible, but I mean in the end it’s my fault because I choose to do it especially on weekends. \

    The most important benefits of school starting at a later time would be that you get more sleep. You can wake up at a later time that you normally would. Another thing could be that you actually get the time to make yourself some breakfast. That way you can be energized throughout the morning without feeling tired. It will help you stay awake for your classes. Some disadvantages are that it would end later so you’ll be in school when you can be home instead. Also, there are people who may not do their homework the day before so they’ll be rushing to finish it in the morning and it may not be the best that it can be. Or some people may abuse the privilege of a later school time and sleep really really late and still not end up making it to school on time.

    Overall, I don’t think that school should start at a later time. I don’t think it would help either way because then students are still going to be sleeping at a later time. More students are already use to the schedule of waking up early so why mess it up for them. They should stick to the same way and not complain. It is also called being responsible on waking up at and being on time to school. Also, that way students will have to do their homework the day before and not have to worry about finishing in the morning.

  9. Dear Reader,

    Located in illinois,UIC college prep starts at 7: 50 am and ends at 3:50 pm. Which in my personal opinion is very early to start. i say this because in my personal opinion; my first class is full of low energy and zero effort, i'm practically asleep. Asleep, drooling and bobbing my head up every five minutes just to stay awake. That should not be me, i should be awake and actively participating in class giving my one hundred percent during class so i can earn A’s. So my direct side on this argument is to start later in school so that students like me can be the one hundred percent they should be when starting homework.

    If my school day started later on in the day, life would be just golden. I say this because this will enable me to have more of a goodnight’s sleep and an active, productive day. When i have more sleep i not only wake up comfortably, but i can also perform tasks way much easier with a good night's rest. I will not only come to school in a positive mood but i will also get more done due to my full alertness. I dont know about you, but teachers would love me more in the morning later than in the morning.

    Sleep deprivation, is when you have very little hours of sleep and you are fatigued. This would absolutely be me in that situation, i barely get enough sleep to actually function in morning classes. This is the exact reason why i struggle in morning classes. The only reason i stay up is because of the homework on certain days and when i finish before i get home i reward myself with some rejuvenating TV. But those are on special days when i get that luxury. Sometimes teachers aren't that nice when it comes to homework so my life becomes hectic and stressful, thus causing me to get very little sleep.

    The benefits of a later start time is, once again, more energy and an increase in grades. Focus, to have the ability to narrow in and extract information in a high degree. With focus you can effectively apply information based on your knowledge on the subject on tests, homework, and class participation. That said with just that main component will give an edge to students who get up early? Don't we want successful people rather than tired people? Sadly the disadvantage would be getting out of school later, thus causing schools to cancel essential afterschool programs that can enable students to have extra help on comprehending recent lessons in class.

    I completely Agree with Jilly Dos Santos because she has relatable problems to teens all across America. This problem is finally addressed by a group of students with actual tangible, visual research on sleep deprivation. It has been scientifically proven that schools have started way too early in the day. As a result you have a story like Jilly, she says she will drop out and even skips breakfast, which is not healthy. If she says she will drop out then that isn't creating an optimistic future for herself. If that situation is happening then teens all over america will fail, and i don't know about you but we all deserve a fair chance of being successful. So let’s do what’s best and start later at school!

    Xe Cabrera-A5

    1. I totally agree with you because teen all over the world are facing sleep deprivation and getting to school early. I also agree with start to school later and it should have been something that schools all over should have brought to their attention that teens are getting to school late and school should start late.
      Remi Moy P:5

  10. Kevin Avila A5/B5 Ms. Wright
    In my school, which is UICCP, the school day always starts at 7:50 am and ends in different time depending on the day. I usually don’t get lassalle or detention, so on fridays i usually get out of school at 1:20 pm. The school day ends at 3:50 on Monday to Thursday but the school requires every student to get enrichment so I must stay to until 5 pm for drill or YPFT practice. The end of the school day is at 3:50 pm but that doesn’t mean that all students can go home, it varies depending on the after school activity you are enrolled in.

    I like at what time does UICCP school start but I would not mind if it started at 8:50 am. It is true that if school starts later then we would have less time to do extracurricular activities and less time to do our homework but we can complete our homework in the morning if we don’t have enough time after school. A lot of people do their homework in the morning so if the school starts later then they will be benefited.

    I am staying up longer than I should. I stay up longer than I should because i have to do my homework. I normally sleep at 12 am or 1 am. Teenagers should sleep about 9 hours every day to be able to perform at their best in school. With that being said, teenagers would need to sleep at about 10 o’clock only if they can get ready and make it to school in no more than 50 minutes. I normally get 7 hours of sleep on school days and about 10 hours of sleep on weekends.

    The benefits of school starting later would be that students GPA will increase, as a result, the school’s GPA would also increase. Students would be able to concentrate more on school and not fall asleep in class, as a result, they would be getting less demerits and less detentions. If students don’t get enough sleep, then their abilities to learn and remember would be lower. Students would have hard time trying to learn and remember what was said in school if they don’t get enough sleep.

    I think Jilly Dos Santos’s idea of pushing back school is a great idea because this will benefit many students, teachers and the school itself. As i said before, sleeping more will increase the students’ GPA causing the school GPA to increase as well. Students would be able to complete their homework in the morning in case they did not complete it after school because of lack of time. They will have more time to get ready and to drive to school and they will have no pressure to get there because school starts later. Everyone will benefit if the school start time starts later.

    1. I agree. Sleeping has a positive affect on GPA. Students who have enough sleep will be more engaged and focused in their classes. As to students who sleep less or not enough, they will worry about sleep rather than the class itself. Sleeping also improves a student's attitude and mood during their day.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

    2. MaryClaire Mangan
      I mostly disagree with what you're saying, because you mentioned staying after school, and then doing homework takes up a lot of time. You already said that you barely have enough time to sleep and finish homework, so starting later will be more difficult. I do agree that you can finish your homework in the morning, but you might not be able to finish in time. Also, GPA increasing, or number of demerits decreasing, isn't guaranteed just by waking up later, some people might be fine with waking up early.

  11. Mariah Harris Period 5
    I don’t think my school day should start later. Most jobs start around the time that school starts,and ends the time of school. I think it would actually be a bad thing to start school at a later time. I’ve adjusted to waking up early for school, so I wouldn’t want to change time. If time changes, I’d still wake up early and waste time.

    The early start time isn’t leaving me sleep deprived. The thought of getting up early just doesn’t excite me. I don’t feel exhausted when I awake early, I just would rather crawl back In bed. I never really am sleep deprived, I’m just lazy sometimes. No matter what time I go to bed, It doesn’t affect the way I am when I awake.

    I think there are very few benefits of starting school late. Most students will be more satisfied with their new schedule. It might also cause students to receive higher grades in classes. Students who do get sleep deprived, will be much more focused and ready to learn. There will also be better test scores and more effort put into school work.

    There are many disadvantages to starting school late. The students will not be ready for the real world once they graduate. Kids have to know that the world doesn’t revolve around them. Most high paying jobs start as early a 6 a.m, therefore they must be prepared for it. Starting school early would be crippling students more than it’s helping them.

    I think that Jilly really over exaggerated the fact that they wanted to start school earlier. I mean it’s really ridiculous to say you would drop out of school, just because they planned to start it earlier. The effects of dropping out of school are extremely serious. I don’t think Jill realized that when she said what she said. I personally don’t think school starting earlier is a reason to drop out.

    1. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd 4

      I agree with you because I also feel that starting school later would be a bad thing because it would interfere with the things that we do normally, aside from school. I agree with you that students will be unaware of what waking up early is and will have a difficult time adapting to it once they are older. I also agree that waking up earlier isn't a reason to drop out. Because, in the first place, she doesn't have to be putting makeup on, it only wastes her time.

    2. Armando Quintana Honors Period 4
      I agree with Mariah because i believe it makes no difference if school times actually changed. Eventually it will end up being the same as our regular times.If we push back school it will interfere with a students daily activities, when it gets warmer outside students often like to go outside before having to go indoors and complete homework. If school were to be pushed back then students would get out later resulting in having less time to enjoy the nice weather.

    3. I disagree. I feel if school starts later it would improve a student's schedule. As for me, waking up at 6:00 AM is very different than waking up at 9:00 am. No matter the amount of sleep I get, I will always be sleep deprived if I wake up at six in the morning. It's only when around 9:00 AM is when I start feeling alive and ready for the day.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

    4. I agree that she over exaggerated with the thought of changing the time. All the students have to do is manage their time to the school time. Also I don't think student are going to drop out of school if the time is increased. I mean students in the future are going to wake up early at six o'clock just to go to work.

  12. Written By: Beverly Avila

    Everyday, I always have to wake up at six in the morning and be at school by seven. It is a struggle because I have about seven hours of sleep every night due to lots of homework I have. I get out around five or five-thirty every single day because my parents force me to stay in school and that education is key. But, is this struggle worth in the future. I believe that all the pain and suffering I do to get up in the morning and be able to come to school on time everyday is totally worth it.

    I think that the school day should not start later. I think that if we all wake up at six in the morning, it will benefit us in the future. he reason is that as we go to college, we will end up having to sleep late and waking up really early in the morning, depending on your schedule. When we get our jobs, most of us will want to have a morning shift, which means we will end up having to wake up early in the morning, and having to go back home to rest in the afternoon. I think that if students will be used to waking up early in the morning and will have no problem getting to work and making their own money all thanks to the habit they made.

    I think that I am staying up later than I should, but it is because of all of the homework I get from all of my teachers. I get lots of homework in my honor classes and regular classes, so I have a mixture of both types of learning material from all different classes. But, I rather stay up until I finish all of my work and benefit that the next day, then rather getting a LaSalle. Many students complain about having no sleep at all, yet we get out at 3:50, and I still stay for an hour or so here, and I still manage to get my work done.

    I think the benefits of having a later time will be that students will have more time to sleep, be able to wake up in the morning without the struggle, and have time to eat breakfast at home at their own pace, instead of just having ten minutes here at school. They will also have different healthy food and the food they like to eat at home, than having to eat they think is disgusting food. I think that the defaults of having to wake up later in the day is that students will not do their homework and save it for the morning due to the time they get out much later than before. I also believe that students who take the bus will have a harder time getting to school because traffic will build up later in the day.

    Overall, I think that school hours should be the way it is. I think that many students are just lazy to actually wake up in the morning and be able to come to school before eight. I think that students should agree with me because students will just get the day over will, and will have the whole afternoon to themselves. he only thing that is making students say that there should be longer hours is their laziness. I am just like them, but that is life, and we must accept how life is.

    1. I agree that the hours should stay the same. The students basically are just to lazy to get up from bed. Also eventually they will have to get up early for work which is usually around six o'clock. Then the student that do go to sleep late are the people that probably stay up looking at their Facebook statues. In other words the time is great how it is.
      Rolando Sifuentes

  13. Ashley Gaston
    Period 4

    School should start later in the morning. I currently start school at 8:00 am. I hate coming to school really early because it messes with my sleep. My regular type of day goes like this: I wake up at 6:50 am, get ready, I don't eat breakfast, I get to school at about 7:30 am, I have a full day of school from 8:00 am to 3:50 am, I get home at about 5:00 pm due to after school activities that I have to attend, then I have about 3 hours worth of homework, lastly I go to sleep at about 11:00 pm. That same schedule repeats every day.
    Having to go to school early in the morning doesn’t give students or parents enough time to sleep. Waking up early and coming to school makes the students sleepy. Thats why most students fall asleep in class because they can't function because they had no breakfast and not enough sleep. I feel sleepy in all of my first periods because a lack of sleep. I feel if the school day started later or they took off a lot of homework the day would fly by.
    I think my school day should start later just because we have a tight discipline level and they want us to be energetic and most of us just don't have the energy to be energetic. We get demerits for sleeping in class but it really isn't our fault that we are tired. They give us tons of homework to complete and go to sleep late because we try to stay up doing homework. Early start times do leave students tired in the morning. I wake up angry every morning because I go to school so early.
    I usually plan on going to sleep at 9:00 pm but I miss that time by 2 hours. I end up sleeping at 11:00 pm and having to wake back up really early just for school is a big pain. It makes me not even want to attend school anymore. I just feel like it would be better to start school an hour later than it already is just for that extra hour of sleep. Sleep is the most important thing teachers want us to do but they give so much homework we only get about 8 hours a night.
    Students will benefit everything. We will get an extra hour of sleep. We will have more students that live far from the school arriving on time and not being tardy. We will also have the benefit of students not falling asleep in class. More students will be focused in class on school days. Students like myself will actually be happy everyday walking into school because I at a good meal and I slept well. School days in my opinion should start later.

    1. Andrea Aguilera
      Honors English Pd 4

      I disagree with you that school should start later because I feel like that would mess up your sleep more than it does now. I think this because you know how much homework we get, and if we start school later, we get out later. Getting out of school later will mean that we will also finish homework later. This is just my idea, but you bring up good points as well.

    2. Armando Quintana Honors Period 4
      I agree with Andrea because sooner or later if the school times change. It will just be the same as what we would have before. I believe pushing the time will cause more harm then good. I think it would especially affect how a person travels from and to school. Not all students have the luxury of having a parent drop or even pick a student up from school due to work.

    3. Response from Jor-El Santos - Period 4 Honors English

      I agree with Ashley because school gets in my way in the morning. I do not have the energy to perform any type of movement. In my first classes, I just want to grab a pillow and sleep. My dad is always ruined when I wake up for school. I need to get more sleep. School times should be starting later so I have enough energy for the day. That way, I can get more things done inside and out of school.

    4. Yadira Saldierna
      Period 4

      I also agree with you, I do think that students would really benefit from having an extra hour of sleep. Then again by changing the times we would just be put in the same cycle of time and getting tired all the time.

    5. Kayla Banks
      Period 4
      I agree with you that the school day should start later because It really can be a benefit to the students. We would be focused and would potentially enjoy school. I agree that we loose focus because we loose sleep.

  14. Written by: Andrea Aguilera
    Honors English Pd 4

    My normal school day starts at about 8am and ends around 4pm. To get to school on time, I have to wake up at about 6:30am, to get there like around 7:35am. I think that school should start later in the day, but only by like 30 minutes. I feel this way because I normally go to sleep around 11pm because of not only all the homework I receive, but I have other things to do after school too. I always have something to do after school, whether it is music from 6:30pm-7:15pm, or tennis from 5pm-6pm. I am a dedicated musician and I have to find time to practice, but it is hard with all the homework I receive. School gets in the way of my daily life, so I feel that school should start around 8:30, that way I have extra time to sleep. If I don’t get any extra sleep, at least I will have time to practice. Since I am kind of indecisive on this topic, I also believe that school should start earlier. Starting at 7:30am and ending at 3:30pm would definitely give myself a lot more time to do the things that I have to do after school.
    Looking over my previous paragraph. I don’t think that school should start later. I think that it should start earlier. If it starts earlier, than we are able to finish homework earlier, which means that we will have more time to do things that we actually like doing, not homework. Starting school earlier would obviously make us wake up earlier, but I would prefer waking up a little earlier rather than getting out of school later. I don’t like my daily schedule because I feel that the classes are too long. To me, the extra fifteen minutes don’t matter, so I think normal classes should be an hour each. If classes are one hour long, than our school day would be even shorter. Also, I feel that PMA should be cut out of our schedule, because I don’t like my advisory very much, and I feel that it is an unnecessary class.
    I think that I am very sleep deprived, but it is my own fault that I am. Yes, homework makes me stay up till 11pm or even 12am sometimes, but when I am done, I never hesitate to stay up later and go on Facebook, or Pinterest, or whatever allows me to stay awake. This is an extremely bad habit that I am trying to get rid of, but in a way, school does leave me sleep deprived. Waking up early and going to sleep late makes me a person with little energy and a lot of times, homework contributes to my late bedtime.
    Starting school at a later time, would allow everyone to wake up later, but this doesn't necessarily mean a better night’s rest. In fact, it’s probably the same, or worse in a way. At least for me, starting at a later time would be less beneficial and cause me to go to sleep later than I do. Starting school later means also getting out of school later, and if we get out of school later, we finish our homework at a later time as well. If I get out of school later, I will probably have to quit a lot of the things that I am in now because it will interfere with my schedule, and I would never want to do this.
    I think that her campaign was a good one because she did struggle in getting to school at its normal time, so making it start earlier, would not benefit her at all. But, I think that starting school at a later time, would not benefit me, I know that everyone has a different schedule, so starting school earlier would not benefit everyone. But, I do think that everyone would appreciate more time to themselves after school.

    1. Response from Jor-El Santos - Period 4 Honors English

      I agree with Andrea that homework is so overwhelming. Homework takes a long time to complete. This forces students to stay up late. In the morning, we are sleep deprived. We would do anything to go back to bed but we know that we do not have a choice. There is also so much other things that we do after school. All these things get in the way of our daily schedule and causes a lot stress. This stress ruins our day or even our week.

    2. I support Andrea's point about how school starting later in the day wouldn't benefit her. If anything, starting later would be a disadvantage if school hours still remained just as long. Getting less sleep is the point that I highlighted in my blog post, as sleep is the main thing the schedule should be built for. I also like how you brought up how certain activities can take up so much time, even when they're a routine for you. I agree with how sleep deprived you can become if school starts later as well.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  15. Armando Quintana Period 4

    Everyday Monday through Thursday my day at school starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:50 am. Everyday I have to stay until 5:00 pm because nobody can pick me up from school, so on a daily basis I am at school at 8:00 am through 5:00 pm. Personally I am used to sleeping late with all the homework that I receive daily. It’s said that when you are growing up you should get at least eight hours of sleep. However, I get at least half of this and I never feel sleep deprived or at least throughout my school day I am not. If my school were to start later it would most likely affect how much sleep I get on a daily basis and how I would get around in terms of transportation. I believe the campaign that Jilly made was a good effort, but ultimately I prefer my regular school time.
    Personally I actually like my daily schedule, I rather get school over with by going early in the morning. I believe if school were to start later it will make transportation going to and from school very difficult to manage. Especially because I live far away from, my school, so it takes time to get to and from school on a daily basis. I have no problem getting up early in the morning it’s just the fact that I stay up rather late. The amount of work I receive at my school is a lot, but I mean a lot. This takes me extra time with completing my homework. It’s even worse that I get home late which gives me less time to actually finish my homework without getting less than four hours of sleep.
    If school would to start later in the day, it will give students more time to sleep and complete homework as well. I believe it can release stress as well because it would give students more time to sleep and complete homework at the same time. So, students won’t have to feel as if they have to complete their homework before they can go to sleep. At the same time having school start later can have some negative effects. It may cause problems with a students transportation, as in if their parents would be able to take and pick up students from school. I believe it all depends on the person because a student can live close to the school and have no problems. While a student who lives far from the school can have difficulty with transportation.
    I think that the campaign that Jilly proposed was a great idea because I know many other students would actually agree with this. But, on the other hand I believe it’s not necessary to push back school because students will be in school later and will get out late as well. It will end up becoming like our regular school times, later on it will just feel like waking up early in the morning. I can see how pushing back school can be beneficial, but I rather have to wake up early and get out early from school.
    By pushing back the start of school it will just end up pushing all of our schedules back and it can make parents and students lives more difficult than it was before. It can create problems with transportation going to and from school, not all parents can have the flexibility of picking their children other than in the morning when they go to work. I just believe students are better off with the school times now a days. I think these times are perfect, so students can just get the day over with.

    1. Carolina Barraza P5
      I agree with you Armando because I also would want to get school over with early in the morning. If we were to start school later, we would only get out even later. This would then create less time to do homework and less time to sleep. Plus I think that this would only make students even more lazy because they'll be getting used to waking up late. I feel this would only affect them later when they get jobs and they can't get up early to go to work.

  16. Carolina Barraza P5

    Our school starts at seven forty five in the morning and the classes start at eight ten in the morning. The school day ends at three fifty in the afternoon. I arrive to school at seven ten or seven twenty at latest. Now this is a long day of school for many people including me, but I rather wake up early than having to stay up later because my school day starts at ten in the morning and ends at six or seven in the afternoon. Now many people may argue with me and say that they rather sleep in, but let me say this: getting up later will not benefit you in the long run.

    I like my schedule they way it is right now. Sure I have to get up early, but at least we will have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves. If my school day were to start later I would feel that the school board would only dismiss us from school at a later time. This would be needed in order to still learn all the lessons. If we entered late and got out early from school, we would only have a longer school year. The school year would be dragged out in order to make up for the time being lost. This isn't something I would want to go through. I like having a summer break and I wouldn't want this to be taken from me just because we want to wake up later.

    I actually go to sleep early on weekdays. Starting school early doesn't make me lose sleep but it would be me making myself lose sleep. In seventh grade I used to go to sleep really late like around three in the morning or even two. I later learned that this was only hurting me because I wasn't performing well in school. It wasn't the fact that school started early that made me lose sleep, but rather me staying up late talking to my cousins or friends. And I think that many students go through this almost everyday. At times we all stay up late because we have a lot of homework to do, but we cause these problems ourselves.

    A benefit of entering school at a later time would be that SOME students would get more sleep. But this is not true for many students. Starting at a later time will only make the students go to sleep even later. A disadvantage would be that this would cause the students to become lazy and procrastinate everything. When the students start to get jobs they won’t learn how to get up on time to go to work because they are used to waking up late to go to school. It would only hurt them in the long run a lot more than in the actual moment.

    I don’t agree with Jilly because it would harm the students more if they started school later. I mean sure students will get to sleep in a bit more. Would you rather sleep in and have to go to school until late afternoon, or would you want to get up at seven or seven thirty and go to school until three or three fifty? I think that Jilly should look over all the pros and cons of starting later before approving this ideas in the whole U.S or even in Chicago!

    1. MaryClaire Mangan
      I agree with you, because I also said that school should stay how it is, and not start later. I too, agree that the day is already long, and I wouldn't want it to feel even longer with sleeping in. I also agree that Jilly should probably look over the pros and cons not just the pros.

    2. Kevin Avila P5
      i kind of disagree with you. I understand what you are saying that school will start later and we will have less time to ourselves but wouldn't you like a little more time to sleep. I would say school should start at 9 that way the changes would not be a lot. we would start school at 9 and end at 5 which i think is perfect. It would give us 1 more hour to sleep and the changes would not be much.

    3. I agree with you on how we have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves, but I believe its not the afternoon we need. Its the time that we need to sleep before school starts.
      Anthony Guerrero Pd 5

  17. My usual schedule for school is usually wake up at 6:50 AM and, by 5:00 PM, I would’ve returned home. I think this schedule could get very stressful, especially on days where I have after-school programs. As a result, sometimes I spent 11 hours a day on school, which is almost as long as my dad’s work time. I think this is way too much for a teenager like me. Most of the days, I feel so sleep deprived that I feel dizzy and could not concentrate at all. Moreover, I still have homework to complete after school ends, which usually takes 3 hours, so it totals up to 14 hours of school-related work. Imagine repeating that for 5 days 5 weeks per month for 10 months. Because of the tons of schoolwork, I began to stop showering during the days and stop eating all my meals. All in all, I don’t believe school should have a hindrance on your health.
    School days should definitely start later. It would make my life much more easier and overall better. I wouldn’t feel sleep deprived; therefore, my concentration, attitude, and effort will increase for my school work. I wouldn’t feel stressed every day, and maybe for once I will be happy and excited for school. Another alternative could be less homework. As for me, I always think homework as practice and not very that effective at all. Actually, homework is diminishing the time for me to study, which I usually have no time to do.
    The early school days are very hurting me. Some days, I sleep at 10:00 PM and sometimes I even sleep at 8:00 PM. However, I always feel sleep deprived no matter the amount of sleep I get. I believe it’s due to the early school days, because I always feel awake at 10:00 AM. It’s very strange, but my friends and classmates are all experiencing these problems.
    A later starting school day will enable students to receive more sleep, and they wouldn’t be sleep deprived. Students will be more concentrated and engaged in a class, when they are not worrying about sleep. The disadvantages could be that a later school day will result in a longer school day. Students might not have enough time to complete their assignments if they are returning home too late.
    Santos’s campaign is something I would support. Later school days will improve students’ efficiency and effort in school. It will remove stress from students and allow them to concentrate in class. School days might be longer, but students won’t feel as tired as if they went to school at 8:00 AM. In addition, students’ health will overall increase due to the added amounts of sleep.
    Andy Xu
    English Period 5

    1. Kevin Avila P5
      I agree with you. We spend a lot of time on school. I have been in school for 12 hours multiple times and i have to go home and start my homework which gives me almost no time. School should start later because that would give students more time to sleep and they would be able to do their homework in the morning.

    2. Viviana Camargo Pd.4
      I disagree with you Andy about starting the school day later because that only means that we will get out of school later than what we already are getting out. That would only mean that we will have less time to do our homework because we have to complete to 8 hours of education we get

  18. MaryClaire Mangan
    Honors English A/B5
    27 March 2014

    School starts at 8:00am and ends at 3:50pm. I have adjusted to my schedule, because I used to get out of school at 2:50pm. I was used to getting home by about 3:00pm, and now I don’t even get out of school until about 4:00 and on regular days without staying after, I get home about 4:30pm. I now consider getting home at 4:30pm pretty early, since I attend a lot of enrichment after school, like volleyball and now track. I have also adjusted to getting home at around 6:00pm, because of after school things.

    I think that school shouldn’t start later, because I don’t want to have to stay after school even later than I already have to. I don’t think that there will be any time for after school things, I wouldn’t even want to participate in if we get out really late. There is a required time that students have to go to school everyday, and no matter how late you start, you have to go for the same hours. I don’t like waking up early every morning, but I like to think of waking up, going to school, and getting it over with.

    I think that starting school early probably is leaving me sleep deprived, because I do stay up too late. I think that having school start later, probably won’t make a difference for some people, because it means getting home at a later time, and then homework needs to be done, so that would make students stay up later than before, but that doesn’t even include if someone is in enrichment. Even if you are someone who finishes homework early, or isn’t in enrichment, you might think “I’m not going to go to bed now, because I don’t have to wake up early.” Well, then you will end up staying up later, which is the problem.

    The important benefits were mentioned in the article, like fewer car crashes and better grades. I think this could be true for better grades, if you don’t abuse the right of school starting later. I do agree with fewer car crashes also, because having more sleep keeps you more focused and when you get less sleep you’re probably not too focused about what’s going on around you. The disadvantages, like I mentioned, would be no time for after school things. In the article, they mentioned jobs. I think teens would have to worry about this, because they could have jobs, and not have time for them anymore, no time for anything because of school.

    To get the school start time to be pushed back, Jilly Dos Santos, most likely only stated the benefits of starting early. It would be unlikely that she would state the disadvantages, because it’s what she wants to happen. Although, there are equally enough advantages and disadvantages, I think it should mainly be up to the person on whether or not they want to start later, and what works for their schedule.

    1. I agree with how you added in the point of school having to stay the same hours, making school last longer. In my own blog post, I also say the same about how hardly anything can be done after school if the schedule was pushed back. Enrichment would bring you the entire day in school, which nobody would want. I should have brought up how people might think they have more time to do their own activities after school, but they still lose sleep. This idea is exactly why school should keep the current schedules, it builds endurance for people and is just on time for activities to do after school.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  19. Rolando Sifuentes

    My school time starts around eight o'clock in the morning on everyday, just like most school’s do. Also, when the school time ends is around four o’clock in the afternoon. The Noble schools have school hours of eight hours. On Fridays Noble start at the same time, but leave at an early time of one forty five in the afternoon. On Friday Noble stay at a time of around five hours.
    I like the time that we have. Noble has an even time for monday through thursday, except for friday. friday is a day where noble gets a half day. Noble could put some more time on friday. we could use some time to learn if noble adds more time to friday.
    An early start drive is leaving me in a sleep deprived. The time I go to sleep already a late time I should go to bed and i’m not benefiting it. Also, I am staying up then i usually should. I go to sleep at a later time because of the technology though. Still, I should go to sleep on the recommended time.
    What I think the most important benefit of a later start time would be that it will increase grades. they say that if you rest then you will be regenerized for the next day. The disadvantage is probably is work. people want to see that you are a hard worker. Also, later on we are probably end up waking up at six o’clock just to get to our work that is probably going to start in thirty minutes or more.
    What I think that the campaign that jilly led her district to push back the high school start time is a waste of time. People want to see that you work hard so this was a way to prove it. Also, you are end up waking early in the future when you get a job. Then people use technology at night and end up staying up. All they have to do is manage their time to the right extent to go to school.

  20. Although at UIC College Prep, my school day officially starts at 8am and ends at 3:50pm, rarely do I actually follow this schedule. I usually attempt to arrive early to receive good seats far from the chilly doors. I also stay after school nearly everyday for office hours and other related enrichment opportunities. However, with this in mind, I would say my schedule ends at 5-6pm nearly always. Although at times I would certainly prefer to sleep earlier than I currently do, this isn’t much of an issue.

    I like my schedule based on my current situation, if things were to be changed then I would say it is a problem. If I had the option to make my school day start later, I would certainly do so, I would perfer school to start an hour later. I would adapt my schedule to fit needs of both me and the school either way . I think that leaving starting school later than what I currently do would lead me to be a more proactive student.

    I am heavily sleep deprived, I rarely actually sleep before 12am, but I’ve gotten used to it nevertheless. I feel being a student, this is far longer than I should. I would consider this a mix of procrastination and overall disinterest in school work. In fact, those very rare days in which I actually sleep before the early parts of mornings, I have a feeling of discomfort when awaking from that sleep. This causes a desire to have a much more adept sleeping pattern.

    There are tons of benefits and disadvantages to having school start later such as at 9:30.
    A major advantage to occur is that students and teachers will be more prepared for their day and will be more attentive to doing their jobs. A disadvantage would be that time in which students are dismissed would also be pushed forward and this will lead to a heavier intervening in studies. While those are some of the advantages and disadvantages I would nevertheless consider the overall benefits to be generally positive.

    I support Jilly Dos Santos’ idea to push school back. As a person who is likewise heavily sleep deprived upon seeing that, I felt nothing but heavy agreement and understanding. I think sleep is wondrous and any idea supporting those ideals I would consider something for the betterment of the US education system. Although making school an hour later would not post much of a drastic change as, it’s more like “time” went forward an hour, same amount of work, but the extra hour would provide one with less of a chance of being tired.

    ~ Dawson McThay PD. 4

    1. Moises Perez A5/B5

      While having school start earlier may give students and teachers more time to prepare for their school day, I don't believe that school should start earlier. If school started earlier, then your schedule that you took so long to develop will go to waste. The problem that you are dealing with is not getting enough sleep. I do agree that we don't get enough sleep, but it's just something you have to get used to. This is how your daily life will be when you get a job, unless you get a certain job that lets you work from home

  21. Written by Jor-El Santos - Period 4 Honors English

    I am a freshman at UIC College Prep. This means that I am still not used to do the time schedule. At UIC College Prep, school begins officially at 8 a.m. I usually get to school at 7:45. This causes me to wake up early. In the morning, I start to get extra tired. This ruins the outcome of my whole day. I suffer in school till 3:50 p.m. As you can see, school lasts for seven hours. I do not agree with my school schedule. ‘

    My school day should start later. I do not enjoy waking up in the morning. I am in the worst mood in the morning, and that mood will affect my school day. If I wake up later, I am sure that I will be in a great mood. Although waking up early is one of my weaknesses, I would agree to start school at my usual schedule, but I would like to leave school earlier. If I get to leave school earlier, I will be able to finish my homework earlier. If this happens, I will be able to get more sleep. I will no longer be sleep deprived.

    I absolutely hate waking up early. Although you can get so much done in the morning, in my world, my day does not officially start until 9 a.m unless it is a school day. I will always be tired if I wake up before 8 a.m. and if I slept late, I will feel even more horrible in the morning. With all this morning that I am receiving at school, I finish all of it past 9 p.m. This causes me to become sleep deprived. I am not ready for the day when I wake up. I believe that students are being more stressed because they do not get enough sleep. This is a reason why school times should change.

    If school began at later times, then students will be able to get the sleep that they need. With all this sleep, kids will be more motivated to attend school. This energy will cause students to perform well in school. Motivation is what these students need. To get this motivation, we need more sleep. To get more sleep, schools need to start at later times. The only downside is that teachers might not be able to teach everything in their lesson plan. Classes will become very short and concise, instead of being long and detailed.

    If students have big problems against school times, then they should speak up. I believe the campaign that Jilly Dos Santos led, inspired people to talk about their issues with the school’s decisions. Jilly had a problem with the start times to the point where she could no longer handle it. She spoke up and now she received what she wanted because of the amount of effort that she put in. She is no longer sleep deprived and is going to school with motivation.

    1. As a freshman myself I can certainly agree with that point. Waking up at such times very early in the morning it becomes very difficult. I feel utterly horrible upon waking up early in the morning. I am tired, I don’t want to go to school and I even sometimes want to sleep. It is a complete struggle. I also certainly agree that such students should speak up and not allow themselves to be treated based on how others prefer.

      ~ Dawson McThay PD. 4

    2. Gabriela Marin
      English P.4
      I agree with Jor- El because there are amny people who can relate that not having enough sleep can affect the way you de during school. Also, with more sleep students can be more motivated to do much better in school because they will be rested and ready.

  22. Jazmyne Palacios

    Honors English,P:4.

    The time my school starts is approximately at 8:00A.M but we’re expected to come earlier than that time. The school time end at 3:50 PM (sadly). School should be starting at a later period of time, due to me being sleep deprived this whole year and probably other students. Another reason to back it up is a lot of people get home late, due to staying later after school or transportation, so people cram the homework throughout the night and stay up late to finish it. Which leads to waking up extremely tired.

    I would really hope for my school day to start later than what it is. The only daily schedule I like is Friday’s because my school gets out at 1:20PM which I extremely enjoy and love, and wish would happen everyday of the school year. The best fitted time to start school is about 9:30AM-2:30Pm. I think I would still learn a lot.

    I think it’s obvious starting school at an earlier does make me sleep deprived. I always come back home so tired and try to finish up all my homework just in time to get a good nights rest. I do stay up sometimes, depending on how tired or energetic I am, but still it doesn’t make a difference to me because when I go to sleep earlier and wake up I feel more tired than going to sleep late and waking up.

    Benefits to starting school at a later time would be getting at least enough sleep and probably getting to school on time, (because if school started earlier you can possibly oversleep). I think the disadvantages would be getting home later, than usual time and still having to do uncompleted tasks.

    She felt it was necessary , she wanted later hours to benefit students. Also, she’s been through what many teenagers experience and still do experience today. Jilly knew what she doing with this campaign of the time management of schools.

    1. Yadira Saldierna
      Period 4

      I absolutely agree with you. I think that school days should start later. Getting more sleep is really beneficial to students and really anyone. Teachers and other staff will also get advantages for the days starting later on week days for school. School should be pushed back or shortened.

    2. Isabella Velazquez
      Ms. Wright P:5

      I disagree with you I do not think that our day should start later because if we start later than we alos get out later. My ideal day would be if we started later and got out at the same time that we usually do but that is not going to happen. So, if I were to settle for an option I would rather start early and get out early. Yes, we might be sleep deprived but when you get out of school you can take a small nap and then get up and do all of your homework.

    3. Gabriela Marin
      English P.4
      I agree with you because there are a lot of students who have to stay after school at times or get home by transportation and that does take time for people. If students are taking time from staying after school or getting home it causes them to go home late and stay up late at night.

  23. Yadira Saldierna
    Ms. Wright
    Period 4

    Sleep is a very important thing. Sleep is required for a person so they can concentrate and focus. Also if people aren’t fully grown yet, sleep helps them to get rest so they can develop their bodies and minds healthily, Changing when school begins can really help students. Also changing the time can really mess up other things in student’s lives. Things are so organized now that it seems almost pointless to make a change.

    At the moment my days usually start at 5:30am and I get to school around 7;30am each day. Class starts at 8:00am. I attend school until 3:50pm. Then I get home and have to eat, shower, and do homework. I usually go to sleep around 10pm on average. I feel tired at school and it’s sometimes hard to focus. I think by sleeping more, then i people would be able to accomplish more during school hours.

    The advantages of starting the day later would be to make sure students are ready to start a long day of work. If the day were to start later, then would the school day end, even later? The most likely answer is yes. If this happens then the same feeling we all get would be the same. Work and school schedules are very similar, if we changed starting and ending times for school, it would be hard to get used to our work schedule as adults.

    A better solution for school hours would be to limit class times and classes available. Maybe by making classes a bit shorter than school days will end sooner and allow students to sleep earlier. Then Jilly Dos Santos did this because she wanted the later hours to benefit students because of their busy schedules. She feels that people could really do better if they get more sleep. I agree with her and think that there should be some changes.

    We all need sleep, we need energy to do things. Changes should definitely be made in order to make students successful people. If getting a few more a=hours of sleep is going to help someone, then these adjustments should be made to assure that students will be able to be more prepared and focus for the school day.

  24. Victor Villanueva
    Ms wright
    English P4

    Many school boards have trouble deciding weather to start school at an earlier of about 7 a.m or later until about 8-9 a.m , this is not really a choice in my school since we have to be ready to go I our seats by 8 a.m , however , if I had a choice I would most likely chose to start school at a later time ,but it will all depend to how it will impact our schedules .

    The first main topic is that it will definitely depend on how it will affect our schedule , for example if our school were to start at 8:30-9:00 a.m and it will still end at the same time I will totally agree with with school starting at a later time , because it will decrease our school time and it would probably give us some extra time to sleep ,therefore, we would be more prepared for the day that is to come in our school day.

    if we were to start school at a later time and still be able to leave at the same time we would win incredible benefits , however these benefits will have a lot of contributing factors that will go along with them , for example if one night ( in our regular school schedule ) have a lot of homework and studying to do for a test next day , starting the school day at a later time will benefit us do to the fact that we would be able to study more and yet we will still be able to get at least some sleep and also we wouldn’t be as frustrated for the next day . the probabilities of doing better in school will definitely improve.

    besides being able to get more sleep and other benefits , starting school earlier is leading a lot of people to be sleep deprived and being sleep deprived could lead to a bad day in school or even for kids to skip school , besides the student will probably get punished for not being able to sleep do to the fact of too much homework or studying to do. one of the most controversial problems that starting school at an earlier time is causing for some teens and students specially in college is that they become drug addicts, there is a drug that some teens use to help them stay awake and study for long periods of time which could lead to horrible side effects.

    In conclusion I believe that the school day should start at a later time do to the fact that students could highly benefit from it , it would most likely improve their performance , and finally it could save many teens from using certain drugs to stay awake to study and it will save many people from being sleep deprived . besides that I believe that Jilly Dos santos did a good job in bringing the point up.

    1. Isabella Velazquez
      Ms. Wright P:5

      I agree with you completely because I think that if we were to start at a later time and get out at the same time people would be a lot happy. I completely agree with you when you say that other than having more sleep there can also be a lot of negative consequences with it like students still not going to sleep on time. In my opinion if the school day were to start later I would not have a problem if we got out at the same time not any time later either.

  25. Destini Steward
    Ms. Wright
    Honors English Pd. 5
    26 March 2014

    My school day begins at 7-50-8:00. That is the time period within we have to be at school to not be considered tardy. I do not consider this fair. This is much too early in the morning. Being that I wake up at 6:45, and try my best to be walking by &:30, I don’t get to school until about 7:55. If the school day was to start later, I would not have to rush to get up, or things of the sort.
    I think the school day should start later, because it would benefit most students. As a well known fact, teenagers go to sleep late, and wake up late too. Later school would benefit majority of students in a school facility. If there was later school, most would think we would have to get out later. Being that we are already in school 50 minutes past what is actually mandatory, I believe the most we would get is possibly extra time in PM advisory.

    An early start time is leaving me sleep deprived. I generally do not fall asleep until 12am through 1am; I wake up at 6 am. If we started later, I would not have to rise so early. An earlier start time is also a good idea, because certain students wake up earlier in the morning to finish their homework. Overall, a later start is a great idea.

    The most important benefits of a later day would be students would be able to wake up later, and would be able to participate more in school. Being the students would have extra time to sleep, students wouldn’t be so cranky, and would be more lively in school. A major con would be we may have to stay in school a little longer. Since we are in school 50 minutes longer than required, I doubt we would be in school much longer than usual.

    I think Jilly Dos Santos’s campaign was a good idea and she had good intentions, but it may have been a little inappropriate. Jilly started her campaign because she was oversleeping and racing to get to school. I understand Jilly wanted school to begin later, but she should not have made a petition for this because she was doing it for selfish reasons. Jilly Santos is still a teenager, so she wants to sleep later.I feel Jilly’s campaign was slightly inappropriate.

  26. Isabella Velazquez
    Ms. Wright P:5

    My school days starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:50 this is only if I do not stay for office hours after school or if I get LaSalle. I get to school everyday at 7:30 or 7:40 the latest. On a regular school day I get to school go to advisory for 10 minutes then go to my first class. Our classes are 75 minutes long. Within each one of our classes we having passing periods ,which are 5 minutes. We have to be in our next class seated and working on our do now by the bell. This is how it is all day except for lunch. Once we are dismissed at the end of the day from advisory we either are on our way home, office hours, sports, or LaSalle. With LaSalle and office hours you stay after school for about an extra hour to an hour and a half. With sports it really all depends on your instructor. From their that is when we are dismissed from school fully.

    I do not think that our school should start later because I would not like the fact that I would get out a lot later than usual. I do not mind getting up in the morning and getting ready for school but I think this is because I go to school everyday that is has just become a natural thing to me. I would love to be able to sleep for a couple extra minutes but I do not mind that I do not get them. If losing a little amount of sleep means getting out of school like usual or even maybe a little bit earlier than it is all worth it.

    An early start time is not leaving me sleep deprived at all. I think that if I did it would only be on some days that I do not go to sleep as soon as i'm suppose to. On these days I do feel sleep deprived because I have no energy at all and I feel like falling asleep in class. There are some days that I do stay up longer than I am suppose to and I wake up a lot more energetic than on other days that I get plenty of sleep. I would not like to wake up later because then I would just rather stay in bed then get up and go to school.

    I think the most important benefits would be students would be less sleepy during their day. With this they can be more alert in class and they could possibly participate more. A disadvantage would be students would go to sleep even later because they know they can wake up later. Overall it really does not benefit students at all because they will still be tired and being tired and lazy does not help you at all in school. It is just going to make you less focused in school and not attentive.

    I think that what Jilly did was smart on her part. I would not want to attend school at 7:20 am. If this was the case then I would do the exact same thing Jilly did. If my day started at 8:00 am I would be fine with it because it is not too early but it is not too late. If we did start at 8:00 am then we would get out at around 3:00 pm and this is better than waking up later and getting out at around 4:00 pm. If you get up earlier then you get out earlier but if you wake up later than you are going to get out later.

  27. Estrella Olivares
    Period 4

    My school day starts at 8 am every morning and it ends at 3:50pm every afternoon except Fridays. Monday through Friday , advisory is 10 minutes in the morning. Monday through Thursday, advisory in the afternoon is 30 minutes. Advisory in the afternoon on Friday is 55 minutes long. We have to spend 7 hours and 50 minutes in school every week day except Friday, which is 5 hours and 30 minutes.
    In the beginning of freshman year, I used to hate my schedule. Never in my life did I have to wake up so early to get ready to go somewhere. If i had the chance to change my schedule in the end of August, I would’ve changed it in a heart beat. Now, I got used to my schedule. I don’t have a hard time waking up and getting ready to leave my house to come to school. I’m starting to like my daily schedule.
    Students here in UICCP get about 3 hours of homework. There are students that like to slack off when it comes to homework and leave it for the last minute, like me. I start my homework at around 9pm. Due to that, I sleep at around midnight. I only sleep 6 hours when I’m suppose to sleep 8-10 hours. I guess you can say that I stay up later than what I should.
    There is benefits and disadvantages of starting school later. The benefit of starting school later would be that we would have more time to sleep and we would go to school more energized. The disadvantage of starting school later would be that we would have to get out of school really late. If we were to start school later, we won’t be able to spend as much time at home and do the things we want.
    I believe the campaign that Jilly Dos Santos led was reasonable. Waking up at 5 or 6 am is really hard. If its easy to make the day start earlier, then it must be really easy to change the day to start later. There’s nothing wrong with having to go to school a little bit later. Changing the start time of school to later will be beneficial for both students and teachers.

    1. John Capers
      Period A/B5

      You go to bed around midnight. I am impressed especially if you can get it done around the three hour mark. But try throwing in a few honor classes that give more homework than usual. Now I don't slack, I come home and do homework after thirty minutes of relaxing. I get home usually at 5:00 or 6:30 and I start at seven o'clock. My bed time is 2:00 am. I have to say that you make a good point with getting used to the schedule. I am too used to it, but I do not prefer it because I know I can perform better with more sleep. Overall good paper.

  28. John Capers
    Ms. Wright
    Period A/B5

    My tiresome school schedule starts at 8:00 am, the time needed to be in advisory before the bell. But unofficially my school schedule can start from around seven or even six in the morning. My end of the day is officially stated to be around 3:30, but in truth my school schedule ends at around five o’clock or 6:30 pm due to extracurricular activities. Then I will need to, with much reluctance, begin homework which can take 3+ hours to do. So as one can tell, I probably don’t get much sleep. I have to say I get about four hours of sleep each school night.

    I think my school day should start later. Especially since we do so much homework and doesn’t get that much sleep. It will be a good balance so that we can do our work and get the rest that we need, because I know people who stay up even later to do homework, which is why I said we and not I. I can see what this school is trying to teach in a quick, effortless way of being a college student who also doesn’t get enough sleep due to homework or procrastination, but we are still kids. I will, with no hesitation, vote for later school schedule. I and other students, who want to do well in school, need this rest because we can do even better than we previously were with the regular schedule.

    I can definitely say that I am sleep deprived because of the early schedule. I have to come to school at 7:50 am because after that it’s ten minutes to go to our lockers, get our stuff, and get in the first period class. But what if we’re late? I take public transportation and one time the bus I was riding broke down and I had to wait a long time for the next bus and by the time I arrived I was late. No excuses and it was an understandable excuse too, they just brushed it off and said you tardy. The time I usually go to sleep is about 2:00 am and that is if I don’t have much homework and that is not the case. Sometimes I go to be an hour or two hours before school and I get up, go to school, leave home and do it all over again. The only time I get the adequate sleep that I need is on the weekend and on breaks, also on days when there is little homework.

    I think one advantage is that the teens or kids will get enough sleep as to work productively throughout the day. In the article, there is actually evidence of the teens’ grades and participation in class increasing with a later start time; in addition, the research shows that there is less accidents in car crashes by teens who drive. A disadvantage is that there might not be time for extracurricular activities; fortunately, I have a solution to this disadvantage. While during school, why not let the kids have an extracurricular class and/ or study hall for the kids to work on homework. So far that is the only disadvantage that I believe can easily be fixed.

    I really love that she did it. I respect her fully because I can relate to her situation and reasoning behind her actions. She, obviously, has power in “student politics” as in she can probably be one of the best students who can convince the Board of Education or whoever controls the education in a region, to change their minds of a decision affecting the students negatively. Jilly Dos Santos is almost like a hero to the students of her school and as she continues to fight for student privileges and rights with a reasonable mind set, she can be a hero to the students of this entire nation.

    1. I agree with you on how after starting school very early and having to go home for 3 or more hours can be really stressful. Starting school later will make us better students.

    2. Comment by Anthony Guerrero ^

  29. Andres Davalos
    My school day for me starts at 7:50am everyday, and it ends at 3:50pm. My personal day doesn’t start at 7:50am it starts at 5:16am in the morning and i am up and ready in the shower and getting any final homework that i left out before i went to sleep. This might only happen to me but i live far and with this time that school starts i won’t be able to leave home at 7am to get there at 7:50 or so. My day is composed of 75 minute classes and that is a long time to think, but when i finish homework late i won’t be attentive and ready to do school work right away the very next day. Even though now in my school year i should be used to it but in reality because of daylight savings time my times have changed and i don’t have time for anything anymore.
    I think my school day should start at least at 8:30 and end around 4pm because of the fact that i can get more sleep. Even more of us students will be more ready, we won’t have any excuse for not having our homework or even get good grades. If the school day starts later we will all be expected to have a real hard work ready for us but we will have better participation. If my school day continues the same way i will be frustrated because of the fact that i am a good student but i need to get on track of myself. Now a day i have black bags and i am really tired, but i always do my best and get good grades.
    Yes it is because i usually woke up at 6:55am, but to this day it has made me change the time i do homework and the way i do my everyday life. Even though i struggle a lot i only expect to try my best but hopefully the time for school would be pushed back so i could be up and ready for the very next day. I am not staying up later because i usually do my algebra first and then every other subject next. I always struggle to act SMART in class but i will always make the best of what i have. Going to school isn’t my favorite but with all that i learn and i am very productive to get ahead in life and go to college.
    Later start time doesn't exist because of the fact that teachers don’t want to give the students a chance to do homework. This is correct because students are suppose to do things at home, but the fact that teachers and the staff believe that they want their students to get out earlier they expect them to do their best. Starting later brings more sleep and relaxation for all of the students especially me. The disadvantages is that we are going to get out later in the day. Another problem might be that we might have higher expectations and the consequences for breaking rules will be higher in life.
    I have to agree with Jilly Dos Santos and how she was able to push back the time and make the people understand that students have a different body wakings in the life. I really like how she never backed down and she fought for them to understand. Because of her campaign it has made other campaigns for all of the other schools to take in the idea of earlier startings. I believe that Jilly had a productive mindset and now i will also try to push back the starting school time because a lot of us students are waking up earlier and struggling to get to school earlier. I see that with a positive mindset people can get ahead in life and they will make a change that nobody has ever wanted to face.

    1. Although I did disagree with some points that you said, overall you made very good points and I would have to agree with you on your topics.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    2. Moises Perez A5/B5

      I see that you are struggling Andres, but all you need is some help. Being a little sleep deprived isn't at all bad. I believe that 4 hours of sleep is just enough to get be ready for the next day. Instead of moving the start time of school to a later time, why not just give students less homework. Homework will be easier to be dealt with, leaving us with more time to sleep.

  30. School starts at 8:00 a.m. and should end around 3:50 p.m. This makes this become unreasonable because this makes the average teen to oversleep and not get enough time rest and sleep and become late to school. This also will make the student more likely to get bad grades of the lack of focus and concentration and the parents more likely to get into accidents when they rush to get their child on time for school. Our schedule is that we have 70 minutes per period, 25 minutes for lunch, 10 minutes for morning advisory, and 25 minutes for afternoon advisory. The good thing is the we get time to go home early on Fridays.

    School days should definitely start later around 9:00a.m because it gives the student more time to sleep and the parents less time to rush in traffic. Also, the school days should at 2:30p.m because when parents get their or the child takes the bus it makes less traffic than getting out around 4:00p.m where there is way more traffic than usual. Also, afterschool programs will start earlier because of the change and end earlier making that child to have more time to do homework later. I really don’t my schedule because their really no purpose to have an hour and additional ten minutes it should only an hour and the lunch is too short.

    Yes, an earlier time is leaving my sleeping still throughout the morning. I say this because I go to sleep early on even on time because when the morning hits I become sleepy still, and I have to wake up earlier than the average person because I live farther away from my high school. Even though I sleep late sometimes I feel well rested or exhaustion when I wake up I’m not just a morning person that loves getting up at 5:50 a.m changing the time to 9:00a.m would be more reasonable for me;

    The benefits of a later start time for school would be more rest for the student, as a result, getting better grades in school. Parents wouldn’t have to rush to get their child to school because of morning traffic. Teachers would have to depend on that extra set of coffee to stay up making less caffeine in their body. Some disadvantages of going to school late are probably getting less homework done in class or school. In certain schools, they might make dismissal time to be late.

    I actually sees Jilly’s point to try to make it on time for school, but cannot make that goal. I felt that it was unfair that her school make the start time to be even earlier if students like Jilly struggle really hard to make it on time for school. I think that Jilly’s school should reconsider the start time for her school because many teens struggle to make it on time for school and sacrifice important thing that they need throughout the day like skipping breakfast, which is bad and can that people become sluggish throughout the day.

  31. Written by: Remi Moy

  32. My school day starts at 8:00AM and ends at 4:00AM. While I don't like school ending so late, I believe the timeframe of school is well placed. Teachers even disapproved of this with the widely-protested event, which was the CPS protest in 2013. Teachers and their schedules, which were already hectic enough, were outraged of no raise and more hours to work. UIC College Prep starts late enough that I would prefer the start time over most CPS schools' schedules, which are pretty unreasonable.

    The current time my school day is good enough for me. I wouldn't want to change when I start school, as getting to school earlier would make me very tired. My current schedule already works well for what I do after school. Any shift in schedule for school would make my tiring day even more tiring. It wouldn't make sense to have tired students come to school even more tired.

    When I start school, I'm usually tired from little sleep. I don't think the time I start school is what actually makes me tired. On most days, I come home from school and take a three hour nap that makes me wake up at 7:00PM. You can imagine that I don't finish homework early. Combined with the heavy homework loads the students receive daily, most of my friends and I stay up until 2:00AM or so working on homework; a majority of my classmates come in with no energy most days as well. Staying up late is no longer something I would want to do like I did in middle school, I just want a lot of sleep.

    The most important benefit of a later start time of school would definitely have to be energy. You would be able to wake up later from a longer night of sleep, which gives you more energy. A huge disadvantage of having a later start time would mean that the school day ends much later. By ending late in the afternoon means that people wouldn’t have many opportunities to do things they like or go hang out anywhere, just homework. If you’re someone who leaves school at 7:00PM and sleeps around 9:00PM, you can say goodbye to talking to your friends or playing that new game you just bought.

    I believe the campaign that Jilly Dos Santos pulled off to push her start time was pretty humble. Although people expect the school to keep the new earlier start time, it’s fairly surprising the school changed the start time to become later in the day. Schools are pretty ignorant of students’ perspectives, but not the school district that Santos dealt with. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was any backlash, like the school day ending later or make-up days later on. Making school slightly longer doesn’t really add too much to education.

    Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

    1. John Capers
      Period A/B5

      I guess I can agree with your reasoning on liking the schedule. But that is your experience, for me I would like to start later. I have this thing where I trained my body to go without sleep, but that is taking a toll on me as I have to push myself constantly through the day to stay awake. A later school date will only prove that the person can be adaptable in with the new change. So, personally, it might look good seeing that this person can adapt under such drastic change.

    2. Although I did disagree with some points that you said, overall you made very good points and I would have to agree with you on your topics.

      // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

  33. Anthony Guerrero

    Honors English Pd 5

    My school starts at 8:00 and ends at 3:50. I believe that this is a completely fair amount of time for it to start because some schools start even earlier than ours. Some other schools last longer than ours even though we start at the same time. The only thing I don’t really like is how long our classes are from day to day. Or how we have algebra every single day. Other than that, the school’s starting time is pretty good for me, so is the time we get out.

    I would want the school day to start later because if we have more rest, we’ll be more awake for the school. We would be able to wake up at eight a.m and still feel well rested and ready for the day. There wouldn’t be students who fall asleep in class or never have enough time to eat breakfast in the morning. No kid should ever be late to school because they’ll have more than enough time to get there. There would be many benefits for starting school later.

    An early time is leaving me deprived. I start to feel more tired day after day because I go to sleep late but wake up early. Not having enough sleep stresses me out through the whole, which affects my learning throughout the day. I’m not the only teen that feels this way about being sleep deprived. There are hundreds of other students who feel the exact same way as me.

    Some great advantages of starting school late would being able to get better grades in school. Students would actually be able to concentrate in class and learn better. Students would also be less stressed from school and more willing to do all their homework. But the disadvantages is that some kids will just keep doing their homework the last minute they have. Some teens will just never learn and will take advantages of the new time.

    I think that she made a pretty good point about being afraid of being late to school. A lot of the demerits that come from my school is from being late to class or not making it on time. If some kids would just be able to have a couple of minutes of time before school starts it would be better. Teens would have more time to get prepared before school even starts. To conclude, I believe that starting the school day later would be beneficial to a teenagers life in school.

    1. I agree with you about Jilly making a pretty good point. Jilly probably is going through a lot of things just like the people of our school. The board has to understand that sometimes getting on time to school can't be accomplished. With the school starting later I think its safe to that the students tardiness will decrease and getting to school in time can be possible.

      Felipe Islas P5

  34. At UICCP, our school day officially starts at 8 AM. Our schedules consist of a 10 minute/30 minutes and morning/afternoon advisories. Our lunch time is 25 minutes. There are 7 hours and 50 minutes within the entire school day.

    The time that our school starts school remain the same. The point of a college preparatory high school , hence UIC College Prep, is to prepare student for college. If school time starts later in the day, the student will be adjusted to that schedule over a period of four years. College classes normally start early, and if students are adjusted to a new schedule, then their hours of sleep will be malfunctioned and they won’t be able to be fully awake/energetic to start school.

    I’d like to think I’m sleep deprived, due to the fact that my middle school did not give the same amount of homework that UIC does now. I used to go to sleep around 10 o’clock, but now I go to sleep around 2 AM - 3 AM. I definitely do not think this is an appropriate time for a person my age to be going to sleep; but I do think that it will help me be prone to taking in large amount of homework in college.

    The pros to starting school later in the day is students have a little bit more time to sleep in. School spend a lot of time doing their homework at night; having more time to sleep would be a benefit to their health. Disadvantages to starting late would could possibly involve the school ending at 5 PM or 6 PM. Their could be other pros and cons, but these would be the most significant.

    Although Jilly’s campaign was a great way to advocate for tired students, I think that she should adjust her schedule. Our school starts at 8AM, and the majority of students arrive at around 7:30 AM. Jilly’s school doesn’t discipline them enough to where they are able to adjust to a proper school schedule.

    // Joel M. Valdez, Period 5 //

    1. I disagree with you about adjusting to schedule. You have no idea what Jilly's life is like. She probably lives far from her school, gets a lot of homework, and probably has family issues. People in our school that arrive at 7:30 am are the ones that live close to the school. You have no idea how people manage their lives and my word is mange your own don't try to tell people how to manage theirs.

      Felipe Islas P5

  35. My school day starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:50 pm. Everyone’s schedule is different and mostly people bearly have time to do anything except homework, enrichment and service hours. Although school starts at 8:00 am people arrive much earlier to get extra help on the homework. People also stay later for to an sorts of things like Office Hours, La Salle, Night School, Discipline Class, S.T.A.R.S, and sometimes mandatory band or choir concerts. The schedule all depends on the person. People with all or some Honors classes get a lot of homework and that makes their schedule a little tight.

    I think that my school start later because I’m not just speaking for my myself I think I’m speaking of others as well, people in this school work hard every day, in school and at home.The students at my school nearly kill themselves just to get the homework done. I know taht some of my classmates don’t get enough sleep. I remember this time I had walk my friend to his locker just to make sure he wouldn’t faint. Another reason why I think school should start later because since the homework is a lot we got to have some time to finish it before class.

    Right now I’m not really sleep deprived because of my schedule but I can’t say the same for others since I know that some of my classmates are really sleep deprived and I think they would appreciate an extra hour or two of sleep. I think this would benefit me as well because although I don’t stay up late in school days I have to wake up really early because I live far away from my school and others do to. I think that by starting school later students would pay attention more in class, actually do their homework correctly, and they would actually get the required eight hours of sleep. So far I think that I’m the only one that actually get my eight hours, sometimes I get even more,

    The benefits of having school start later is the amount of sleep someone gets. In my school I have a friend that failed all his classes, dropped all of his honors classes, and now has to stay in after school to take make up classes. All just because of not getting enough sleep. This use to effect me in the beginning of my freshmen year of high school. People had told me that every freshmen goes through the same thing. I sort of believed them at first but as months started passing I then started wondering is its just the way when school starts. Now the my schedule changed I don’t really face those problems anymore but I know a lot of people that still do and they are doing terrible at school. The disadvantages would be that school would end later. I know people don’t want to come early to school, but they also don’t want to end school later either. I guess this is a win-lose situation.

    I think that I agree with Jilly bring her complaint to the board and asking them to change it. I wish that all schools in america, especially high schools, should start later than 9 pm. Having them push back to school opening will not only give students the benefits of finally having a complete eight hour sleep, but it will also help them academicly. Having eight hours of sleep will help students stay awake in school. Also it will decrease the tardy rate. Students wont have to worry about not getting to class on time.

    Felipe Islas P5

  36. Carlos Laureano
    Period 4

    My school day starts at 7:50 am and ends at 4 pm. I do not like my schedule right now because of I feel it’s too long . I live near midway airport so I need to wake up around 5-6, to even be on time for school. Also, at UICCP we receive at least 2-3 hours of homework daily. once the school day is over if we have after school activities such as enrichment, this is more time we spend at school. If the school day started later, I would be less sleep deprived which may result in better grades.

    A later time is leaving me sleep deprived. There are some days where we receive a lot of homework, since it takes longer to finish I have to stay up later to finish it. During weekdays I don’t choose to stay up later for example staying late on social media, I just end up staying late to finish homework.

    The benefits of a later time would be more sleep for students. These would bring multiple benefits. one benefit is if kids are sleeping more they wouldn’t be sleep deprived which would help them perform better in school. Also if kids had more sleep, they wouldn’t be as cranky in the morning, and would come to school in a positive mood ready to learn. The disadvantages are to make up the time lost, the school may give more homework. If the school gave more homework we would have to stay up even later to finish the homework, which would not solve the problem.

    I believe what Jilly Dos Santos is doing is great. She’s helping school officials realize how tired and overworked students are, and if we had more sleep how good the benefits would be. If her school district passes the later time, it may set a chain-reaction to other school districts. They may consider pushing back the time, which in the end could help multiple students.

    In conclusion, I believe pushing back the time would bring multiple benefits. If kids are well-rested and ready for school, there’s a chance we would see a grade increase. If kids are performing better in school, they will be smarter which in the end is positive. Also, if teachers are not sleep deprived, they will be able to teach students to the best of their abilities. Lastly, If students are not sleep deprived school would be a much more enjoyable experience.

  37. DeNyah Russell
    4th Period

    My normal school day starts at 8:00 am on the dot and ends at 3:50 pm. On Fridays, my school day begins at 8:00 am, as usual, and ends at 1:20 pm. I think think that my school day starts right on time and ends right on time. I think that making it to school at 8:00 is good, because I’m awake and somewhat alert, because I would be up about two hours before getting ready. Leaving school at 3:50 is also good, because I am able to leave school at a time where I am able to finish my homework and get to bed on time.

    Honestly, with UICCP, it’s both. I have to wake up early in order to get to school on time, and most days I am going to sleep late, because I leave school around 4 pm, and I don’t get home until about 5 or 6 pm. Adding on to those late times for getting home, I also have to eat, shower, and do homework. I am usually up until about 12. I wake up at 5 am, so I am definitely sleep deprived.

    Benefits of going to school at a later time is that the student’s will be more wide awake. If the students are wide awake, hat means that they’re ready learn. Also, students will have homework done more often. Students will be able to get more sleep, so they won’t just brush off the homework because they are tired. The downfall of coming to school later is getting home later. Students will most likely be sleepy when they get home, and on top of that, there is homework for them to do.

    I think Jill is really on to something. She has the right idea for sleep deprived students. I’m pretty sure we all feel the way she felt when her school wanted to make school start earlier. The first thing that comes to the teenage mind when bad things are happening at school is to drop out. I think that making schools start later will make students more engaged in school and not have that drop-out mindset.

    1. I agree that the time it takes to get home and the time we get out adds to the sleep deprived number of students.

      dennis Kramer period 4

  38. My school starts at 8am, and I believe it ends at 3:30pm. If you are not in your classroom by 8 am, they give you demerits. The amount of demerits they give you depends on how many minutes you are late. I am not sure on the exact amount of demerits, but after 8:04 you get four demerits. Four demerits gets you a detention.

    I believe that my current school start time is alright, and I don't think it should start earlier. I don't find it really hard to get to school on time, but it is frustrating. I live far away from my school, so I get home late because I have to take the bus and train. If school started later, then school will end later also. This means that I will get home even late with very little time to complete my homework. I will have to stay up until like 4:00 am in the morning to finish my homework.

    Getting up early is leaving me a little sleep deprived. I hate waking up in the morning when I didn’t get enough sleep the night before. I sometimes am so tired that I start sleeping in the shower. I stay up late to do my homework to avoid getting LaSalle, and also to improve my grades overall. I find it a bit impossible to do my homework right when I get home from school, for I am exhausted when I get home from school and sometimes decide to take a nap.

    One benefit from a later start time for school would be that students will be more energized during school. Students will be able to use the extra time to properly wake up and get properly prepared for their day. However, how are we gonna be so sure that students will use this extra time to properly prepare for school? Some disadvantages of a later start time of school include the problem of not being able to complete homework without staying up so late. If you are like me and live far away from your school, you get home pretty late. This leaves you with very little time to complete your homework without sleeping while doing it.

    The campaign that Jilly Dos Santos shows that lots of teens are losing sleep and it really affects how they perform in everyday tasks. It will be a pretty good idea to try, but right now I am pretty ok with the time my school starts. I don’t feel like adjusting again, for it is pretty hard adjusting to something new when you were so used to your daily life. I hope Jilly Dos Santos has solved her problems with sleep deprivation. Her campaign will help bring awareness to those who don’t understand how hard the life of a high schooler.

  39. Gabriela Marin
    English P.4

    The time my school starts is at 6 am because I live a little far from my school, so I have to be up and ready to get to school. The time I have to be at school is at 7:50 am because the classes start at 8 am sharp and if you don’t want to get demerits for being tardy you have to be there at 7:50 am. The time at school ends is at 4:00 pm, but usually for me it ends around 5pm or sometimes 5:30pm depending on the day. School hours are something that sometimes that I can't really agree on because it sometimes take ups too much time from peoples days.
    I think that school should start much later because there are some students who have sports or hobbies that they do through the week and sometimes have a lot of homework to complete. If the school hour started much later students would be able to have at least one more hour to be able sleep if they stay up late to do homework because they have practice on a sport. I don’t really like my school schedule and I do wish that it would be changed because there are things or activities I want to participate and i can’t because there isn’t a lot of time I can spare. If the schools hours changed there would be more students that could join more activities after school or simply be engaged with other outside activities.
    An early time is leaving me with a feeling that I still need to sleep because there are times where i have a lot of algebra homework and i don't finish it fast because i don't want to get a lasalle. At times i go to school really tired and sometimes sleepy because i didn't sleep as much at night as i was supposed to. I do stay up at night a little longer than i need to be and it’s not because of watching tv or being on the internet, but because i have homework that i do. There are many students that go through the same thing because what student does their homework in an hour and actually does it good. What schools don’t know is that there are many students that take a little longer than usual on homework and may not finish in 1-2 hours.
    The benefits that the school starts much later is there is more time for students to be able to rest and go in a good mood to school. Moreover, there could be more time where students can be able to prepare themselves for school and not be tardy for school. Especially if the students live far away from the school they will be able to have more time to get to school and not wake up really early just to get to school on time. I think the disadvantages would be that the student may come put more late from school because i don't think the schools would want to cut down the hours of school in the day. Also, if the school would start much later i guess it would make it worse because i think not a lot of students would want to stay extra late at school.
    I agree with the campaign started with Jilly because a lot of students are already stressed with things going on school and if they participate in an afterschool event it would be much harder for them to be able to manage their time. I guess that Jilly has many points in where a lot of students need more time to themselves because they need time to themselves where they can think through their time management and get rest.

    1. Jazmin Juarez
      I like how you mentioned that school can end around 5:30. I agree with the fact of staying up to do algebra homework to not get lasalle. I see your point on why school should start latter; however I do not necessary have teh same problem. Over all I liked the format of this essay.

  40. My school starts at 8am, and I believe it ends at 3:30pm. If you are not in your classroom by 8 am, they give you demerits. The amount of demerits they give you depends on how many minutes you are late. I am not sure on the exact amount of demerits, but after 8:04 you get four demerits. Four demerits gets you a detention.

    I believe that my current school start time is alright, and I don't think it should start earlier. I don't find it really hard to get to school on time, but it is frustrating. I live far away from my school, so I get home late because I have to take the bus and train. If school started later, then school will end later also. This means that I will get home even late with very little time to complete my homework. I will have to stay up until like 4:00 am in the morning to finish my homework.

    Getting up early is leaving me a little sleep deprived. I hate waking up in the morning when I didn’t get enough sleep the night before. I sometimes am so tired that I start sleeping in the shower. I stay up late to do my homework to avoid getting LaSalle, and also to improve my grades overall. I find it a bit impossible to do my homework right when I get home from school, for I am exhausted when I get home from school and sometimes decide to take a nap.

    One benefit from a later start time for school would be that students will be more energized during school. Students will be able to use the extra time to properly wake up and get properly prepared for their day. However, how are we gonna be so sure that students will use this extra time to properly prepare for school? Some disadvantages of a later start time of school include the problem of not being able to complete homework without staying up so late. If you are like me and live far away from your school, you get home pretty late. This leaves you with very little time to complete your homework without sleeping while doing it.

    The campaign that Jilly Dos Santos shows that lots of teens are losing sleep and it really affects how they perform in everyday tasks. It will be a pretty good idea to try, but right now I am pretty ok with the time my school starts. I don’t feel like adjusting again, for it is pretty hard adjusting to something new when you were so used to your daily life. I hope Jilly Dos Santos has solved her problems with sleep deprivation. Her campaign will help bring awareness to those who don’t understand how hard the life of a high schooler really is.

    Moises Perez A5/B5

    1. even though I think the start time should be push I can see that it can be good to train the mind for the future adult years.

      dennis Kramer period 4

    2. Jazmin Juarez
      I too am okay with the starting time and really don't care if they change it. I loved your essay it had a lot of character. Especially your last paragraph I like the way you politely disagreed with Jilly. Over all the way you expresses your ideas was great and good job.

    3. Oni Williams

      I agree, the time is fine as it is now. However, there can be some flaws that with the extended morning, can be perfected. I think that the extended morning will just allow people to deal with issues that cannot be dealt with the regular starting time morning.

  41. My school day starts at 8:00 a.m., and ends at 3:50. That’s if you don’t have lasalle or any other after school activities. I think the school day should start later, by at least an hour. This would give me so much time to get ready and have a little time left over and maybe even eat a meal for breakfast instead cereal or some lame toaster strudels. I could maybe make me some eggs and some bacon, who knows.

    I feel school starting early is leaving me sleep deprived. I usually go to sleep at 10:00 p.m. and wake up 6:00 a.m.. This still leaves me feeling tired and frustrated when I wake up. By me waking up at 6:00, I only have an hour and thirty minutes to get ready and eat. For me, thats really isn’t much time to get physically and mentally ready for school. I feel rushed to get to somewhere I really don’t look forward to.

    The benefits of a later starting time would be extra relaxation and maybe even sleep. You can also maybe do a little homework that you were to lazy to do the night before in the morning. You could also have some TV time.You will have more time to mentally and emotionally get ready to start the school day.Your blood will be pumping by the time school starts.

    I think the campaign Jilly Dos Santos led was a good thing. If she wouldn’t have tried to fight, she might’ve always been late to school, or worse, drop out of school.She would’ve also been doing worse in school because she will be too tired to focus in class. Her whole attitude towards school will change.

    In conclusion, school should be pushed back further. Students will be more ready and prepared for school. They will have all the tiredness out of their system and negative energy towards school out of their system. The students will be more active and social after they are given the chance to wake up.

    Written by Andrew Guerrero Period 4

  42. My school day starts at 8:00 am and doesn't end until 4:00 pm. I don't like it because I always feel tired after a day of running around a school. since I am tired I get home and don't really want to do my homework, I just want to relax.

    My school day should start later on. if students were able to get even thirty more minutes of sleep they wouldn't be so tired. the students also wouldn't have to rush to school just so they wont get demerits so they can go home early on Fridays.

    an early start time is leaving me sleep deprived. I stay up later on than I should because I am usually doing homework or trying to catch up on homework that was assigned at an earlier date. A Lot of teachers assign as much homework as they think is a good amount, but they don't consider that all of our teachers are doing the same thing and piling on even more deprivation. teachers sometimes forget that there are other subjects than the ones they teach.

    Some benefits would be that everyone wouldn't be sleep deprived. another thing is that students would actually want to go to school instead of being forced to go because their parents say so. Teachers will be able to have more time to prepare and have a good start for the day. for example Ms.Tortorice is always saying to ignore any mistakes on assignments because she was tired and wasn't focused fully on the paper as much as she was on how tired she had been. a disadvantage would be that the school board will probably want to add on another hour and a half for starting thirty minutes later.

    I believe that jilly dos santos is doing the greatest thing ever. I admire her for actually doing something about her problem with the school start times. her fight against school could benefit her community and could change something for everyone. surely students will be well rested every night and wont be falling asleep in class every day. the grades will also increase and the focus on subjects will too. in the end pushing back start times could make a school a better and more positive place that students will want to be.

    Dennis Kramer period 4

  43. Jazmin Juarez

    My day first period class (advisory ) starts at 8:00 AM, how ever I get there at around 7:00 AM. I get there about an hour early because my mom starts her job at 7:30 AM, so she drops me off first. School then ends at 3:50; how ever I attend office hours everyday. Everyday other than Friday I get out at 5:15. On fridays I have Ya tu Sabes ( a dance group in school), so instead of leaving school at 1:30 I leave at around 3:30. When i get home I just do homework, but this takes up all my day.There are many reasons why I wouldn't extend the day.
    I wake up at 5:00 AM everyday even when I don't want to, it's like a built in alarm clock. I think that starting school early or later would mess up my schedule or daily routine. I don't necessarily like my schedule now but there is nothing wrong with it. I would not change it because if we start earlier I would be tiered and if we start it later the school day would also extend. Starting early will also make me more sleep deprived.
    I do feel sleep deprived and I blame math homework for that. Especially this last semester because we had had a lot more hw than usual. I do not feel sleep deprived, I actually don't feel sleepy although I only sleep like 1-4 hours per night. My parents often take my home work away and make me go to sleep, so that I can rest. I do know that after 11:00 PM I have gone way over my bed time and I should go to sleep, but I just have to much homework. I know I am not the only one who doesn't sleep.
    The benefits are that not a lot of people will get late demerits, more sleep time for students and teachers, and less stress because homework would be complete. Disadvantages are getting out later, students might still be late and discomfort with new schedule. I personally would not like to start school earlier or later. Although starting later would give me more time to prepare it will also make me get out later, so like around 6- 6:30 PM. I had gotten used to my schedule already so I adapted and adapting again to another one would cause more changes to my life style.
    I would not exactly change my schedule because if anything I get to school too early; however I was once seconds away from a late demerit on a day my mom had off. I understand the panic of being late and attending a strict school. I also believe that it all depends on your morning routine. If waking up at the time Jilly does isn't working out then she should start to wake up earlier. In conclusion I do not agree with my schedule changing because it would then end the school day later.

  44. Bobbi Munoz
    Ms. Wright
    Honors English
    26 March 2014

    School should start later, waking up at six o'clock in the morning and then going to school for seven to eight hours just to come home to two to three hours of homework. Then just repeating it again and again day after day would leave teen feeling tired and not wanting to go to school just because of the early hours and little amounts of sleep that they are getting nightly. If the school day started later than then students would have a chance to get more sleep and that would cause less problems when they are in class. Starting school later would also increase a teens awareness in class. Their grades will increase and their overall performance will improve.

    Starting school later had shown that it helps the students with coming to school. When it is six o'clock in the morning and cold outside and the student needs to get ready for school, they will be most likely to not want to do and they will try to stay home. It is shown that when the student is up late trying to complete the homework, then has to get up earlier to go to school will result in lower test scores and a lower a lower ACT score. When a teen is up trying to get their work done, it is cause them to get less sleep and that is cause problems at school because the teen might be falling asleep in class.

    Starting class later would help the students who need that extra time to get ready for the day and get that one more hour need of sleep. There are schol that have started later in the day and it has shown how it improved their students test scores and grades. They students ACT score increased and their overall performance in class also improved. They are able to have better relationships with teachers and other students.

    There would be disadvantages to starting school later. For students that is in after school activities, they would not get home until later. That would hurt the teen because they are not able to do other things besides school. They can become tired of their daily routines. To fix that student would be able to do things at a later time as well. Since school does not start later the student does not have to worry about not getting enough sleep.

    Student work befit from school starting later. The disadvantages of starting school later are outweighed by the advantages. School that start later have shown that they students will have higher ACT score and grade. When school starts later the teachers will have more time to get ready for the day.

    1. My personal opinion is that school shouldn't have a later start due to gettiong out of school so late. You made a really good point on how teens get tired of school easily because of little sleep and long hours just sitting in a desk. I like how you said that alertness of students would in crease causing grades to go up. If grades go up then GPA's will go up and that is very beneficial not only to students but the schools reputation as well.
      - Claudia Vega (A5/B5)

  45. Oni Williams

    As a ninth grader at UICCP, the end of the school day is the highlight of my day. I look forwards to leaving the school when the day is over, and not having to come back for a whole nother eighteen hours. However, I still don't feel like it is completely fair that I have to stay till four to five O'clock , and then go home and still work on homework! I think that it is a great ideal to have the school day start later, there are so many positive possible outcomes with this ideal. There would be a greater homework turn in rate, there will be less tardies, and the environment will be much more happier.

    The concept of doing work at home really startles most, well actually for some people work in general is something that is hard to come to terms with. So what if the time they had to do this work was increased, and the homework assignments were due a few hours later? Well with a later start in the school day, this could definitely be accomplished. Having to do homework each and every night, I myself understand the level of difficulty that comes with having to have the will paper to do this. When i'm sitting at my desk and doing work and look at my phone, and the time is 2:30a.m., I become extremely irritated;therefore, I either shut down and don't complete the assignment or I do a very lazy job and just do it to get completion credit. I think that if students were assured that they’d have a couple of extra hours in the morning to complete any assignment they didn't do the night before, it could possibly create a higher and better quality homework turn in rate.

    Being tardy for school is something that I have been trying to improve on this year, and so far it is working. I think that it would work best for students if they knew that they would have ample amount of time to get ready for school, eat breakfast, and finish work. This will actually help the students become more accountable with time and how it should be used. I know that many students don't pay attention to time, and everyone else around them is telling them when to leave and when to get back; however, if the time was pushed back then it would cause for students to become more accountable. The tardiness would become less of an issue because the students would be assured that all the things that they needed to do before coming to school were done, and they wouldn't be side tracked before coming.

    Lastly, schools should start much later because the atmosphere would be much more happier! I know that whenever I come to school after a night where I’ve gone to sleep late and had to waken up early, I have been so rude. I’ve pushed people, yelled at people, and done many other rude and nasty things. So I believe that the extension would allow the students to get themselves together: mentally and physically. For some people this can include: praying,meditating, bath, sauna, reading, breakfast,etc.; it all depends on what will make the students become more at peace with themselves, which will hopefully help them to become more at peace with others.I think that the additional time in the morning will just help everyone bring a very positive attitude to the school, causing an overall positivity within the school.

    Higher rates or homework turn in, lower rates in tardies, and Higher rates of happiness! Sounds like the best school to go to, and its all because of the extension of time before school starts. I believe that these could all be outcomes that come with the ideal of extension of the morning before school starts. I know that there are many flaws in this ideal, but overall there are many more positives. That can do more than just benefit students, this ideal can benefit the school, the students, and the staff/faculty.

    1. My personal opinion is that school shouldn't start at a later time, it should remain the same,but I do agree with some things you said. I can defenitly relate with the one part you said you do homework carlessly, but just enough to get the completion grade, due to time being so late. I also agree that I'm a bit rude because of lack of sleep. So now I do see where you're point of overall positivity would increase. Overall you made some really strong points on why school should have a later start.
      - Claudia Vega (A5/B5)

  46. My school start time is from 8:00 am to 3:50 pm. My day consists of a 10 minute AMA, followed by 5 classes, which are 75 minutes long, a 30 minute luch, and a 30 minute PMA. In my personal life I have a whole other schedual. My schedual is waking up every morning at 5:00 am just to barley make it on time for school. After school I for to extracurricular activites or office hours, by this time I make it home arouns 6:30 pm. Then I pack on 3+ hours of homework a night. So my school schedual is made up of 17 total hours that I'm awake.
    In my personal opinion I do not believe school schould start later. I strongly have this opinion because of many things. First of all, after school activities would make the student come out even later. Coming out of school really late still interfiers with the student going to sleep earlier, so it wouldn't help at all. Second of all, students after school activities might get moved to the mornings. If this might occur then there is no point in making the school day start later if you're going to start it off at the same time. Even though I don't like waking up early for school, it's better then having school take up your whole day.
    I do believe that I am getting deprived of sleep because of school work. I feel like I'm not getting enough of sleep. The time i am awake is almost triple what I sleep. Falling asleep in class, lack of concentration, and being cranky are all signs of lack of sleep. I stay awake very late, but not becaus ei am on social media or watching televison, it's because of school work. I stay up late checking if I did every problem carfully so I don't get LaSalle the next day, which will result in an extra hour and fifteen minutes in school.
    The most important thing I believe of getting a later start for school is it gives time for preparation. A later start would give students and teachers a great amount of time to prepare for the day. The major disadvantage of having a later start for school would be that school would rule your life. It would do this because you would get out really late and there's nothing much to do at that time.
    I think that Jilly did a great job in her attempt to get school to start at a later time. I was very nice to see that someone at that age stuck to what the believed in and it was kind of a success. This was a bit of a success because people actually supported her and schools actually took it into consideration.
    - Written by: Claudia Vega (A5/B5)

  47. I go to a charter school so my school hours are different than most regular CPS schools. My school day begins at 8am and ends at 3:50pm. If you actually add the “non-official” school times, its even later/earlier. The doors open at 7am. Since first period begins at 8am, (technically if you get there at 8, you would be late) if anything, for most people, the school day begins between 7:30am - 7:50am. After school you have to go to your lockers and if it is cold outside you have to change into your coat/boots/other winter objects, so we really don't get out of school until about 4pm.
    I personally like my current schedule. Yes, it is a drag to wake up early to get ready, but it is better. You eventually get use to it and unless you get a job that has shifts, you usually have to wake up early to work when you get older. So waking up early will prepare for the real world. Also, starting school early means we get it done with it faster. According to CPS, a full school day requirement is 7.5 hours. If we started school at 9am or 10am we wouldn't get out until about 5:30pm. Thats almost the whole day! Libraries close at 5pm. Most things start at 5pm or maybe earlier. We would get out too late to do anything after school! So im fine with waking up early, you eventually get use to it and develop a good habit for when you're older.
    In a sense, i guess you could say having an early school day makes me sleep deprived. I have huge bags under my eyes and my eyes are really puffy from not getting enough sleep. My friends often tell me that i look tired. Im always up later than i should be. I usually go to bed at midnight or later on average, then i have to wake up at 6am. I have things to do everyday after school that usually don't get me home until 7pm. Then i procrastinate and before i know it its 10pm and here i am up trying to do my homework. Actually, even on days when i have my homework done, i still stay up all night watching TV or on the computer. There have been days where i haven't gone to bed until 3am or days i haven't gone to bed at all and ran on no sleep all day. I use weekends to catch up on sleep. So, yes im very sleep deprived and i stay up way later than i should or need to.
    The most important benefits of starting the school day later, would be that teens would have the opportunity to sleep later which will hopefully make them more focused at school and not so tired all the time. I think that their are many disadvantages to this idea. If students know they don't have to be at school until like 10am they will stay up later which will cancel out the whole idea of starting school later because they will still be tired. Also, making school start later will be ending it later too and that won't be good for people who have things to do after school. Finally, it may cause many teens to drop out of high school because they won't have time to do the things they want to do after school.
    I admire Dilly Dos Santos’ determination, but i don't think starting school later is a good idea. If other kids can get to school on time why can't she? It seems to me like it is a personal problem and something that she herself needs to fix. I went to a school on the north side by O'hare airport for 2 years and the day started at 7:30am. I got to school on time everyday. She either has to wake up earlier, go to a school closer, skip doing some things in the morning or maybe its her dad that makes her late and she needs to figure out how to get their on her own. Thats what i did and i was there on time almost everyday. I think that she is just taking the easy way out.

    ~Sharon Boyd P5

  48. My usual day of school starts of by waking in the morning and getting dressed. I then go brush my teeth ,eat breakfast, and catch the bus to school. I never return home until 6:30 to 7:30. And that is because my school starts at 8am. So I am pretty much gone the whole day which I dislike.

    I say that school should start later. Probably around 9am. It makes me feel like I can enjoy the morning. But then again it just means I can’t enjoy the afternoon as much either. So I guess I am content with my schedule. Either way the homework will not stop coming. regardless I will have to do it later.

    In a way I face both problems. Early school leaves me with 2 to 3 hours less of sleep that I deserve. This is due by all the homework I get from school. However I must be honest to say that I sometimes procrastinate. That I take full responsibility of. Either way by causing myself all this stress, I naturally don’t fall asleep easily.

    The only advantages of starting school later is that you are awake. Many times I have gone to classes with a foggy brain. i never really got the chance to wake up mentally. But the only other disadvantage of later school is enjoying the after noon. I hate messing out in the nice weather while I am in school. It just waste the time I could get for the nice summer or cool winter.

    I think that the campaign that JIlly Dos Santos led in her district to push back the high school start time is a great for all of them. Personally, I am perfectly fine with my schedule because it does not really change a thing in my life. Despite my opinion, if the community really felt strong about it, then they should go for it. Whatever make the students feel good to get educated is allowed. Would we want to stop them from learning by not providing them their resources of sleep? I don’t think so.
    Written by: Diego Don Pd.3
