Monday, March 3, 2014

Is It Okay to Refuse to Serve Same-Sex Couples Based on Religious Beliefs?

Is It Okay to Refuse to Serve Same-Sex Couples Based on Religious Beliefs?


  1. Alejandra Gutierrez
    Period 4

    I believe the people who sued them, because they may be following their religion, but it isn't right to not serve same sex couples. They're people too. Its just a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Its no different than a man and woman. They just wanted to buy flowers for one another, take a picture together, or have a cake for their wedding. Whats the difference if it was a man and a woman?

    I think that states don't need a law that would allow business owners to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification to serve same sex couples. It may be against their religion, but they still need to serve them. They're people. They aren't creatures or anything. They knew in the beginning that they were going to serve people of the same sex. If they knew that why didn't they just leave the job? That'll make their store or place go out of business for not serving someone of the same gender.

    Yes the business owners or employees are bound to serve to everyone. It doesn't matter who they love. Just because they love their same sex, doesn't make them any different from the people who love the opposite sex. If they aren't obligated to do that then they shouldn't be working there. It wouldn't be any different if people of the opposite sex come in to buy or get something. We all should be treated equally.

    Another religious belief would probably be their skin tone color. Certain people wont serve someone because of their race. For example if a Hispanic were to walk into a store, someone in that store, wouldn't be at their service. Or for any skin color. Why? Because those are their beliefs, but they're people too and they should get treated as if they were that persons race.

    1. I disagree with your response, I think that business owners have the right to sell to whomever they choose to sell to. It's not right, but it's their decision. Not everyone is happy about same sex couples, and there feelings towards them may never change. That's just something gay people need to accept. Suing them or fighting for a law change will not change certain peoples feelings or beliefs about same sex couples.
      good arguement though! :)
      dhalia maldonado
      honors pd.4

    2. I agree and disagree with you. Maybe i misunderstood what you were saying but when you said that the business leaders are right, i agree with you. If it is their own business and they don't want to serve a couple because it is against their religious beliefs, i think that's okay. It is mean but its understandable. I disagree with you about how you said gay marriage and regular marriage are the same. Its completely different and in many people eyes its wrong.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

    3. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      6 March 2014

      I agree with what you said because same sex couples are people too. Everyone should be treated the same and with respect. The business owners wouldn't like it if they weren't served. Also like you said they are no different than anyone. I also think the business owners would loose some money since same sex couples wouldn't be able to participate. Overall, it doesn't matter what religion you are, you should treat with respect just like you want it in return too.

    4. Armando Quintana Period 4
      I agree with the fact that all people should be treated equally, but I also disagree that business owners should have to serve everyone. I believe business owners have the choice to serve to whoever they want. Besides at the end of the day the business is losing in on clients and money. So, the only people being affected is the business leaders because they are limiting the people that they serve to.

    5. I agree with your response because morally religion cannot get in the way of your work. Equality is everything in America, and if you don't do it, otherwise you will be set back into the 1960's where segregation and inequality was allowed. That isn't fair so no matter who the person is service is and should be equal for everyone no matter how different they are to you. Gay people deserve every ounce of service if they are paying top dollar.

      Xe Cabrera-A5

    6. I disagree with everything that you said in this comment. You also said in the last paragraph that "another religious belief would probably be their skin tone color. Certain people wont serve someone because of their race" No where in any major religion states that someone's skin color qualifies them as a sinner against God. That is called prejudice. You're stating a major speculation that is definitely wrong. As a Christian, none of our beliefs say that being a certain skin color is wrong or right, but it does say that homosexuality is a sin. And for that reason, businesses owners should have the right to deny services to gay people based on religious beliefs.

      -Joel M. Valdez
      Period 5

    7. I disagree with you because I believe business owners have the right to seel whoever they choose. Religion shouldn't be something do on your own time. Religion should be something that is in your daily life, and if being gay goes against your religion you should have the choice to serve them or not.

      Carlos Laureano

    8. I am a strong believer in equality for all people, so I cannot side with the business leaders reluctance to sell to the same-sex couple However, I am also for personal freedom of property, so forcing anyone to do anything I would consider a violation of rights. Suing them did nothing but increase their hatred and maybe they would think more positively next time if they didn't get "revenge".

      ~ Dawson McThay PD. 4

    9. Andres Davalos
      I see her perspective and I kind of do agree because you have to know that you are going to serve to gay couples and you have to get used to it. We both have different views because you could reject gays service. But, you have to be ready to accept the consequences and know that no matter what don't argue about the outcome. She didn't make me see this topic in a different way because of the fact that we both had the same ideas and saw that why is service so different from serving a women and a man why is it different from serving a same sex couple. I can connect to this because of the fact that a bus driver refused to put the bus down to let 2 old people come in the bus and said that because they were holding hands with each other he refused to give them good service.

    10. I agree with you that owners should not be able to refuse service to a person that is gay, but I disagree with your last paragraph. I don't think that the race or skin tone of a person is against any religion.
      DPK period 4

    11. I agree with with you because the same sex couples should be treated equal like another couple. I don't agree with you when you say a person's race is a factor toward a religion.

    12. Remi Moy A5/B5

  2. I believe that the business owners who refused to serve same sex couples because of religious beliefs are right. They have the right to practice any religion they want, and if that religion happens to disagree with same sex couples then thats fine. Not all people are happy about people of the same sex getting married, but that’s just their opinion or belief. Gay people should not expect everyone to be happy about it just because they are. Business owners have the right to deny certain people their business, because of that, its their business.
    I do think that business owners have an obligation to serve the general public. They put their business out there for everyone, unless said otherwise. It’s not just for certain people. Take a flower shop for example; when coming across it anyone has the right to go in because it’s there for anyone who wants to buy flowers. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a business. But, I believe that if a certain person walks in and the business owner doesn’t feel comfortable selling to them, then they shouldn’t have to. Sure that makes them a bad business owner, and they might get a lot of hate for it, but if that’s the choice they decide to make then that shouldn’t be a problem.
    Other religious beliefs that might interfere with a business owners willingness to serve people are not believing in young people getting married, or sunday being “gods day” and closing for the day. It could become to be a problem because the business owner might lose a lot of customers, but if that’s what they want to do then what’s the problem? People start up a business because they want to be their own boss, not to have people getting furious and suing them for their choices. Not everyone has the same beliefs, and some do. But some people are very strong about them and practice their beliefs everywhere, not just at home.
    Many disagree with business leader’s choices because it’s harder on the same sex couples, but not all places are like that. There are other places they can go spend their money. Why would they want to give business to a place that disagrees with their choices anyway?. Some people just don’t agree with their marriages, and that’s fine. This isn’t something gay people could “fight”. Its a persons opinion, suing them or fighting for a better law won’t change how they feel. I believe it’s just something people need to accept and ignore.
    Dhalia Maldonado
    Honors pd.4

    1. Isabella Velazquez
      Ms. Wright P:5

      I disagree with you I do not think it is right fro business owners to discriminate people based on what kind of relationship they are in. I do not think it is right for a person to not serve somebody because they are in a same sex marriage. There could be more cons then pros. If you think about it one thing that could happen is you can loose customers and loose workers. These things both cause a stop in profit towards your company. So who does it really help in the end?

    2. What i'm getting from your response is basically that if that's what the business owners want to do then let them because its their business and they have the right to do what they please with it. With that being said, i agree with you to a certain extent. I believe that, yes, it is their business so they have every right to not sell something to someone. But at the same time they did make it a public business. Knowing that they would be selling to the pubic, business owners should know that their is a chance people they ¨don't like¨ may come and purchase from them. So if they really don't want to sell to a person they don't like that bad, they shouldn't have made their business public in the first place. So, i see your point and its understandable, but i still don't feel its right or a good excuse. Its discrimination. That's the same as someone not serving you due to your race.

      ~Sharon Boyd P5

    3. Armando Quintana Period 4
      I agree with Sharon about restricting services is discrimination, but at the same time the public can't control who a business can and can't serve. It's the right of the business leader to decide who to serve and who not to. The business who do this are just hurting themselves and no one else. At the end of the day the business will lose out on paying clients, that are interested in their services. Yes, it's wrong to limit who to serve, but there's nothing the public can do because a business has the right to serve whoever they want.

    4. I completely disagree with you, i say this because equality should not be restricted to certain people. Haven't we all learned in pre-school and up about treating everyone nicely with respect and equality? What gives you or the business owners the right to refuse service to a gay person? What have they done to the business owners to receive no service they payed for? Matter of a fact, my uncle is gay and he is a very successful capable man in this world; he owns a travel agency predominantly with a gay staff, but his agency never turns away heterosexual people because they are different. That would not only cost him money, but make his reputation look bad. So for the people who believe their religion restricts them from serving gay people, they need to think twice about equal service, and how that kind of action will make them look on other customers.

      Xe Cabrera-A5

    5. I disagree with you about business owners having the right to not serve the gay people because that is discrimination. Having a business is to make money and to make money you need to have a lot of customers. If you exclude gay people then you are losing sales

      Felipe Islas P5

    6. I disagree with you that owners can discriminate against homosexual people. this is not treating people equal which is an important thing in the u.s . it is called the land of the free for a reason.

      DPK period 4

    7. I disagree with you because discrimination against homosexual in public isn't professionally and that owner should take into account that all people should be treated equally in public and shouldn't be treated differently because of their sexuality.

      Remi Moy A5/B5

  3. Jazmyne Palacios

    The people I believe that were surely right to do what they did were the people who sued the business owners. It all comes down to discrimination, like imagine not being able to have that perfect wedding you dreamed of because of your sexual orientation. It’s quite messed up and I hate that religious beliefs play a role and are relevant to this. Although many people follow any beliefs were rules within their religion, I think it’s quite messed up not to serve the same sex couples.

    I think states definitely shouldn’t pass a dumb law to allow business owners to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to the same-sex couples. It brings me back to the 1900’s when discrimination against blacks happened, they had fewer rights and less opportunities. So why are people doing this now to people of the same-sex couples? It’s love for crying out loud. What’s so different about them because they like the same sex?

    Of course business owners should have an obligation to serve the general public. It’s their job and they’re here to make money, not worry about not serving the same sex-couples. It’s so disgusting with all the homophobic comments about the same-sex couples. They’re normal human beings, and this ‘problem’ is the person’s problem itself that doesn’t want to serve the general public or the same-sex couple.

    Other religious beliefs that might interfere with a business owner’s willingness to serve people is that I don’t think any other beliefs might interfere with serving people. Well, whatever the religious beliefs are and they’re mandatory to do, I see no problem breaking it. It’s not like anyone is really watching what you’re doing. If the religion is against gays, I think that’s a load of poop, because you really don’t have to follow into the steps of your religion and actually have to be against gays.

    Other than that, everyone should be treated and served respectfully no matter how much you hate this race or this sexual orientation. Still respect the people, you would like to have the same for yourself. We all want to have the same opportunities for ourselves, so something that may interfere in your way knowing people might hold you back are wrong and dumb.

    1. Isabel Martinez
      Honors English A5/B5
      6 March 2014

      I agree with what you said above on how it's is like discrimination. Everyone should be treated the same and equally no matter who it is. I'm sure they would like it if they weren't served. Also religion shouldn't be a big deal either because everyone is respected just like you said above. I also agree when you said "we all want to have the same opportunities for ourselves". No one should have different rights than others.

    2. Isabella Velazquez
      Ms. Wright P:5

      I agree with you when you say it all comes down to discrimination because it really does they are discriminating these couples because they are from the same sex. I also do not think that they should pass a law to give business owners the option to serve same sex couples or not. I do not think that religion should play any part in how you work for a company because it can not only bring trouble to you but also your company.

    3. MaryClaire Mangan
      I agree with you, because I like how you said to imagine not being able to have the dream wedding you want, just because of you like someone of the same sex. I agree with religions that are against gays is not right, because God is said always to accept all.

    4. I agree with when you said it all comes down to discrimination. They shouldn't be discriminating. Doesn't matter who they love. It is wrong not to have the wedding you dreamed of because of who love.

      Alejandra Gutierrez
      Period 4

    5. Andres Davalos
      ​ I see her perspective and agree with her point of view totally. I see that she solely goes by the fact that discriminating is so old and if we want to be more modern we need to accept everybody. She made me see that serving gays is an obligation and everybody should do it because they don't cause anybody effect so why should they be focused on. We both thought back them when there was discrimination between the blacks and how that this is basically the same thing. I can connect to this because when I was younger there was a gay couple and we were in a restaurant where they never attended the couple and they avoided them and rejected them to the point that they left in hurting effect.

  4. Tyra Harris
    Honors English P4

    I think that the people who sued them are right because as it states in the article how can you try to discriminate people for their beliefs its their choice to either be gay or not so just let them be.people should be able to get the same treatment as others no matter what their beliefs is. when gay couples are mistreated or rejected by a store owner how do you think they feel happy and satisfied ? No they are angry because no one should be told what their own beliefs are.Because of this article, I believe that it isn’t okay to refuse to serve same sex couples based on religious beliefs.
    No, because they shouldn't have the right to reject or make someone feel bad just because they’re the same sex. When you walk into a store ,and you want to buy something would you want to be told that you cannot buy it? you would be angry right ? because thats just like segregation to the people like telling them that they cannot do something but other people can.As it says in the article , “ faith shouldnt be something you have to leave at home” so why do storeowners judge couple’s beliefs?
    Yes, Store Owners do have the obligation or right to serve the general public because well why wouldn't you because either way they can still make money so when they discrimnate samesex couples they are actually getting less business because people are going to look at you as someone who is prejudice and doesn't care about others beliefs and life choices.
    I think that if a certain group of people aren't their skin color or race because sometimes that still happens now because people judge or don't sell to you if you aren't their skin color and they will literally look you up and down and criticize you because they dont like you and its sad to see this because you don't want that to happen to you as well but thats what happens .
    Overall there should be a law that's stops this discrimination among people and their righteous beliefs because who are you to judge someone and criticize them because you arent the same. it isnt right for one group of people to be mean to them and not to others in the world.

  5. I believe the business owners who acted upon what they believe to be their sacred religious beliefs are correct. This, however, does not mean to imply simply because of their sexual orientation they automatically deserve to lose the right to have services. America is a country that encourages freedom, liberty, and personal control over their property. This does not apply to government owned residences, they should be accessible to all, especially those who are American citizens who pay taxes to keep the residence even powered and running. Private owned residences not owned by the government should have complete control over all things concerning their businesses, whether that is who to serve, or more common things like what to sell.

    States do not need a law to allow business leaders to use their religion as means to prohibit selling to certain customers. This is because they're such never be laws made controlling personal beliefs, it’s a personal decision and no input by the government should be needed nor required. The only instance in which government input would be valid is if, their rejecting to serve damages them emotionally or physically. In the case of such beliefs, then government intervention would be necessary as there is never any need for bigotry and hatred. In most cases, this however, is simply rejecting services rather than a direct attack

    Business leaders do not have an obligation to serve anyone. Business leaders, like most American citizens, have the freedom to express their works in any way they deem necessary. If they deem their business should only be offered to adults (21 and over), certain religion (Christians only), or in this case, sexual orientations (hetrosexuals only), then they should be able to do so. I do not agree with this segregation nature, but it’s their choice, how their business should be. The government does have obligations to serve people as they are responsible for the happiness and upkeep of their citizens.

    I don’t think there is a specific religious belief that would specifically interfere with a person’s willingness to sell to someone. I look at religion as the excuse used to pass their bigotry. As a business owner, they have complete right to do whatever they please; however, this should not be considered to happen through religion rather than their own personal stigma against those different. I would propose a better idea than blaming religion for their personal dislike, I would say be honest and just refuse because that’s what they want to do.

    Overall, I believe that although business owners should be able to reject service based on their personal beliefs (religious or not) however, the consumers also have the right to boycott and stop buying their items as well. I believe forcing business owners to sell is a violation of freedom of expression explained through the first amendment of the constitution. I feel banning customers because of their differences, is very morally wrong regardless of what reason used to justify. This should apply to all things, it’s their right, even though I disagree.

    ~ Dawson McThay, PD. 4

    1. I strongly agree with what you're saying about boycotting. People such as business owners are quick to judge you based on things such as homosexuality but quicker to react and get them as customers back. All services think about is making money so in the real world they would disagree with people that are homosexual but when they're at work trying to make money they'll accept dogs money if it were possible. Also it depends with the people you hang with, If some believe that its wrong you will most likely be to agree with them. This is why I strongly agree with your statement.

      Efrain Santacruz Period 5

    2. Alicia Rodriguez
      Period 5

      I totally agree with how you said that you believe forcing business owners to sell is a violation of freedom of expression. I also agree with how banning customers because of their differences is morally wrong.

  6. Isabella Velazquez
    Ms. Wright P:5

    I do not think any of them are right. The reason why I say this is because this can work both ways because the people who are discriminating are obviously wrong but the people who are suing are just as bad. The saying goes two wrongs don't make a right and that is completely true. That is exactly what is happening. They are discriminating against same sex couples but they are also discriminating against the people who are against them. What i am trying to say is that it really works both ways it is not one or the others wrongdoing it is both.

    I do not think that they should have to enforce a law that would allow business owners to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same sex couples, because then it would give permission to others to do the same and it is not right. I do not think that people should make an extreme deal about serving same sex couples. It is not like they run the company or service they just woke their so they can make the decision at that minute but it is really up to the company. i do not think that employees should have this power because then they might abuse this privilege then Why would they even have a job if all they do would be discriminate? Once they see this is not right to do they will fire these people very fast.

    The reason why I do not think they should do this is because it is wrong to discriminate anybody for any reason. Not only this but it is downgrading to the people you are specifically talking to. It will make them feel less of what they are. That does not help you or them in any way at all. Think about it you get a bad reputation in your job and they are hurt and never want to go there again. it hurts both sides so why not just avoid it and let them be. I am sure it won't be so bad for you to serve to their needs. Especially if there customers are what is helping you pay your bills ,that would be bad if that stopped because then you would be broke. It all connects in one way or another.

    I think that business owners do have an obligation to serve the general public that is if they want profit. if they do not care about their company then they would just do whatever they want. In this case it does not seem that way. You have to think about it bigger picture if they do not serve the public Where is there money going to come from? Because it is not like they can get all of it from the government it is not stable or reasonable. I do not think they will stop serving either I just think some workers are going to want to take a stand for their beliefs.

    One religious belief that might interfere with a business owner's willingness to serve people could be they do not allow past criminals in their restaurant. I am not 100% sure this is one ,although I am sure it could be one. Maybe business owners will feel they do want to put their employees in danger of past criminals. Or it could be the employees do not believe that they should associate themselves with criminals it could be a number of things.

    1. MaryClaire Mangan
      I agree with you, because at first I thought about neither if them being right, because this could work both ways. I think that business owners do have every right to deny who they want, while same sex couple like any other people can choose to buy from any business and whether they are gay or not shouldn't matter.

  7. Isabel Martinez
    Honors English A5/B5
    6 March 2014

    The people who sued the business owners are right. The business owners shouldn’t treat anyone different. Everyone has to be treated equally and with respect. Even if they have different religious beliefs, they shouldn’t deny to serve them. The same se couples probably are angry because they are not getting the same treatment as other people would. I know I would be angry if they declined to serve me. It is good that they sued the business owners so it was like revenge for doing what they did.

    No I don’t think there needs to be a law that would allow business owners to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying services to same sex couples. I understand that anyone can practice any religion they want but that shouldn’t mean to treat others differently. I’m sure they wouldn’t like it if they weren't being served because of their religion practices. People act like same sex couples are different when in reality they are just as normal as everyone. If the law were to be passed, then it would cause a lot of conflicts with the gay couples. Eventually they can start to protest and fight for equalness.

    Yes business owners have an obligation to serve the general public. It is their job to serve everyone and anyone. Like I said above, everyone should be treated equally and with respect. I’m sure that they would lose money because they are not selling their products to everyone exactly. In addition, why would the business owners care if there are same sex couples? They are all about money so why should they care about the things people choose to be.

    Another religious beliefs that might interfere with a business owner's willingness to serve people is back to what we were talking about is race. They might not want to serve people because of what they are. For example, back then only want people were allowed to buy the good products instead of blacks. It was unfair because what if the African American had money but they weren't allowed to buy the product. People from different races who aren’t served would probably get angry and maybe start a protest.

    Over all, same sex couples should be able to do everything the same as everyone else. It is unfair if for example they can’t get married and have a church ceremony. How do you think they would feel? Same sex couples aren’t doing any harm to anyone’s religion. They are no different from others and people need to realize that. Once again, everyone wants to be treated the same and with respect. The business owners should think about how they would feel if they were in the couple’s shoes and they were being rejected. Also gay couples already have a lot on their back. People are already calling them names so that’s also another thing to think about.

    1. I agree with you. The business owners should not have discriminated against anyone at all. Discrimination is wrong. I also agree with you that they need to serve the general public. They are not doing their jobs if they don't do so.
      Destini Steward Pd. 5

    2. Alejandra Gutierrez
      Period 4

      I agree with you the business owners shouldn't treat their customers differently. It isn't fair to the couple. Doesn't matter if they loved a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or a man and a woman. They deserve the same treatment.

  8. Alicia Rodriguez
    Period 5

    I agree with how you said that how business owners have an obligation to serve the general public. I also agree with how you asked why would the business owners care if there are same sex couples? It's all about the money.

  9. MaryClaire Mangan
    Honors English A/B5
    6 March 2014

    I believe that the people who sued are right. I think that the business owners would be right for denying their customers, because it’s their business and they can do whatever they want with it. Although, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t want more customers if they are going to make more money. I also believe that the people who sued could also be right, because they felt mistreated. I believe that the business owners have the right to deny any customers, but if they are a public business, it means that they should be open to all people. With the fact that business owners should be open to all, I believe that the people who sued are correct.

    After reading the article, I am convinced that the people who sued are right, because the business owners obviously never said anything about denying same sex couples. I know this, because if the couple knew that the business wouldn’t accept them, they never would have went there. I think that the business owners should’ve mentioned that they don’t cater to same sex. Considering the fact that they didn’t, it’s their mistake. I also don’t think that the states don’t really need a law to decide whether we need a law to serve same sex or not, because people make their own decisions, and some people aren’t okay with same same sex couples.

    Business owners should be aware that while opening a business, they are going to get a lot of different people that come in and out. I don’t get the difference of making something for a gay couple any different than not being gay. They are still going to make the same amount of money, nothing will change. Having a partner of the same sex is a choice, it’s a feeling. Just like being with someone of the opposite sex, you can’t really change your feelings, I know that I wouldn’t be able to.

    I think that business owners are obligated to serve the general public. I think that it’s fine for business owners to deny whoever they want, though they should make it clear of the rules they are going to make for the people buying from their business. If business owners choose to deny any customer because they don’t like them, and they never said anything about denying them because of that purpose, than the business owners would be wrong.

    In this case, the people who sued would be correct, because business owners never said anything about denying same sex couples. Unless, if business owners had said something about it beforehand, than the people who sued would be wrong. If they choose to complain about their business it’s their fault and they shouldn’t complain. I believe everyone is going to be denied at some time in their life just because of who they are, and that’s unfair, but that is what all people struggle with, just in different ways.

  10. Written by Armando Quintana Period 4

    If a person has religious beliefs about something. They should have the decision to do whatever they think is right that doesn’t involve harming someone physically. In this case I believe that the business owners acted on their religious beliefs. If a person’s belief is not to sell to same sex couple, why are we obligated to disagree. It’s their belief and if it means to stay true to themselves and stay true to their religion, then why stop them?
    I don’t believe it is necessary for a state to create a law for business owners to site their religious beliefs as a justification. Why should a state have to make a business do this, I believe there is no point in this. A business is not controlled by a state or the government, so why should an owner have to justify themselves to the people they don’t want to serve. It’s not mandatory for a business owner to state why they will not serve someone. The owner has the right to sell to whoever they want, so I don’t believe a state should have to make a law to counter this.
    Business owners have a choice whether or not to serve the general public. I believe this because if a business isn’t owned by the government or state they have the freedom to sell to whoever they like. If a business doesn’t want to serve someone why stop them. The owner is just hurting their own business by not serving to those who want their service. Why should a same sex couple sue? why can’t they find another business that sells the same products? I believe it’s up to the owner to decide because at the end of the day if a business doesn’t serve specific people they are losing out on money.
    It all depends on the religion that is being discussed about. Due to the fact that not all religions believe in the same thing. Some religions might believe same sex marriage is wrong, and others may support same sex marriage. If a religion is against same sex marriage then I would believe that they would be on the business owners side of not serving same sex couples. If a religion supports same sex marriage then I would infer they would be against the business owners who don’t serve same sex couples. It all depends on the religious beliefs of others that would decide their side on the argument.

    1. I somewhat agree with Armando. I do agree that people with religious beliefs should express them, but I don't think it's right to not serve people just because of the gender they are interested in. I understand that everyone has their own choices, but we also have to consider the feelings of gay people. I do agree that it only hurts their business, but to benefit their business I think that business owners should serve everyone.
      Andrea Aguilera
      English Pd. 4

    2. I have to disagree. I think that despite having a right to say no to serving, they shouldn't base it on religious beliefs. I say this because it bad to mix business with anything else besides business. In addition to that, it is bad to mix religion and business. A business sole purpose, the vast majority of them, is to make a profit. So if someone offers you money that can help support you're business than suck it up and take the money. There's one thing that all business leaders should practice and that is having a personality at home and a different personality at work.

      John Capers
      Period 5

    3. I disagree with you about practicing religion whether its doing harm someone. This wrong because if you believe in something that involves harm then you should be taken to jail. Sure this country allows its citizens to have religious beliefs but that does not mean to overboard with it.

      Felipe Islas P5

  11. Estrella Olivares Period 4

    I believe that the people who sued are right. Nobody should be treated less than anybody else. Although the business owners were following their religion, it makes no sense for them to refuse service for same sex couples. What business doesn't want to make more money? Same sex couples didn’t do anything to deserve no service.
    I don’t think states need a law that would allow business owners to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same-sex couples. My reason is that the purpose of a business is to make money. The only way a business can do that is by selling to everybody. If you’re going to be a part of a business, then you need to know how to get along with all of your clients. More clients means more money.
    I do believe that business owners have an obligation to serve the general public because that’s the main point of having a business. When you want to have a successful business, you need to put all of your problems, religious beliefs, etc. aside. As a business owner you need to make your clients happy. Your goal is to maintain as many clients as you can, but in order to do that, you need to serve EVERYBODY.
    This situation about business owners not wanting to serve same sex couples, reminds me of the time period when African Americans were treated badly due to their skin tone. If African Americans are treated fairly now, then why are we having trouble treating same sex couples the same? I understand that people have their religious beliefs, but we are all humans. We are all the same from the inside and outside. People need to understand that people have control over their lives and that God loves us all.

    1. I disagree with you. I understand that you think it's against their religion, but I don't believe there is a rule against serving same sex couples. If discriminating against same sex couples is right, is discriminating against races or women is okay? Those are wrong, so discriminating against these couples bis wrong too. Discrimination of any kind is wrong.
      Destini Steward Pd. 5

    2. I completely agree with you. Business owners should have the right to sell to whoever they want to. If the couple chooses to be openly gay that's fine, bu they can't expect everyone to agree with that decision. So in this case if someone's religion is involved they should have the right to sell whoever they want to.

      Carlos Laureano

    3. Rolando Sifuentes
      I partially agree with you. The people were right to serve their religion. But not in a disrespectful way to not serve them. Also they were the same sex so that is a reason to not serve. The owner was basically being disrespectful.

  12. Destini Steward
    Honors English Pd. 5
    7 March 2014

    I believe the same sex couples are right. Even if your religion goes against same sex marriage, I doubt it goes against serving them in total. This a form of discrimination, and that is not right. If someone offers you money, you don’t turn them down due to their sexual orientation. Same sex couples are equal to opposite sex couples.
    No, I don’t think states need to issue this law. This is going completely too far by trying to enforce this as a law. Same sex couples are being discriminated against for liking something other people don’t. I understand that same sex marriage goes against religions, but God created everyone equally. No matter a religion, discrimination of any kind is a sin.
    Business owners have an obligation to serve everyone. They are a business, and not serving someone because of their sexual preference is unprofessional on many levels. They use religion as an excuse to be homophobic. They claim they don’t want serve them because of their religion, but I find that hard to believe. Their religion does not have anything to do with their businesses.
    I think atheists may not be allowed into certain restaurants. Being that they follow no religions, they may not be allowed into certain religious restaurants. Atheists would be discriminated against as well. If discriminating against women, or certain races is terrible, why is discrimination against same sex couples okay? Discrimination of all kind is wrong. Beneath all of it, we are all created the same.

    1. I agree with Destini completely. I also think that business owners should serve everyone because it is unprofessional not to. Same sex couples have the same rights that everyone else. There is no difference between them from everyone else if we are looking at what we are made out of. Like you said, we are created equally. Since we are created equally, we should all have the same rights.
      Andrea Aguilera
      English Pd. 4

    2. Gabriela Marin
      English P.4

      I completely agree with Destini because yes, not serving same-sex couples because of your beliefs is discrimination, but also it would be taking the business leaders from of religious beliefs which would be breaking the first amendment. I also agree that same-sex couples are the same as opposite couples.

  13. Dear Reader,

    In my opinion, the people who sued the businessmen are completely correct. It is not right at all for businessmen to discriminate same sex couples or gay people. There is no other excuse except religious purposes. That is the only reason why gay people are denied, simply because the businessmen's religion has a huge judgement on them. And to be honest the businessmen's sales are only going to go down if they decide to single out gay people.

    I absolutely think that would not work for both sides because it will cause huge arguments and have businessman lose sales just by denying service of gay people. This law would not only strip the right of freedom,but it will also cause inequality. Religious belief or not, this is a person, you cannot treat a person differently than another just because of differences. And consider this, Pope Francis accepts homosexuals and urges churches to hinder the unhealthy obsession over homosexuals. As a huge leader of the Christian religion, Pope Francis accepts homosexuals and so should the people who follow him. He is a man close to god and supposedly he speaks directly to god, wouldn't the Pope know what is right or wrong? So if people are that worked up about who to serve over religion, think about what Pope Francis has said.

    As business owners, they do have the obligation to serve the public. If not then what is the point of being a business owner when you believe you don't have an obligation to serve paying customers? The spectrum of the general public is very wide, no matter who it is, you must serve these people because they are paying top dollar to the restaurant they love. If customers are doing that then at least the business owners should give back and feel the obligation to serve the people who are making the business owners restaurant successful. Unless customers aren't doing so, then business owners shouldn't feel the obligation to serve.

    Other religious beliefs that could interfere with business owners willingness to serve is possibly people who consider themselves as atheists. Many religions recent atheist, and this is a determining factor if a business owner would want to serve these people. Now first, Atheist are people who do not believe in any form of religion or practice at all. Back in the BC time periods they were brutally cated out because people thought that their connection with god was lost. And from that time people were taught to resent Atheists and so on. Now people still believe that atheists are cast outs in the world for the same reason; their connection to god was lost. And since this thought and teachings were passed down for so long business owners might stumble upon an Atheist and refuse them service.

    And finally, people who have a different religion from the business owner might hinder his willingness to serve that person. Certain religions have forbidden people to marry and interact with other people who have a different. All because the religion would want to be “pure”. However, religion does not determine your ethnicity people wanted their religion pure by having two people with the same religions marry. And if you marry a person with a different religion then the baby isn't pure with an exact religion, causing a diversity of religious beliefs instead of the pure religion. Nevertheless business owners, if their religion says, might not want to serve different religion people, thus causing another problem.

    Xe Cabrera-A5

    1. I definitely disagree with everything that you said in the comment. You said, "There is no other excuse except religious purposes. That is the only reason why gay people are denied, simply because the businessmen's religion has a huge judgement on them." You think that businesses are discriminating gay people and having "huge judgment" on them? No one is judging anyone here. The Bible says that their lifestyle is wrong, and business owners denying services to them because they don't want to be a part of their actions.

      -Joel M. Valdez
      Period 5

  14. I strongly believe that the business owners who acted on their religious beliefs are definitely right. They have the right to deny costumes who are practicing things that are obvious sins to them. By serving them, it’s basically supporting same-sex marriage, which is against their religion. And by sueing them, it’s forcing them to go against their religion, making the same-sex couple wrong. Speaking as a Christian, it’s not that business owners are denying service same-sex couples just because they’re gay, it is because they don’t want to be forced to go against their religion and beliefs.

    I think there should be a law giving business owners the right to deny same-sex couples services based on religious beliefs. As I said before, making business owners serve same-sex couples is like supporting them, which is a sin in their religion; therefore, they should have the discretion to choose on whether or not they want to serve same-sex couples.

    I don’t think business owners have an obligation to serve the general public. When businesses open, they are trying to appeal to a targeted audience (i.e. women, men, senior citizens, etc). Since it is their business, they should be the ones who decide who the want to make profit off of. And also, not all companies are made “just for money”. There are many non-profit organizations that are created to help a certain issue. They don’t have to serve everyone is the general public because it is their business.

    They could be other beliefs that go against serving a person because they are violated their religious beliefs, but I think overall the mortality factor is one that is the final factor in someones decisions to not give them service. To conclude, business owners should have the right to deny someone service based whether or not it is violating their religious beliefs.

    -Joel M. Valdez
    Period 5

    1. John Capers
      Period 5

      I have to disagree with you Joel. I don't think it is right for them to not serve gay or lesbian couples. They may own the business, but they also earn the responsibility of serving the public, no matter which audience they are trying to target. Businesses do target certain groups of people, but they also need to understand that groups of people they weren't targeting might find their service just as appealing. I also have to say that you're not supporting homosexuals if you give them something such as a picture or cake. You're really just giving them something, it's not like I'm going to fully support these types of people for serving them one time. I also have to disagree with making a law that allows them to deny service to others due to religious beliefs. This is similar, even though you may not agree, to discrimination of minorities before the Civil Rights Movement where whites had the right to deny service to blacks or any race that wasn't white. I have to disagree from a standpoint of someone not Christian as it is unfair to deny service to anyone of different skin tone, belief, love affairs, or any other differences.

  15. Carlos Laureano

    I believe the business owners are correct in this situation. If someone owns a business they should have the right to refuse service to someone or a group of people based on their religious beliefs. I say this because if someone wants to stay true to their religion, they will follow all rules and regulations that comes with that religion. If being gay goes against that religion, the business owner should have the right to refuse service. I don’t understand why the gay couple sued. If they were refused service they should have just found another business that would accept them.

    I do believe there needs to be a state law that allows business owners to deny service based on religious beliefs. I say this because if a couple feels offended by a business, the first thing they are going to resort to is a lawsuit. Like the example given the couple was denied service so they sued the business. So to stop future lawsuits on this topic, because this isn’t the first or last time this or will happen, the government needs to step in for once and make a law. This needs to allow businesses to deny service only if its for religious reasons, if its anything else it’s discrimination.

    For the next question do business owners have an obligation to serve the general public yes and no. I say yes because that is the whole point in opening a business in the first place, to serve others and profit off of it. I say no because the business owners should have the right to deny service based in their religious beliefs, because if the do not support being gay why should they be forced or pressured into serving a gay couple if they don’t support being gay.

    I don’t think there any other religious beliefs that might interfere with someone’s work, besides same sex obviously. I believe religion shouldn’t be something that you do on your own time. Religion should be something that is in your daily life. So if someone’s religious beliefs go against being gay why can’t they express that? If a couple chooses to be gay, and to be open with that’s fine. But not everyone is going to agree with that decision and that’s just something the couple has to deal with, I say this because in life not everyone is going to agree with you.

    In conclusion I believe there is nothing wrong with being gay. But I still believe business owners should be able to choose who they want to sell to. Some people might disagree with me and say well why did the business owners make their business public in the first place. This is like saying why are the couple openly gay? They have the right to choose to do whatever they want, without going against the law.

    1. Reponse from Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English: I do not agree with Carlos on this situation. Business owners are the ones who are fault. What they are doing is not right. They are being unfair to the consumers that just want the service of the business. Religion should be put aside when business is involved, therefore, I do not agree with you.

  16. Carolina Barraza P5

    I think that both people are right in some ways. The people who sued them are in their right and so are the people who are denying to give them services. Now I believe that people who are suing them are right because they feel set aside just because of their feelings. I think that it’s wrong to deny someone a service just because of the way the mutually feel about someone. I mean it sound silly to me. But the people denying the service are also in their right because they have the right to believe what they want. They have the right to believe in the faith they want, that is why this is a free country.

    Well I don’t think it is necessary to make a law that denies the service to someone because the person serving has certain beliefs. If they were to make a law about this, many people would put as an excuse their “beliefs” to not serve someone.When they do this, it makes the person feel bad for thinking, feeling, or looking the way they do. To me it would be the start of discrimination again. People get a job because they need to work to support their family. If they're going to let the way someone feels get in the way of working, then they shouldn't work at all.

    I think that business owners do have the obligation to serve the general public. I mean isn't that the reason they made that business. To serve the people no matter how they look or feel? Whoever made or started this business, it was to make the people happy and better improve the community. Once they start to get picky on who they are going to serve, it no longer is a general public service. It then becomes a selective business service.

    I think that something that might get in the way of public service will be the type of skin color/ race or even the type of religion someone is. Its happened before so it can happen again. They will not want to serve someone because their religious beliefs offends their faith. Or a type of race can’t be served because their beliefs don’t let them serve. It just ridiculous how far people can go just to oppose something they don’t like. When in reality, we are all equal. We are no different from each other.

    1. Response from Jor-El Santos - Period 4 English: I agree with Carolina because we both believe that these couples have the right to get service from any business. Business owners need to set aside their beliefs and give people something that they want. The business owners will be getting money and the customers will have received what they want.

    2. Jazmin Juarez A5
      I agree with both you and Jor-el. The companies concern should be to make money not to worry about who the next same sex couple they will tell to leave. I like how you tried to be the middle person and give both sides what they wanted. In conclusion you are right anyone can do what ever they want because companies do not have an obligation and same sex couples can sue them.

  17. Written by Jor-El Santos: Period 4 English

    No matter what anybody may say to me, I believe that the business owners are the ones at fault. Businesses were meant to give service to whoever their customer may be. Customers should be able to get service from a business no matter what their sexual orientation may be. These same-sex couples should be treated equally. These couples have the right to get service from any business. These businesses are discriminating against these gay couples. I would put it in the same boat as racism or even discrimination against gender. Businesses should take the initiative and not worry about someone’s sexual orientation. They will help themselves and others. It will be a win-win situation.

    When business is involved, I believe that religious should be an outside factor. Even though we might not like the people we are involved with, we have to deal with it to get something done. This is the same for businesses; they should deal with the people that they are serving. Businesses were meant to make money. If these businesses want to make money, then they should not be bias as to who wants their service. These same-sex couples are harmless. They believe that it is not fair to discriminate someone based on what they believe and what others do not.
    There should not be a law to allow business owners to deny service to people because they are a same-sex couple. If there is a law that eventually allows this, it would be the same thing as allowing racism. Racism is discriminating against people based on their race or what color they are. Today, racism is against the law. Racism and the denial of service to gay couples is almost the same. It would be unacceptable to discriminate against people in year of 2014, therefore, there should not be a law that allow business owners to deny service to same-sex couples.

    People have judgements to each other. It is very normal for people to have assumptions about each other. The only thing I do not agree is that when people use these judgements and assumptions against a group of people. It something that I have never really enjoyed seeing. Someone should not use stereotypes as an excuse to not serve someone. There are many religions that believe in different things. Muslims have been getting a lot of criticism for being Muslim. Business owners might think that these Muslim people are dangerous people based on what people are saying, Again, business owners would be discriminating against a certain group of people based on what they think is right. In the end, it would not be fair.

    We can all agree that businesses just want to make as much money as they can. To make all this money, businesses should not make sexual orientation a big deal. Everybody will be satisfied if they get what they want. This means that businesses do have the obligation to serve to the general public. Everything will run
    smoothly if nobody discriminated. I believe that we would be happier if people did not care what these same-sex couples are doing. We can all achieve more with less with less aggression towards each other .

    1. Carolina Barraza P5
      I agree with Jor-el because we have the same point of view of passing the law on beliefs. I mean if the government were to pass a law that said a person had the right to not serve anyone because of their beliefs, people would use that law/ excuse to not serve someone just because they don't like them. I also believe that business owners shouldn't be complaining on who they serve because either way they will make a profit. I mean a gay person has the same rights as anyone else. Just because they feel mutually different to someone else doesn't mean they should be turned down. It's just silly and ridiculous to treat someone different based on their likes and dislikes!

  18. Written by: Andrea Aguilera
    Honors English Pd. 4

    Personally, I can see where both sides are coming from. Therefore, I think that both sides are partially right. Our religion or faith is something that we should be able to practice anywhere without anyone saying anything about it. People with relationships of the same sex probably feel like they are being discriminated because of their preference in who they like. It isn't right to not serve someone just because they like someone else of the same sex, it is like denying someone of service because of their skin color; they are similar issues that are both unique problems. But, I can also see where the owner is coming from. They have the right to practice their faith, and if that means not serving gay couples, than they should be able to not serve them, even if it’s not fair.
    I honestly feel that no law is in need to be created. I say this because things are not so bad that there are fights, riots, and strikes, so things can’t be that bad. Leaving things as they are would probably be the most beneficial to both the owners and the same sex couples. If we leave things the way they are now, than owners will still be able to deny their services for whoever they want, and gay people and couples will be able to say something about it. Ours rights are still all in act if we leave things the way they are, and making a new law would only make things worse.
    Owners who have their own business so have the obligation to serve the obligation to serve the general public. The business leaders make all of their money from the general public, so it only makes sense that the owners should serve everyone. Business leaders, with religious beliefs, should think about what they gain out of all of their customers and serve each and everyone of them, no matter who they are or what gender they like. Since every business needs money to stay alive, than it is only fair that business leaders serve everyone. Not only would this benefit themselves, but gay people as well because they would be getting all the things they need and want without being discriminated against.
    Another religious belief that might interfere with a business owner’s willingness to serve others would probably be Catholicism. The reason I say this is because a catholic business owner might close their store on Good Friday because it is a holy day to them, but other people need to buy things. This wouldn't really cause a big problem against two specific groups, but it would stop people who are not Catholic from getting the things they need. Overall, I don’t really feel that religion interferes with the real world except for the idea against gay marriages, which is only among certain religions.

    1. Gabriela Marin
      English P. 4

      I agree with Andrea because I do believe that there should be no created to solve a problem that really hasn’t gotten out of hand. I also agree where she states that in the way both the same-sex couples and business leaders have their own rights. Business leaders also do have an obligation to serve the people, but I also think it depends on them on how it will affect their business.

  19. Andres Davalos
    I think the business leader were correct because they acted upon themselves, but they made the decision to base their beliefs and avoid serving gay couples. I only believe they are correct because they are affecting their view people see them and now people can avoid going and avoid discrimination. Even though we are in modern day America we have to still realize that discrimination is everywhere so the only option is that not everybody is going to accept gay couples but they have to understand the fact it's because of their own beliefs. I support gays but if I had a restaurant I would never refuse to serve them and always be there and give them the best service I can. Business leaders made the decision to refuse serving them so people will refuse to go to their restaurant and that's what they have to expect and see that they made the wrong decision.
    I think states don't need a law because then that's just saying that gays are illegal in their states. Like this law, people have to make the their own decision people need to understand that if you want this to be a free country you need to stop discriminating. If people could leave black people alone then why can't they just leave gays alone when they are different just like blacks. If the state does make the law like Arizona who is the leading discriminating state everybody would protest and they might mess up the government and isolate them and change the name and cut most of the government officials. I only see that the law will only cause chaos and destruction in the world and people will leave and possibly take all their money and make the U.S more in debt.
    Well if the restaurant wants to be open they have to put all beliefs behind them and serve because that where they have their restaurant by the street. If they don't want to be open to the public then they should only make people book a seat and go when they want to. If the person doesn't have their store on the street, and it's in their private property, then they have the right to refuse surface. Business leaders need to serve the general public because they don't have to take their religious beliefs into effect and personal, I bet that they don't even go to church on Sundays and they only want to have a reason to discriminate and to try to get away from it. Business leaders need to learn how to conform and try to get up to date because if not they can't have a store open, but they are the worst people making their "decisions" for their beliefs.
    Others might say that their religious beliefs of other groups might interfere and they don't want to support it. The beliefs of no abortion is really critiqued by many young girls who have babies and realize that they just ruined their life and only see that their only option is to give the baby up. This is talked about a lot because they have to know what's right from wrong and how to protect themselves. But with the recent outburst they have to realize that not many religions believe in this and say that the father has to get married and they have to live together. Religious beliefs should never interfere with a businessman because they have to really believe and be in this but they don't live with this people.
    Religious beliefs is one thing but when you take it to personal you are basically discriminating because of the fact that you are affecting a large group of people and that's not correct. I have never liked this with people trying to take things personally when nobody gives a damn. When you serve a gay person they are not affecting you in no way, but you can look in disgust but you just can't refuse because of your beliefs when they are humans like anybody. What if a gay couple that owns a restaurant refuses to serve a couple of a male and a female is that discrimination when people try to refuse to them? I only see that if people want to discriminate gays than why can’t gays discriminate that's equality and people can't refuse that.

    1. Rolando Sifuentes
      I agree because it is true. why only exclude certain people to severe. we can all be equal of what we do. Even though your religion is against same sex, you shouldn't just be mean to them. treat people like people treat you.

  20. I don't think its right for business owners to refuse to serve gays due to their religious beliefs at the same time they're going against it. In my religion it is considered a sin to hate people that are different. It shouldn't be right to exclude gay people from being served because every human being on this earth is created equal. We all might have different beliefs but we are all created by one god.

    I don't think states should let the business owners cite their beliefs in denying gay people because the whole point of opening up a business is to make money. If business leaders deny gay people that's like throwing some money out the window. Opening up a business means to get money from everyone, excluding certain people is losing sales. Another reason why states should not allow business owners cite their beliefs is because gay people might have the same beliefs as the business person.

    Business leaders do have an obligation to serve the general public because the U.S has a law to give every citizen equal rights and if business owners decides to not serve everyone then they are not part of the american picture. This country was made for a better place for everyone and if business owners seem to ignore that then they could just close up shop. If business owners don't see the government closing up shops just because they feel like it then they shouldn't serve who they want to serve

    What might interfere from business to not serve to gay people is their loyalty to their beliefs. I know that for a fact that some religions require people to make some choices to prove their loyalty to their religion. Sometimes people let their mind get the best and not let them realize that their religion could mean harm to whole group of people.

    To be honest after reading this article all I could think to myself is why are people making such a big deal out of gay people. I feel that people should leave gay people alone and start treating them like actual human beings because every human being is created equal. Its not their fault that they are gay, they were born that way and they can't help themselves.

    Felipe Islas P5

    1. I agree. What the business leaders are doing are no different than discrimination. They are treating a certain group of people differently because of their way of life. If discriminating people base on their ethnics are immoral, then discriminating people because they are gay are also immoral.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

  21. I also strongly agree the business owners are correct, I don't believe they should have to be forced to sell to anyone. While I may not have the same belief they have pertaining to same-sex couples, it's still theirs and they have the right to act accordingly. I also like the point you brought up concerning non-profit organizations, I didn't think of instances where they would reject people based on religious differences, but I can see that being possible. Overall, nice work on the post and I hope you keep up the great writing .

    ~ Dawson McThay PD. 4

    1. To Joel M. Valdez In Period 5

    2. Jazmin Juarez A5
      I strongly agree with you, I think that the business should not refuse to serve same sex couples. Although I am not for or against same sex marage rights I believe that they are being dehumanized and discriminated. There should be no reason like you said that someone refuses to serve others. In conclusion I like your comment about how people make same sex marage a big deal.

  22. azmin Juarez A5

    I don’t think it’s right for company owners to refuse to serve same sex couples; however, I don’t think it was right for the same sex marriage couples to sue the companies. A companies main purpose should be to make money, race, sex orientation, gender or a person’s appearance shouldn’t matter. This could count as a form of dehumanization against same sex couples because they are being looked at as less than humans. I think that the companies are in some way bulling the same sex couples by not serving them. The people who sued the companies are right.

    Most religions that I know of preach that people should accept people, and not judge. Also that everyone should love others as they love themselves. I don't think “God” would be proud to see what his preisers are doing. If a law is created stating that same sex couples can be denied service because of religious beliefs then there should be another law created stating that religious people can not be served due to religious freedom. Everyone is biologically the same mean that every human whether straight or gay is a human and should not be treated less than a human. If the company workers don’t want to serve them then they can go find themselves a new job.

    Business owners have an obligation to serve the general public because they are there to make money. They are supposed to make their clients feel better instead of discriminating and dehumanizing them. If they don’t want to serve the people then they can quit and dedicate to something else. Although I’m not a supporter for same sex couples, I believe everyone should be treated equally. I also think that same sex marriages should look at the business first and if they know the business is very religious then they should not go there, because more than likely they will be neglected service. Times have changed people should be more open minded and accepting, therefore if bussines want to make a profit they should too.

    Alot of people think that same sex marriage is not natural, because God created a man and a woman not a women and a woman or a man and a man. I am not aware of other reasons why a business would not like to serve its clients. Sometimes race is still an issue or socioeconomic class, although it is illegal. What ever the reasons are they are not very smart because the clients are the ones that make the business’s name grow and make the business rich.

    In conclusion it is not right to treat anyone wrong, and refuse to serve them. I’m not for same sex marriage, but i’m also not against it. Yet I do see an injustice happening to them when certain business refuse to serve them because it’s a type of bullying. Business should start to be more open to other opinions. Businesses should have two personalities one for the public, which is open accepting. The second one is for their private life which they can do whatever they want.

  23. After reading the article I believe that the people suing the business owners were the ones that were right. The business owners, which refused service, are the ones at fault because they shouldn’t discriminate against people just because they believe differently. When you’re a business owner you should expect to encounter all types of people, whether you like them or not. Opening a business you have to learn how to keep your personal life out of it. Getting your personal life involved with business gets very messy, therefore just keep it two separate things.

    In my opinion I don’t believe that business owners need a law that allows them to refuse service to same sex couples. Same sex couples are no different, everyone is equal. Laws already have been passed that people shouldn’t discriminate against others, how is discrimination against same sex couples any different? Discrimination of any kind or to anyone is the same thing.

    Business owners do have the obligation to serve the general public. Opening up a business you run the risk of people walking in wanting your service, some of these people you might like or really hate, but thats the risk you take. It’s not the people that walk into your business fault that they go against your beliefs. As I said above, you should keep your personal life and business completely separate.

    There are many religious beliefs that might interfere with business owner’s willingness to serve other people. Just the fact that the person doesn't believe in the same thing as the owner might become a problem. Another factor might be just as simple as race. Whatever the reason is business owners shouldn't discriminate against anybody just because of their beliefs. Personal life and business are two completely different things so we should keep them separate.

    Written by: Claudia Vega Pd:5

  24. John Capers
    Ms. Wright
    Period A5/B5

    I believe that the gays/lesbians that sued the business owners are right. I say that they shouldn’t deny the right to a specific group of people due to their love interest. A business owner may have to right to do so, but will it be just as bad if someone of different religious beliefs opposite of, let’s say a Christian, to deny them service? No it isn’t. I personally believe a business should do one thing, earn money, unless you are non-profit. It really shouldn’t matter who money it is because all that matters is making money.

    So for a law to say for them to deny service to same-sex couple makes no sense. Business need to make money in any way possible, that is a sad truth to a business, especially in America’s capitalist system. In results of the law being allowed, it could make businesses lose profit over time, especially since this law will allow any religion to deny service to others in the long run. I can see the passing of this law can make a chain reaction of not just denying same-sex service, but the allowing of other religious beliefs to deny service to others based on their beliefs. Mixing the factor of business and the factor of religion can only make more inequality in a country still struggling to have equal rights with no sense of deterring someone of others skin color, beliefs, or any other characteristic.

    If you want to open a business, you are opening it to the public. Anyone can come in and buy what you are offering to the public. As a business you have the right to serve whoever you want, I do believe this fact, but it shouldn’t be done. It’s an unfair policy. In my opinion, you do have an obligation to serve the public and you shouldn’t say that because of this I can’t serve this person. I can see this creating problems for when you have an employee who doesn’t have anything against same-sex couples and sells them something and you, the owner, finds out fires the employee for serving that couple because you don’t want to give them any type of support. As a business, you can deny the right to serve people, but when you add your religion to the mix, it can create many problems such as being sued or worse.

    Moreover, with bringing religious beliefs into the business world, can allow denied service to more than just the gays. For what if you’re religion has a strong, standing hatred towards another religion and someone of that religion comes to buy something from your store, he/she gets nothing but a kick to the door. This is simply the first of many if this keeps going where people could deny the service to anyone and the ones not allowed the service can’t do anything about it. It brings the topic of equality back into full force as it was during the Civil War and Civil Rights Movement. It can even cause another Civil War because this nation’s people are so split on equality that this is a possible scenario. It might not happen as we are smarter and could solve this peacefully or with minimal violence, but the key-word there is might. Let’s not make the issue of equality become this strong again, as it can cause more problems for more than just same-sex couples, but for everyone.

  25. Rolando Sifuentes
    Who I Think is right is the people who sued. Why I think they are right is because they are not doing anything really wrong. They can just walk away from the religious people and ignore them. Also it would be taking away their freedom. Everyone should be fair with one another.
    Also the business owners are kind of right. They are just following their religion rules. They probably can’t serve just for their religion. Maybe they can at least serve without the denial of their marriage. Like I said, everyone should be fair.
    I think they do not need a law to allow business to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same-sex. What they should just do is somehow get along with each other. Maybe they should come up with there own system. The only time we probably need the law is when it gets serious. Other than that we don’t need any law to allow business to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same-sex.
    I think business owners have an obligation to serve anybody. Nobody is perfect in the world to serve for. everyone is equal in this world. So why stop certain people to serve for. Their obligation is to severe everybody.
    Other religious beliefs that might interfere with a business owner to willingness to serve is probably Catholics not serving meat on certain days. what if you want to eat meat on that day but the owner doesn't give it for being that day. Another religion is Jews cannot eat certain fish. They probably would refuse to give that just for their religion. There are other religions that can’t eat or do certain things.

  26. In my opinion I feel that the people who sued the business owner are right. Now some people will disagree because it is their religion that tells them what to do. I respect that. But I think that those people, who refused to give service to gay couples, should learn to separate religion from business. This would avoid any conflict from two groups.

    No I do not think that the state legislature should approve the justification. This country was built to be free from any discrimination. When business leaders refuse service, it is as if they are discriminating against gays. It should not be fair to refuse people a service because you think or follow a belief that tells you to avoid them. If they would see the others side of view they would understand.

    The only way a business has any obligation to refuse service, is if the customer is damaging the business. In other words if the consumer is not helping the store, then yes they should not be given service. But if we go back to the case of gays, they are not damaging anyone by going to the business. They are regular people like everyone else except they have a different sexual preference. No one would mind being close to a gay person unless they are extremely prejudice.

    I am not sure what other beliefs would interfere with a business to serve. I think that the person would only refuse service because they discriminate against others. Discrimination comes in many forms. Most common are the sex or race of a person. If we go back to the Civil Rights era, we see that Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equality all around. Years later women in the country got their rights as well. So this shows how we manage to get over most differences except for gay couples. Why cant we just stop judging people for being different, whether gay or straight.

    To recap all of my opinion, I say it is wrong to refuse service to gay couples. Business leaders should learn to differentiate religion and work. It seems silly to not make give service to people with different minds. This whole country is made of millions of people who were made just like you or me. But we still have differences. We should use those differences to be kind to one another.

    Written by: Diego Don Pd.3

    1. Kevin Avila A5/B5
      I disagree with you because no one knows how important their religion is to the business owners. You can't just simply say that they should learn to separate their religion and business because their religion might be really important to them.

    2. I agree with Kevin's point, but I also agree with your statement as well. There is no set importance or priority to religion. Everyone's perspective and flexibility is different. Your opinion about business owners having the explicit right to turn down the same-sex couples for whatever reason matches the one in my blog post. Your post made me realize that discrimination overall is not fair to everyone, but there is no limit to what business owners can do themselves.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

    3. I agree. People should have separate personalities for their work and their personal life. They should be professional during their jobs because it's their responsibility to provide everyone with service despite their ethnic or way of life.
      Andy Xu
      Period 5

  27. Before reading the article, I believed that the same-sex couples were completely in the right for suing the religious business owners. After reading the article, I immediately weighed in the reasoning and justification for both sides. I find it very respectful that the religious owners stay true and faithful to their religion and beliefs, but I find it extremely disrespectful that you refuse to serve someone because they don’t follow what you believe in. I believe the same-sex couples were in the right here, they didn’t do anything wrong. Although they’re directly against what other people believe in, they don’t have the final say in what operations happen in their company.

    I actually believe that business owners would completely avoid the legal troubles with same-sex couples if states mandated a law to show their religious beliefs. There is no way that the same-sex couples can be mislead or falsely go into something they know didn’t support their beliefs. While there may be an abundance of companies who don’t believe in same-sex relationships, same-sex couples will be held responsible for the companies they indulge themselves into. Same-sex couples have the full right to practice their beliefs, but it may be seen disrespectful to directly oppose another belief - so serving them wouldn’t be obligated. Anytime the company decides what the company should do, what target audience they have, or whoever they decide to serve is up to them, even if it doesn’t support a large group of people.

    Because I do not condone these business practices, I believe business owners have an obligation to serve the general public. The consumer or client is someone who will pay to receive a service or product, period. Their identity plays no role whatsoever to harm or affect who the company serves. While businesses can decide what to do, they started the companies with intent of serving or provide for the public for profit. This is the exact definition of business is: to provide or serve something to the community to receive something back.

    There are many other religious beliefs that can interfere with the business owner's decision to serve. For example, a majority of business owners decide not to serve as many people on Sundays. Sundays are the days which almost most Christians pray. They open later and close earlier in order to prepare. Some other interfering practices can be ones that are looked down upon ethically.

    Quoting the legal counsel who is part of Alliance Defending Freedom, “... In America, people should be free to live and work according to their faith, and the government shouldn’t be able to tell us we can’t do that,” beliefs shouldn’t be mandated by actions. Although I agree that the government shouldn’t control what you decide, how you act upon your beliefs are different. Actions are what someone can control. The problem is that one side has a negative stigma against same-sex relationships, and the other believes that religion is something someone believes in - not what they have to always follow. Stealing is the worst thing you can do in my opinion, whether it be opportunities or lives, and most religions even support this. Why would you steal the right to fair judgement or equality towards same-sex couples?

    Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  28. DeNyah R. Russell
    Period 4

    To start, no one should be discriminated against at any point in time; however, the business owners had the right to not serve the same-sex couple. People should not have to give up their religious freedom and their beliefs regarding things such as sexuality when it comes to business. The same-sex couple should have the same treatment as any other couple, and they should feel mistreated. The business owners had the right to turn them away, however.

    There does need to be a law that makes turning down homosexuals illegal. That, in fact, is the reason I believe that the business owners were in the right mindset. If there was a law regarding a situation like this, then the same-sex couple would be in the right mindset to sue. Although discriminating against gays is wrong and is inhumane, it would take away some American’s religious freedom.

    As a business, they are obligated to serve the general public. People are not allowed to say “I’m not going to serve you because you are Latino,” or “I’m not going to serve you because you are a man.” There are laws for that. You can’t say those things even if it’s a part of your religion. There should be laws that protect those of the homosexual community that says the same thing.

    There are specific things that I know have gotten in the way of business because of religion. There is something a part of my own religion that affects where I can work, and if I were to own my own business. Though, I can touch pork, I cannot serve it to others. There are jobs that will not hire me in the future because of that. That makes them look bad, because they refuse me because of my religion. That will definitely cause controversy.

    1. Kevin Avila A5/B5
      I agree with you, business owners had the right to refuse to serve same-sex couples. You said that they were discriminating them, but I don't think this should be considered discrimination because they are not doing to discriminate them, they are doing it because their religion does not allow them to serve same-sex couples.

    2. Like I've said in my own post, I believe the importance of religion varies on all religions. There is no fact about how someone should decide to practice their business. They own their own business and they have the right to do what they want with it. I like the fact that you added your own connection to religion and business, as it adds more authenticity. I should have added my own relation to religion and business because of this.

      Written by Charles Chan, Period 5

  29. I believe that the people who had sued them is right and not the business owners. The reason why i say this is because is that its not right to just not do something such as a litte task for no specific just because the couple is Gay/ Lesbian. The business owner follow their beliefs, okay i get it,but that doesn’t mean you have to take it to your job and deny customers. By doing this you're just showing that you only sell and take care of people who are of the opposite sex instead of the same sex.
    I dont think so because they are just losing customers over their religious beliefs. By doing this they can be losing a lot of customers. Business owners bringing their religion into the business can cause trouble with their profiting and others plans. I don’t necessarily be that business owners have an obligation towards the public. Why i say this? Is because couples just want to do what they have planned and go on their own. It can be a problem with couples who are the same sex. People only look for things they wanna see.
    I think that it might be the race/ ethnicity of people. That can be a huge part in business.
    Discrimination might still be a huge problem in life. Yeah people might not think its there but it still is. Not having the same sex marriage is part of it. Its not just skin color its basically everywhere.
    Jocelyn Garcia A/B5

    1. i agree with you jocelyn about the business leaders losing customers if they deny them
      Viviana Camargo

  30. i believe the people that sued the businesses were right. its not right that the business owners refuse service to a customer because of their hate for homosexuallity. the owners shouldn’t even have an opinion consulting with religion in their business. One of the most important rules of business is to not mix it with your pleasures,and this is exactly what they are doing.

    I believe states should not have laws that let businesses do this. it doesn’t matter is they think it is wrong, it is none of their business if a person is gay or not. owners shouldn’t mind themselves of the sexual orientation of a customer and if they do find out , this shouldn’t concern them. What this law would be doing is contradicting what the who foundation of the u.s that all men are created equally.

    i absolutely think owners have an obligation to serve the public. the store should not be established if it is not going to serve every person that is requesting service. If a business is going to refuse service to any person, this is like saying a school can’t let a colored student enter because “he looks ghetto” among the other white students. this is discrimination.

    i don’t think there are any religious believes that would interfere with the business of a store. I think the fact that if someone is gay or not is the only thing that really affects the owner/ customer relationship in religious ways.

    dennis Kramer period 4

  31. Kevin Avila A5/B5

    I personally respect everyone's religion so I think it was okay for the business owners to refuse to serve same-sex couples as long as they did not do it because they wanted to discriminate them. No one knows how important their religion and beliefs are for them so no one can say that their religion and beliefs should be left inside their house.

    I think states do need a law that allows business owner to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same-sex couples. Business owners have their own business and should be allowed to do whatever they want with it. They are not discriminating they are simply following their religion. The photographer, for example, should not be forced to take pictures of same-sex couples because he doesn’t want to. It is his job and he can decide who to take pictures and who not to.

    Business owners do not have the obligation to serve the general public. It is their decision who to serve and who not to unless it is a big company like walmart then they don’t have the right to refuse to serve someone because there is many companies and owned by many people but if the business is owned by a single person and he or she decides to not serve same-sex couples then he or she has the right to do so.

    Sometimes these owners will do anything to follow their religion and if their religion prohibits them from serving same-sex couples then they will not do it not because they want to discriminate but simply because their religion does not allow them to do it. Different people will think differently about this topic depending on their religion. It is their decision because they are the owners of that business.

    If the owners refuse to serve same-sex couples then same-sex couples should not go there and that’s it. These business owners are refusing to serve same-sex couples because of their religion and beliefs not because they want to discriminate. If these business owner refuse to serve same-sex couples, then let them this will bring negative effects to their business but it is their choice you cannot tell them what they should do and not do because it is their own business.

    1. i disagree with you kevin about businesses denying gay couple becasue thats just taking their rights away from anything

      Viviana Camargo

  32. Viviana Camargo
    A/B 4

    I think that the people who sued them are right because the business people can’t deny their request of getting something. It’s not illegal at all. If the couple wants to be part of their business by buying and profiting them, then they shouldn’t stop it because that’s not fair. Also those people have the right to do anything they want. They can buy whatever they want wherever they want. Business people need to put their religion beliefs out of their work because it’s not right.
    States do not need a law saying that they can’t provide service for the gay people because that’s mostly illegal. That’s like taking away their right to have any freedom to do anything and be anywhere. It also shows that the gay people are being discriminated because of their sexual relationship.
    Yes, i do believe that the business does have an obligation to serve the general public. If they want to work and earn money, then they need to serve EVERYBODY, not just one type of group. They’re working in the businesses for a reason. And, if they deny them, they’re just losing more money towards their pay anyways. It’s like they are denying their paycheck.
    I think that also the race you are still impacts because there are lot of racial people today who think too much stuff about today’s society. They would discriminate a lot bc of their skin cololr

  33. Alicia Rodriguez
    Period 5

    Discriminating is never okay; however, the business owners should not be blamed. The business owners shouldn’t have to give up what they believe in for profit. I understand that the same sex couple deserved to be served, but I also believe that it is not the business owners’ fault. The business owners shouldn’t have to give up their religious beliefs just like the same sex couple shouldn’t have to change their sexual orientation. We are all humans with different beliefs, so we should all just respect one another.

    I do think that states need a new law that would allow business owners to cite religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same sex couples. I believe this because if they cite their religious beliefs, then the same sex couple would understand that they have their own beliefs. This whole problem could have been avoided if business owners would just cite their religious beliefs BEFORE they even meet a client. There may be a lot of companies that do not want to serve same sex couples, but it is up to the couples to find one. The business owners can serve whomever they want to serve, and they can also reject whomever they want to reject, even if it is a large amount of the population.

    I believe that business owners have an obligation to serve the general public. The business was started simply to serve the public and receive a profit. The identity of the workers should not play a part in businesses, for that will ruin the sales. Business owners should know that once they go into business, it is an obligation to serve the general public.
    The other religious beliefs that might interfere with a business owner’s willingness to serve people would be the fact that it is a certain time of day, or even a certain day. Some business owners might not want to serve the public on a Sunday since that is mostly the day when people come together and worship their religion. Most of these businesses open later on Sundays and close earlier, for example, liquor stores.

  34. Kiyara Johnson
    Ms. Wright P4
    I think that both of the groups of people were right in some way. Your beliefs is something you live by and you shouldn't have to bend what you believe because someone else think that's right. It should never be wrong to be who you are whether people disagree with it or not. As states in the blog, the business leaders shouldn't have to keep their beliefs inside their homes, but express who they are everywhere they go. The same goes for the couples who sued them. They are able to choose who they want to be with, and if it is the same sex that's their preference. Everyone is who they are and we are all different for a reason. I think that there does need to be a law that allows people to deny service to those who are same-sex couples. Because their religion goes against it, they shouldn't have to do serve them. Also if the law was made it would stop a lot of the chaos going on concerning this situation. Same-sex couples would also benefit from this law because then they would be served by people who actually accept them for who they are. To go along with making a law there should be certain guidelines to go along with it. Like people shouldn't be able to just deny service to people they think are gay, but there should be proof to show that they don't have to serve them. Business leaders have the right to do whatever they feel right. Since it is their business, they are in control of how it is run. The businesses should serve who they think is right. Whether it's the general its self or who they want to serve. I think they should serve everyone because if they don't then it would look like they are discriminating against people and they should want that. Businesses should practice equality. Even if they did serve the general public they could have employees who would come in place of those who don't want to serve the same-sex couples.There are many other things that some people don't believe is right. Like how some girls may wear really right and short clothing; in addition, they think that boys who sag their pants is unacceptable as well. Everyone had their own opinion about what they believe is right and wrong. Not everyone is always going to agree with it, but you should stick to what you believe in.

  35. Gabriela Marin
    English P. 4

    In my own opinion I believe that both sides are right in their own ways. The business leaders have the right to refuse service to gay people because their religion states that they can’t serve people with the same sex and if they did than they wouldn’t be following their religion beliefs.On the other hand, gay people have the right to sue people who don’t want to give service to them because it’s discriminating gay people and taking their rights on being able to do certain things. In a way I can see that this conflict is coming out peoples religion because they want to stay true to what they are, but than it affects the way that it looks when refusing service to a gay or lesbian person. When there is public refusal with a gay/lesbian people it leads to them thinking that they are being discriminated for what they are because they believe that the business leaders are discriminating them because they are gay or lesbian. But the business leaders aren’t doing that because they don’t like same sex people, but it’s because of their religion.
    I still don’t see that there should be a law created because the problem hasn’t gotten out of hand. On the other hand, I do believe that the law should be created when the problem gets out of hand and theres riots, marches, and violence towards the situation. The government should just leave the things as they are right now because if they try to do something than one side would think the government is against them. Thus, creating much more of the conflict then there was. Gay people would be satisfied, but the business leaders would be at a place where their religion doesn’t matter and no matter what their religion says they have to provide service for same sex people. I believe they should leave it as it is until the problem gets more out of hand.
    I believe that business should make their decision based if they want to serve to same sex people because it’s them that are going to be affected. But I believe that if their religion says that they are supposed to be against gay people, well it doesn’t really break anything against their religion because they are just providing service to same sex people. The business leaders don’t necessarily have to like certain people to be able to sell their products to them because than it would be affecting their business. Overall, I feel like it’s their own decision if they serve same sex people because it will only affect them.
    I feel like there aren’t any other beliefs than just not being able to serve same sex people because other than that they will see it as gay people not being able to create a family and lesbians just following the role of being a mother and wife. Although, I’m not really sure because every religion has their way of seeing and following their own religions.

  36. Written by: Remi Moy A5/B5

    The people who sue them are right because denying people service make people feel bad because and makes them less human and taking their rights away. The owners of the restaurant should already have been aware that people who they did like or didn’t like would be at their restaurants and whether they like it or not they would have to give them service. I see it as discrimination toward people of sexual likeness.

    If needed, states would have to have a law for business owners to deny same sex couples service because without justification to me it seemed wrong to deny same sex couples service without any legal consent. First of all, they should be serving all people, but if it comes down to it should have consent for the government not only because it’s just isn’t, it denies people with same sex couples discrimination against them which is a big thing.

    These restaurant should serve anyone in public not matter their race, sexuality, gender, etc. The restaurant makes a decision to have to serve people because all people don’t believe in what they do all people aren’t going to abide by their beliefs. In addition, if they make rules like their beliefs in religion they should not make a restaurant at all. If you make a restaurant make it for all people not a certain group.

    Another religion belief might be to serve women gently and deny them to do strenuous work because their belief is that woman should be treated delicately. A store that might deny women of service is probably a business owner of Home Depot or any handwork stores. An owner of a gym might deny women only lift or run a certain amount of intensity to these activities because of what they believe in. In actuality, women can really do what ever ever they put their might to and accomplish it,

  37. In my opinion, the business owners and the people who sued them were both wrong. Business owners who open up a public business should be obligated to serve to everyone who comes to make a purchase. They should have thought about their religious beliefs beforehand. If you have a public store, then obviously there will be people who come they you may not like. You are still obligated to serve them. I understand that it is against some religions to encourage and support same sex marriage but even in those religions, you are suppose to treat everyone equally. You are suppose to know its wrong and make sure they know you don't support it but you dont have to be rude and discriminate against them. Its the same as if someone refused to serve you due to your race.
    The people who sued were also wrong because they should realize that not everyone is going to be accept that they are openly gay. In fact, many people are against this. I think same sex couple are well known to the fact that not everyone accepts that they are gay and should be use to it by now. Suing, in my opinion, was a drastic measure that should have been avoided. If the guy or girl didn't want to service them because they were gay, they should have went somewhere else. Im sure its not the only place in the world that sells flowers or cakes.
    When i think of legal justification, i think of it as basically an excuse for something bad that was committed. I think that it should be made a justification but it should depend on the religion. Some religions say that gay marriage is wrong, but not that you should be rude to same sex couples, not service them, or anything of that nature. It simply says not to support them and let them know that it is wrong. Some other religions might say not to be associated with people who are gay period. If their religion strictly says that, then i think it should be legally justification. Otherwise, there is no excuse for discrimination against same sex couples.
    An obligation means you have to do something. If a business owner opens up a public store then yes, they are obligated to serve any and everyone thats comes through their door. Same sex couples are apart of the public. Therefore, they have the same rights as anyone else apart of the public and should be served. They are people too and should be treated as such instead of discriminated against as if they are not.
    A person’s religion might state that being gay is wrong. For example, in the Christian religion they say that being gay is an abomination against God. But, the bible also says to treat people how you want to be treated and to love one another in brotherly love. This means that being gay is wrong but that doesn't mean you should treat a person who is gay any different than a person who isn't. You are just supposed to not support it, let them know that it is wrong, and model your life by being straight. You aren't suppose to discriminate them. But some religions might want you to completely not be associated with people who are gay. If business owners are apart of that kind of religion then that may interfere with them wanting to service a gay couple.

    ~Sharon Boyd P5

    1. Carolina Barraza P5
      I agree with you very much Sharon. I mean if a person opens up a business it is because they want to the people and improve our community. Gay people are still part of our community. So they should be treated equally like everyone else. You wouldn't like it if someone said they could not attend you because of the way you feel towards someone. To me it just sound ridiculous because we are all the same no matter what.

    2. Oni Williams. P5
      Sharon, I agree with you! If someone choices to create a new business its most likely, because they want to allow many people to come and be able to enjoy themselves in the community. So telling a that they cannot have this experience because of their sexual orientation is totally unfair and uncalled for. Homosexuals are just as much apart of a community than a heterosexual being. I think that the religious belief can be thrown around, but ins't fair unless you truly feel as thought the person is threatening a loved one or your own well being.

  38. I believe the people that sued the businesses were in the right. Just because people believe gay couples are unjustifiable based on their religion, it doesn’t mean they can deny a person’s public service. This is no different from discrimination and the time when Americans segregated blacks from whites. Was it justifiable to enslave blacks because Americans believed it was right back then? It’s the same thing with gay couples. Business leaders should keep their emotions at home and be more professionals in their jobs.
    Business owners should never have the authority to deny public services to an individual because of religious beliefs. People, who are different, are still people. They are US citizens; and therefore, they have rights as anyone else. Business leaders can not deny their rights because of what they believe in. If all business leaders decide to deny gay couples service, then what they are doing is no more wrong than discrimination.
    Yes, I believe businesses are required to serve for the general public. If all businesses decide to serve only a certain group of people, we will have a major problem. All businesses should be sworn to provide service to everyone even gay couples. Businesses leaders can not act on their emotions, or else businesses will go out of control. There should be a certain set of rules that applies for every business. For example, businesses can not discriminate against people because they believe it’s right.
    Another religious belief could be someone’s ethnic. There are numerous examples in the past. Blacks were enslaved because whites believe it was justifiable, and the bible approves it. Hitler believed Germans were the only dominate race and discriminated against everyone else. Unfortunately, it’s still happening today. People of the lower class are usually stereotyped as hispanic or black. Therefore, they are usually treated differently. All in all, discrimination is a constant problem in the past and still today.
    Andy Xu
    Period 5

  39. Oni Williams, P5

    When it comes to the topic of same sex couples the discussion is very controversial. Debates on rather they should be able to adopt and legally mary, has been a large one. In many ways they are the new minority, because no matter what race they are, they are still homosexuals, which is still a very foreign ideal in todays society. Most people still hold true to their beliefs that they’ve carried for all their life, and they won't be compromising themselves and their religious beliefs to make a few bucks. However, it becomes an extreme problem for the couples, who are same sex, that have to deal with this constant reminder that they are still very much not wanted in the world.

    I don't believe that business owners have a right to be selectively permeable with the customers that they allow into their businesses. For one, most of the time you open a business in an area that you are familiar with, so most likely they know the trend in the neighborhood before they begin their business. I think that a store owner should be able to adapt to its surroundings, and that is something that is the skill that is most needed to continue as a successful business owner. So when making the decision to pass the law or to veto the law, it is a huge factor on the business, because they ultimately decide on where the location will be. So if they can not adapt to their surroundings, that just means that they aren't good business leaders , because they cannot make a decision on where is the proper place to put their business.

    Gays and other minorities have been fought against for years, and religion is a huge reason for it. I think that the law will be passed, because even the Pledge of Allegiance states that we are “One Nation Under God.” So I think that people understand where the law is coming from and why religion is so important to us. I think that the Law should only apply to businesses that are owned by someone, not when they are large corporations. I think that large corporations have no right to do so, because most of them are fast food restaurants that are not good for us anyways. Therefore I think letting people who are giving you money and accepting you should be allowed to buy food and other goods from them.

    If it came to discrimination of race, then we would push the matter much more harder. I think that the only reason that this is even a huge deal is because people are extremely ignorant. I think that the reason it is such a huge topic of debate now is because people postponed and ignored the fact that it was real. And because of this I do not believe that it should be legal for business owners to be able to choose rather to serve a couple because of their sexual orientation. Its just going back to the past in our history, where the appearance of someone is more important than their personality.

    I do believe that the acceptance of homosexuality is a huge debate in the religion outlook; however, that is something that is such a huge issue for homosexual couples. The people who have already fought so hard for their rights, might have to be set a step back because someone else chose an unfit place for their business. I would think that the relationship that you have between you and your God was one that was personal, and that did not apply to the others around you. The fact that someone is determining the limitations of someone else, by their own, is totally unfair.

  40. I believe that the people who sued the business owners were right to do so because there is a difference between acting on religious beliefs and discrimination. If your religion doesn’t support same sex couples, then fine. However, you shouldn’t use your religion as an excuse to treat certain people a different way. Everyone has rights. You may not like or approve same sex couples, but you can’t just refuse to serve them and say it goes against your religious beliefs. That’s not right at all. What happened to equality? Your race, height, age, religious beliefs, gender, sexual preference, etc should not matter. We are all citizens of the U.S and should all be treated fairly. I feel like our founding fathers would be ashamed of us. Discrimination, segregation, prejudice, gender inequality; that is not what they had in mind for us when they established the constitution. The constitution specifically began with “we the people” as in “we, the citizens of the United States.” It didn’t start with “we the white men”, “we the straight men”, or even “we the rich men.” It said “we the people.” Just think about that.

    No, there should not be a law granting that business owners can refuse to serve same sex couples. Business is business. Everyone should have the same rights. They don’t have to agree with same sex couples, but they can’t just deny a citizen their rights. I feel that saying that they can’t serve same sex couples because of their religion is honestly an excuse to discriminate against same sex couples. They don’t have to support it, but they still have to serve them.

    Of course business owners have the obligation to serve the general public. That’s the whole point of business, is it not? The business leaders also fail to realize that if they don’t serve same sex couples, that means they’re getting less customers. Less customers equals less money. You would think they’d be able to look past that and serve them, even if it’s for their own greed.

    I honestly don’t know much about religion, so I’m not sure why religious people say they can’t serve same sex people. All I know is that apparently something is said in the bible. My question is, do we all honestly do the things the way it was done back then? Everything is different now, so why is something such as sexuality something that cannot be accepted?

    Mina Nunez
    Period 4

  41. Written By: Beverly Avila

    In America, it is known as “the land of freedom”. People have equal right and they have the right to have freedom. But, to some business leaders, that “pass” has expired. Some business leaders believe that some couples that are the same sex should not be allowed to be served. They believe this because it is against their religion. But should it be this way? I believe that it shouldn’t be allowed to refuse to serve same sex couples.

    I believe that business owners shouldn't refuse to serve couples that are the same sex because they are losing money that they can make a profit out of. Many business leaders would do anything to be the most successful and wealthiest companies on Earth. They will literally do anything they can in order to get the money they need and make a profit. But, if same sex couples are holding them back, they are losing money because they are losing customers and losing money. If business leaders want to be at the top, they must sacrifice everything they can in order to become most successful.

    I also believe that business leaders will end up having a bad reputation if they refuse to serve same sex couples. The media is literally controlling people's minds now these days. Anything that people see on the news, Facebook, Twitter, etc. will follow what the people who power the media. If you get a bad reputation for refusing to serve same sex couples, it will end up on the media. When people watch what happens when business leaders refuse to serve same sex couples, people will stop buying things from that company. The company will lose money, and will not make a profit.

    I finally believe that if business leaders will have no more employers. There are many people in this world who are for same sex marriages. If these people find out that their boss or company is against same sex marriages, they will quit and find a better job. Especially those who are homosexual. Many homosexuals will find it offensive if the company they are working for will not accept the way they are. Even if that company refuses to employ homosexuals, that is taking their right away from work. Business leaders can make lots more money if they support gay rights, instead of refusing it.

    It is wrong for business leaders to not serve to same sex couples. Business leaders will lose out on money and opportunities they have to make the most money. Business leaders are taking the right to be served for many people, and that is violating the law. Even though it is against their religion, business leaders should be able to serve people that will be able to bring in money for the company. Business leaders must take desperate measures to make money, even if it a hard thing to do.
